nips nips2005 nips2005-79 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

79 nips-2005-Fusion of Similarity Data in Clustering

Source: pdf

Author: Tilman Lange, Joachim M. Buhmann

Abstract: Fusing multiple information sources can yield significant benefits to successfully accomplish learning tasks. Many studies have focussed on fusing information in supervised learning contexts. We present an approach to utilize multiple information sources in the form of similarity data for unsupervised learning. Based on similarity information, the clustering task is phrased as a non-negative matrix factorization problem of a mixture of similarity measurements. The tradeoff between the informativeness of data sources and the sparseness of their mixture is controlled by an entropy-based weighting mechanism. For the purpose of model selection, a stability-based approach is employed to ensure the selection of the most self-consistent hypothesis. The experiments demonstrate the performance of the method on toy as well as real world data sets. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 of Computer Sience, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Abstract Fusing multiple information sources can yield significant benefits to successfully accomplish learning tasks. [sent-5, score-0.213]

2 Many studies have focussed on fusing information in supervised learning contexts. [sent-6, score-0.1]

3 We present an approach to utilize multiple information sources in the form of similarity data for unsupervised learning. [sent-7, score-0.423]

4 Based on similarity information, the clustering task is phrased as a non-negative matrix factorization problem of a mixture of similarity measurements. [sent-8, score-0.894]

5 The tradeoff between the informativeness of data sources and the sparseness of their mixture is controlled by an entropy-based weighting mechanism. [sent-9, score-0.422]

6 For the purpose of model selection, a stability-based approach is employed to ensure the selection of the most self-consistent hypothesis. [sent-10, score-0.136]

7 The experiments demonstrate the performance of the method on toy as well as real world data sets. [sent-11, score-0.102]

8 The ability of an algorithm to determine an interesting partition of the set of objects under consideration, however, heavily depends on the available information. [sent-13, score-0.129]

9 How to reasonably identify a weighting of the different information sources such that an interesting group structure can be successfully uncovered, remains, however, a largely unresolved issue. [sent-15, score-0.237]

10 Different sources of information about the same objects naturally arise in many application scenarios. [sent-16, score-0.251]

11 In computer vision, for example, information sources can consist of plain intensity measurements, edge maps, the similarity to other images or even human similarity assessments. [sent-17, score-0.632]

12 In this work, we use a non-negative matrix factorization approach (nmf) to pairwise clustering of similarity data that is extended in a second step in order to incorporate a suitable weighting of multiple information sources, leading to a mixture of similarities. [sent-21, score-0.915]

13 Algorithms for nmf have recently found a lot of attention. [sent-23, score-0.188]

14 Only recently, [18] have also employed a nmf to perform clustering. [sent-25, score-0.249]

15 For the purpose of model selection, we employ a stability-based approach that has already been successfully applied to model se- lection problems in clustering (e. [sent-26, score-0.278]

16 Some work has been devoted to feature selection and weighting in clustering problems. [sent-30, score-0.457]

17 In [14, 10], Gaussian mixture model-based approaches to feature selection are introduced. [sent-32, score-0.166]

18 Similarity measurements represent a particularly generic form of providing input to a clustering algorithm. [sent-36, score-0.27]

19 In [1], an approach to learning the bandwidth parameter of an rbf-kernel for spectral clustering is studied. [sent-40, score-0.232]

20 The paper is organized as follows: section 2 introduces the nmf-based clustering method combined with a data-source weighting (section 3). [sent-41, score-0.379]

21 Section 4 discusses an out-of-sample extension allowing us to predict assignments and to employ the stability principle for model selection. [sent-42, score-0.261]

22 2 Clustering by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Suppose we want to group a finite set of objects On := {o1 , . [sent-44, score-0.129]

23 Usually, there are multiple ways of measuring the similarity between different objects. [sent-48, score-0.288]

24 Such relations give rise to similarities sij := s(oi , oj ) 1 where we assume non-negativity sij ≥ 0, symmetry sji = sij , and boundedness sij < ∞. [sent-49, score-0.483]

25 For n objects, we summarize the similarity data in a n×n matrix S = (sij ) which is re-normalized to P = S/1t S1n , where 1n := (1, . [sent-50, score-0.238]

26 n The re-normalized similarities can be interpreted as the probability of the joint occurrence of objects i, j. [sent-54, score-0.196]

27 We aim now at finding a non-negative matrix factorization of P ∈ [0, 1]n×n into a product WHt of the n × k matrices W and H with non-negative entries for which additionally holds 1t W1k = 1 and Ht 1n = 1k , where k denotes the number of clusters. [sent-55, score-0.257]

28 Given a factorization of P in W and H, we can use the maximum a posteriori estimate, arg maxν hiν j wjν , to arrive at a hard assignment of objects to classes. [sent-59, score-0.289]

29 In order to obtain a factorization, we minimize the cross-entropy C(P WHt ) := − pij log i,j wiν hjν (1) ν which becomes minimal iff P = WHt 2 and is not convex in W and H together. [sent-60, score-0.268]

30 Then, by the convexity of − log x, we obtain − log ν wiν hjν ≤ − ν τνij log τνijjν , 1 In the following, we represent objects by their indices. [sent-63, score-0.16]

31 2 which yields the relaxed objective function: ˜ C(P WHt ) := − pij τνij log wiν hjν + τνij log τνij ≥ C(P WHt ). [sent-65, score-0.282]

32 (2) i,j,ν With this relaxation, we can employ an alternating minimization scheme for minimizing the bound on C. [sent-66, score-0.117]

33 until convergence, which produces a sequence of estimates (t) (t) (t) (t) τνij = wiν hjν (t) µ (t+1) , (t) wiν wiµ hjµ (t) = (t+1) pij τνij , hjν = j i pij τνij (t) a,b (3) pab τνab ˜ that converges to a local minimum of C. [sent-73, score-0.497]

34 We use the convention hjν = 0 whenever i,j pij τνij = 0. [sent-75, score-0.232]

35 3 Fusing Multiple Data Sources Measuring the similarity of objects in, say, L different ways results in L normalized similarity matrices P1 , . [sent-77, score-0.608]

36 For fixed α = (αl ) ∈ [0, 1]L , the aggregated and normalized similarity becomes the convex (l) ¯ combination P = l αl Pl . [sent-82, score-0.208]

37 Hence, pij is a mixture of individual similarities pij , i. [sent-83, score-0.587]

38 Again, we seek a good factorization of P by minimizing the cross-entropy, which then becomes min Eα C(Pl WHt ) (4) α ,W,H where Eα [fl ] = l αl fl denotes the expectation w. [sent-86, score-0.244]

39 Hence, we can employ a slightly modified, nested alternating minimization approach: Given fixed α , obtain estimates W and H using the relaxation of the last section. [sent-93, score-0.229]

40 The update equations change to (t+1) wiν = (l) (t) αl l pij τνij , j (t+1) hjν l = l αl αl (l) (t) i pij τνij (l) (t) i,j . [sent-94, score-0.464]

41 (5) pij τνij Given the current estimates of W and H, we could minimize the objective in equation (4) w. [sent-95, score-0.315]

42 The LP solution is very sparse since the optimal solutions for the linear program lie on the corners of the simplex in the positive orthant spanned by the constraints. [sent-101, score-0.142]

43 In particular, it lacks a means to control the sparseness of the coefficients α . [sent-102, score-0.129]

44 We, therefore, use a maximum entropy approach ([6]) for sparseness control: the entropy is upper bounded by log L and measures the sparseness of the vector α , since the lower the entropy the more peaked the distribution α can be. [sent-103, score-0.522]

45 This approach is reasonable as we actually want to combine multiple (not only identify one) information sources but the best fit in an unsupervised problem will be usually obtained by choosing only a single source. [sent-105, score-0.244]

46 (6) has an analytical solution, namely the Gibbs distribution αl ∝ exp(−cl /η) (7) For η → ∞ one obtains αl = 1/L, while for η → 0, the LP solution is recovered and the estimates become the sparser the more the individual cl differ. [sent-111, score-0.169]

47 Put differently, the parameter η enables us to explore the space of different similarity combinations. [sent-112, score-0.208]

48 The extension mechanism can be seen as in spirit of the Nystr¨ m extension (c. [sent-116, score-0.167]

49 (ii) The free parameters of the approach, the number of clusters k as well as the sparseness control parameter η, can be estimated using a re-sampling-based stability assessment that relies on the ability of an algorithm to generalize to previously unseen objects. [sent-120, score-0.423]

50 Out-of-Sample Extension: Suppose we have to predict class memberships for r (= n − ˜ m in the hold-out case) additional objects in the r × m matrix Sl . [sent-121, score-0.159]

51 We can express the weighted, normalized similarity (l) between a new object o and object i as pio := l αl soi / ˆ ˜ zoν for a new object o by zoν = ˆ ziν pio , ˆ (l) l,j αl soj . [sent-125, score-0.594]

52 These values can be obtained using the originally computed ziν which are weighted according to their similarity between object i and o. [sent-127, score-0.309]

53 Model Selection: The approach presented so far has two free parameters, the number of classes k and the sparseness penalty η. [sent-130, score-0.129]

54 In [9], a method for determining the number of classes has been introduced, that assesses the variability of clustering solutions. [sent-131, score-0.232]

55 The assessment can be regarded as a generalization of cross-validation, as it relies on the dissimilarity of solutions generated from multiple sub-samples. [sent-133, score-0.248]

56 25 −1 10 0 2 10 10 sparsity parameter η 3 10 0 (b) 1 2 3 4 5 data source index 6 (c) Figure 1: Results on the toy data set (1(a)): The stability assessment (1(b)) suggests the range η ∈ {101 , 102 , 5 · 102 }, which yield solutions matching the ground-truth. [sent-154, score-0.521]

57 , k}n , we define their disagreement as d(Y, Y ) = min π∈Sk 1 n n I{yi =π(yi )} (9) i=1 where Sk denotes the set of all permutation on sets of size k and IA is the indicator function on the expression A. [sent-160, score-0.273]

58 The measure quantifies the 0-1 loss after the labels have been permuted, so that the two clustering solutions are in the best possible agreement. [sent-161, score-0.3]

59 Following the approach in [9], we select the η, given a pre-specified range of admissible values, such that the average disagreement observed on B sub-samples is minimal. [sent-164, score-0.262]

60 In this sense, the entropy regularization mechanism guides the search for similarity combinations leading to stable grouping solutions. [sent-165, score-0.464]

61 Note that, multiple minima can occur and may yield solutions emphasizing different aspects of the data. [sent-166, score-0.159]

62 5 Experimental Results and Discussion The performance of our proposal is explored by analyzing toy and real world data. [sent-167, score-0.154]

63 For the stability assessment, different η have been chosen by η ∈ {10−3 , 10−2 , 10−1 , . [sent-170, score-0.163]

64 We compared our results with NCut [15] and Lee and Seung’s two NMF algorithms [11] (which measure the approximation error of the factorization with (i) the KL divergence and (ii) the squared Frobenius norm) applied to the uniform combination of similarities. [sent-172, score-0.214]

65 Toy Experiment: Figure 1(a) depicts a data set consisting of two nested rings, where the clustering task consists of identifying each ring as a class. [sent-173, score-0.35]

66 Figure 1(b) depicts the stability assessment, where we see very small disagreements for η ∈ {101 , 102 , 5 · 102 }. [sent-178, score-0.215]

67 Image segmentation example:3 The next task consists of finding a reasonable segmentation of the images depicted in figures 2(b) and 2(a). [sent-184, score-0.249]

68 For both images, we measured localized intensity histograms and additionally computed Gabor filter responses (e. [sent-185, score-0.12]

69 The resulting similarity matrices have been used as input for the nmf-based data fusion. [sent-192, score-0.24]

70 For the sub-sampling, m = 500 objects have been employed. [sent-193, score-0.129]

71 Figures 3(a) (for the shell image) and 3(b) (for the bird image) show the stability curves for these examples which exhibit minima for non-trivial η resulting in non-uniform α . [sent-194, score-0.163]

72 Figure 3(c) depicts the resulting segmentation generated using α indicated by the stability assessment, while 3(d) shows a segmentation result, where α is closer to the uniform distribution but the stability score for the corresponding η is low. [sent-195, score-0.558]

73 Again, we can see that weighting the different similarity measurements has a beneficial effect, since it leads to improved results. [sent-196, score-0.361]

74 3(e)) confirms that a non-trivial weighting is desirable here. [sent-198, score-0.115]

75 2(b), we observe similar behavior: the stability selected solution (fig. [sent-201, score-0.206]

76 In this example, the intensity information dominates the solution obtained on the uniformly combined similarities. [sent-204, score-0.162]

77 However, the texture information alone does not yield a sensible segmentation. [sent-205, score-0.095]

78 Only the non-trivial combination, where the influence of intensity information is decreased and that of the texture information is increased, gives rise to the desired result. [sent-206, score-0.107]

79 It is additionally noteworthy, that the prediction mechanism employed works rather well: In both examples, it has been able to generalize the segmentation from m = 500 to more than 3500 objects. [sent-207, score-0.249]

80 Since several of the 3588 proteins belong to more than one category, we extracted a subset of 1579 proteins exclusively belonging to one of the three categories cell cycle + DNA processing,transcription and protein fate. [sent-213, score-0.149]

81 Of the matrices used in [7], we employed a Gauss Kernel derived from gene expression profiles, one derived from Swiss-Waterman alignments, one obtained from comparisons of protein domains as well as two diffusion kernels derived from protein-protein interaction data. [sent-215, score-0.272]

82 Although the data is not very discriminative for the 3-class problem, the solutions generated on the data combined using the α for the most stable η lead to more than 10% improvement w. [sent-216, score-0.142]

83 The nmf results are slightly worse than those of NCut. [sent-220, score-0.188]

84 05 −3 10 −1 10 0 2 10 10 sparsity parameter η 3 −3 10 10 (a) −1 10 0 2 10 10 sparsity parameter η 3 10 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Figure 3: Stability plots and segmentation results for the images in 2(a) and 2(b) (see text). [sent-241, score-0.22]

85 ground-truth (the disagreement measure of section 4 is used) in comparison with the solution obtained using the least stable η-parameter. [sent-242, score-0.303]

86 The latter, however, was hardly better than random guessing by having an overall disagreement of more than 0. [sent-243, score-0.218]

87 For the most stable η, we observed a disagreement around 0. [sent-247, score-0.26]

88 NCut and the two nmf methods proposed in [11] lead to rates 0. [sent-252, score-0.188]

89 Note, that the clustering results are comparable with some of those obtained in [7], where the protein-protein interaction data has been used to construct a (supervised) classifier. [sent-256, score-0.265]

90 6 Conclusion This work introduced an approach to combining similarity data originating from multiple sources for grouping a set of objects. [sent-257, score-0.442]

91 Adopting a pairwise clustering perspective enables a smooth integration of multiple similarity measurements. [sent-258, score-0.524]

92 To be able to distinguish between desired and distractive information, a weighting mechanism is introduced leading to a potentially sparse convex combination of the measurements. [sent-259, score-0.273]

93 Here, an entropy constraint is employed to control the amount of sparseness actually allowed. [sent-260, score-0.278]

94 A stability-based model selection mechanism is used to select this free parameter. [sent-261, score-0.138]

95 We emphasize, that this procedure represents a completely unsupervised model selection strategy. [sent-262, score-0.149]

96 The experimental evaluation on toy and real world data demonstrates that our proposal yields meaningful partitions and is able to distinguish between desired and spurious structure in data. [sent-263, score-0.22]

97 Future work will focus on (i) improving the optimization of the proposed model, (ii) the integration of additional constraints and (iii) the introduction of a cluster-specific weighting mechanism. [sent-264, score-0.115]

98 On the convexity of some divergence measures based on entropy functions. [sent-278, score-0.173]

99 Kernelbased data fusion and its application to protein function prediction in yeast. [sent-317, score-0.113]

100 Distance metric learning with application to clustering with side-information. [sent-398, score-0.232]

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Author: Tilman Lange, Joachim M. Buhmann

Abstract: Fusing multiple information sources can yield significant benefits to successfully accomplish learning tasks. Many studies have focussed on fusing information in supervised learning contexts. We present an approach to utilize multiple information sources in the form of similarity data for unsupervised learning. Based on similarity information, the clustering task is phrased as a non-negative matrix factorization problem of a mixture of similarity measurements. The tradeoff between the informativeness of data sources and the sparseness of their mixture is controlled by an entropy-based weighting mechanism. For the purpose of model selection, a stability-based approach is employed to ensure the selection of the most self-consistent hypothesis. The experiments demonstrate the performance of the method on toy as well as real world data sets. 1

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Author: Mukund Narasimhan, Nebojsa Jojic, Jeff A. Bilmes

Abstract: We show that Queyranne’s algorithm for minimizing symmetric submodular functions can be used for clustering with a variety of different objective functions. Two specific criteria that we consider in this paper are the single linkage and the minimum description length criteria. The first criterion tries to maximize the minimum distance between elements of different clusters, and is inherently “discriminative”. It is known that optimal clusterings into k clusters for any given k in polynomial time for this criterion can be computed. The second criterion seeks to minimize the description length of the clusters given a probabilistic generative model. We show that the optimal partitioning into 2 clusters, and approximate partitioning (guaranteed to be within a factor of 2 of the the optimal) for more clusters can be computed. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a tractable algorithm for finding the optimal clustering with respect to the MDL criterion for 2 clusters has been given. Besides the optimality result for the MDL criterion, the chief contribution of this paper is to show that the same algorithm can be used to optimize a broad class of criteria, and hence can be used for many application specific criterion for which efficient algorithm are not known.

6 0.53087264 13 nips-2005-A Probabilistic Approach for Optimizing Spectral Clustering

7 0.51001537 98 nips-2005-Infinite latent feature models and the Indian buffet process

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