nips nips2006 nips2006-53 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

53 nips-2006-Combining causal and similarity-based reasoning

Source: pdf

Author: Charles Kemp, Patrick Shafto, Allison Berke, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: Everyday inductive reasoning draws on many kinds of knowledge, including knowledge about relationships between properties and knowledge about relationships between objects. Previous accounts of inductive reasoning generally focus on just one kind of knowledge: models of causal reasoning often focus on relationships between properties, and models of similarity-based reasoning often focus on similarity relationships between objects. We present a Bayesian model of inductive reasoning that incorporates both kinds of knowledge, and show that it accounts well for human inferences about the properties of biological species. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Combining causal and similarity-based reasoning Charles Kemp, Patrick Shafto, Allison Berke & Joshua B. [sent-1, score-0.625]

2 edu Abstract Everyday inductive reasoning draws on many kinds of knowledge, including knowledge about relationships between properties and knowledge about relationships between objects. [sent-3, score-0.788]

3 Previous accounts of inductive reasoning generally focus on just one kind of knowledge: models of causal reasoning often focus on relationships between properties, and models of similarity-based reasoning often focus on similarity relationships between objects. [sent-4, score-1.767]

4 We present a Bayesian model of inductive reasoning that incorporates both kinds of knowledge, and show that it accounts well for human inferences about the properties of biological species. [sent-5, score-0.518]

5 Many kinds of knowledge appear to be relevant: different researchers emphasize the role of causal knowledge, similarity, category judgments, associations, analogical mappings, scripts, and intuitive theories, and each of these approaches accounts for an important subset of everyday inferences. [sent-9, score-0.628]

6 As an initial step towards this goal, we present a model of inductive reasoning that is sensitive both to causal relationships between properties and to similarity relationships between objects. [sent-12, score-1.352]

7 Previous accounts of inductive reasoning generally address some version of this problem. [sent-14, score-0.323]

8 Models of causal reasoning [2] usually focus on relationships between properties (Figure 1a): if animal A has wings, for instance, it is likely that animal A can fly. [sent-15, score-0.964]

9 Similarity-based models [3, 4, 5] usually focus on relationships between objects (Figure 1b): if a duck carries gene X, a goose is probably more likely than a pig to carry the same gene. [sent-16, score-0.438]

10 Previous models, however, cannot account for inferences that rely on similarity and causality: if a duck carries gene X and gene X causes enzyme Y to be expressed, it is likely that a goose expresses enzyme Y (Figure 1c). [sent-17, score-0.594]

11 We develop a unifying model that handles inferences like this, and that subsumes previous probabilistic approaches to causal reasoning [2] and similarity-based reasoning [5, 6]. [sent-18, score-0.906]

12 Approaches that rely on causal graphical models typically assume that the feature vectors of any two objects (any two rows of the matrix in Figure 1a) are conditionally independent given a causal network over the features. [sent-20, score-1.135]

13 Suppose, for example, that the rows of the matrix correspond to people and the causal network states that smoking leads to lung cancer with probability 0. [sent-21, score-0.726]

14 Figure 1: (a) Models of causal reasoning generally assume that the rows of an object-feature matrix are conditionally independent given a causal structure over the features. [sent-69, score-1.113]

15 (b) Models of similaritybased reasoning generally assume that columns of the matrix are conditionally independent given a similarity structure over the objects. [sent-71, score-0.358]

16 (c) We develop a generative model for object-feature matrices that incorporates causal relationships between features and similarity relationships between objects. [sent-73, score-1.081]

17 variables is difficult, but we suggest that knowledge about similarity between objects can help. [sent-75, score-0.295]

18 Since Tim is more similar to Tom than Zach, our model correctly predicts that Tom is more likely to have lung cancer than Zach. [sent-76, score-0.256]

19 Previous models of similarity-based reasoning [5, 6] also suffer from a restrictive assumption of conditional independence. [sent-77, score-0.207]

20 This time the assumption states that features (columns of the matrix in Figure 1b) are conditionally independent given information about the similarity between objects. [sent-78, score-0.241]

21 Empirical tests of similarity-based models often attempt to satisfy this assumption by using blank properties—subjects, for example, might be told that coyotes have property P, and asked to judge the probability that foxes have property P [3]. [sent-79, score-0.435]

22 To a first approximation, inferences in tasks like this conform to judgments of similarity: subjects conclude, for example, that foxes are more likely to have property P than mice, since coyotes are more similar to foxes than mice. [sent-80, score-0.596]

23 It now seems that desert rats are more likely to share this property than arctic foxes, even though desert foxes are more similar in general to arctic foxes than to desert rats. [sent-83, score-0.537]

24 Our model captures inferences like this by incorporating causal relationships between properties: in this case, having sunburn-resistant skin is linked to the property of living in the desert. [sent-84, score-0.859]

25 Our model uses a distribution that is sensitive both to causal relationships between properties and to similarity relationships between objects. [sent-86, score-1.081]

26 The results suggest that people are able to combine causality with similarity, and that our model accounts well for this capacity. [sent-89, score-0.219]

27 Assume that So is an object structure: a graphical model that captures relationships between a known set of objects (Figure 1b). [sent-91, score-0.348]

28 Suppose, for instance, that the objects include a mouse, a rat, a squirrel and a sheep (o1 through o4 ). [sent-92, score-0.326]

29 So can be viewed as a graphical model that captures phylogenetic relationships, or as a formalization of the intuitive similarity between these animals. [sent-93, score-0.319]

30 For instance, if λ is low, the model (So , λ) will predict that a novel feature will probably not be found in any of the animals, but if the feature does occur in exactly two of the animals, the mouse and the rat are a more likely pair than the mouse and the sheep. [sent-98, score-0.941]

31 The mutation process can be formalized as a continuous-time Markov process with two states (off and on) and with infinitesimal matrix: Q= −λ 1−λ λ −(1 − λ) We can generate object vectors from this model by imagining a binary feature spreading out over the tree from root to leaves. [sent-99, score-0.22]

32 Assume that Sf is a feature structure: a graphical model that captures relationships between a known set of features (Figure 1a). [sent-104, score-0.356]

33 The features, for instance, may correspond to enzymes, and Sf may capture the causal relationships between these enzymes. [sent-105, score-0.662]

34 One possible structure states that enzyme f1 is involved in the production of enzyme f2 , which is in turn involved in the production of enzyme f3 . [sent-106, score-0.294]

35 Given that the mouse expresses enzyme f1 , for instance, a combined model should predict that rats are more likely than squirrels to express enzyme f2 . [sent-109, score-0.618]

36 Formally, we seek a distribution P (M ), where M is an object-feature matrix, and P (M ) is sensitive to both the relationships between features and the relationships between animals. [sent-110, score-0.448]

37 Consider then the case where Sf captures causal relationships between the features (Figure 1c). [sent-113, score-0.718]

38 These causal relationships will typically depend on several hidden variables. [sent-114, score-0.662]

39 Causal relationships between enzymes, for instance, are likely to depend on other biological variables, and the causal link between smoking and lung cancer is mediated by many genetic and environmental variables. [sent-115, score-0.92]

40 t indicates whether the mechanism of causal transmission between c and e is active, and b indicates whether e is true owing to a background cause independent of c. [sent-141, score-0.485]

41 All of the root variables (c, t and b) are independent, and the remaining variables (e) are deterministically specified once the D root variables are fixed. [sent-142, score-0.271]

42 (c) A graphical model created by combining Sf with a tree-structured D representation of the similarity between three objects. [sent-143, score-0.268]

43 3 Experiments When making inductive inferences, a rational agent should exploit all of the information available, including causal relationships between features and similarity relationships between objects. [sent-156, score-1.16]

44 On one hand, there are motivating examples like the case of the three smokers where it seems natural to think about causal relationships and similarity relationships at the same time. [sent-158, score-1.103]

45 On the other hand, Rehder [7] argues that causal information tends to overwhelm similarity information, and supports this conclusion with data from several tasks involving artificial categories. [sent-159, score-0.628]

46 To help resolve these competing views, we designed several tasks where subjects were required to simultaneously reason about causal relationships between enzymes and similarity relationships between animals. [sent-160, score-1.247]

47 Each subject was trained on two causal structures, each of which involved three enzymes. [sent-165, score-0.461]

48 In the chain condition, subjects were told that f3 is known to be produced by several a) Task 1 2 f1 f2 f3 r=0. [sent-167, score-0.373]

49 97 f2 2 1 0 f3 −1 Task 2 2 1 0 −1 mouse rat sqrl sheep mouse rat sqrl sheep mouse rat sqrl sheep mouse rat sqrl sheep Human Combined Causal Similarity Figure 3: Experiment 1: Behavioral data (column 1) and predictions for three models. [sent-179, score-3.513]

50 Known test results are marked with arrows: in task 1, subjects were told only that the mouse had tested positive for f1 , and in task 2 they were told in addition that the rat had tested negative for f2 . [sent-181, score-1.156]

51 In the common-effect condition, subjects were told that f3 is known to be produced by several pathways, and that one of the most common pathways involves f1 and the other involves f2 . [sent-185, score-0.352]

52 To reinforce each causal structure, subjects were shown 20 cards representing animals from twenty different mammal species (names of the species were not supplied). [sent-186, score-0.867]

53 The cards were chosen to be representative of the distribution captured by a causal network with known structure (chain or common-effect) and known parameterization. [sent-188, score-0.564]

54 3 (f2 and f3 ), and the probability that each causal link was active was set to 0. [sent-191, score-0.461]

55 After subjects had studied the cards for as long as they liked, the cards were removed and subjects were asked several questions about the enzymes (e. [sent-193, score-0.546]

56 ”) The questions in this training phase were intended to encourage subjects to reflect on the causal relationships between the enzymes. [sent-196, score-0.809]

57 In both conditions, subjects were told that they would be testing the four animals (mouse, rat, sheep and squirrel) for each of the three enzymes. [sent-197, score-0.615]

58 In the chain condition, subjects were told that the mouse had tested positive for f1 , and asked to predict the outcome of each remaining test (Figure 1c). [sent-199, score-0.717]

59 Subjects were then told in addition that the rat had tested negative for f2 , and again asked to predict the outcome of each remaining test. [sent-200, score-0.543]

60 Note that this second task requires subjects to integrate causal reasoning with similarity-based reasoning: causal reasoning predicts that the mouse has f2 , and similarity-based reasoning predicts that it does not. [sent-201, score-1.904]

61 In the common-effect condition, subjects were told that the mouse had tested positive for f3 , then told in addition that the rat had tested negative for f2 . [sent-202, score-1.076]

62 Our combined model uses a tree over the four animals and a causal network over the features. [sent-209, score-0.68]

63 The smaller the path length, the more likely that all four animals have the same feature values, and the greater the path length, the more likely that distant animals in the tree (e. [sent-212, score-0.331]

64 the mouse and the sheep) will have different feature values. [sent-214, score-0.272]

65 The causal component of our model includes no free parameters, since we used the parameters of the network that generated the cards shown to subjects during the training phase. [sent-216, score-0.739]

66 Columns 3 and 4 of Figure 3 show model predictions when we remove the similarity component (column 3) or the causal component (column 4) from our combined model. [sent-218, score-0.788]

67 The model that uses the causal network alone is described by [2], among others, and the model that uses the tree alone is described by [6]. [sent-219, score-0.587]

68 In task 1 of each condition, the causal model makes identical predictions about the rat, the squirrel and the sheep: in task 1 of the chain condition, for example, it cannot use the similarity between the mouse and the rat to predict that the rat is also likely to test positive for f1 . [sent-221, score-1.795]

69 In task 1 of each condition the similarity model predicts that the unobserved features (f2 and f3 for the chain condition, and f1 and f2 for the common-effect condition) are distributed identically across the four animals. [sent-222, score-0.425]

70 In task 1 of the chain condition, for example, the similarity model does not predict that the mouse is more likely than the sheep to test positive for f2 and f3 . [sent-223, score-0.861]

71 The limitations of the causal and similarity models suggest that some combination of causality and similarity is necessary to account for our data. [sent-224, score-0.954]

72 There are likely to be approaches other than our combined model that account well for our data, but we suggest that accurate predictions will only be achieved when the causal network and the similarity information are tightly integrated. [sent-225, score-0.911]

73 2 Experiment 2 Our working hypothesis is that similarity and causality should be combined in most contexts. [sent-228, score-0.346]

74 An alternative hypothesis—the root-variables hypothesis—was suggested to us by Bob Rehder, and states that similarity relationships are used only if some of the root variables in a causal structure Sf are unobserved. [sent-229, score-0.959]

75 For instance, similarity might have influenced inferences in the chain condition of Experiment 1 only because the root variable f1 was never observed for all four animals. [sent-230, score-0.442]

76 The root-variables hypothesis should be correct in cases where all root variables in the true causal structure are known. [sent-231, score-0.594]

77 In Figure 2c, for instance, similarity no longer plays a role once the root variables are observed, since the remaining variables are deterministically specified. [sent-232, score-0.332]

78 We are interested, however, in cases where Sf may not contain all of the causally relevant variables, and where similarity can help to make predictions about the effects of unobserved variables. [sent-233, score-0.324]

79 Even though the root variable is observed for Tim, Tom and Zach (all three are smokers), we still believe that Tom is more likely to suffer from lung cancer than Zach having discovered that Tim has lung cancer. [sent-235, score-0.366]

80 In the first task for each condition, subjects were told only that the mouse had tested positive for f1 . [sent-239, score-0.64]

81 In the second task, subjects were told in addition that the rat, the squirrel and the sheep had tested positive for f1 , and that the mouse had a) Task 1 2 f1 f2 f3 r=0. [sent-240, score-0.884]

82 55 0 −1 −2 b) f1 Task 1 2 f2 1 f3 0 −1 Task 2 1 0 −1 −2 mouse rat sqrl sheep mouse rat sqrl sheep mouse rat sqrl sheep mouse rat sqrl sheep Human Combined Causal Similarity Figure 4: Experiment 2: Behavioral data and predictions for three models. [sent-252, score-3.513]

83 In task 2 of each condition, the root variable in the causal network (f1 ) is observed for all four animals. [sent-253, score-0.609]

84 The judgments for the first task in each condition replicate the finding from Experiment 1 that subjects combine causality and similarity when just one of the 12 animal-feature pairs is observed. [sent-259, score-0.536]

85 In the chain condition, for example, the causal model predicts that the rat and the sheep are equally likely to test positive for f2 . [sent-261, score-1.136]

86 Subjects predict that the rat is less likely than the sheep to test positive for f2 , and our combined model accounts for this prediction. [sent-262, score-0.738]

87 4 Discussion We developed a model of inductive reasoning that is sensitive to causal relationships between features and similarity relationships between objects, and demonstrated in two experiments that it provides a good account of human reasoning. [sent-263, score-1.408]

88 First, it provides an integrated view of two inductive problems—causal reasoning and similarity-based reasoning—that are usually considered separately. [sent-265, score-0.271]

89 Second, unlike previous accounts of causal reasoning, it acknowledges the importance of unknown but causally relevant variables, and uses similarity to constrain inferences about the effects of these variables. [sent-266, score-0.823]

90 For expository convenience we have emphasized the distinction between causality and similarity, but the notion of similarity needed by our approach will often have a causal interpretation. [sent-268, score-0.721]

91 A treestructured taxonomy, for example, is a simple representation of the causal process that generated biological species—the process of evolution. [sent-269, score-0.461]

92 Our combined model can therefore be seen as a causal model that takes both relationships between features and evolutionary relationships between species into account. [sent-270, score-1.044]

93 More generally, our framework can be seen as a method for building sophisticated causal models, and our experiments suggest that these kinds of models will be needed to account for the complexity and subtlety of human causal reasoning. [sent-271, score-1.066]

94 In particular, the product of experts approach [12] should lead to predictions that are qualitatively similar to the predictions of our combined model. [sent-273, score-0.205]

95 Neither of our experiments explored inferences about interventions, but an adequate causal model should be able to handle inferences of this sort. [sent-275, score-0.667]

96 Causal knowledge and similarity are just two of the many varieties of knowledge that support inductive reasoning. [sent-276, score-0.344]

97 a causal network) may be a relatively general method for combining probabilistic knowledge representations. [sent-286, score-0.525]

98 Our combined model may find applications in computational biology: predicting whether an organism expresses a certain gene, for example, should rely on phylogenetic relationships between organisms and causal relationships between genes. [sent-288, score-1.02]

99 [13] develop an approach to protein function prediction that combines phylogenetic relationships between proteins with relationships between protein functions, and several authors have explored models that combine phylogenies with hidden Markov models. [sent-290, score-0.492]

100 When similarity and causality compete in category-based property generalization. [sent-338, score-0.284]

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same-paper 1 0.94746572 53 nips-2006-Combining causal and similarity-based reasoning

Author: Charles Kemp, Patrick Shafto, Allison Berke, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: Everyday inductive reasoning draws on many kinds of knowledge, including knowledge about relationships between properties and knowledge about relationships between objects. Previous accounts of inductive reasoning generally focus on just one kind of knowledge: models of causal reasoning often focus on relationships between properties, and models of similarity-based reasoning often focus on similarity relationships between objects. We present a Bayesian model of inductive reasoning that incorporates both kinds of knowledge, and show that it accounts well for human inferences about the properties of biological species. 1

2 0.61513281 49 nips-2006-Causal inference in sensorimotor integration

Author: Konrad P. Körding, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: Many recent studies analyze how data from different modalities can be combined. Often this is modeled as a system that optimally combines several sources of information about the same variable. However, it has long been realized that this information combining depends on the interpretation of the data. Two cues that are perceived by different modalities can have different causal relationships: (1) They can both have the same cause, in this case we should fully integrate both cues into a joint estimate. (2) They can have distinct causes, in which case information should be processed independently. In many cases we will not know if there is one joint cause or two independent causes that are responsible for the cues. Here we model this situation as a Bayesian estimation problem. We are thus able to explain some experiments on visual auditory cue combination as well as some experiments on visual proprioceptive cue integration. Our analysis shows that the problem solved by people when they combine cues to produce a movement is much more complicated than is usually assumed, because they need to infer the causal structure that is underlying their sensory experience.

3 0.54597384 97 nips-2006-Inducing Metric Violations in Human Similarity Judgements

Author: Julian Laub, Klaus-Robert Müller, Felix A. Wichmann, Jakob H. Macke

Abstract: Attempting to model human categorization and similarity judgements is both a very interesting but also an exceedingly difficult challenge. Some of the difficulty arises because of conflicting evidence whether human categorization and similarity judgements should or should not be modelled as to operate on a mental representation that is essentially metric. Intuitively, this has a strong appeal as it would allow (dis)similarity to be represented geometrically as distance in some internal space. Here we show how a single stimulus, carefully constructed in a psychophysical experiment, introduces l2 violations in what used to be an internal similarity space that could be adequately modelled as Euclidean. We term this one influential data point a conflictual judgement. We present an algorithm of how to analyse such data and how to identify the crucial point. Thus there may not be a strict dichotomy between either a metric or a non-metric internal space but rather degrees to which potentially large subsets of stimuli are represented metrically with a small subset causing a global violation of metricity.

4 0.4772045 55 nips-2006-Computation of Similarity Measures for Sequential Data using Generalized Suffix Trees

Author: Konrad Rieck, Pavel Laskov, Sören Sonnenburg

Abstract: We propose a generic algorithm for computation of similarity measures for sequential data. The algorithm uses generalized suffix trees for efficient calculation of various kernel, distance and non-metric similarity functions. Its worst-case run-time is linear in the length of sequences and independent of the underlying embedding language, which can cover words, k-grams or all contained subsequences. Experiments with network intrusion detection, DNA analysis and text processing applications demonstrate the utility of distances and similarity coefficients for sequences as alternatives to classical kernel functions.

5 0.43100652 9 nips-2006-A Nonparametric Bayesian Method for Inferring Features From Similarity Judgments

Author: Daniel J. Navarro, Thomas L. Griffiths

Abstract: The additive clustering model is widely used to infer the features of a set of stimuli from their similarities, on the assumption that similarity is a weighted linear function of common features. This paper develops a fully Bayesian formulation of the additive clustering model, using methods from nonparametric Bayesian statistics to allow the number of features to vary. We use this to explore several approaches to parameter estimation, showing that the nonparametric Bayesian approach provides a straightforward way to obtain estimates of both the number of features used in producing similarity judgments and their importance. 1

6 0.42747971 113 nips-2006-Learning Structural Equation Models for fMRI

7 0.4056159 4 nips-2006-A Humanlike Predictor of Facial Attractiveness

8 0.40549016 188 nips-2006-Temporal and Cross-Subject Probabilistic Models for fMRI Prediction Tasks

9 0.401131 58 nips-2006-Context Effects in Category Learning: An Investigation of Four Probabilistic Models

10 0.39590049 115 nips-2006-Learning annotated hierarchies from relational data

11 0.35475114 174 nips-2006-Similarity by Composition

12 0.3395521 141 nips-2006-Multiple timescales and uncertainty in motor adaptation

13 0.30708703 24 nips-2006-Aggregating Classification Accuracy across Time: Application to Single Trial EEG

14 0.3070325 130 nips-2006-Max-margin classification of incomplete data

15 0.30457941 180 nips-2006-Speakers optimize information density through syntactic reduction

16 0.30356115 148 nips-2006-Nonlinear physically-based models for decoding motor-cortical population activity

17 0.29447338 139 nips-2006-Multi-dynamic Bayesian Networks

18 0.27626172 172 nips-2006-Scalable Discriminative Learning for Natural Language Parsing and Translation

19 0.27432945 132 nips-2006-Modeling Dyadic Data with Binary Latent Factors

20 0.26875824 142 nips-2006-Mutagenetic tree Fisher kernel improves prediction of HIV drug resistance from viral genotype

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same-paper 1 0.77131039 53 nips-2006-Combining causal and similarity-based reasoning

Author: Charles Kemp, Patrick Shafto, Allison Berke, Joshua B. Tenenbaum

Abstract: Everyday inductive reasoning draws on many kinds of knowledge, including knowledge about relationships between properties and knowledge about relationships between objects. Previous accounts of inductive reasoning generally focus on just one kind of knowledge: models of causal reasoning often focus on relationships between properties, and models of similarity-based reasoning often focus on similarity relationships between objects. We present a Bayesian model of inductive reasoning that incorporates both kinds of knowledge, and show that it accounts well for human inferences about the properties of biological species. 1

2 0.73080903 38 nips-2006-Automated Hierarchy Discovery for Planning in Partially Observable Environments

Author: Laurent Charlin, Pascal Poupart, Romy Shioda

Abstract: Planning in partially observable domains is a notoriously difficult problem. However, in many real-world scenarios, planning can be simplified by decomposing the task into a hierarchy of smaller planning problems. Several approaches have been proposed to optimize a policy that decomposes according to a hierarchy specified a priori. In this paper, we investigate the problem of automatically discovering the hierarchy. More precisely, we frame the optimization of a hierarchical policy as a non-convex optimization problem that can be solved with general non-linear solvers, a mixed-integer non-linear approximation or a form of bounded hierarchical policy iteration. By encoding the hierarchical structure as variables of the optimization problem, we can automatically discover a hierarchy. Our method is flexible enough to allow any parts of the hierarchy to be specified based on prior knowledge while letting the optimization discover the unknown parts. It can also discover hierarchical policies, including recursive policies, that are more compact (potentially infinitely fewer parameters) and often easier to understand given the decomposition induced by the hierarchy. 1

3 0.44517377 161 nips-2006-Particle Filtering for Nonparametric Bayesian Matrix Factorization

Author: Frank Wood, Thomas L. Griffiths

Abstract: Many unsupervised learning problems can be expressed as a form of matrix factorization, reconstructing an observed data matrix as the product of two matrices of latent variables. A standard challenge in solving these problems is determining the dimensionality of the latent matrices. Nonparametric Bayesian matrix factorization is one way of dealing with this challenge, yielding a posterior distribution over possible factorizations of unbounded dimensionality. A drawback to this approach is that posterior estimation is typically done using Gibbs sampling, which can be slow for large problems and when conjugate priors cannot be used. As an alternative, we present a particle filter for posterior estimation in nonparametric Bayesian matrix factorization models. We illustrate this approach with two matrix factorization models and show favorable performance relative to Gibbs sampling.

4 0.42732573 32 nips-2006-Analysis of Empirical Bayesian Methods for Neuroelectromagnetic Source Localization

Author: Rey Ramírez, Jason Palmer, Scott Makeig, Bhaskar D. Rao, David P. Wipf

Abstract: The ill-posed nature of the MEG/EEG source localization problem requires the incorporation of prior assumptions when choosing an appropriate solution out of an infinite set of candidates. Bayesian methods are useful in this capacity because they allow these assumptions to be explicitly quantified. Recently, a number of empirical Bayesian approaches have been proposed that attempt a form of model selection by using the data to guide the search for an appropriate prior. While seemingly quite different in many respects, we apply a unifying framework based on automatic relevance determination (ARD) that elucidates various attributes of these methods and suggests directions for improvement. We also derive theoretical properties of this methodology related to convergence, local minima, and localization bias and explore connections with established algorithms. 1

5 0.41939324 41 nips-2006-Bayesian Ensemble Learning

Author: Hugh A. Chipman, Edward I. George, Robert E. Mcculloch

Abstract: We develop a Bayesian “sum-of-trees” model, named BART, where each tree is constrained by a prior to be a weak learner. Fitting and inference are accomplished via an iterative backfitting MCMC algorithm. This model is motivated by ensemble methods in general, and boosting algorithms in particular. Like boosting, each weak learner (i.e., each weak tree) contributes a small amount to the overall model. However, our procedure is defined by a statistical model: a prior and a likelihood, while boosting is defined by an algorithm. This model-based approach enables a full and accurate assessment of uncertainty in model predictions, while remaining highly competitive in terms of predictive accuracy. 1

6 0.41858241 9 nips-2006-A Nonparametric Bayesian Method for Inferring Features From Similarity Judgments

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14 0.41497651 97 nips-2006-Inducing Metric Violations in Human Similarity Judgements

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