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164 nips-2004-Semi-supervised Learning by Entropy Minimization

Source: pdf

Author: Yves Grandvalet, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: We consider the semi-supervised learning problem, where a decision rule is to be learned from labeled and unlabeled data. In this framework, we motivate minimum entropy regularization, which enables to incorporate unlabeled data in the standard supervised learning. Our approach includes other approaches to the semi-supervised problem as particular or limiting cases. A series of experiments illustrates that the proposed solution benefits from unlabeled data. The method challenges mixture models when the data are sampled from the distribution class spanned by the generative model. The performances are definitely in favor of minimum entropy regularization when generative models are misspecified, and the weighting of unlabeled data provides robustness to the violation of the “cluster assumption”. Finally, we also illustrate that the method can also be far superior to manifold learning in high dimension spaces. 1

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 ca Abstract We consider the semi-supervised learning problem, where a decision rule is to be learned from labeled and unlabeled data. [sent-5, score-0.731]

2 In this framework, we motivate minimum entropy regularization, which enables to incorporate unlabeled data in the standard supervised learning. [sent-6, score-1.034]

3 A series of experiments illustrates that the proposed solution benefits from unlabeled data. [sent-8, score-0.598]

4 The method challenges mixture models when the data are sampled from the distribution class spanned by the generative model. [sent-9, score-0.26]

5 The performances are definitely in favor of minimum entropy regularization when generative models are misspecified, and the weighting of unlabeled data provides robustness to the violation of the “cluster assumption”. [sent-10, score-1.283]

6 1 Introduction In the classical supervised learning classification framework, a decision rule is to be learned from a learning set Ln = {xi , yi }n , where each example is described by a pattern xi ∈ X i=1 and by the supervisor’s response yi ∈ Ω = {ω1 , . [sent-12, score-0.162]

7 In the terminology used here, semi-supervised learning refers to learning a decision rule on X from labeled and unlabeled data. [sent-17, score-0.763]

8 In the probabilistic framework, semi-supervised learning can be modeled as a missing data problem, which can be addressed by generative models such as mixture models thanks to the EM algorithm and extensions thereof [6]. [sent-23, score-0.229]

9 Generative models apply to the joint density of patterns and class (X, Y ). [sent-24, score-0.16]

10 These difficulties have lead to proposals aiming at processing unlabeled data in the framework of supervised classification [1, 5, 11]. [sent-32, score-0.695]

11 Here, we propose an estimation principle applicable to any probabilistic classifier, aiming at making the most of unlabeled data when they are beneficial, while providing a control on their contribution to provide robustness to the learning scheme. [sent-33, score-0.669]

12 1 Derivation of the Criterion Likelihood We first recall how the semi-supervised learning problem fits into standard supervised learning by using the maximum (conditional) likelihood estimation principle. [sent-35, score-0.139]

13 We assume that labeling is missing at random, that is, for all unlabeled examples, P (z|x, ωk ) = P (z|x, ω ), for any (ωk , ω ) pair, which implies zk P (ωk |x) K =1 z P (ω |x) P (ωk |x, z) = . [sent-40, score-0.653]

14 This criterion is a concave function of fk (xi ; θ), and for simple models such as the ones provided by logistic regression, it is also concave in θ, so that the global solution can be obtained by numerical optimization. [sent-42, score-0.688]

15 Provided fk (xi ; θ) sum to one, the likelihood is not affected by unlabeled data: unlabeled data convey no information. [sent-44, score-1.512]

16 In the maximum a posteriori (MAP) framework, Seeger remarks that unlabeled data are useless regarding discrimination when the priors on P (X) and P (Y |X) factorize [10]: observing x does not inform about y, unless the modeler assumes so. [sent-45, score-0.625]

17 Benefitting from unlabeled data requires assumptions of some sort on the relationship between X and Y . [sent-46, score-0.565]

18 As there is no such thing like a universally relevant prior, we should look for an induction bias exploiting unlabeled data when the latter is known to convey information. [sent-48, score-0.645]

19 Theory provides little support to the numerous experimental evidences [5, 7, 8] showing that unlabeled examples can help the learning process. [sent-51, score-0.681]

20 Semi-supervised learning, in the terminology used here, does not fit the distribution-free frameworks: no positive statement can be made without distributional assumptions, as for some distributions P (X, Y ) unlabeled data are non-informative while supervised learning is an easy task. [sent-53, score-0.679]

21 In this regard, generalizing from labeled and unlabeled data may differ from transductive inference. [sent-54, score-0.723]

22 In parametric statistics, theory has shown the benefit of unlabeled examples, either for specific distributions [9], or for mixtures of the form P (x) = pP (x|ω1 ) + (1 − p)P (x|ω2 ) where the estimation problem is essentially reduced to the one of estimating the mixture parameter p [4]. [sent-55, score-0.671]

23 These studies conclude that the (asymptotic) information content of unlabeled examples decreases as classes overlap. [sent-56, score-0.688]

24 1 Thus, the assumption that classes are well separated is sensible if we expect to take advantage of unlabeled examples. [sent-57, score-0.634]

25 The conditional entropy H(Y |X) is a measure of class overlap, which is invariant to the parameterization of the model. [sent-58, score-0.405]

26 This measure is related to the usefulness of unlabeled data where labeling is indeed ambiguous. [sent-59, score-0.596]

27 Hence, we will measure the conditional entropy of class labels conditioned on the observed variables H(Y |X, Z) = −EXY Z [log P (Y |X, Z)] , (3) where EX denotes the expectation with respect to X. [sent-60, score-0.449]

28 Stating that we expect a high conditional entropy does not uniquely define the form of the prior distribution, but the latter can be derived by resorting to the maximum entropy principle. [sent-62, score-0.688]

29 Computing H(Y |X, Z) requires a model of P (X, Y, Z) whereas the choice of the diagnosis paradigm is motivated by the possibility to limit modeling to conditional probabilities. [sent-64, score-0.136]

30 This substitution, which can be interpreted as “modeling” P (X, Z) by its empirical distribution, yields n K 1 Hemp (Y |X, Z; Ln ) = − P (ωk |xi , zi ) log P (ωk |xi , zi ) . [sent-66, score-0.164]

31 3 Entropy Regularization Recalling that fk (x; θ) denotes the model of P (ωk |x), the model of P (ωk |x, z) (1) is defined as follows: zk fk (x; θ) gk (x, z; θ) = K . [sent-69, score-0.654]

32 =1 z f (x; θ) For labeled data, gk (x, z; θ) = zk , and for unlabeled data, gk (x, z; θ) = fk (x; θ). [sent-70, score-1.24]

33 From now on, we drop the reference to parameter θ in fk and gk to lighten notation. [sent-71, score-0.367]

34 p ˆ p)P ˆ 2 Here, maximum entropy refers to the construction principle which enables to derive distributions from constraints, not to the content of priors regarding entropy. [sent-73, score-0.343]

35 While L(θ; Ln ) is only sensitive to labeled data, Hemp (Y |X, Z; Ln ) is only affected by the value of fk (x) on unlabeled data. [sent-75, score-0.956]

36 Note that the approximation Hemp (5) of H (3) breaks down for wiggly functions fk (·) with abrupt changes between data points (where P (X) is bounded from below). [sent-76, score-0.23]

37 As a result, it is important to constrain fk (·) in order to enforce the closeness of the two functionals. [sent-77, score-0.23]

38 In the following experimental section, we imposed a smoothness constraint on fk (·) by adding to the criterion C (6) a penalizer with its corresponding Lagrange multiplier ν. [sent-78, score-0.322]

39 [1] analyzed this technique and shown that it is equivalent to a version of the classification EM algorithm, which minimizes the likelihood deprived of the entropy of the partition. [sent-81, score-0.339]

40 In the context of conditional likelihood with labeled and unlabeled examples, the criterion is K n log i=1 K zik fk (xi ) k=1 + gk (xi ) log gk (xi ) , k=1 which is recognized as an instance of the criterion (6) with λ = 1. [sent-82, score-1.514]

41 Self-confident logistic regression [5] is another algorithm optimizing the criterion for λ = 1. [sent-83, score-0.489]

42 Minimum entropy methods Minimum entropy regularizers have been used in other contexts to encode learnability priors (e. [sent-85, score-0.595]

43 However, we stress that for unlabeled data, the regularizer agrees with the complete likelihood provided P (X) is small near the decision surface. [sent-92, score-0.732]

44 Indeed, whereas a generative model would maximize log P (X) on the unlabeled data, our criterion minimizes the conditional entropy on the same points. [sent-93, score-1.058]

45 with weight decay), the conditional entropy is prevented from being too small close to the decision surface. [sent-96, score-0.394]

46 Our goal is to check to what extent supervised learning can be improved by unlabeled examples, and if minimum entropy can compete with generative models which are usually advocated in this framework. [sent-100, score-1.154]

47 The minimum entropy regularizer is applied to the logistic regression model. [sent-101, score-0.9]

48 It is compared to logistic regression fitted by maximum likelihood (ignoring unlabeled data) and logistic regression with all labels known. [sent-102, score-1.517]

49 The former shows what has been gained by handling unlabeled data, and the latter provides the “crystal ball” performance obtained by guessing correctly all labels. [sent-103, score-0.624]

50 All hyper-parameters (weight-decay for all logistic regression models plus the λ parameter (6) for minimum entropy) are tuned by ten-fold cross-validation. [sent-104, score-0.59]

51 Minimum entropy logistic regression is also compared to the classic EM algorithm for Gaussian mixture models (two means and one common covariance matrix estimated by maximum likelihood on labeled and unlabeled examples, see e. [sent-105, score-1.553]

52 Bad local maxima of the likelihood function are avoided by initializing EM with the parameters of the true distribution when the latter is a Gaussian mixture, or with maximum likelihood parameters on the (fully labeled) test sample when the distribution departs from the model. [sent-108, score-0.309]

53 Furthermore, this initialization prevents interferences that may result from the “pseudo-labels” given to unlabeled examples at the first E-step. [sent-110, score-0.695]

54 The learning sets comprise nl labeled examples, (nl = 50, 100, 200) and nu unlabeled examples, (nu = nl × (1, 3, 10, 30, 100)). [sent-126, score-1.117]

55 This benchmark provides a comparison for the algorithms in a situation where unlabeled data are known to convey information. [sent-129, score-0.642]

56 The logistic regression model is only compatible with the joint distribution, which is a weaker fulfillment than correctness. [sent-131, score-0.462]

57 The overall error rates (averaged over all settings) are in favor of minimum entropy logistic regression (14. [sent-133, score-0.984]

58 3 %) does worse on average than logistic regression (14. [sent-138, score-0.426]

59 The plots represent the error rates (averaged over nl ) versus Bayes error rate and the nu /nl ratio. [sent-146, score-0.482]

60 The first plot shows that, as asymptotic theory suggests [4, 9], unlabeled examples are mostly informative when the Bayes error is low. [sent-147, score-0.807]

61 This observation validates the relevance of the minimum entropy assumption. [sent-148, score-0.415]

62 Mixture models are outperformed by the simple logistic regression model when the sample size is low, since their number of parameters grows quadratically (vs. [sent-150, score-0.49]

63 The second plot shows that the minimum entropy model takes quickly advantage of unlabeled data when classes are well separated. [sent-152, score-1.015]

64 With nu = 3nl , the model considerably improves upon the one discarding unlabeled data. [sent-153, score-0.745]

65 At this stage, the generative models do not perform well, as the number of available examples is low compared to the number of parameters in the model. [sent-154, score-0.208]

66 However, for very large sample sizes, with 100 times more unla- 15 Test Error (%) Test Error (%) 40 30 20 10 10 5 5 10 15 Bayes Error (%) 20 1 3 10 Ratio n /n u 30 100 l Figure 1: Left: test error vs. [sent-155, score-0.153]

67 Bayes error rate for nu /nl = 10; right: test error vs. [sent-156, score-0.371]

68 Test errors of minimum entropy logistic regression (◦) and mixture models (+). [sent-159, score-0.95]

69 The errors of logistic regression (dashed), and logistic regression with all labels known (dash-dotted) are shown for reference. [sent-160, score-0.896]

70 beled examples than labeled examples, the generative approach eventually becomes more accurate than the diagnosis approach. [sent-161, score-0.367]

71 Misspecified joint density model In a second series of experiments, the setup is slightly modified by letting the class-conditional densities be corrupted by outliers. [sent-162, score-0.164]

72 For each class, the examples are generated from a mixture of two Gaussians centered on the same mean: a unit variance component gathers 98 % of examples, while the remaining 2 % are generated from a large variance component, where each variable has a standard deviation of 10. [sent-163, score-0.165]

73 The generative model dramatically suffers from the misspecification and behaves worse than logistic regression for all sample sizes. [sent-166, score-0.546]

74 The unlabeled examples have first a beneficial effect on test error, then have a detrimental effect when they overwhelm the number of labeled examples. [sent-167, score-0.818]

75 On the other hand, the diagnosis models behave smoothly as in the previous case, and the minimum entropy criterion performance improves. [sent-168, score-0.587]

76 Average test errors for minimum entropy logistic regression (◦) and mixture models (+). [sent-172, score-1.001]

77 The test error rates of logistic regression (dotted), and logistic regression with all labels known (dash-dotted) are shown for reference. [sent-173, score-1.05]

78 Left: experiment with outliers; right: experiment with uninformative unlabeled data. [sent-174, score-0.565]

79 The last series of experiments illustrate the robustness with respect to the cluster assumption, by testing it on distributions where unlabeled examples are not informative, and where a low density P (X) does not indicate a boundary region. [sent-175, score-0.811]

80 The data is drawn from two Gaussian clusters like in the first series of experiment, but the label is now independent of the clustering: an example x belongs to class ω1 if x2 > x1 and belongs to class ω2 otherwise: the Bayes decision boundary is now separates each cluster in its middle. [sent-176, score-0.326]

81 The right-hand-side plot of Figure 1 shows that the favorable initialization of EM does not prevent the model to be fooled by unlabeled data: its test error steadily increases with the amount of unlabeled data. [sent-179, score-1.323]

82 Comparison with manifold transduction Although our primary goal is to infer a decision function, we also provide comparisons with a transduction algorithm of the “manifold family”. [sent-181, score-0.242]

83 Table 1: Error rates (%) of minimum entropy (ME) vs. [sent-188, score-0.448]

84 23, nl = 50, and a) pure Gaussian clusters b) Gaussian clusters corrupted by outliers c) class boundary separating one Gaussian cluster nu 50 150 500 1500 a) ME 10. [sent-190, score-0.569]

85 2 The results are extremely poor for the consistency method, whose error is way above minimum entropy, and which does not show any sign of improvement as the sample of unlabeled data grows. [sent-238, score-0.9]

86 Furthermore, when classes do not correspond to clusters, the consistency method performs random class assignments. [sent-239, score-0.17]

87 In this situation, local methods suffer from the “curse of dimensionality”, and many more unlabeled examples would be required to get sensible results. [sent-241, score-0.714]

88 We tested kernelized logistic regression (Gaussian kernel), its minimum entropy version, nearest neigbor and the consistency method. [sent-247, score-0.99]

89 3 % test error (compared to 86 % error for random assignments). [sent-251, score-0.191]

90 3 % test error, and Kernelized logistic regression (ignoring unlabeled examples) improved to reach 53. [sent-254, score-1.042]

91 The scale parameter chosen for kernelized logistic regression (by ten-fold cross-validation) amount to use a global classifier. [sent-260, score-0.535]

92 5 Discussion We propose to tackle the semi-supervised learning problem in the supervised learning framework by using the minimum entropy regularizer. [sent-264, score-0.5]

93 This regularizer is motivated by theory, which shows that unlabeled examples are mostly beneficial when classes have small overlap. [sent-265, score-0.787]

94 The MAP framework provides a means to control the weight of unlabeled examples, and thus to depart from optimism when unlabeled data tend to harm classification. [sent-266, score-1.189]

95 Our proposal encompasses self-learning as a particular case, as minimizing entropy increases the confidence of the classifier output. [sent-267, score-0.283]

96 It also approaches the solution of transductive large margin classifiers in another limiting case, as minimizing entropy is a means to drive the decision boundary from learning examples. [sent-268, score-0.442]

97 The minimum entropy regularizer can be applied to both local and global classifiers. [sent-269, score-0.533]

98 Also, our experiments suggest that the minimum entropy regularization may be a serious contender to generative models. [sent-271, score-0.558]

99 The relative value of labeled and unlabeled samples in pattern recognition with an unknown mixing parameter. [sent-293, score-0.679]

100 Text classification from labeled and unlabeled documents using EM. [sent-316, score-0.679]

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Author: Yves Grandvalet, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: We consider the semi-supervised learning problem, where a decision rule is to be learned from labeled and unlabeled data. In this framework, we motivate minimum entropy regularization, which enables to incorporate unlabeled data in the standard supervised learning. Our approach includes other approaches to the semi-supervised problem as particular or limiting cases. A series of experiments illustrates that the proposed solution benefits from unlabeled data. The method challenges mixture models when the data are sampled from the distribution class spanned by the generative model. The performances are definitely in favor of minimum entropy regularization when generative models are misspecified, and the weighting of unlabeled data provides robustness to the violation of the “cluster assumption”. Finally, we also illustrate that the method can also be far superior to manifold learning in high dimension spaces. 1

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Author: Saharon Rosset, Ji Zhu, Hui Zou, Trevor J. Hastie

Abstract: We consider the situation in semi-supervised learning, where the “label sampling” mechanism stochastically depends on the true response (as well as potentially on the features). We suggest a method of moments for estimating this stochastic dependence using the unlabeled data. This is potentially useful for two distinct purposes: a. As an input to a supervised learning procedure which can be used to “de-bias” its results using labeled data only and b. As a potentially interesting learning task in itself. We present several examples to illustrate the practical usefulness of our method.

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Author: Adrian Corduneanu, Tommi S. Jaakkola

Abstract: We provide a principle for semi-supervised learning based on optimizing the rate of communicating labels for unlabeled points with side information. The side information is expressed in terms of identities of sets of points or regions with the purpose of biasing the labels in each region to be the same. The resulting regularization objective is convex, has a unique solution, and the solution can be found with a pair of local propagation operations on graphs induced by the regions. We analyze the properties of the algorithm and demonstrate its performance on document classification tasks. 1

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Abstract: We present a probabilistic approach to learning a Gaussian Process classifier in the presence of unlabeled data. Our approach involves a “null category noise model” (NCNM) inspired by ordered categorical noise models. The noise model reflects an assumption that the data density is lower between the class-conditional densities. We illustrate our approach on a toy problem and present comparative results for the semi-supervised classification of handwritten digits. 1

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