nips nips2004 nips2004-75 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Peter M. Todd, Anja Dieckmann
Abstract: Simple lexicographic decision heuristics that consider cues one at a time in a particular order and stop searching for cues as soon as a decision can be made have been shown to be both accurate and frugal in their use of information. But much of the simplicity and success of these heuristics comes from using an appropriate cue order. For instance, the Take The Best heuristic uses validity order for cues, which requires considerable computation, potentially undermining the computational advantages of the simple decision mechanism. But many cue orders can achieve good decision performance, and studies of sequential search for data records have proposed a number of simple ordering rules that may be of use in constructing appropriate decision cue orders as well. Here we consider a range of simple cue ordering mechanisms, including tallying, swapping, and move-to-front rules, and show that they can find cue orders that lead to reasonable accuracy and considerable frugality when used with lexicographic decision heuristics. 1 O ne -Re ason De c i si on M aki ng and O r de r e d Se ar c h How do we know what information to consider when making a decision? Imagine the problem of deciding which of two objects or options is greater along some criterion, such as which of two cities is larger. We may know various facts about each city, such as whether they have a major sports team or a university or airport. To decide between them, we could weight and sum all the cues we know, or we could use a simpler lexicographic rule to look at one cue at a time in a particular order until we find a cue that discriminates between the options and indicates a choice [1]. Such lexicographic rules are used by people in a variety of decision tasks [2]-[4], and have been shown to be both accurate in their inferences and frugal in the amount of information they consider before making a decision. For instance, Gigerenzer and colleagues [5] demonstrated the surprising performance of several decision heuristics that stop information search as soon as one discriminating cue is found; because only that cue is used to make the decision, and no integration of information is involved, they called these heuristics “one-reason” decision mechanisms. Given some set of cues that can be looked up to make the decision, these heuristics differ mainly in the search rule that determines the order in which the information is searched. But then the question of what information to consider becomes, how are these search orders determined? Particular cue orders make a difference, as has been shown in research on the Take The Best heuristic (TTB) [6], [7]. TTB consists of three building blocks. (1) Search rule: Search through cues in the order of their validity, a measure of accuracy equal to the proportion of correct decisions made by a cue out of all the times that cue discriminates between pairs of options. (2) Stopping rule: Stop search as soon as one cue is found that discriminates between the two options. (3) Decision rule: Select the option to which the discriminating cue points, that is, the option that has the cue value associated with higher criterion values. The performance of TTB has been tested on several real-world data sets, ranging from professors’ salaries to fish fertility [8], in cross-validation comparisons with other more complex strategies. Across 20 data sets, TTB used on average only a third of the available cues (2.4 out of 7.7), yet still outperformed multiple linear regression in generalization accuracy (71% vs. 68%). The even simpler Minimalist heuristic, which searches through available cues in a random order, was more frugal (using 2.2 cues on average), yet still achieved 65% accuracy. But the fact that the accuracy of Minimalist lagged behind TTB by 6 percentage points indicates that part of the secret of TTB’s success lies in its ordered search. Moreover, in laboratory experiments [3], [4], [9], people using lexicographic decision strategies have been shown to employ cue orders based on the cues’ validities or a combination of validity and discrimination rate (proportion of decision pairs on which a cue discriminates between the two options). Thus, the cue order used by a lexicographic decision mechanism can make a considerable difference in accuracy; the same holds true for frugality, as we will see. But constructing an exact validity order, as used by Take The Best, takes considerable information and computation [10]. If there are N known objects to make decisions over, and C cues known for each object, then each of the C cues must be evaluated for whether it discriminates correctly (counting up R right decisions), incorrectly (W wrong decisions), or does not discriminate between each of the N·(N-1)/2 possible object pairs, yielding C·N·(N-1)/2 checks to perform to gather the information needed to compute cue validities (v = R/(R+W)) in this domain. But a decision maker typically does not know all of the objects to be decided upon, nor even all the cue values for those objects, ahead of time—is there any simpler way to find an accurate and frugal cue order? In this paper, we address this question through simulation-based comparison of a variety of simple cue-order-learning rules. Hope comes from two directions: first, there are many cue orders besides the exact validity ordering that can yield good performance; and second, research in computer science has demonstrated the efficacy of a range of simple ordering rules for a closely related search problem. Consequently, we find that simple mechanisms at the cue-order-learning stage can enable simple mechanisms at the decision stage, such as lexicographic one-reason decision heuristics, to perform well. 2 Si mpl e appr oac he s to c onstr uc ti ng c ue s e ar c h or de r s To compare different cue ordering rules, we evaluate the performance of different cue orders when used by a one-reason decision heuristic within a particular well-studied sample domain: large German cities, compared on the criterion of population size using 9 cues ranging from having a university to the presence of an intercity train line [6], [7]. Examining this domain makes it clear that there are many good possible cue orders. When used with one-reason stopping and decision building blocks, the mean accuracy of the 362,880 (9!) cue orders is 70%, equivalent to the performance expected from Minimalist. The accuracy of the validity order, 74.2%, falls toward the upper end of the accuracy range (62-75.8%), but there are still 7421 cue orders that do better than the validity order. The frugality of the search orders ranges from 2.53 cues per decision to 4.67, with a mean of 3.34 corresponding to using Minimalist; TTB has a frugality of 4.23, implying that most orders are more frugal. Thus, there are many accurate and frugal cue orders that could be found—a satisficing decision maker not requiring optimal performance need only land on one. An ordering problem of this kind has been studied in computer science for nearly four decades, and can provide us with a set of potential heuristics to test. Consider the case of a set of data records arranged in a list, each of which will be required during a set of retrievals with a particular probability pi. On each retrieval, a key is given (e.g. a record’s title) and the list is searched from the front to the end until the desired record, matching that key, is found. The goal is to minimize the mean search time for accessing the records in this list, for which the optimal ordering is in decreasing order of pi. But if these retrieval probabilities are not known ahead of time, how can the list be ordered after each successive retrieval to achieve fast access? This is the problem of self-organizing sequential search [11], [12]. A variety of simple sequential search heuristics have been proposed for this problem, centering on three main approaches: (1) transpose, in which a retrieved record is moved one position closer to the front of the list (i.e., swapping with the record in front of it); (2) move-to-front (MTF), in which a retrieved record is put at the front of the list, and all other records remain in the same relative order; and (3) count, in which a tally is kept of the number of times each record is retrieved, and the list is reordered in decreasing order of this tally after each retrieval. Because count rules require storing additional information, more attention has focused on the memory-free transposition and MTF rules. Analytic and simulation results (reviewed in [12]) have shown that while transposition rules can come closer to the optimal order asymptotically, in the short run MTF rules converge more quickly (as can count rules). This may make MTF (and count) rules more appealing as models of cue order learning by humans facing small numbers of decision trials. Furthermore, MTF rules are more responsive to local structure in the environment (e.g., clumped retrievals over time of a few records), and transposition can result in very poor performance under some circumstances (e.g., when neighboring pairs of “popular” records get trapped at the end of the list by repeatedly swapping places). It is important to note that there are important differences between the selforganizing sequential search problem and the cue-ordering problem we address here. In particular, when a record is sought that matches a particular key, search proceeds until the correct record is found. In contrast, when a decision is made lexicographically and the list of cues is searched through, there is no one “correct” cue to find—each cue may or may not discriminate (allow a decision to be made). Furthermore, once a discriminating cue is found, it may not even make the right decision. Thus, given feedback about whether a decision was right or wrong, a discriminating cue could potentially be moved up or down in the ordered list. This dissociation between making a decision or not (based on the cue discrimination rates), and making a right or wrong decision (based on the cue validities), means that there are two ordering criteria in this problem—frugality and accuracy—as opposed to the single order—search time—for records based on their retrieval probability pi . Because record search time corresponds to cue frugality, the heuristics that work well for the self-organizing sequential search task are likely to produce orders that emphasize frugality (reflecting cue discrimination rates) over accuracy in the cue-ordering task. Nonetheless, these heuristics offer a useful starting point for exploring cue-ordering rules. 2.1 The cue-ordering rules We focus on search order construction processes that are psychologically plausible by being frugal both in terms of information storage and in terms of computation. The decision situation we explore is different from the one assumed by Juslin and Persson [10] who strongly differentiate learning about objects from later making decisions about them. Instead we assume a learning-while-doing situation, consisting of tasks that have to be done repeatedly with feedback after each trial about the adequacy of one’s decision. For instance, we can observe on multiple occasions which of two supermarket checkout lines, the one we have chosen or (more likely) another one, is faster, and associate this outcome with cues including the lines’ lengths and the ages of their respective cashiers. In such situations, decision makers can learn about the differential usefulness of cues for solving the task via the feedback received over time. We compare several explicitly defined ordering rules that construct cue orders for use by lexicographic decision mechanisms applied to a particular probabilistic inference task: forced choice paired comparison, in which a decision maker has to infer which of two objects, each described by a set of binary cues, is “bigger” on a criterion—just the task for which TTB was formulated. After an inference has been made, feedback is given about whether a decision was right or wrong. Therefore, the order-learning algorithm has information about which cues were looked up, whether a cue discriminated, and whether a discriminating cue led to the right or wrong decision. The rules we propose differ in which pieces of information they use and how they use them. We classify the learning rules based on their memory requirement—high versus low—and their computational requirements in terms of full or partial reordering (see Table 1). Table 1: Learning rules classified by memory and computational requirements High memory load, complete reordering High memory load, local reordering Low memory load, local reordering Validity: reorders cues based on their current validity Tally swap: moves cue up (down) one position if it has made a correct (incorrect) decision if its tally of correct minus incorrect decisions is ( ) than that of next higher (lower) cue Simple swap: moves cue up one position after correct decision, and down after an incorrect decision Tally: reorders cues by number of correct minus incorrect decisions made so far Associative/delta rule: reorders cues by learned association strength Move-to-front (2 forms): Take The Last (TTL): moves discriminating cue to front TTL-correct: moves cue to front only if it correctly discriminates The validity rule, a type of count rule, is the most demanding of the rules we consider in terms of both memory requirements and computational complexity. It keeps a count of all discriminations made by a cue so far (in all the times that the cue was looked up) and a separate count of all the correct discriminations. Therefore, memory load is comparatively high. The validity of each cue is determined by dividing its current correct discrimination count by its total discrimination count. Based on these values computed after each decision, the rule reorders the whole set of cues from highest to lowest validity. The tally rule only keeps one count per cue, storing the number of correct decisions made by that cue so far minus the number of incorrect decisions. If a cue discriminates correctly on a given trial, one point is added to its tally, if it leads to an incorrect decision, one point is subtracted. The tally rule is less demanding in terms of memory and computation: Only one count is kept, no division is required. The simple swap rule uses the transposition rather than count approach. This rule has no memory of cue performance other than an ordered list of all cues, and just moves a cue up one position in this list whenever it leads to a correct decision, and down if it leads to an incorrect decision. In other words, a correctly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor upwards in the cue order, and an incorrectly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor downwards. The tally swap rule is a hybrid of the simple swap rule and the tally rule. It keeps a tally of correct minus incorrect discriminations per cue so far (so memory load is high) but only locally swaps cues: When a cue makes a correct decision and its tally is greater than or equal to that of its upward neighbor, the two cues swap positions. When a cue makes an incorrect decision and its tally is smaller than or equal to that of its downward neighbor, the two cues also swap positions. We also evaluate two types of move-to-front rules. First, the Take The Last (TTL) rule moves the last discriminating cue (that is, whichever cue was found to discriminate for the current decision) to the front of the order. This is equivalent to the Take The Last heuristic [6], [7], which uses a memory of cues that discriminated in the past to determine cue search order for subsequent decisions. Second, TTLcorrect moves the last discriminating cue to the front of the order only if it correctly discriminated; otherwise, the cue order remains unchanged. This rule thus takes accuracy as well as frugality into account. Finally, we include an associative learning rule that uses the delta rule to update cue weights according to whether they make correct or incorrect discriminations, and then reorders all cues in decreasing order of this weight after each decision. This corresponds to a simple network with nine input units encoding the difference in cue value between the two objects (A and B) being decided on (i.e., ini = -1 if cuei(A) cuei(B), and 0 if cuei(A)=cuei(B) or cuei was not checked) and with one output unit whose target value encodes the correct decision (t = 1 if criterion(A)>criterion(B), otherwise -1), and with the weights between inputs and output updated according to wi = lr · (t - ini·wi) · ini with learning rate lr = 0.1. We expect this rule to behave similarly to Oliver’s rule initially (moving a cue to the front of the list by giving it the largest weight when weights are small) and to swap later on (moving cues only a short distance once weights are larger). 3 Si mul ati on Study of Si mpl e O r de r i ng Rul e s To test the performance of these order learning rules, we use the German cities data set [6], [7], consisting of the 83 largest-population German cities (those with more than 100,000 inhabitants), described on 9 cues that give some information about population size. Discrimination rate and validity of the cues are negatively correlated (r = -.47). We present results averaged over 10,000 learning trials for each rule, starting from random initial cue orders. Each trial consisted of 100 decisions between randomly selected decision pairs. For each decision, the current cue order was used to look up cues until a discriminating cue was found, which was used to make the decision (employing a onereason or lexicographic decision strategy). After each decision, the cue order was updated using the particular order-learning rule. We start by considering the cumulative accuracies (i.e., online or amortized performance—[12]) of the rules, defined as the total percentage of correct decisions made so far at any point in the learning process. The contrasting measure of offline accuracy—how well the current learned cue order would do if it were applied to the entire test set—will be subsequently reported (see Figure 1). For all but the move-to-front rules, cumulative accuracies soon rise above that of the Minimalist heuristic (proportion correct = .70) which looks up cues in random order and thus serves as a lower benchmark. However, at least throughout the first 100 decisions, cumulative accuracies stay well below the (offline) accuracy that would be achieved by using TTB for all decisions (proportion correct = .74), looking up cues in the true order of their ecological validities. Except for the move-to-front rules, whose cumulative accuracies are very close to Minimalist (mean proportion correct in 100 decisions: TTL: .701; TTL-correct: .704), all learning rules perform on a surprisingly similar level, with less than one percentage point difference in favor of the most demanding rule (i.e., delta rule: .719) compared to the least (i.e., simple swap: .711; for comparison: tally swap: .715; tally: .716; validity learning rule: .719). Offline accuracies are slightly higher, again with the exception of the move to front rules (TTL: .699; TTL-correct: .702; simple swap: .714; tally swap: .719; tally: .721; validity learning rule: .724; delta rule: .725; see Figure 1). In longer runs (10,000 decisions) the validity learning rule is able to converge on TTB’s accuracy, but the tally rule’s performance changes little (to .73). Figure 1: Mean offline accuracy of order learning rules Figure 2: Mean offline frugality of order learning rules All learning rules are, however, more frugal than TTB, and even more frugal than Minimalist, both in terms of online as well as offline frugality. Let us focus on their offline frugality (see Figure 2): On average, the rules look up fewer cues than Minimalist before reaching a decision. There is little difference between the associative rule, the tallying rules and the swapping rules (mean number of cues looked up in 100 decisions: delta rule: 3.20; validity learning rule: 3.21; tally: 3.01; tally swap: 3.04; simple swap: 3.13). Most frugal are the two move-to front rules (TTL-correct: 2.87; TTL: 2.83). Consistent with this finding, all of the learning rules lead to cue orders that show positive correlations with the discrimination rate cue order (reaching the following values after 100 decisions: validity learning rule: r = .18; tally: r = .29; tally swap: r = .24; simple swap: r = .18; TTL-correct: r = .48; TTL: r = .56). This means that cues that often lead to discriminations are more likely to end up in the first positions of the order. This is especially true for the move-to-front rules. In contrast, the cue orders resulting from all learning rules but the validity learning rule do not correlate or correlate negatively with the validity cue order, and even the correlations of the cue orders resulting from the validity learning rule after 100 decisions only reach an average r = .12. But why would the discrimination rates of cues exert more of a pull on cue order than validity, even when the validity learning rule is applied? As mentioned earlier, this is what we would expect for the move-to-front rules, but it was unexpected for the other rules. Part of the explanation comes from the fact that in the city data set we used for the simulations, validity and discrimination rate of cues are negatively correlated. Having a low discrimination rate means that a cue has little chance to be used and hence to demonstrate its high validity. Whatever learning rule is used, if such a cue is displaced downward to the lower end of the order by other cues, it may have few chances to escape to the higher ranks where it belongs. The problem is that when a decision pair is finally encountered for which that cue would lead to a correct decision, it is unlikely to be checked because other, more discriminating although less valid, cues are looked up before and already bring about a decision. Thus, because one-reason decision making is intertwined with the learning mechanism and so influences which cues can be learned about, what mainly makes a cue come early in the order is producing a high number of correct decisions and not so much a high ratio of correct discriminations to total discriminations regardless of base rates. This argument indicates that performance may differ in environments where cue validities and discrimination rates correlate positively. We tested the learning rules on one such data set (r=.52) of mammal species life expectancies, predicted from 9 cues. It also differs from the cities environment with a greater difference between TTB’s and Minimalist’s performance (6.5 vs. 4 percentage points). In terms of offline accuracy, the validity learning rule now indeed more closely approaches TTB’s accuracy after 100 decisions (.773 vs. .782)., The tally rule, in contrast, behaves very much as in the cities environment, reaching an accuracy of .752, halfway between TTB and Minimalist (accuracy =.716). Thus only some learning rules can profit from the positive correlation. 4 D i s c u s s i on Most of the simpler cue order learning rules we have proposed do not fall far behind a validity learning rule in accuracy, and although the move-to-front rules cannot beat the accuracy achieved if cues were selected randomly, they compensate for this failure by being highly frugal. Interestingly, the rules that do achieve higher accuracy than Minimalist also beat random cue selection in terms of frugality. On the other hand, all rules, even the delta rule and the validity learning rule, stay below TTB’s accuracy across a relatively high number of decisions. But often it is necessary to make good decisions without much experience. Therefore, learning rules should be preferred that quickly lead to orders with good performance. The relatively complex rules with relatively high memory requirement, i.e., the delta and the validity learning rule, but also the tally learning rule, more quickly rise in accuracy compared the rules with lower requirements. Especially the tally rule thus represents a good compromise between cost, correctness and psychological plausibility considerations. Remember that the rules based on tallies assume full memory of all correct minus incorrect decisions made by a cue so far. But this does not make the rule implausible, at least from a psychological perspective, even though computer scientists were reluctant to adopt such counting approaches because of their extra memory requirements. There is considerable evidence that people are actually very good at remembering the frequencies of events. Hasher and Zacks [13] conclude from a wide range of studies that frequencies are encoded in an automatic way, implying that people are sensitive to this information without intention or special effort. Estes [14] pointed out the role frequencies play in decision making as a shortcut for probabilities. Further, the tally rule and the tally swap rule are comparatively simple, not having to keep track of base rates or perform divisions as does the validity rule. From the other side, the simple swap and move to front rules may not be much simpler, because storing a cue order may be about as demanding as storing a set of tallies. We have run experiments (reported elsewhere) in which indeed the tally swap rule best accounts for people’s actual processes of ordering cues. Our goal in this paper was to explore how well simple cue-ordering rules could work in conjunction with lexicographic decision strategies. This is important because it is necessary to take into account the set-up costs of a heuristic in addition to its application costs when considering the mechanism’s overall simplicity. As the example of the validity search order of TTB shows, what is easy to apply may not necessarily be so easy to set up. But simple rules can also be at work in the construction of a heuristic’s building blocks. We have proposed such rules for the construction of one building block, the search order. Simple learning rules inspired by research in computer science can enable a one-reason decision heuristic to perform only slightly worse than if it had full knowledge of cue validities from the very beginning. Giving up the assumption of full a priori knowledge for the slight decrease in accuracy seems like a reasonable bargain: Through the addition of learning rules, one-reason decision heuristics might lose some of their appeal to decision theorists who were surprised by the performance of such simple mechanisms compared to more complex algorithms, but they gain psychological plausibility and so become more attractive as explanations for human decision behavior. References [1] Fishburn, P.C. (1974). Lexicographic orders, utilities and decision rules: A survey. Management Science, 20, 1442-1471. [2] Payne, J.W., Bettman, J.R., & Johnson, E.J. (1993). The adaptive decision maker. New York: Cambridge University Press. [3] Bröder, A. (2000). Assessing the empirical validity of the “Take-The-Best” heuristic as a model of human probabilistic inference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26 (5), 1332-1346. [4] Bröder, A. (2003). Decision making with the “adaptive toolbox”: Influence of environmental structure, intelligence, and working memory load. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 29, 611-625. [5] Gigerenzer, G., Todd, P.M., & The ABC Research Group (1999). Simple heuristics that make us smart. New York: Oxford University Press. [6] Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D.G. (1996). Reasoning the fast and frugal way: Models of bounded rationality. Psychological Review, 103 (4), 650-669. [7] Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D.G. (1999). Betting on one good reason: The Take The Best Heuristic. In G. Gigerenzer, P.M. Todd & The ABC Research Group, Simple heuristics that make us smart. New York: Oxford University Press. [8] Czerlinski, J., Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D.G. (1999). How good are simple heuristics? In G. Gigerenzer, P.M. Todd & The ABC Research Group, Simple heuristics that make us smart. New York: Oxford University Press. [9] Newell, B.R., & Shanks, D.R. (2003). 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Reference: text
sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore
1 de Abstract Simple lexicographic decision heuristics that consider cues one at a time in a particular order and stop searching for cues as soon as a decision can be made have been shown to be both accurate and frugal in their use of information. [sent-6, score-1.257]
2 But much of the simplicity and success of these heuristics comes from using an appropriate cue order. [sent-7, score-0.71]
3 For instance, the Take The Best heuristic uses validity order for cues, which requires considerable computation, potentially undermining the computational advantages of the simple decision mechanism. [sent-8, score-0.418]
4 But many cue orders can achieve good decision performance, and studies of sequential search for data records have proposed a number of simple ordering rules that may be of use in constructing appropriate decision cue orders as well. [sent-9, score-2.12]
5 Here we consider a range of simple cue ordering mechanisms, including tallying, swapping, and move-to-front rules, and show that they can find cue orders that lead to reasonable accuracy and considerable frugality when used with lexicographic decision heuristics. [sent-10, score-1.876]
6 To decide between them, we could weight and sum all the cues we know, or we could use a simpler lexicographic rule to look at one cue at a time in a particular order until we find a cue that discriminates between the options and indicates a choice [1]. [sent-14, score-1.895]
7 Such lexicographic rules are used by people in a variety of decision tasks [2]-[4], and have been shown to be both accurate in their inferences and frugal in the amount of information they consider before making a decision. [sent-15, score-0.607]
8 Given some set of cues that can be looked up to make the decision, these heuristics differ mainly in the search rule that determines the order in which the information is searched. [sent-17, score-0.618]
9 Particular cue orders make a difference, as has been shown in research on the Take The Best heuristic (TTB) [6], [7]. [sent-19, score-0.751]
10 (1) Search rule: Search through cues in the order of their validity, a measure of accuracy equal to the proportion of correct decisions made by a cue out of all the times that cue discriminates between pairs of options. [sent-21, score-1.862]
11 (2) Stopping rule: Stop search as soon as one cue is found that discriminates between the two options. [sent-22, score-0.77]
12 (3) Decision rule: Select the option to which the discriminating cue points, that is, the option that has the cue value associated with higher criterion values. [sent-23, score-1.294]
13 Across 20 data sets, TTB used on average only a third of the available cues (2. [sent-25, score-0.274]
14 The even simpler Minimalist heuristic, which searches through available cues in a random order, was more frugal (using 2. [sent-29, score-0.41]
15 Thus, the cue order used by a lexicographic decision mechanism can make a considerable difference in accuracy; the same holds true for frugality, as we will see. [sent-33, score-0.917]
16 But a decision maker typically does not know all of the objects to be decided upon, nor even all the cue values for those objects, ahead of time—is there any simpler way to find an accurate and frugal cue order? [sent-36, score-1.586]
17 Hope comes from two directions: first, there are many cue orders besides the exact validity ordering that can yield good performance; and second, research in computer science has demonstrated the efficacy of a range of simple ordering rules for a closely related search problem. [sent-38, score-1.286]
18 Consequently, we find that simple mechanisms at the cue-order-learning stage can enable simple mechanisms at the decision stage, such as lexicographic one-reason decision heuristics, to perform well. [sent-39, score-0.489]
19 Examining this domain makes it clear that there are many good possible cue orders. [sent-41, score-0.61]
20 ) cue orders is 70%, equivalent to the performance expected from Minimalist. [sent-43, score-0.71]
21 8%), but there are still 7421 cue orders that do better than the validity order. [sent-46, score-0.891]
22 The frugality of the search orders ranges from 2. [sent-47, score-0.282]
23 Thus, there are many accurate and frugal cue orders that could be found—a satisficing decision maker not requiring optimal performance need only land on one. [sent-52, score-1.004]
24 A variety of simple sequential search heuristics have been proposed for this problem, centering on three main approaches: (1) transpose, in which a retrieved record is moved one position closer to the front of the list (i. [sent-61, score-0.404]
25 Because count rules require storing additional information, more attention has focused on the memory-free transposition and MTF rules. [sent-64, score-0.302]
26 Analytic and simulation results (reviewed in [12]) have shown that while transposition rules can come closer to the optimal order asymptotically, in the short run MTF rules converge more quickly (as can count rules). [sent-65, score-0.489]
27 This may make MTF (and count) rules more appealing as models of cue order learning by humans facing small numbers of decision trials. [sent-66, score-0.971]
28 In particular, when a record is sought that matches a particular key, search proceeds until the correct record is found. [sent-73, score-0.224]
29 In contrast, when a decision is made lexicographically and the list of cues is searched through, there is no one “correct” cue to find—each cue may or may not discriminate (allow a decision to be made). [sent-74, score-1.857]
30 Furthermore, once a discriminating cue is found, it may not even make the right decision. [sent-75, score-0.684]
31 Thus, given feedback about whether a decision was right or wrong, a discriminating cue could potentially be moved up or down in the ordered list. [sent-76, score-0.831]
32 Because record search time corresponds to cue frugality, the heuristics that work well for the self-organizing sequential search task are likely to produce orders that emphasize frugality (reflecting cue discrimination rates) over accuracy in the cue-ordering task. [sent-78, score-1.859]
33 1 The cue-ordering rules We focus on search order construction processes that are psychologically plausible by being frugal both in terms of information storage and in terms of computation. [sent-81, score-0.396]
34 The decision situation we explore is different from the one assumed by Juslin and Persson [10] who strongly differentiate learning about objects from later making decisions about them. [sent-82, score-0.305]
35 For instance, we can observe on multiple occasions which of two supermarket checkout lines, the one we have chosen or (more likely) another one, is faster, and associate this outcome with cues including the lines’ lengths and the ages of their respective cashiers. [sent-84, score-0.274]
36 In such situations, decision makers can learn about the differential usefulness of cues for solving the task via the feedback received over time. [sent-85, score-0.421]
37 Therefore, the order-learning algorithm has information about which cues were looked up, whether a cue discriminated, and whether a discriminating cue led to the right or wrong decision. [sent-88, score-1.625]
38 We classify the learning rules based on their memory requirement—high versus low—and their computational requirements in terms of full or partial reordering (see Table 1). [sent-90, score-0.293]
39 It keeps a count of all discriminations made by a cue so far (in all the times that the cue was looked up) and a separate count of all the correct discriminations. [sent-92, score-1.499]
40 The validity of each cue is determined by dividing its current correct discrimination count by its total discrimination count. [sent-94, score-0.998]
41 Based on these values computed after each decision, the rule reorders the whole set of cues from highest to lowest validity. [sent-95, score-0.451]
42 The tally rule only keeps one count per cue, storing the number of correct decisions made by that cue so far minus the number of incorrect decisions. [sent-96, score-1.439]
43 If a cue discriminates correctly on a given trial, one point is added to its tally, if it leads to an incorrect decision, one point is subtracted. [sent-97, score-0.749]
44 The tally rule is less demanding in terms of memory and computation: Only one count is kept, no division is required. [sent-98, score-0.593]
45 The simple swap rule uses the transposition rather than count approach. [sent-99, score-0.427]
46 This rule has no memory of cue performance other than an ordered list of all cues, and just moves a cue up one position in this list whenever it leads to a correct decision, and down if it leads to an incorrect decision. [sent-100, score-1.67]
47 In other words, a correctly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor upwards in the cue order, and an incorrectly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor downwards. [sent-101, score-1.944]
48 The tally swap rule is a hybrid of the simple swap rule and the tally rule. [sent-102, score-1.332]
49 It keeps a tally of correct minus incorrect discriminations per cue so far (so memory load is high) but only locally swaps cues: When a cue makes a correct decision and its tally is greater than or equal to that of its upward neighbor, the two cues swap positions. [sent-103, score-2.946]
50 When a cue makes an incorrect decision and its tally is smaller than or equal to that of its downward neighbor, the two cues also swap positions. [sent-104, score-1.665]
51 First, the Take The Last (TTL) rule moves the last discriminating cue (that is, whichever cue was found to discriminate for the current decision) to the front of the order. [sent-106, score-1.534]
52 This is equivalent to the Take The Last heuristic [6], [7], which uses a memory of cues that discriminated in the past to determine cue search order for subsequent decisions. [sent-107, score-1.113]
53 Second, TTLcorrect moves the last discriminating cue to the front of the order only if it correctly discriminated; otherwise, the cue order remains unchanged. [sent-108, score-1.467]
54 This rule thus takes accuracy as well as frugality into account. [sent-109, score-0.291]
55 Finally, we include an associative learning rule that uses the delta rule to update cue weights according to whether they make correct or incorrect discriminations, and then reorders all cues in decreasing order of this weight after each decision. [sent-110, score-1.363]
56 This corresponds to a simple network with nine input units encoding the difference in cue value between the two objects (A and B) being decided on (i. [sent-111, score-0.631]
57 We expect this rule to behave similarly to Oliver’s rule initially (moving a cue to the front of the list by giving it the largest weight when weights are small) and to swap later on (moving cues only a short distance once weights are larger). [sent-115, score-1.475]
58 Discrimination rate and validity of the cues are negatively correlated (r = -. [sent-117, score-0.477]
59 We present results averaged over 10,000 learning trials for each rule, starting from random initial cue orders. [sent-119, score-0.61]
60 Each trial consisted of 100 decisions between randomly selected decision pairs. [sent-120, score-0.264]
61 For each decision, the current cue order was used to look up cues until a discriminating cue was found, which was used to make the decision (employing a onereason or lexicographic decision strategy). [sent-121, score-1.999]
62 After each decision, the cue order was updated using the particular order-learning rule. [sent-122, score-0.636]
63 , online or amortized performance—[12]) of the rules, defined as the total percentage of correct decisions made so far at any point in the learning process. [sent-125, score-0.232]
64 The contrasting measure of offline accuracy—how well the current learned cue order would do if it were applied to the entire test set—will be subsequently reported (see Figure 1). [sent-126, score-0.729]
65 70) which looks up cues in random order and thus serves as a lower benchmark. [sent-128, score-0.3]
66 However, at least throughout the first 100 decisions, cumulative accuracies stay well below the (offline) accuracy that would be achieved by using TTB for all decisions (proportion correct = . [sent-129, score-0.288]
67 74), looking up cues in the true order of their ecological validities. [sent-130, score-0.3]
68 704), all learning rules perform on a surprisingly similar level, with less than one percentage point difference in favor of the most demanding rule (i. [sent-133, score-0.358]
69 Offline accuracies are slightly higher, again with the exception of the move to front rules (TTL: . [sent-143, score-0.313]
70 In longer runs (10,000 decisions) the validity learning rule is able to converge on TTB’s accuracy, but the tally rule’s performance changes little (to . [sent-151, score-0.626]
71 Figure 1: Mean offline accuracy of order learning rules Figure 2: Mean offline frugality of order learning rules All learning rules are, however, more frugal than TTB, and even more frugal than Minimalist, both in terms of online as well as offline frugality. [sent-153, score-1.301]
72 Let us focus on their offline frugality (see Figure 2): On average, the rules look up fewer cues than Minimalist before reaching a decision. [sent-154, score-0.692]
73 There is little difference between the associative rule, the tallying rules and the swapping rules (mean number of cues looked up in 100 decisions: delta rule: 3. [sent-155, score-0.78]
74 Most frugal are the two move-to front rules (TTL-correct: 2. [sent-161, score-0.387]
75 Consistent with this finding, all of the learning rules lead to cue orders that show positive correlations with the discrimination rate cue order (reaching the following values after 100 decisions: validity learning rule: r = . [sent-164, score-1.769]
76 This means that cues that often lead to discriminations are more likely to end up in the first positions of the order. [sent-171, score-0.335]
77 In contrast, the cue orders resulting from all learning rules but the validity learning rule do not correlate or correlate negatively with the validity cue order, and even the correlations of the cue orders resulting from the validity learning rule after 100 decisions only reach an average r = . [sent-173, score-3.184]
78 But why would the discrimination rates of cues exert more of a pull on cue order than validity, even when the validity learning rule is applied? [sent-175, score-1.264]
79 Part of the explanation comes from the fact that in the city data set we used for the simulations, validity and discrimination rate of cues are negatively correlated. [sent-177, score-0.531]
80 Having a low discrimination rate means that a cue has little chance to be used and hence to demonstrate its high validity. [sent-178, score-0.664]
81 Whatever learning rule is used, if such a cue is displaced downward to the lower end of the order by other cues, it may have few chances to escape to the higher ranks where it belongs. [sent-179, score-0.774]
82 The problem is that when a decision pair is finally encountered for which that cue would lead to a correct decision, it is unlikely to be checked because other, more discriminating although less valid, cues are looked up before and already bring about a decision. [sent-180, score-1.192]
83 This argument indicates that performance may differ in environments where cue validities and discrimination rates correlate positively. [sent-182, score-0.745]
84 In terms of offline accuracy, the validity learning rule now indeed more closely approaches TTB’s accuracy after 100 decisions (. [sent-188, score-0.565]
85 , The tally rule, in contrast, behaves very much as in the cities environment, reaching an accuracy of . [sent-192, score-0.462]
86 Interestingly, the rules that do achieve higher accuracy than Minimalist also beat random cue selection in terms of frugality. [sent-197, score-0.853]
87 On the other hand, all rules, even the delta rule and the validity learning rule, stay below TTB’s accuracy across a relatively high number of decisions. [sent-198, score-0.391]
88 Therefore, learning rules should be preferred that quickly lead to orders with good performance. [sent-200, score-0.288]
89 The relatively complex rules with relatively high memory requirement, i. [sent-201, score-0.259]
90 , the delta and the validity learning rule, but also the tally learning rule, more quickly rise in accuracy compared the rules with lower requirements. [sent-203, score-0.786]
91 Especially the tally rule thus represents a good compromise between cost, correctness and psychological plausibility considerations. [sent-204, score-0.501]
92 Remember that the rules based on tallies assume full memory of all correct minus incorrect decisions made by a cue so far. [sent-205, score-1.16]
93 But this does not make the rule implausible, at least from a psychological perspective, even though computer scientists were reluctant to adopt such counting approaches because of their extra memory requirements. [sent-206, score-0.226]
94 Further, the tally rule and the tally swap rule are comparatively simple, not having to keep track of base rates or perform divisions as does the validity rule. [sent-210, score-1.312]
95 From the other side, the simple swap and move to front rules may not be much simpler, because storing a cue order may be about as demanding as storing a set of tallies. [sent-211, score-1.212]
96 We have run experiments (reported elsewhere) in which indeed the tally swap rule best accounts for people’s actual processes of ordering cues. [sent-212, score-0.737]
97 Our goal in this paper was to explore how well simple cue-ordering rules could work in conjunction with lexicographic decision strategies. [sent-213, score-0.446]
98 As the example of the validity search order of TTB shows, what is easy to apply may not necessarily be so easy to set up. [sent-215, score-0.272]
99 We have proposed such rules for the construction of one building block, the search order. [sent-217, score-0.253]
100 Simple learning rules inspired by research in computer science can enable a one-reason decision heuristic to perform only slightly worse than if it had full knowledge of cue validities from the very beginning. [sent-218, score-1.044]
wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)
[('cue', 0.61), ('tally', 0.326), ('cues', 0.274), ('swap', 0.221), ('rules', 0.188), ('ttb', 0.186), ('validity', 0.181), ('decision', 0.147), ('rule', 0.119), ('decisions', 0.117), ('frugal', 0.117), ('frugality', 0.117), ('minimalist', 0.117), ('lexicographic', 0.111), ('orders', 0.1), ('heuristics', 0.1), ('offline', 0.093), ('front', 0.082), ('gigerenzer', 0.082), ('discriminating', 0.074), ('memory', 0.071), ('discriminates', 0.071), ('ordering', 0.071), ('ttl', 0.07), ('incorrect', 0.068), ('search', 0.065), ('cities', 0.061), ('discriminations', 0.061), ('cuei', 0.058), ('mtf', 0.058), ('reorders', 0.058), ('validities', 0.058), ('accuracy', 0.055), ('discrimination', 0.054), ('correct', 0.053), ('record', 0.053), ('records', 0.052), ('list', 0.05), ('count', 0.046), ('accuracies', 0.043), ('heuristic', 0.041), ('transposition', 0.041), ('moves', 0.039), ('swapping', 0.037), ('todd', 0.037), ('load', 0.037), ('delta', 0.036), ('psychological', 0.036), ('swaps', 0.035), ('reordering', 0.034), ('minus', 0.034), ('looked', 0.034), ('find', 0.032), ('demanding', 0.031), ('cognition', 0.031), ('abc', 0.03), ('ini', 0.03), ('maker', 0.03), ('sequential', 0.03), ('goldstein', 0.028), ('german', 0.028), ('storing', 0.027), ('proportion', 0.027), ('order', 0.026), ('discriminated', 0.026), ('mechanisms', 0.026), ('people', 0.024), ('retrieved', 0.024), ('soon', 0.024), ('amortized', 0.023), ('dieckmann', 0.023), ('estes', 0.023), ('hasher', 0.023), ('juslin', 0.023), ('mpl', 0.023), ('persson', 0.023), ('tallying', 0.023), ('zacks', 0.023), ('correlate', 0.023), ('options', 0.023), ('considerable', 0.023), ('wrong', 0.023), ('deciding', 0.022), ('psychology', 0.022), ('negatively', 0.022), ('objects', 0.021), ('comparatively', 0.02), ('plausibility', 0.02), ('retrievals', 0.02), ('making', 0.02), ('cumulative', 0.02), ('percentage', 0.02), ('reaching', 0.02), ('keeps', 0.02), ('made', 0.019), ('retrieval', 0.019), ('simpler', 0.019), ('lr', 0.019), ('downward', 0.019), ('stop', 0.018)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 1.0000006 75 nips-2004-Heuristics for Ordering Cue Search in Decision Making
Author: Peter M. Todd, Anja Dieckmann
Abstract: Simple lexicographic decision heuristics that consider cues one at a time in a particular order and stop searching for cues as soon as a decision can be made have been shown to be both accurate and frugal in their use of information. But much of the simplicity and success of these heuristics comes from using an appropriate cue order. For instance, the Take The Best heuristic uses validity order for cues, which requires considerable computation, potentially undermining the computational advantages of the simple decision mechanism. But many cue orders can achieve good decision performance, and studies of sequential search for data records have proposed a number of simple ordering rules that may be of use in constructing appropriate decision cue orders as well. Here we consider a range of simple cue ordering mechanisms, including tallying, swapping, and move-to-front rules, and show that they can find cue orders that lead to reasonable accuracy and considerable frugality when used with lexicographic decision heuristics. 1 O ne -Re ason De c i si on M aki ng and O r de r e d Se ar c h How do we know what information to consider when making a decision? Imagine the problem of deciding which of two objects or options is greater along some criterion, such as which of two cities is larger. We may know various facts about each city, such as whether they have a major sports team or a university or airport. To decide between them, we could weight and sum all the cues we know, or we could use a simpler lexicographic rule to look at one cue at a time in a particular order until we find a cue that discriminates between the options and indicates a choice [1]. Such lexicographic rules are used by people in a variety of decision tasks [2]-[4], and have been shown to be both accurate in their inferences and frugal in the amount of information they consider before making a decision. For instance, Gigerenzer and colleagues [5] demonstrated the surprising performance of several decision heuristics that stop information search as soon as one discriminating cue is found; because only that cue is used to make the decision, and no integration of information is involved, they called these heuristics “one-reason” decision mechanisms. Given some set of cues that can be looked up to make the decision, these heuristics differ mainly in the search rule that determines the order in which the information is searched. But then the question of what information to consider becomes, how are these search orders determined? Particular cue orders make a difference, as has been shown in research on the Take The Best heuristic (TTB) [6], [7]. TTB consists of three building blocks. (1) Search rule: Search through cues in the order of their validity, a measure of accuracy equal to the proportion of correct decisions made by a cue out of all the times that cue discriminates between pairs of options. (2) Stopping rule: Stop search as soon as one cue is found that discriminates between the two options. (3) Decision rule: Select the option to which the discriminating cue points, that is, the option that has the cue value associated with higher criterion values. The performance of TTB has been tested on several real-world data sets, ranging from professors’ salaries to fish fertility [8], in cross-validation comparisons with other more complex strategies. Across 20 data sets, TTB used on average only a third of the available cues (2.4 out of 7.7), yet still outperformed multiple linear regression in generalization accuracy (71% vs. 68%). The even simpler Minimalist heuristic, which searches through available cues in a random order, was more frugal (using 2.2 cues on average), yet still achieved 65% accuracy. But the fact that the accuracy of Minimalist lagged behind TTB by 6 percentage points indicates that part of the secret of TTB’s success lies in its ordered search. Moreover, in laboratory experiments [3], [4], [9], people using lexicographic decision strategies have been shown to employ cue orders based on the cues’ validities or a combination of validity and discrimination rate (proportion of decision pairs on which a cue discriminates between the two options). Thus, the cue order used by a lexicographic decision mechanism can make a considerable difference in accuracy; the same holds true for frugality, as we will see. But constructing an exact validity order, as used by Take The Best, takes considerable information and computation [10]. If there are N known objects to make decisions over, and C cues known for each object, then each of the C cues must be evaluated for whether it discriminates correctly (counting up R right decisions), incorrectly (W wrong decisions), or does not discriminate between each of the N·(N-1)/2 possible object pairs, yielding C·N·(N-1)/2 checks to perform to gather the information needed to compute cue validities (v = R/(R+W)) in this domain. But a decision maker typically does not know all of the objects to be decided upon, nor even all the cue values for those objects, ahead of time—is there any simpler way to find an accurate and frugal cue order? In this paper, we address this question through simulation-based comparison of a variety of simple cue-order-learning rules. Hope comes from two directions: first, there are many cue orders besides the exact validity ordering that can yield good performance; and second, research in computer science has demonstrated the efficacy of a range of simple ordering rules for a closely related search problem. Consequently, we find that simple mechanisms at the cue-order-learning stage can enable simple mechanisms at the decision stage, such as lexicographic one-reason decision heuristics, to perform well. 2 Si mpl e appr oac he s to c onstr uc ti ng c ue s e ar c h or de r s To compare different cue ordering rules, we evaluate the performance of different cue orders when used by a one-reason decision heuristic within a particular well-studied sample domain: large German cities, compared on the criterion of population size using 9 cues ranging from having a university to the presence of an intercity train line [6], [7]. Examining this domain makes it clear that there are many good possible cue orders. When used with one-reason stopping and decision building blocks, the mean accuracy of the 362,880 (9!) cue orders is 70%, equivalent to the performance expected from Minimalist. The accuracy of the validity order, 74.2%, falls toward the upper end of the accuracy range (62-75.8%), but there are still 7421 cue orders that do better than the validity order. The frugality of the search orders ranges from 2.53 cues per decision to 4.67, with a mean of 3.34 corresponding to using Minimalist; TTB has a frugality of 4.23, implying that most orders are more frugal. Thus, there are many accurate and frugal cue orders that could be found—a satisficing decision maker not requiring optimal performance need only land on one. An ordering problem of this kind has been studied in computer science for nearly four decades, and can provide us with a set of potential heuristics to test. Consider the case of a set of data records arranged in a list, each of which will be required during a set of retrievals with a particular probability pi. On each retrieval, a key is given (e.g. a record’s title) and the list is searched from the front to the end until the desired record, matching that key, is found. The goal is to minimize the mean search time for accessing the records in this list, for which the optimal ordering is in decreasing order of pi. But if these retrieval probabilities are not known ahead of time, how can the list be ordered after each successive retrieval to achieve fast access? This is the problem of self-organizing sequential search [11], [12]. A variety of simple sequential search heuristics have been proposed for this problem, centering on three main approaches: (1) transpose, in which a retrieved record is moved one position closer to the front of the list (i.e., swapping with the record in front of it); (2) move-to-front (MTF), in which a retrieved record is put at the front of the list, and all other records remain in the same relative order; and (3) count, in which a tally is kept of the number of times each record is retrieved, and the list is reordered in decreasing order of this tally after each retrieval. Because count rules require storing additional information, more attention has focused on the memory-free transposition and MTF rules. Analytic and simulation results (reviewed in [12]) have shown that while transposition rules can come closer to the optimal order asymptotically, in the short run MTF rules converge more quickly (as can count rules). This may make MTF (and count) rules more appealing as models of cue order learning by humans facing small numbers of decision trials. Furthermore, MTF rules are more responsive to local structure in the environment (e.g., clumped retrievals over time of a few records), and transposition can result in very poor performance under some circumstances (e.g., when neighboring pairs of “popular” records get trapped at the end of the list by repeatedly swapping places). It is important to note that there are important differences between the selforganizing sequential search problem and the cue-ordering problem we address here. In particular, when a record is sought that matches a particular key, search proceeds until the correct record is found. In contrast, when a decision is made lexicographically and the list of cues is searched through, there is no one “correct” cue to find—each cue may or may not discriminate (allow a decision to be made). Furthermore, once a discriminating cue is found, it may not even make the right decision. Thus, given feedback about whether a decision was right or wrong, a discriminating cue could potentially be moved up or down in the ordered list. This dissociation between making a decision or not (based on the cue discrimination rates), and making a right or wrong decision (based on the cue validities), means that there are two ordering criteria in this problem—frugality and accuracy—as opposed to the single order—search time—for records based on their retrieval probability pi . Because record search time corresponds to cue frugality, the heuristics that work well for the self-organizing sequential search task are likely to produce orders that emphasize frugality (reflecting cue discrimination rates) over accuracy in the cue-ordering task. Nonetheless, these heuristics offer a useful starting point for exploring cue-ordering rules. 2.1 The cue-ordering rules We focus on search order construction processes that are psychologically plausible by being frugal both in terms of information storage and in terms of computation. The decision situation we explore is different from the one assumed by Juslin and Persson [10] who strongly differentiate learning about objects from later making decisions about them. Instead we assume a learning-while-doing situation, consisting of tasks that have to be done repeatedly with feedback after each trial about the adequacy of one’s decision. For instance, we can observe on multiple occasions which of two supermarket checkout lines, the one we have chosen or (more likely) another one, is faster, and associate this outcome with cues including the lines’ lengths and the ages of their respective cashiers. In such situations, decision makers can learn about the differential usefulness of cues for solving the task via the feedback received over time. We compare several explicitly defined ordering rules that construct cue orders for use by lexicographic decision mechanisms applied to a particular probabilistic inference task: forced choice paired comparison, in which a decision maker has to infer which of two objects, each described by a set of binary cues, is “bigger” on a criterion—just the task for which TTB was formulated. After an inference has been made, feedback is given about whether a decision was right or wrong. Therefore, the order-learning algorithm has information about which cues were looked up, whether a cue discriminated, and whether a discriminating cue led to the right or wrong decision. The rules we propose differ in which pieces of information they use and how they use them. We classify the learning rules based on their memory requirement—high versus low—and their computational requirements in terms of full or partial reordering (see Table 1). Table 1: Learning rules classified by memory and computational requirements High memory load, complete reordering High memory load, local reordering Low memory load, local reordering Validity: reorders cues based on their current validity Tally swap: moves cue up (down) one position if it has made a correct (incorrect) decision if its tally of correct minus incorrect decisions is ( ) than that of next higher (lower) cue Simple swap: moves cue up one position after correct decision, and down after an incorrect decision Tally: reorders cues by number of correct minus incorrect decisions made so far Associative/delta rule: reorders cues by learned association strength Move-to-front (2 forms): Take The Last (TTL): moves discriminating cue to front TTL-correct: moves cue to front only if it correctly discriminates The validity rule, a type of count rule, is the most demanding of the rules we consider in terms of both memory requirements and computational complexity. It keeps a count of all discriminations made by a cue so far (in all the times that the cue was looked up) and a separate count of all the correct discriminations. Therefore, memory load is comparatively high. The validity of each cue is determined by dividing its current correct discrimination count by its total discrimination count. Based on these values computed after each decision, the rule reorders the whole set of cues from highest to lowest validity. The tally rule only keeps one count per cue, storing the number of correct decisions made by that cue so far minus the number of incorrect decisions. If a cue discriminates correctly on a given trial, one point is added to its tally, if it leads to an incorrect decision, one point is subtracted. The tally rule is less demanding in terms of memory and computation: Only one count is kept, no division is required. The simple swap rule uses the transposition rather than count approach. This rule has no memory of cue performance other than an ordered list of all cues, and just moves a cue up one position in this list whenever it leads to a correct decision, and down if it leads to an incorrect decision. In other words, a correctly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor upwards in the cue order, and an incorrectly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor downwards. The tally swap rule is a hybrid of the simple swap rule and the tally rule. It keeps a tally of correct minus incorrect discriminations per cue so far (so memory load is high) but only locally swaps cues: When a cue makes a correct decision and its tally is greater than or equal to that of its upward neighbor, the two cues swap positions. When a cue makes an incorrect decision and its tally is smaller than or equal to that of its downward neighbor, the two cues also swap positions. We also evaluate two types of move-to-front rules. First, the Take The Last (TTL) rule moves the last discriminating cue (that is, whichever cue was found to discriminate for the current decision) to the front of the order. This is equivalent to the Take The Last heuristic [6], [7], which uses a memory of cues that discriminated in the past to determine cue search order for subsequent decisions. Second, TTLcorrect moves the last discriminating cue to the front of the order only if it correctly discriminated; otherwise, the cue order remains unchanged. This rule thus takes accuracy as well as frugality into account. Finally, we include an associative learning rule that uses the delta rule to update cue weights according to whether they make correct or incorrect discriminations, and then reorders all cues in decreasing order of this weight after each decision. This corresponds to a simple network with nine input units encoding the difference in cue value between the two objects (A and B) being decided on (i.e., ini = -1 if cuei(A) cuei(B), and 0 if cuei(A)=cuei(B) or cuei was not checked) and with one output unit whose target value encodes the correct decision (t = 1 if criterion(A)>criterion(B), otherwise -1), and with the weights between inputs and output updated according to wi = lr · (t - ini·wi) · ini with learning rate lr = 0.1. We expect this rule to behave similarly to Oliver’s rule initially (moving a cue to the front of the list by giving it the largest weight when weights are small) and to swap later on (moving cues only a short distance once weights are larger). 3 Si mul ati on Study of Si mpl e O r de r i ng Rul e s To test the performance of these order learning rules, we use the German cities data set [6], [7], consisting of the 83 largest-population German cities (those with more than 100,000 inhabitants), described on 9 cues that give some information about population size. Discrimination rate and validity of the cues are negatively correlated (r = -.47). We present results averaged over 10,000 learning trials for each rule, starting from random initial cue orders. Each trial consisted of 100 decisions between randomly selected decision pairs. For each decision, the current cue order was used to look up cues until a discriminating cue was found, which was used to make the decision (employing a onereason or lexicographic decision strategy). After each decision, the cue order was updated using the particular order-learning rule. We start by considering the cumulative accuracies (i.e., online or amortized performance—[12]) of the rules, defined as the total percentage of correct decisions made so far at any point in the learning process. The contrasting measure of offline accuracy—how well the current learned cue order would do if it were applied to the entire test set—will be subsequently reported (see Figure 1). For all but the move-to-front rules, cumulative accuracies soon rise above that of the Minimalist heuristic (proportion correct = .70) which looks up cues in random order and thus serves as a lower benchmark. However, at least throughout the first 100 decisions, cumulative accuracies stay well below the (offline) accuracy that would be achieved by using TTB for all decisions (proportion correct = .74), looking up cues in the true order of their ecological validities. Except for the move-to-front rules, whose cumulative accuracies are very close to Minimalist (mean proportion correct in 100 decisions: TTL: .701; TTL-correct: .704), all learning rules perform on a surprisingly similar level, with less than one percentage point difference in favor of the most demanding rule (i.e., delta rule: .719) compared to the least (i.e., simple swap: .711; for comparison: tally swap: .715; tally: .716; validity learning rule: .719). Offline accuracies are slightly higher, again with the exception of the move to front rules (TTL: .699; TTL-correct: .702; simple swap: .714; tally swap: .719; tally: .721; validity learning rule: .724; delta rule: .725; see Figure 1). In longer runs (10,000 decisions) the validity learning rule is able to converge on TTB’s accuracy, but the tally rule’s performance changes little (to .73). Figure 1: Mean offline accuracy of order learning rules Figure 2: Mean offline frugality of order learning rules All learning rules are, however, more frugal than TTB, and even more frugal than Minimalist, both in terms of online as well as offline frugality. Let us focus on their offline frugality (see Figure 2): On average, the rules look up fewer cues than Minimalist before reaching a decision. There is little difference between the associative rule, the tallying rules and the swapping rules (mean number of cues looked up in 100 decisions: delta rule: 3.20; validity learning rule: 3.21; tally: 3.01; tally swap: 3.04; simple swap: 3.13). Most frugal are the two move-to front rules (TTL-correct: 2.87; TTL: 2.83). Consistent with this finding, all of the learning rules lead to cue orders that show positive correlations with the discrimination rate cue order (reaching the following values after 100 decisions: validity learning rule: r = .18; tally: r = .29; tally swap: r = .24; simple swap: r = .18; TTL-correct: r = .48; TTL: r = .56). This means that cues that often lead to discriminations are more likely to end up in the first positions of the order. This is especially true for the move-to-front rules. In contrast, the cue orders resulting from all learning rules but the validity learning rule do not correlate or correlate negatively with the validity cue order, and even the correlations of the cue orders resulting from the validity learning rule after 100 decisions only reach an average r = .12. But why would the discrimination rates of cues exert more of a pull on cue order than validity, even when the validity learning rule is applied? As mentioned earlier, this is what we would expect for the move-to-front rules, but it was unexpected for the other rules. Part of the explanation comes from the fact that in the city data set we used for the simulations, validity and discrimination rate of cues are negatively correlated. Having a low discrimination rate means that a cue has little chance to be used and hence to demonstrate its high validity. Whatever learning rule is used, if such a cue is displaced downward to the lower end of the order by other cues, it may have few chances to escape to the higher ranks where it belongs. The problem is that when a decision pair is finally encountered for which that cue would lead to a correct decision, it is unlikely to be checked because other, more discriminating although less valid, cues are looked up before and already bring about a decision. Thus, because one-reason decision making is intertwined with the learning mechanism and so influences which cues can be learned about, what mainly makes a cue come early in the order is producing a high number of correct decisions and not so much a high ratio of correct discriminations to total discriminations regardless of base rates. This argument indicates that performance may differ in environments where cue validities and discrimination rates correlate positively. We tested the learning rules on one such data set (r=.52) of mammal species life expectancies, predicted from 9 cues. It also differs from the cities environment with a greater difference between TTB’s and Minimalist’s performance (6.5 vs. 4 percentage points). In terms of offline accuracy, the validity learning rule now indeed more closely approaches TTB’s accuracy after 100 decisions (.773 vs. .782)., The tally rule, in contrast, behaves very much as in the cities environment, reaching an accuracy of .752, halfway between TTB and Minimalist (accuracy =.716). Thus only some learning rules can profit from the positive correlation. 4 D i s c u s s i on Most of the simpler cue order learning rules we have proposed do not fall far behind a validity learning rule in accuracy, and although the move-to-front rules cannot beat the accuracy achieved if cues were selected randomly, they compensate for this failure by being highly frugal. Interestingly, the rules that do achieve higher accuracy than Minimalist also beat random cue selection in terms of frugality. On the other hand, all rules, even the delta rule and the validity learning rule, stay below TTB’s accuracy across a relatively high number of decisions. But often it is necessary to make good decisions without much experience. Therefore, learning rules should be preferred that quickly lead to orders with good performance. The relatively complex rules with relatively high memory requirement, i.e., the delta and the validity learning rule, but also the tally learning rule, more quickly rise in accuracy compared the rules with lower requirements. Especially the tally rule thus represents a good compromise between cost, correctness and psychological plausibility considerations. Remember that the rules based on tallies assume full memory of all correct minus incorrect decisions made by a cue so far. But this does not make the rule implausible, at least from a psychological perspective, even though computer scientists were reluctant to adopt such counting approaches because of their extra memory requirements. There is considerable evidence that people are actually very good at remembering the frequencies of events. Hasher and Zacks [13] conclude from a wide range of studies that frequencies are encoded in an automatic way, implying that people are sensitive to this information without intention or special effort. Estes [14] pointed out the role frequencies play in decision making as a shortcut for probabilities. Further, the tally rule and the tally swap rule are comparatively simple, not having to keep track of base rates or perform divisions as does the validity rule. From the other side, the simple swap and move to front rules may not be much simpler, because storing a cue order may be about as demanding as storing a set of tallies. We have run experiments (reported elsewhere) in which indeed the tally swap rule best accounts for people’s actual processes of ordering cues. Our goal in this paper was to explore how well simple cue-ordering rules could work in conjunction with lexicographic decision strategies. This is important because it is necessary to take into account the set-up costs of a heuristic in addition to its application costs when considering the mechanism’s overall simplicity. As the example of the validity search order of TTB shows, what is easy to apply may not necessarily be so easy to set up. But simple rules can also be at work in the construction of a heuristic’s building blocks. We have proposed such rules for the construction of one building block, the search order. Simple learning rules inspired by research in computer science can enable a one-reason decision heuristic to perform only slightly worse than if it had full knowledge of cue validities from the very beginning. Giving up the assumption of full a priori knowledge for the slight decrease in accuracy seems like a reasonable bargain: Through the addition of learning rules, one-reason decision heuristics might lose some of their appeal to decision theorists who were surprised by the performance of such simple mechanisms compared to more complex algorithms, but they gain psychological plausibility and so become more attractive as explanations for human decision behavior. References [1] Fishburn, P.C. (1974). Lexicographic orders, utilities and decision rules: A survey. Management Science, 20, 1442-1471. [2] Payne, J.W., Bettman, J.R., & Johnson, E.J. (1993). The adaptive decision maker. New York: Cambridge University Press. [3] Bröder, A. (2000). Assessing the empirical validity of the “Take-The-Best” heuristic as a model of human probabilistic inference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26 (5), 1332-1346. [4] Bröder, A. (2003). Decision making with the “adaptive toolbox”: Influence of environmental structure, intelligence, and working memory load. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 29, 611-625. [5] Gigerenzer, G., Todd, P.M., & The ABC Research Group (1999). Simple heuristics that make us smart. New York: Oxford University Press. [6] Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D.G. (1996). Reasoning the fast and frugal way: Models of bounded rationality. Psychological Review, 103 (4), 650-669. [7] Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D.G. (1999). Betting on one good reason: The Take The Best Heuristic. In G. Gigerenzer, P.M. Todd & The ABC Research Group, Simple heuristics that make us smart. New York: Oxford University Press. [8] Czerlinski, J., Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D.G. (1999). How good are simple heuristics? In G. Gigerenzer, P.M. Todd & The ABC Research Group, Simple heuristics that make us smart. New York: Oxford University Press. [9] Newell, B.R., & Shanks, D.R. (2003). Take the best or look at the rest? Factors influencing ‘one-reason’ decision making. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 29, 53-65. [10] Juslin, P., & Persson, M. (2002). PROBabilities from EXemplars (PROBEX): a “lazy” algorithm for probabilistic inference from generic knowledge. Cognitive Science, 26, 563-607. [11] Rivest, R. (1976). On self-organizing sequential search heuristics. Communications of the ACM, 19(2), 63-67. [12] Bentley, J.L. & McGeoch, C.C. (1985). Amortized analyses of self-organizing sequential search heuristics. Communications of the ACM, 28(4), 404-411. [13] Hasher, L., & Zacks, R.T. (1984). Automatic Processing of fundamental information: The case of frequency of occurrence. American Psychologist, 39, 1372-1388. [14] Estes, W.K. (1976). The cognitive side of probability learning. Psychological Review, 83, 3764.
2 0.15729688 84 nips-2004-Inference, Attention, and Decision in a Bayesian Neural Architecture
Author: Angela J. Yu, Peter Dayan
Abstract: We study the synthesis of neural coding, selective attention and perceptual decision making. A hierarchical neural architecture is proposed, which implements Bayesian integration of noisy sensory input and topdown attentional priors, leading to sound perceptual discrimination. The model offers an explicit explanation for the experimentally observed modulation that prior information in one stimulus feature (location) can have on an independent feature (orientation). The network’s intermediate levels of representation instantiate known physiological properties of visual cortical neurons. The model also illustrates a possible reconciliation of cortical and neuromodulatory representations of uncertainty. 1
3 0.080160387 31 nips-2004-Blind One-microphone Speech Separation: A Spectral Learning Approach
Author: Francis R. Bach, Michael I. Jordan
Abstract: We present an algorithm to perform blind, one-microphone speech separation. Our algorithm separates mixtures of speech without modeling individual speakers. Instead, we formulate the problem of speech separation as a problem in segmenting the spectrogram of the signal into two or more disjoint sets. We build feature sets for our segmenter using classical cues from speech psychophysics. We then combine these features into parameterized affinity matrices. We also take advantage of the fact that we can generate training examples for segmentation by artificially superposing separately-recorded signals. Thus the parameters of the affinity matrices can be tuned using recent work on learning spectral clustering [1]. This yields an adaptive, speech-specific segmentation algorithm that can successfully separate one-microphone speech mixtures. 1
4 0.046465751 22 nips-2004-An Investigation of Practical Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
Author: Ting Liu, Andrew W. Moore, Ke Yang, Alexander G. Gray
Abstract: This paper concerns approximate nearest neighbor searching algorithms, which have become increasingly important, especially in high dimensional perception areas such as computer vision, with dozens of publications in recent years. Much of this enthusiasm is due to a successful new approximate nearest neighbor approach called Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). In this paper we ask the question: can earlier spatial data structure approaches to exact nearest neighbor, such as metric trees, be altered to provide approximate answers to proximity queries and if so, how? We introduce a new kind of metric tree that allows overlap: certain datapoints may appear in both the children of a parent. We also introduce new approximate k-NN search algorithms on this structure. We show why these structures should be able to exploit the same randomprojection-based approximations that LSH enjoys, but with a simpler algorithm and perhaps with greater efficiency. We then provide a detailed empirical evaluation on five large, high dimensional datasets which show up to 31-fold accelerations over LSH. This result holds true throughout the spectrum of approximation levels. 1
5 0.044028744 34 nips-2004-Breaking SVM Complexity with Cross-Training
Author: Léon Bottou, Jason Weston, Gökhan H. Bakir
Abstract: We propose to selectively remove examples from the training set using probabilistic estimates related to editing algorithms (Devijver and Kittler, 1982). This heuristic procedure aims at creating a separable distribution of training examples with minimal impact on the position of the decision boundary. It breaks the linear dependency between the number of SVs and the number of training examples, and sharply reduces the complexity of SVMs during both the training and prediction stages. 1
6 0.043586109 137 nips-2004-On the Adaptive Properties of Decision Trees
7 0.041885704 117 nips-2004-Methods Towards Invasive Human Brain Computer Interfaces
8 0.041767862 19 nips-2004-An Application of Boosting to Graph Classification
9 0.038969181 205 nips-2004-Who's In the Picture
10 0.035627607 203 nips-2004-Validity Estimates for Loopy Belief Propagation on Binary Real-world Networks
11 0.033746567 107 nips-2004-Making Latin Manuscripts Searchable using gHMM's
12 0.032626357 69 nips-2004-Fast Rates to Bayes for Kernel Machines
13 0.032558117 151 nips-2004-Rate- and Phase-coded Autoassociative Memory
14 0.031522557 152 nips-2004-Real-Time Pitch Determination of One or More Voices by Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
15 0.031331472 24 nips-2004-Approximately Efficient Online Mechanism Design
16 0.030652162 85 nips-2004-Instance-Based Relevance Feedback for Image Retrieval
17 0.029114014 15 nips-2004-Active Learning for Anomaly and Rare-Category Detection
18 0.027384497 68 nips-2004-Face Detection --- Efficient and Rank Deficient
19 0.027276069 40 nips-2004-Common-Frame Model for Object Recognition
20 0.026790481 9 nips-2004-A Method for Inferring Label Sampling Mechanisms in Semi-Supervised Learning
topicId topicWeight
[(0, -0.091), (1, -0.023), (2, 0.019), (3, -0.036), (4, -0.02), (5, 0.06), (6, 0.094), (7, 0.02), (8, 0.014), (9, -0.053), (10, -0.048), (11, 0.01), (12, -0.041), (13, -0.044), (14, -0.017), (15, -0.048), (16, 0.005), (17, -0.022), (18, 0.002), (19, 0.068), (20, 0.038), (21, 0.078), (22, 0.089), (23, -0.077), (24, 0.062), (25, -0.027), (26, 0.114), (27, -0.047), (28, 0.105), (29, 0.073), (30, 0.049), (31, -0.007), (32, -0.024), (33, -0.007), (34, 0.062), (35, 0.065), (36, 0.132), (37, 0.01), (38, -0.056), (39, -0.141), (40, -0.197), (41, -0.012), (42, -0.016), (43, 0.01), (44, -0.027), (45, -0.148), (46, 0.222), (47, -0.02), (48, 0.038), (49, -0.038)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
same-paper 1 0.97402871 75 nips-2004-Heuristics for Ordering Cue Search in Decision Making
Author: Peter M. Todd, Anja Dieckmann
Abstract: Simple lexicographic decision heuristics that consider cues one at a time in a particular order and stop searching for cues as soon as a decision can be made have been shown to be both accurate and frugal in their use of information. But much of the simplicity and success of these heuristics comes from using an appropriate cue order. For instance, the Take The Best heuristic uses validity order for cues, which requires considerable computation, potentially undermining the computational advantages of the simple decision mechanism. But many cue orders can achieve good decision performance, and studies of sequential search for data records have proposed a number of simple ordering rules that may be of use in constructing appropriate decision cue orders as well. Here we consider a range of simple cue ordering mechanisms, including tallying, swapping, and move-to-front rules, and show that they can find cue orders that lead to reasonable accuracy and considerable frugality when used with lexicographic decision heuristics. 1 O ne -Re ason De c i si on M aki ng and O r de r e d Se ar c h How do we know what information to consider when making a decision? Imagine the problem of deciding which of two objects or options is greater along some criterion, such as which of two cities is larger. We may know various facts about each city, such as whether they have a major sports team or a university or airport. To decide between them, we could weight and sum all the cues we know, or we could use a simpler lexicographic rule to look at one cue at a time in a particular order until we find a cue that discriminates between the options and indicates a choice [1]. Such lexicographic rules are used by people in a variety of decision tasks [2]-[4], and have been shown to be both accurate in their inferences and frugal in the amount of information they consider before making a decision. For instance, Gigerenzer and colleagues [5] demonstrated the surprising performance of several decision heuristics that stop information search as soon as one discriminating cue is found; because only that cue is used to make the decision, and no integration of information is involved, they called these heuristics “one-reason” decision mechanisms. Given some set of cues that can be looked up to make the decision, these heuristics differ mainly in the search rule that determines the order in which the information is searched. But then the question of what information to consider becomes, how are these search orders determined? Particular cue orders make a difference, as has been shown in research on the Take The Best heuristic (TTB) [6], [7]. TTB consists of three building blocks. (1) Search rule: Search through cues in the order of their validity, a measure of accuracy equal to the proportion of correct decisions made by a cue out of all the times that cue discriminates between pairs of options. (2) Stopping rule: Stop search as soon as one cue is found that discriminates between the two options. (3) Decision rule: Select the option to which the discriminating cue points, that is, the option that has the cue value associated with higher criterion values. The performance of TTB has been tested on several real-world data sets, ranging from professors’ salaries to fish fertility [8], in cross-validation comparisons with other more complex strategies. Across 20 data sets, TTB used on average only a third of the available cues (2.4 out of 7.7), yet still outperformed multiple linear regression in generalization accuracy (71% vs. 68%). The even simpler Minimalist heuristic, which searches through available cues in a random order, was more frugal (using 2.2 cues on average), yet still achieved 65% accuracy. But the fact that the accuracy of Minimalist lagged behind TTB by 6 percentage points indicates that part of the secret of TTB’s success lies in its ordered search. Moreover, in laboratory experiments [3], [4], [9], people using lexicographic decision strategies have been shown to employ cue orders based on the cues’ validities or a combination of validity and discrimination rate (proportion of decision pairs on which a cue discriminates between the two options). Thus, the cue order used by a lexicographic decision mechanism can make a considerable difference in accuracy; the same holds true for frugality, as we will see. But constructing an exact validity order, as used by Take The Best, takes considerable information and computation [10]. If there are N known objects to make decisions over, and C cues known for each object, then each of the C cues must be evaluated for whether it discriminates correctly (counting up R right decisions), incorrectly (W wrong decisions), or does not discriminate between each of the N·(N-1)/2 possible object pairs, yielding C·N·(N-1)/2 checks to perform to gather the information needed to compute cue validities (v = R/(R+W)) in this domain. But a decision maker typically does not know all of the objects to be decided upon, nor even all the cue values for those objects, ahead of time—is there any simpler way to find an accurate and frugal cue order? In this paper, we address this question through simulation-based comparison of a variety of simple cue-order-learning rules. Hope comes from two directions: first, there are many cue orders besides the exact validity ordering that can yield good performance; and second, research in computer science has demonstrated the efficacy of a range of simple ordering rules for a closely related search problem. Consequently, we find that simple mechanisms at the cue-order-learning stage can enable simple mechanisms at the decision stage, such as lexicographic one-reason decision heuristics, to perform well. 2 Si mpl e appr oac he s to c onstr uc ti ng c ue s e ar c h or de r s To compare different cue ordering rules, we evaluate the performance of different cue orders when used by a one-reason decision heuristic within a particular well-studied sample domain: large German cities, compared on the criterion of population size using 9 cues ranging from having a university to the presence of an intercity train line [6], [7]. Examining this domain makes it clear that there are many good possible cue orders. When used with one-reason stopping and decision building blocks, the mean accuracy of the 362,880 (9!) cue orders is 70%, equivalent to the performance expected from Minimalist. The accuracy of the validity order, 74.2%, falls toward the upper end of the accuracy range (62-75.8%), but there are still 7421 cue orders that do better than the validity order. The frugality of the search orders ranges from 2.53 cues per decision to 4.67, with a mean of 3.34 corresponding to using Minimalist; TTB has a frugality of 4.23, implying that most orders are more frugal. Thus, there are many accurate and frugal cue orders that could be found—a satisficing decision maker not requiring optimal performance need only land on one. An ordering problem of this kind has been studied in computer science for nearly four decades, and can provide us with a set of potential heuristics to test. Consider the case of a set of data records arranged in a list, each of which will be required during a set of retrievals with a particular probability pi. On each retrieval, a key is given (e.g. a record’s title) and the list is searched from the front to the end until the desired record, matching that key, is found. The goal is to minimize the mean search time for accessing the records in this list, for which the optimal ordering is in decreasing order of pi. But if these retrieval probabilities are not known ahead of time, how can the list be ordered after each successive retrieval to achieve fast access? This is the problem of self-organizing sequential search [11], [12]. A variety of simple sequential search heuristics have been proposed for this problem, centering on three main approaches: (1) transpose, in which a retrieved record is moved one position closer to the front of the list (i.e., swapping with the record in front of it); (2) move-to-front (MTF), in which a retrieved record is put at the front of the list, and all other records remain in the same relative order; and (3) count, in which a tally is kept of the number of times each record is retrieved, and the list is reordered in decreasing order of this tally after each retrieval. Because count rules require storing additional information, more attention has focused on the memory-free transposition and MTF rules. Analytic and simulation results (reviewed in [12]) have shown that while transposition rules can come closer to the optimal order asymptotically, in the short run MTF rules converge more quickly (as can count rules). This may make MTF (and count) rules more appealing as models of cue order learning by humans facing small numbers of decision trials. Furthermore, MTF rules are more responsive to local structure in the environment (e.g., clumped retrievals over time of a few records), and transposition can result in very poor performance under some circumstances (e.g., when neighboring pairs of “popular” records get trapped at the end of the list by repeatedly swapping places). It is important to note that there are important differences between the selforganizing sequential search problem and the cue-ordering problem we address here. In particular, when a record is sought that matches a particular key, search proceeds until the correct record is found. In contrast, when a decision is made lexicographically and the list of cues is searched through, there is no one “correct” cue to find—each cue may or may not discriminate (allow a decision to be made). Furthermore, once a discriminating cue is found, it may not even make the right decision. Thus, given feedback about whether a decision was right or wrong, a discriminating cue could potentially be moved up or down in the ordered list. This dissociation between making a decision or not (based on the cue discrimination rates), and making a right or wrong decision (based on the cue validities), means that there are two ordering criteria in this problem—frugality and accuracy—as opposed to the single order—search time—for records based on their retrieval probability pi . Because record search time corresponds to cue frugality, the heuristics that work well for the self-organizing sequential search task are likely to produce orders that emphasize frugality (reflecting cue discrimination rates) over accuracy in the cue-ordering task. Nonetheless, these heuristics offer a useful starting point for exploring cue-ordering rules. 2.1 The cue-ordering rules We focus on search order construction processes that are psychologically plausible by being frugal both in terms of information storage and in terms of computation. The decision situation we explore is different from the one assumed by Juslin and Persson [10] who strongly differentiate learning about objects from later making decisions about them. Instead we assume a learning-while-doing situation, consisting of tasks that have to be done repeatedly with feedback after each trial about the adequacy of one’s decision. For instance, we can observe on multiple occasions which of two supermarket checkout lines, the one we have chosen or (more likely) another one, is faster, and associate this outcome with cues including the lines’ lengths and the ages of their respective cashiers. In such situations, decision makers can learn about the differential usefulness of cues for solving the task via the feedback received over time. We compare several explicitly defined ordering rules that construct cue orders for use by lexicographic decision mechanisms applied to a particular probabilistic inference task: forced choice paired comparison, in which a decision maker has to infer which of two objects, each described by a set of binary cues, is “bigger” on a criterion—just the task for which TTB was formulated. After an inference has been made, feedback is given about whether a decision was right or wrong. Therefore, the order-learning algorithm has information about which cues were looked up, whether a cue discriminated, and whether a discriminating cue led to the right or wrong decision. The rules we propose differ in which pieces of information they use and how they use them. We classify the learning rules based on their memory requirement—high versus low—and their computational requirements in terms of full or partial reordering (see Table 1). Table 1: Learning rules classified by memory and computational requirements High memory load, complete reordering High memory load, local reordering Low memory load, local reordering Validity: reorders cues based on their current validity Tally swap: moves cue up (down) one position if it has made a correct (incorrect) decision if its tally of correct minus incorrect decisions is ( ) than that of next higher (lower) cue Simple swap: moves cue up one position after correct decision, and down after an incorrect decision Tally: reorders cues by number of correct minus incorrect decisions made so far Associative/delta rule: reorders cues by learned association strength Move-to-front (2 forms): Take The Last (TTL): moves discriminating cue to front TTL-correct: moves cue to front only if it correctly discriminates The validity rule, a type of count rule, is the most demanding of the rules we consider in terms of both memory requirements and computational complexity. It keeps a count of all discriminations made by a cue so far (in all the times that the cue was looked up) and a separate count of all the correct discriminations. Therefore, memory load is comparatively high. The validity of each cue is determined by dividing its current correct discrimination count by its total discrimination count. Based on these values computed after each decision, the rule reorders the whole set of cues from highest to lowest validity. The tally rule only keeps one count per cue, storing the number of correct decisions made by that cue so far minus the number of incorrect decisions. If a cue discriminates correctly on a given trial, one point is added to its tally, if it leads to an incorrect decision, one point is subtracted. The tally rule is less demanding in terms of memory and computation: Only one count is kept, no division is required. The simple swap rule uses the transposition rather than count approach. This rule has no memory of cue performance other than an ordered list of all cues, and just moves a cue up one position in this list whenever it leads to a correct decision, and down if it leads to an incorrect decision. In other words, a correctly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor upwards in the cue order, and an incorrectly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor downwards. The tally swap rule is a hybrid of the simple swap rule and the tally rule. It keeps a tally of correct minus incorrect discriminations per cue so far (so memory load is high) but only locally swaps cues: When a cue makes a correct decision and its tally is greater than or equal to that of its upward neighbor, the two cues swap positions. When a cue makes an incorrect decision and its tally is smaller than or equal to that of its downward neighbor, the two cues also swap positions. We also evaluate two types of move-to-front rules. First, the Take The Last (TTL) rule moves the last discriminating cue (that is, whichever cue was found to discriminate for the current decision) to the front of the order. This is equivalent to the Take The Last heuristic [6], [7], which uses a memory of cues that discriminated in the past to determine cue search order for subsequent decisions. Second, TTLcorrect moves the last discriminating cue to the front of the order only if it correctly discriminated; otherwise, the cue order remains unchanged. This rule thus takes accuracy as well as frugality into account. Finally, we include an associative learning rule that uses the delta rule to update cue weights according to whether they make correct or incorrect discriminations, and then reorders all cues in decreasing order of this weight after each decision. This corresponds to a simple network with nine input units encoding the difference in cue value between the two objects (A and B) being decided on (i.e., ini = -1 if cuei(A) cuei(B), and 0 if cuei(A)=cuei(B) or cuei was not checked) and with one output unit whose target value encodes the correct decision (t = 1 if criterion(A)>criterion(B), otherwise -1), and with the weights between inputs and output updated according to wi = lr · (t - ini·wi) · ini with learning rate lr = 0.1. We expect this rule to behave similarly to Oliver’s rule initially (moving a cue to the front of the list by giving it the largest weight when weights are small) and to swap later on (moving cues only a short distance once weights are larger). 3 Si mul ati on Study of Si mpl e O r de r i ng Rul e s To test the performance of these order learning rules, we use the German cities data set [6], [7], consisting of the 83 largest-population German cities (those with more than 100,000 inhabitants), described on 9 cues that give some information about population size. Discrimination rate and validity of the cues are negatively correlated (r = -.47). We present results averaged over 10,000 learning trials for each rule, starting from random initial cue orders. Each trial consisted of 100 decisions between randomly selected decision pairs. For each decision, the current cue order was used to look up cues until a discriminating cue was found, which was used to make the decision (employing a onereason or lexicographic decision strategy). After each decision, the cue order was updated using the particular order-learning rule. We start by considering the cumulative accuracies (i.e., online or amortized performance—[12]) of the rules, defined as the total percentage of correct decisions made so far at any point in the learning process. The contrasting measure of offline accuracy—how well the current learned cue order would do if it were applied to the entire test set—will be subsequently reported (see Figure 1). For all but the move-to-front rules, cumulative accuracies soon rise above that of the Minimalist heuristic (proportion correct = .70) which looks up cues in random order and thus serves as a lower benchmark. However, at least throughout the first 100 decisions, cumulative accuracies stay well below the (offline) accuracy that would be achieved by using TTB for all decisions (proportion correct = .74), looking up cues in the true order of their ecological validities. Except for the move-to-front rules, whose cumulative accuracies are very close to Minimalist (mean proportion correct in 100 decisions: TTL: .701; TTL-correct: .704), all learning rules perform on a surprisingly similar level, with less than one percentage point difference in favor of the most demanding rule (i.e., delta rule: .719) compared to the least (i.e., simple swap: .711; for comparison: tally swap: .715; tally: .716; validity learning rule: .719). Offline accuracies are slightly higher, again with the exception of the move to front rules (TTL: .699; TTL-correct: .702; simple swap: .714; tally swap: .719; tally: .721; validity learning rule: .724; delta rule: .725; see Figure 1). In longer runs (10,000 decisions) the validity learning rule is able to converge on TTB’s accuracy, but the tally rule’s performance changes little (to .73). Figure 1: Mean offline accuracy of order learning rules Figure 2: Mean offline frugality of order learning rules All learning rules are, however, more frugal than TTB, and even more frugal than Minimalist, both in terms of online as well as offline frugality. Let us focus on their offline frugality (see Figure 2): On average, the rules look up fewer cues than Minimalist before reaching a decision. There is little difference between the associative rule, the tallying rules and the swapping rules (mean number of cues looked up in 100 decisions: delta rule: 3.20; validity learning rule: 3.21; tally: 3.01; tally swap: 3.04; simple swap: 3.13). Most frugal are the two move-to front rules (TTL-correct: 2.87; TTL: 2.83). Consistent with this finding, all of the learning rules lead to cue orders that show positive correlations with the discrimination rate cue order (reaching the following values after 100 decisions: validity learning rule: r = .18; tally: r = .29; tally swap: r = .24; simple swap: r = .18; TTL-correct: r = .48; TTL: r = .56). This means that cues that often lead to discriminations are more likely to end up in the first positions of the order. This is especially true for the move-to-front rules. In contrast, the cue orders resulting from all learning rules but the validity learning rule do not correlate or correlate negatively with the validity cue order, and even the correlations of the cue orders resulting from the validity learning rule after 100 decisions only reach an average r = .12. But why would the discrimination rates of cues exert more of a pull on cue order than validity, even when the validity learning rule is applied? As mentioned earlier, this is what we would expect for the move-to-front rules, but it was unexpected for the other rules. Part of the explanation comes from the fact that in the city data set we used for the simulations, validity and discrimination rate of cues are negatively correlated. Having a low discrimination rate means that a cue has little chance to be used and hence to demonstrate its high validity. Whatever learning rule is used, if such a cue is displaced downward to the lower end of the order by other cues, it may have few chances to escape to the higher ranks where it belongs. The problem is that when a decision pair is finally encountered for which that cue would lead to a correct decision, it is unlikely to be checked because other, more discriminating although less valid, cues are looked up before and already bring about a decision. Thus, because one-reason decision making is intertwined with the learning mechanism and so influences which cues can be learned about, what mainly makes a cue come early in the order is producing a high number of correct decisions and not so much a high ratio of correct discriminations to total discriminations regardless of base rates. This argument indicates that performance may differ in environments where cue validities and discrimination rates correlate positively. We tested the learning rules on one such data set (r=.52) of mammal species life expectancies, predicted from 9 cues. It also differs from the cities environment with a greater difference between TTB’s and Minimalist’s performance (6.5 vs. 4 percentage points). In terms of offline accuracy, the validity learning rule now indeed more closely approaches TTB’s accuracy after 100 decisions (.773 vs. .782)., The tally rule, in contrast, behaves very much as in the cities environment, reaching an accuracy of .752, halfway between TTB and Minimalist (accuracy =.716). Thus only some learning rules can profit from the positive correlation. 4 D i s c u s s i on Most of the simpler cue order learning rules we have proposed do not fall far behind a validity learning rule in accuracy, and although the move-to-front rules cannot beat the accuracy achieved if cues were selected randomly, they compensate for this failure by being highly frugal. Interestingly, the rules that do achieve higher accuracy than Minimalist also beat random cue selection in terms of frugality. On the other hand, all rules, even the delta rule and the validity learning rule, stay below TTB’s accuracy across a relatively high number of decisions. But often it is necessary to make good decisions without much experience. Therefore, learning rules should be preferred that quickly lead to orders with good performance. The relatively complex rules with relatively high memory requirement, i.e., the delta and the validity learning rule, but also the tally learning rule, more quickly rise in accuracy compared the rules with lower requirements. Especially the tally rule thus represents a good compromise between cost, correctness and psychological plausibility considerations. Remember that the rules based on tallies assume full memory of all correct minus incorrect decisions made by a cue so far. But this does not make the rule implausible, at least from a psychological perspective, even though computer scientists were reluctant to adopt such counting approaches because of their extra memory requirements. There is considerable evidence that people are actually very good at remembering the frequencies of events. Hasher and Zacks [13] conclude from a wide range of studies that frequencies are encoded in an automatic way, implying that people are sensitive to this information without intention or special effort. Estes [14] pointed out the role frequencies play in decision making as a shortcut for probabilities. Further, the tally rule and the tally swap rule are comparatively simple, not having to keep track of base rates or perform divisions as does the validity rule. From the other side, the simple swap and move to front rules may not be much simpler, because storing a cue order may be about as demanding as storing a set of tallies. We have run experiments (reported elsewhere) in which indeed the tally swap rule best accounts for people’s actual processes of ordering cues. Our goal in this paper was to explore how well simple cue-ordering rules could work in conjunction with lexicographic decision strategies. This is important because it is necessary to take into account the set-up costs of a heuristic in addition to its application costs when considering the mechanism’s overall simplicity. As the example of the validity search order of TTB shows, what is easy to apply may not necessarily be so easy to set up. But simple rules can also be at work in the construction of a heuristic’s building blocks. We have proposed such rules for the construction of one building block, the search order. Simple learning rules inspired by research in computer science can enable a one-reason decision heuristic to perform only slightly worse than if it had full knowledge of cue validities from the very beginning. Giving up the assumption of full a priori knowledge for the slight decrease in accuracy seems like a reasonable bargain: Through the addition of learning rules, one-reason decision heuristics might lose some of their appeal to decision theorists who were surprised by the performance of such simple mechanisms compared to more complex algorithms, but they gain psychological plausibility and so become more attractive as explanations for human decision behavior. References [1] Fishburn, P.C. (1974). Lexicographic orders, utilities and decision rules: A survey. Management Science, 20, 1442-1471. [2] Payne, J.W., Bettman, J.R., & Johnson, E.J. (1993). The adaptive decision maker. New York: Cambridge University Press. [3] Bröder, A. (2000). Assessing the empirical validity of the “Take-The-Best” heuristic as a model of human probabilistic inference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26 (5), 1332-1346. [4] Bröder, A. (2003). 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2 0.62219858 84 nips-2004-Inference, Attention, and Decision in a Bayesian Neural Architecture
Author: Angela J. Yu, Peter Dayan
Abstract: We study the synthesis of neural coding, selective attention and perceptual decision making. A hierarchical neural architecture is proposed, which implements Bayesian integration of noisy sensory input and topdown attentional priors, leading to sound perceptual discrimination. The model offers an explicit explanation for the experimentally observed modulation that prior information in one stimulus feature (location) can have on an independent feature (orientation). The network’s intermediate levels of representation instantiate known physiological properties of visual cortical neurons. The model also illustrates a possible reconciliation of cortical and neuromodulatory representations of uncertainty. 1
3 0.45909265 193 nips-2004-Theories of Access Consciousness
Author: Michael D. Colagrosso, Michael C. Mozer
Abstract: Theories of access consciousness address how it is that some mental states but not others are available for evaluation, choice behavior, and verbal report. Farah, O’Reilly, and Vecera (1994) argue that quality of representation is critical; Dehaene, Sergent, and Changeux (2003) argue that the ability to communicate representations is critical. We present a probabilistic information transmission or PIT model that suggests both of these conditions are essential for access consciousness. Having successfully modeled data from the repetition priming literature in the past, we use the PIT model to account for data from two experiments on subliminal priming, showing that the model produces priming even in the absence of accessibility and reportability of internal states. The model provides a mechanistic basis for understanding the dissociation of priming and awareness. Philosophy has made many attempts to identify distinct aspects of consciousness. Perhaps the most famous effort is Block’s (1995) delineation of phenomenal and access consciousness. Phenomenal consciousness has to do with “what it is like” to experience chocolate or a pin prick. Access consciousness refers to internal states whose content is “(1) inferentially promiscuous, i.e., poised to be used as a premise in reasoning, (2) poised for control of action, and (3) poised for rational control of speech.” (p. 230) The scientific study of consciousness has exploded in the past six years, and an important catalyst for this explosion has been the decision to focus on the problem of access consciousness: how is it that some mental states but not others become available for evaluation, choice behavior, verbal report, and storage in working memory. Another reason for the recent explosion of consciousness research is the availability of functional imaging techniques to explore differences in brain activation between conscious and unconscious states, as well as the development of clever psychological experiments that show that a stimulus that is not consciously perceived can nonetheless influence cognition, which we describe shortly. 1 Subliminal Priming The phenomena we address utilize an experimental paradigm known as repetition priming. Priming refers to an improvement in efficiency in processing a stimulus item as a result of previous exposure to the item. Efficiency is defined in terms of shorter response times, lower error rates, or both. A typical long-term perceptual priming experiment consists of a study phase during which participants are asked to read aloud a list of words, and a test phase during which participants must name or categorize a series of words, presented one at a time. Reaction time is lower and/or accuracy is higher for test words that were also on the study list. Repetition priming occurs without strategic effort on the part of participants, and therefore appears to be a low level mechanism of learning, which likely serves as the mechanism underlying the refinement of cognitive skills with practice. In traditional studies, priming is supraliminal—the prime is consciously perceived. In the studies we model here, primes are subliminal. Subliminal priming addresses fundamental issues concerning conscious access: How is it that a word or image that cannot be identified, detected, or even discriminated in forced choice can nonetheless influence the processing of a subsequent stimulus word? Answering this question in a computational framework would be a significant advance toward understanding the nature of access consciousness. 2 Models of Conscious and Unconscious Processing In contrast to the wealth of experimental data, and the large number of speculative and philosophical papers on consciousness, concrete computational models are rare. The domain of consciousness is particularly ripe for theoretical perspectives, because it is a significant contribution to simply provide an existence proof of a mechanism that can explain specific experimental data. Ordinarily, a theorist faces skepticism when presenting a model; it often seems that hundreds of alternative, equally plausible accounts must exist. However, when addressing data deemed central to issues of consciousness, simply providing a concrete handle on the phenomena serves to demystify consciousness and bring it into the realm of scientific understanding. We are familiar with only three computational models that address specific experimental data in the domain of consciousness. We summarize these models, and then present a novel model and describe its relationship to the previous efforts. Farah, O’Reilly, and Vecera (1994) were the first to model specific phenomena pertaining to consciousness in a computational framework. The phenomena involve prosopagnosia, a deficit of overt face recognition following brain damage. Nonetheless, prosopagnosia patients exhibit residual covert recognition by a variety of tests. For example, when patients are asked to categorize names as famous or nonfamous, their response times are faster to a famous name when the name is primed by a picture of a semantically related face (e.g., the name “Bill Clinton” when preceded by a photograph of Hillary), despite the fact that they could not identify the related face. Farah et al. model face recognition in a neural network, and show that when the network is damaged, it loses the ability to perform tasks requiring high fidelity representations (e.g., identification) but not tasks requiring only coarse information (e.g., semantic priming). They argue that conscious perception is associated with a certain minimal quality of representation. Dehaene and Naccache (2001) outline a framework based on Baars’ (1989) notion of conscious states as residing in a global workspace. They describe the workspace as a “distributed neural system...with long-distance connectivity that can potentially interconnect multiple specialized brain areas in a coordinated, though variable manner.” (p. 13) Dehaene, Sergent, and Changeaux (2003) implement this framework in a complicated architecture of integrate-and-fire neurons and show that the model can qualitatively account for the attentional blink phenomenon. The attentional blink is observed in experiments where participants are shown a rapid series of stimuli, which includes two targets (T1 and T2). If T2 appears shortly after T1, the ability to report T2 drops, as if attention is distracted. Dehane et al. explain this phenomenon as follows. When T1 is presented, its activation propagates to frontal cortical areas (the global workspace). Feedback connections lead to a resonance between frontal and posterior areas, which strengthen T1 but block T2 from entering the workspace. If the T1-T2 lag is sufficiently great, habituation of T1 sufficiently weakens the representation such that T2 can enter the workspace and suppress T1. In this account, conscious access is achieved via resonance between posterior and frontal areas. Although the Farah et al. and Dehaene et al. models might not seem to have much in common, they both make claims concerning what is required to achieve functional connectivity between perceptual and response systems. Farah et al. focus on aspects of the representation; Dehaene et al. focus on a pathway through which representations can be communicated. These two aspects are not incompatible, and in fact, a third model incorporates both. Mathis and Mozer (1996) describe an architecture with processing modules for perceptual and response processes, implemented as attractor neural nets. They argue that in order for a representation in some perceptual module to be assured of influencing a response module, (a) it must have certain characteristics–temporal persistence and well-formedness– which is quite similar to Farah et al.’s notion of quality, and (b) the two modules must be interconnected—which is the purpose of Dehaene et al.’s global workspace. The model has two limitations that restrict its value as a contemporary account of conscious access. First, it addressed classical subliminal priming data, but more reliable data has recently been reported. Second, like the other two models, Mathis and Mozer used a complex neural network architecture with arbitrary assumptions built in, and the sensitivity of the model’s behavior to these assumptions is far from clear. In this paper, we present a model that embodies the same assumptions as Mathis and Mozer, but overcomes its two limitations, and explains subliminal-priming data that has yet to be interpreted via a computational model. 3 The Probabilistic Information Transmission (PIT) Framework Our model is based on the probabilistic information transmission or PIT framework of Mozer, Colagrosso, and Huber (2002, 2003). The framework characterizes the transmission of information from perceptual to response systems, and how the time course of information transmission changes with experience (i.e., priming). Mozer et al. used this framework to account for a variety of facilitation effects from supraliminal repetition priming. The framework describes cognition in terms of a collection of information-processing pathways, and supposes that any act of cognition involves coordination among multiple pathways. For example, to model a letter-naming task where a letter printed in upper or lower case is presented visually and the letter must be named, the framework would assume a perceptual pathway that maps the visual input to an identity representation, and a response pathway that maps a identity representation to a naming response. The framework is formalized as a probabilistic model: the pathway input and output are random variables and microinference in a pathway is carried out by Bayesian belief revision. The framework captures the time course of information processing for a single experimental trial. To elaborate, consider a pathway whose input at time t is a discrete random variable, denoted X(t), which can assume values x1 , x2 , x3 , . . . , xnx corresponding to alternative input states. Similarly, the output of the pathway at time t is a discrete random variable, denoted Y (t), which can assume values y1 , y2 , y3 , . . . , yny . For example, in the letter-naming task, the input to the perceptual pathway would be one of nx = 52 visual patterns corresponding to the upper- and lower-case letters of the alphabet, and the output is one of ny = 26 letter identities. To present a particular input alternative, say xi , to the model for T time steps, we specify X(t) = xi for t = 1 . . . T , and allow the model to compute P(Y (t) | X(1) . . . X(t)). A pathway is modeled as a dynamic Bayes network; the minimal version of the model used in the present simulations is simply a hidden Markov model, where the X(t) are observations and the Y (t) are inferred state (see Figure 1a). In typical usage, an HMM is presented with a sequence of distinct inputs, whereas we maintain the same input for many successive time steps; and an HMM transitions through a sequence of distinct hidden states, whereas we attempt to converge with increasing confidence on a single state. Figure 1b illustrates the time course of inference in a single pathway with 52 input and 26 output alternatives and two-to-one associations. The solid line in the Figure shows, as a function of time t, P(Y (t) = yi | X(1) = x2i . . . X(t) = x2i ), i.e., the probability that input i (say, the visual pattern of an upper case O) will produce its target output (the letter identity). Evidence for the target output accumulates gradually over time, yielding a speed-accuracy curve that relates the number of iterations to the accuracy of identification. Y0 Y1 X1 Y2 X2 P(Output) 1 Y3 X3 (a) (b) 0.8 0.6 O 0.4 0.2 0 Q Time Figure 1: (a) basic pathway architecture—a hidden Markov model; (b) time course of inference in a pathway when the letter O is presented, causing activation of both O and the visually similar Q. The exact shape of the speed-accuracy curve—the pathway dynamics—are determined by three probability distributions, which embody the knowledge and past experience of the model. First, P(Y (0)) is the prior distribution over outputs in the absence of any information about the input. Second, P(Y (t) | Y (t − 1)) characterizes how the pathway output evolves over time. We assume the transition probability matrix serves as a memory with diffusion, i.e., P(Y (t) = yi |Y (t − 1) = yj ) = (1 − β)δij + βP(Y (0) = yi ), where β is the diffusion constant and δij is the Kronecker delta. Third, P(X(t) | Y (t)) characterizes the strength of association between inputs and outputs. The greater the association strength, the more rapidly that information about X will be communicated to Y . We parameterize this distribution as P(X(t) = xi |Y (t) = yj ) ∼ 1 + k γik αkj , where αij indicates the frequency of experience with the association between states xi and yj , and γik specifies the similarity between states xi and xk . (Although the representation of states is localist, the γ terms allow us to design in the similarity structure inherent in a distributed representation.) These association strengths are highly constrained by the task structure and the similarity structure and familiarity of the inputs. Fundamental to the framework is the assumption that with each experience, a pathway becomes more efficient at processing an input. Efficiency is reflected by a shift in the speedaccuracy curve to the left. In Mozer, Colagrosso, and Huber (2002, 2003), we propose two distinct mechanisms to model phenomena of supraliminal priming. First, the association frequencies, αij , are increased following a trial in which xi leads to activation of yj , resulting in more efficient transmission of information, corresponding to an increased slope of the solid line in Figure 1b. The increase is Hebbian, based on the maximum activation achieved by xi and yj : ∆αij = η maxt P(X(t) = xi )P(Y (t) = yj ), where η is a step size. Second, the priors, which serve as a model of the environment, are increased to indicate a greater likelihood of the same output occurring again in the future. In modeling data from supraliminal priming, we found that the increases to association frequencies are long lasting, but the increases to the priors decay over the course of a few minutes or a few trials. As a result, the prior updating does not play into the simulation we report here; we refer the reader to Mozer, Colagrosso, and Huber (2003) for details. 4 Access Consciousness and PIT We have described the operation of a single pathway, but to model any cognitive task, we require a series of pathways in cascade. For a simple choice task, we use a percpetual pathway cascaded to a response pathway. The interconnection between the pathways is achieved by copying the output of the perceptual pathway, Y p (t), to the input of the response pathway, X r (t), at each time t. This multiple-pathway architecture allows us to characterize the notion of access consciousness. Considering the output of the perceptual pathway, access is achieved when: (1) the output representation is sufficient to trigger the correct behavior in the response pathway, and (2) the perceptual and response pathways are functionally interconnected. In more general terms, access for a perceptual pathway output requires that these two condi- tions be met not just for a specific response pathway, but for arbitrary response pathways (e.g., pathways for naming, choice, evaluation, working memory, etc.). In Mozer and Colagrosso (in preparation) we characterize the sufficiency requirements of condition 1; they involve a representation of low entropy that stays active for long enough that the representation can propagate to the next pathway. As we will show, a briefly presented stimulus fails to achieve a representation that supports choice and naming responses. Nonetheless, the stimulus evokes activity in the perceptual pathway. Because perceptual priming depends on the magnitude of the activation in the perceptual pathway, not on the activation being communicated to response pathways, the framework is consistent with the notion of priming occurring in the absence of awareness. 4.1 Simulation of Bar and Biederman (1998) Bar and Biederman (1998) presented a sequence of masked line drawings of objects and asked participants to name the objects, even if they had to guess. If the guess was incorrect, participants were required to choose the object name from a set of four alternatives. Unbeknownst to the participant, some of the drawings in the series were repeated, and Bar and Biederman were interested in whether participants would benefit from the first presentation even if it could not be identified. The repeated objects could be the same or a different exemplar of the object, and it could appear in either the same or a different display position. Participants were able to name 13.5% of drawings on presentation 1, but accuracy jumped to 34.5% on presentation 2. Accuracy did improve, though not as much, if the same shape was presented in a different position, but not if a different drawing of the same object was presented, suggesting a locus of priming early in the visual stream. The improvement in accuracy is not due to practice in general, because accuracy rose only 4.0% for novel control objects over the course of the experiment. The priming is firmly subliminal, because participants were not only unable to name objects on the first presentation, but their fouralternative forced choice (4AFC) performance was not much above chance (28.5%). To model these phenomena, we created a response pathway with fifty states representing names of objects that are used in the experiment, e.g., chair and lamp. We also created a perceptual pathway with states representing visual patterns that correspond to the names in the response pathway. Following the experimental design, every object identity was instantiated in two distinct shapes, and every shape could be in one of nine different visualfield positions, leading to 900 distinct states in the perceptual pathway to model the possible visual stimuli. The following parameters were fit to the data. If two perceptual states, xi and xk are the same shape in different positions, they are assigned a similarity coefficient γik = 0.95; all other similarity coefficients are zero. The association frequency, α, for valid associations in the perceptual pathway was 22, and the response pathway 18. Other parameters were β p = .05, β r = .01, and η = 1.0. The PIT model achieves a good fit to the human experimental data (Figure 2). Specifically, priming is greatest for the same shape in the same position, some priming occurs for the same shape in a different position, and no substantial priming occurs for the different shape. Figure 3a shows the time course of activation of a stimulus representation in the perceptual pathway when the stimulus is presented for 50 iterations, on both the first and third presentations. The third presentation was chosen instead of the second to make the effect of priming clearer. Even though a shape cannot be named on the first presentation, partial information about the shape may nonetheless be available for report. The 4AFC test of Bar and Biederman provides a more sensitive measure of residual stimulus information. In past work, we modeled forced-choice tasks using a response pathway with only the alternatives under consideration. However, in this experiment, forced-choice performance must be estimated conditional on incorrect naming. In PIT framework, we achieve this using naming and 40 40 First Block Second Block 30 25 20 15 10 5 First Block 35 Percent Correct Naming Percent Correct Naming 35 Second Block 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 Control Objects Prime SHAPE: Same Objects POSITION: Same Same Different Different Different Second Same Different Control Control Objects Prime SHAPE: Same Objects POSITION: Same Same Different Different Different Second Same Different Control Figure 2: (left panel) Data from Bar and Biederman (1998) (right panel) Simulation of PIT. White bar: accuracy on first presentation of a prime object. Black bars: the accuracy when the object is repeated, either with the same or different shape, and in the same or different position. Grey bars: accuracy for control objects at the beginning and the end of the experiment. forced-choice output pathways having output distributions N (t) and F (t), which are linked via the perceptual state, Y p (t). F (t) must be reestimated with the evidence that N (t) is not the target state. This inference problem is intractable. We therefore used a shortcut in which a single response pathway is used, augmented with a simple three-node belief net (Figure 3b) to capture the dependence between naming and forced choice. The belief net has a response pathway node Y r (t) connected to F (t) and N (t), with conditional distribution P (N (t) = ni |Y r (t) = yj ) = θδij + (1 − θ)/|Y r |, and an analogous distribution for P (F (t) = fi |Y r (t) = yj ). The free parameter θ determines how veridically naming and forced-choice actions reflect response-pathway output. Over a range of θ, θ < 1, the model obtains forced-choice performance near chance on the first presentation when the naming response is incorrect. For example, with θ = 0.72, the model produces a forced-choice accuracy on presentation 1 of 26.1%. (Interestingly, the model also produces below chance performance on presentation 2 if the object is not named correctly—23.5%—which is also found in the human data—20.0%.) Thus, by the stringent criterion of 4AFC, the model shows no access consciousness, and therefore illustrates a dissociation between priming and access consciousness. In our simulation, we followed the procedure of Bar and Biederman by including distractor alternatives with visual and semantic similarity to the target. These distractors are critical: with unrelated distractors, the model’s 4AFC performance is significantly above chance, illustrating that a perceptual representation can be adequate to support some responses but not others, as Farah et al. (1994) also argued. 4.2 Simulation of Abrams and Greenwald (2000) During an initial phase of the experiment, participants categorized 24 clearly visible target words as pleasant (e.g., HUMOR) or unpleasant (e.g., SMUT). They became quite familiar with the task by categorizing each word a total of eight times. In a second phase, participants were asked to classify the same targets and were given a response deadline to induce errors. The targets were preceded by masked primes that could not be identified. Of interest is the effective valence (or EV) of the target for different prime types, defined as the error rate difference between unpleasant and pleasant targets. A positive (negative) EV indicates that responses are biased toward a pleasant (unpleasant) interpretation by the prime. As one would expect, pleasant primes resulted in a positive EV, unpleasant primes in a negative EV. Of critical interest is the finding that a nonword prime formed by recombining two pleasant targets (e.g., HULIP from HUMOR and TULIP) or unpleasant targets (e.g., BIUT from BILE and SMUT ) also served to bias the targets. More surprising, a positive EV resulted from unpleasant prime words formed by recombining two pleasant targets (TUMOR from TULIP and HUMOR ), indicating that subliminal priming arises from word fragments, not words as unitary entities, and providing further evidence for an early locus of subliminal priming. Note that the results depend critically on the first phase of the experiment, which gave participants extensive practice on a relatively small set of words that were then used as and recombined to form primes. Words not studied in the first phase (orphans) provided Probability 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 object, first presentation object, third presentation different object N(t) F(t) Yr(t) 1 50 1000 (a) (b) Time (msec) Figure 3: (a) Activation of the perceptual representation in PIT as a function of processing iterations Effective Valence on the first (thin solid line) and third (thick solid line) presentations of target. (b) Bayes net for performing 4AFC conditional on incorrect naming response. 0.4 Experiment Model 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 targets hulip-type tumor-type orphans Figure 4: Effective valence of primes in the Abrams and Greenwald (2000) experiment for human subjects (black bars) and PIT model (grey bars). HULIP-type primes are almost as strong as target repetitions, and TUMOR-type primes have a positive valence, contrary to the meaning of the word. no significant EV effect when used as primes. In this simulation, we used a three pathway model: a perceptual pathway that maps visual patterns to orthography with 200 input states corresponding both to words, nonwords, and nonword recombinations of words; a semantic pathway that maps to 100 distinct lexical/semantic states; and a judgement pathway that maps to two responses, pleasant and unpleasant. In the perceptual pathway, similarity structure was based on letter overlap, so that HULIP was similar to both TULIP and HUMOR, with γ = 0.837. No similarity was assumed in the semantic state representation; consistent with the previous simulation, β p = .05, β s = .01, β j = .01, and η = .01. At the outset of the simulation, α frequencies for correct associations were 15, 19, and 25 in the perceptual, semantic, and judgement pathways. The initial phase of the experiment was simulated by repeated supraliminal presentation of words, which increased the association frequencies in all three pathways through the ∆αij learning rule. Long-term supraliminal priming is essential in establishing the association strengths, as we’ll explain. Short-term subliminal priming also plays a key role in the experiment. During the second phase of the experiment, residual activity from the prime—primarily in the judgement pathway—biases the response to the target. Residual activation of the prime is present even if the representation of the prime does not reach sufficient strength that it could be named or otherwise reported. The outcome of the simulation is consistent with the human data (Figure 4). When a HULIP -type prime is presented, HUMOR and TULIP become active in the semantic pathway because of their visual similarity to HULIP. Partial activation of these two practiced words pushes the judgement pathway toward a pleasant response, resulting in a positive EV. When a TUMOR-type prime is presented, three different words become active in the semantic pathway: HUMOR, TULIP, and TUMOR itself. Although TUMOR is more active, it was not one of the words studied during the initial phase of the experiment, and as a result, it has a relatively weak association to the unpleasant judgement, in contrast to the other two words which have strong associations to the pleasant judgement. Orphan primes have little effect because they were not studied during the initial phase of the experiment, and consequently their association to pleasant and unpleasant judgements is also weak. In summary, activation of the prime along a critical, well-practiced pathway may not be sufficient to support an overt naming response, yet it may be sufficient to bias the processing of the immediately following target. 5 Discussion An important contribution of this work has been to demonstrate that specific experimental results relating to access consciousness and subliminal priming can be interpreted in a concrete computational framework. By necessity, the PIT framework, which we previously used to model supraliminal priming data, predicts the existence of subliminal priming, because the mechanisms giving rise to priming depend on degree of activation of a representation, whereas the processes giving rise to access consciousness also depend on the temporal persistence of a representation. Another contribution of this work has been to argue that two previous computational models each tell only part of the story. Farah et al. argue that quality of representation is critical; Dehaene et al. argue that pathways to communicate representations is critical. The PIT framework argues that both of these features are necessary for access consciousness. Although the PIT framework is not completely developed, it nonetheless makes a clear prediction: that subliminal priming is can never be stronger than supraliminal priming, because the maximal activation of subliminal primes is never greater than that of supraliminal primes. One might argue that many theoretical frameworks might predict the same, but no other computational model is sufficiently well developed—in terms of addressing both priming and access consciousness—to make this prediction. In its current stage of development, a weakness of the PIT framework is that it is silent as to how perceptual and response pathways become flexibly interconnected based on task demands. However, the PIT framework is not alone in failing to address this critical issue: The Dehaene et al. model suggests that once a representation enters the global workspace, all response modules can access it, but the model does not specify how the appropriate perceptual module wins the competition to enter the global workspace, or how the appropriate response module is activated. Clearly, flexible cognitive control structures that perform these functions are intricately related to mechanisms of consciousness. Acknowledgments This research was supported by NIH/IFOPAL R01 MH61549–01A1. References Abrams, R. L., & Greenwald, A. G. (2000). Parts outweigh the whole (word) in unconscious analysis of meaning. Psychological Science, 11(2), 118–124. Baars, B. (1989). A cognitive theory of consciousness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Bar, M., & Biederman, I. (1998). Subliminal visual priming. Psychological Science, 9(6), 464–468. Block, N. (1995). 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A rational analysis of cognitive control in a speeded discrimination task. In T. G. Dietterich, S. Becker, & Z. Ghahramani (Eds.), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Mozer, M. C., Colagrosso, M. D., & Huber, D. E. (2003). Mechanisms of long-term repetition priming and skill refinement: A probabilistic pathway model. In Proceedings of the TwentyFifth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.
4 0.31981421 22 nips-2004-An Investigation of Practical Approximate Nearest Neighbor Algorithms
Author: Ting Liu, Andrew W. Moore, Ke Yang, Alexander G. Gray
Abstract: This paper concerns approximate nearest neighbor searching algorithms, which have become increasingly important, especially in high dimensional perception areas such as computer vision, with dozens of publications in recent years. Much of this enthusiasm is due to a successful new approximate nearest neighbor approach called Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH). In this paper we ask the question: can earlier spatial data structure approaches to exact nearest neighbor, such as metric trees, be altered to provide approximate answers to proximity queries and if so, how? We introduce a new kind of metric tree that allows overlap: certain datapoints may appear in both the children of a parent. We also introduce new approximate k-NN search algorithms on this structure. We show why these structures should be able to exploit the same randomprojection-based approximations that LSH enjoys, but with a simpler algorithm and perhaps with greater efficiency. We then provide a detailed empirical evaluation on five large, high dimensional datasets which show up to 31-fold accelerations over LSH. This result holds true throughout the spectrum of approximation levels. 1
5 0.30181411 23 nips-2004-Analysis of a greedy active learning strategy
Author: Sanjoy Dasgupta
Abstract: We abstract out the core search problem of active learning schemes, to better understand the extent to which adaptive labeling can improve sample complexity. We give various upper and lower bounds on the number of labels which need to be queried, and we prove that a popular greedy active learning rule is approximately as good as any other strategy for minimizing this number of labels. 1
6 0.29841116 15 nips-2004-Active Learning for Anomaly and Rare-Category Detection
7 0.29130381 140 nips-2004-Optimal Information Decoding from Neuronal Populations with Specific Stimulus Selectivity
8 0.29035226 205 nips-2004-Who's In the Picture
9 0.29033753 31 nips-2004-Blind One-microphone Speech Separation: A Spectral Learning Approach
10 0.28817779 51 nips-2004-Detecting Significant Multidimensional Spatial Clusters
11 0.2842398 29 nips-2004-Beat Tracking the Graphical Model Way
12 0.27776736 19 nips-2004-An Application of Boosting to Graph Classification
13 0.27205613 74 nips-2004-Harmonising Chorales by Probabilistic Inference
14 0.25879201 199 nips-2004-Using Machine Learning to Break Visual Human Interaction Proofs (HIPs)
15 0.25601012 33 nips-2004-Brain Inspired Reinforcement Learning
16 0.24540362 24 nips-2004-Approximately Efficient Online Mechanism Design
17 0.23928027 195 nips-2004-Trait Selection for Assessing Beef Meat Quality Using Non-linear SVM
18 0.23503482 107 nips-2004-Making Latin Manuscripts Searchable using gHMM's
19 0.23023151 40 nips-2004-Common-Frame Model for Object Recognition
20 0.22701199 170 nips-2004-Similarity and Discrimination in Classical Conditioning: A Latent Variable Account
topicId topicWeight
[(13, 0.113), (15, 0.089), (17, 0.013), (18, 0.336), (26, 0.067), (31, 0.032), (33, 0.123), (35, 0.019), (39, 0.011), (50, 0.029), (52, 0.013), (71, 0.024)]
simIndex simValue paperId paperTitle
1 0.80634499 117 nips-2004-Methods Towards Invasive Human Brain Computer Interfaces
Author: Thomas N. Lal, Thilo Hinterberger, Guido Widman, Michael Schröder, N. J. Hill, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, Christian E. Elger, Niels Birbaumer, Bernhard Schölkopf
Abstract: During the last ten years there has been growing interest in the development of Brain Computer Interfaces (BCIs). The field has mainly been driven by the needs of completely paralyzed patients to communicate. With a few exceptions, most human BCIs are based on extracranial electroencephalography (EEG). However, reported bit rates are still low. One reason for this is the low signal-to-noise ratio of the EEG [16]. We are currently investigating if BCIs based on electrocorticography (ECoG) are a viable alternative. In this paper we present the method and examples of intracranial EEG recordings of three epilepsy patients with electrode grids placed on the motor cortex. The patients were asked to repeatedly imagine movements of two kinds, e.g., tongue or finger movements. We analyze the classifiability of the data using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) [18, 21] and Recursive Channel Elimination (RCE) [11]. 1
same-paper 2 0.79744047 75 nips-2004-Heuristics for Ordering Cue Search in Decision Making
Author: Peter M. Todd, Anja Dieckmann
Abstract: Simple lexicographic decision heuristics that consider cues one at a time in a particular order and stop searching for cues as soon as a decision can be made have been shown to be both accurate and frugal in their use of information. But much of the simplicity and success of these heuristics comes from using an appropriate cue order. For instance, the Take The Best heuristic uses validity order for cues, which requires considerable computation, potentially undermining the computational advantages of the simple decision mechanism. But many cue orders can achieve good decision performance, and studies of sequential search for data records have proposed a number of simple ordering rules that may be of use in constructing appropriate decision cue orders as well. Here we consider a range of simple cue ordering mechanisms, including tallying, swapping, and move-to-front rules, and show that they can find cue orders that lead to reasonable accuracy and considerable frugality when used with lexicographic decision heuristics. 1 O ne -Re ason De c i si on M aki ng and O r de r e d Se ar c h How do we know what information to consider when making a decision? Imagine the problem of deciding which of two objects or options is greater along some criterion, such as which of two cities is larger. We may know various facts about each city, such as whether they have a major sports team or a university or airport. To decide between them, we could weight and sum all the cues we know, or we could use a simpler lexicographic rule to look at one cue at a time in a particular order until we find a cue that discriminates between the options and indicates a choice [1]. Such lexicographic rules are used by people in a variety of decision tasks [2]-[4], and have been shown to be both accurate in their inferences and frugal in the amount of information they consider before making a decision. For instance, Gigerenzer and colleagues [5] demonstrated the surprising performance of several decision heuristics that stop information search as soon as one discriminating cue is found; because only that cue is used to make the decision, and no integration of information is involved, they called these heuristics “one-reason” decision mechanisms. Given some set of cues that can be looked up to make the decision, these heuristics differ mainly in the search rule that determines the order in which the information is searched. But then the question of what information to consider becomes, how are these search orders determined? Particular cue orders make a difference, as has been shown in research on the Take The Best heuristic (TTB) [6], [7]. TTB consists of three building blocks. (1) Search rule: Search through cues in the order of their validity, a measure of accuracy equal to the proportion of correct decisions made by a cue out of all the times that cue discriminates between pairs of options. (2) Stopping rule: Stop search as soon as one cue is found that discriminates between the two options. (3) Decision rule: Select the option to which the discriminating cue points, that is, the option that has the cue value associated with higher criterion values. The performance of TTB has been tested on several real-world data sets, ranging from professors’ salaries to fish fertility [8], in cross-validation comparisons with other more complex strategies. Across 20 data sets, TTB used on average only a third of the available cues (2.4 out of 7.7), yet still outperformed multiple linear regression in generalization accuracy (71% vs. 68%). The even simpler Minimalist heuristic, which searches through available cues in a random order, was more frugal (using 2.2 cues on average), yet still achieved 65% accuracy. But the fact that the accuracy of Minimalist lagged behind TTB by 6 percentage points indicates that part of the secret of TTB’s success lies in its ordered search. Moreover, in laboratory experiments [3], [4], [9], people using lexicographic decision strategies have been shown to employ cue orders based on the cues’ validities or a combination of validity and discrimination rate (proportion of decision pairs on which a cue discriminates between the two options). Thus, the cue order used by a lexicographic decision mechanism can make a considerable difference in accuracy; the same holds true for frugality, as we will see. But constructing an exact validity order, as used by Take The Best, takes considerable information and computation [10]. If there are N known objects to make decisions over, and C cues known for each object, then each of the C cues must be evaluated for whether it discriminates correctly (counting up R right decisions), incorrectly (W wrong decisions), or does not discriminate between each of the N·(N-1)/2 possible object pairs, yielding C·N·(N-1)/2 checks to perform to gather the information needed to compute cue validities (v = R/(R+W)) in this domain. But a decision maker typically does not know all of the objects to be decided upon, nor even all the cue values for those objects, ahead of time—is there any simpler way to find an accurate and frugal cue order? In this paper, we address this question through simulation-based comparison of a variety of simple cue-order-learning rules. Hope comes from two directions: first, there are many cue orders besides the exact validity ordering that can yield good performance; and second, research in computer science has demonstrated the efficacy of a range of simple ordering rules for a closely related search problem. Consequently, we find that simple mechanisms at the cue-order-learning stage can enable simple mechanisms at the decision stage, such as lexicographic one-reason decision heuristics, to perform well. 2 Si mpl e appr oac he s to c onstr uc ti ng c ue s e ar c h or de r s To compare different cue ordering rules, we evaluate the performance of different cue orders when used by a one-reason decision heuristic within a particular well-studied sample domain: large German cities, compared on the criterion of population size using 9 cues ranging from having a university to the presence of an intercity train line [6], [7]. Examining this domain makes it clear that there are many good possible cue orders. When used with one-reason stopping and decision building blocks, the mean accuracy of the 362,880 (9!) cue orders is 70%, equivalent to the performance expected from Minimalist. The accuracy of the validity order, 74.2%, falls toward the upper end of the accuracy range (62-75.8%), but there are still 7421 cue orders that do better than the validity order. The frugality of the search orders ranges from 2.53 cues per decision to 4.67, with a mean of 3.34 corresponding to using Minimalist; TTB has a frugality of 4.23, implying that most orders are more frugal. Thus, there are many accurate and frugal cue orders that could be found—a satisficing decision maker not requiring optimal performance need only land on one. An ordering problem of this kind has been studied in computer science for nearly four decades, and can provide us with a set of potential heuristics to test. Consider the case of a set of data records arranged in a list, each of which will be required during a set of retrievals with a particular probability pi. On each retrieval, a key is given (e.g. a record’s title) and the list is searched from the front to the end until the desired record, matching that key, is found. The goal is to minimize the mean search time for accessing the records in this list, for which the optimal ordering is in decreasing order of pi. But if these retrieval probabilities are not known ahead of time, how can the list be ordered after each successive retrieval to achieve fast access? This is the problem of self-organizing sequential search [11], [12]. A variety of simple sequential search heuristics have been proposed for this problem, centering on three main approaches: (1) transpose, in which a retrieved record is moved one position closer to the front of the list (i.e., swapping with the record in front of it); (2) move-to-front (MTF), in which a retrieved record is put at the front of the list, and all other records remain in the same relative order; and (3) count, in which a tally is kept of the number of times each record is retrieved, and the list is reordered in decreasing order of this tally after each retrieval. Because count rules require storing additional information, more attention has focused on the memory-free transposition and MTF rules. Analytic and simulation results (reviewed in [12]) have shown that while transposition rules can come closer to the optimal order asymptotically, in the short run MTF rules converge more quickly (as can count rules). This may make MTF (and count) rules more appealing as models of cue order learning by humans facing small numbers of decision trials. Furthermore, MTF rules are more responsive to local structure in the environment (e.g., clumped retrievals over time of a few records), and transposition can result in very poor performance under some circumstances (e.g., when neighboring pairs of “popular” records get trapped at the end of the list by repeatedly swapping places). It is important to note that there are important differences between the selforganizing sequential search problem and the cue-ordering problem we address here. In particular, when a record is sought that matches a particular key, search proceeds until the correct record is found. In contrast, when a decision is made lexicographically and the list of cues is searched through, there is no one “correct” cue to find—each cue may or may not discriminate (allow a decision to be made). Furthermore, once a discriminating cue is found, it may not even make the right decision. Thus, given feedback about whether a decision was right or wrong, a discriminating cue could potentially be moved up or down in the ordered list. This dissociation between making a decision or not (based on the cue discrimination rates), and making a right or wrong decision (based on the cue validities), means that there are two ordering criteria in this problem—frugality and accuracy—as opposed to the single order—search time—for records based on their retrieval probability pi . Because record search time corresponds to cue frugality, the heuristics that work well for the self-organizing sequential search task are likely to produce orders that emphasize frugality (reflecting cue discrimination rates) over accuracy in the cue-ordering task. Nonetheless, these heuristics offer a useful starting point for exploring cue-ordering rules. 2.1 The cue-ordering rules We focus on search order construction processes that are psychologically plausible by being frugal both in terms of information storage and in terms of computation. The decision situation we explore is different from the one assumed by Juslin and Persson [10] who strongly differentiate learning about objects from later making decisions about them. Instead we assume a learning-while-doing situation, consisting of tasks that have to be done repeatedly with feedback after each trial about the adequacy of one’s decision. For instance, we can observe on multiple occasions which of two supermarket checkout lines, the one we have chosen or (more likely) another one, is faster, and associate this outcome with cues including the lines’ lengths and the ages of their respective cashiers. In such situations, decision makers can learn about the differential usefulness of cues for solving the task via the feedback received over time. We compare several explicitly defined ordering rules that construct cue orders for use by lexicographic decision mechanisms applied to a particular probabilistic inference task: forced choice paired comparison, in which a decision maker has to infer which of two objects, each described by a set of binary cues, is “bigger” on a criterion—just the task for which TTB was formulated. After an inference has been made, feedback is given about whether a decision was right or wrong. Therefore, the order-learning algorithm has information about which cues were looked up, whether a cue discriminated, and whether a discriminating cue led to the right or wrong decision. The rules we propose differ in which pieces of information they use and how they use them. We classify the learning rules based on their memory requirement—high versus low—and their computational requirements in terms of full or partial reordering (see Table 1). Table 1: Learning rules classified by memory and computational requirements High memory load, complete reordering High memory load, local reordering Low memory load, local reordering Validity: reorders cues based on their current validity Tally swap: moves cue up (down) one position if it has made a correct (incorrect) decision if its tally of correct minus incorrect decisions is ( ) than that of next higher (lower) cue Simple swap: moves cue up one position after correct decision, and down after an incorrect decision Tally: reorders cues by number of correct minus incorrect decisions made so far Associative/delta rule: reorders cues by learned association strength Move-to-front (2 forms): Take The Last (TTL): moves discriminating cue to front TTL-correct: moves cue to front only if it correctly discriminates The validity rule, a type of count rule, is the most demanding of the rules we consider in terms of both memory requirements and computational complexity. It keeps a count of all discriminations made by a cue so far (in all the times that the cue was looked up) and a separate count of all the correct discriminations. Therefore, memory load is comparatively high. The validity of each cue is determined by dividing its current correct discrimination count by its total discrimination count. Based on these values computed after each decision, the rule reorders the whole set of cues from highest to lowest validity. The tally rule only keeps one count per cue, storing the number of correct decisions made by that cue so far minus the number of incorrect decisions. If a cue discriminates correctly on a given trial, one point is added to its tally, if it leads to an incorrect decision, one point is subtracted. The tally rule is less demanding in terms of memory and computation: Only one count is kept, no division is required. The simple swap rule uses the transposition rather than count approach. This rule has no memory of cue performance other than an ordered list of all cues, and just moves a cue up one position in this list whenever it leads to a correct decision, and down if it leads to an incorrect decision. In other words, a correctly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor upwards in the cue order, and an incorrectly deciding cue swaps positions with its nearest neighbor downwards. The tally swap rule is a hybrid of the simple swap rule and the tally rule. It keeps a tally of correct minus incorrect discriminations per cue so far (so memory load is high) but only locally swaps cues: When a cue makes a correct decision and its tally is greater than or equal to that of its upward neighbor, the two cues swap positions. When a cue makes an incorrect decision and its tally is smaller than or equal to that of its downward neighbor, the two cues also swap positions. We also evaluate two types of move-to-front rules. First, the Take The Last (TTL) rule moves the last discriminating cue (that is, whichever cue was found to discriminate for the current decision) to the front of the order. This is equivalent to the Take The Last heuristic [6], [7], which uses a memory of cues that discriminated in the past to determine cue search order for subsequent decisions. Second, TTLcorrect moves the last discriminating cue to the front of the order only if it correctly discriminated; otherwise, the cue order remains unchanged. This rule thus takes accuracy as well as frugality into account. Finally, we include an associative learning rule that uses the delta rule to update cue weights according to whether they make correct or incorrect discriminations, and then reorders all cues in decreasing order of this weight after each decision. This corresponds to a simple network with nine input units encoding the difference in cue value between the two objects (A and B) being decided on (i.e., ini = -1 if cuei(A) cuei(B), and 0 if cuei(A)=cuei(B) or cuei was not checked) and with one output unit whose target value encodes the correct decision (t = 1 if criterion(A)>criterion(B), otherwise -1), and with the weights between inputs and output updated according to wi = lr · (t - ini·wi) · ini with learning rate lr = 0.1. We expect this rule to behave similarly to Oliver’s rule initially (moving a cue to the front of the list by giving it the largest weight when weights are small) and to swap later on (moving cues only a short distance once weights are larger). 3 Si mul ati on Study of Si mpl e O r de r i ng Rul e s To test the performance of these order learning rules, we use the German cities data set [6], [7], consisting of the 83 largest-population German cities (those with more than 100,000 inhabitants), described on 9 cues that give some information about population size. Discrimination rate and validity of the cues are negatively correlated (r = -.47). We present results averaged over 10,000 learning trials for each rule, starting from random initial cue orders. Each trial consisted of 100 decisions between randomly selected decision pairs. For each decision, the current cue order was used to look up cues until a discriminating cue was found, which was used to make the decision (employing a onereason or lexicographic decision strategy). After each decision, the cue order was updated using the particular order-learning rule. We start by considering the cumulative accuracies (i.e., online or amortized performance—[12]) of the rules, defined as the total percentage of correct decisions made so far at any point in the learning process. The contrasting measure of offline accuracy—how well the current learned cue order would do if it were applied to the entire test set—will be subsequently reported (see Figure 1). For all but the move-to-front rules, cumulative accuracies soon rise above that of the Minimalist heuristic (proportion correct = .70) which looks up cues in random order and thus serves as a lower benchmark. However, at least throughout the first 100 decisions, cumulative accuracies stay well below the (offline) accuracy that would be achieved by using TTB for all decisions (proportion correct = .74), looking up cues in the true order of their ecological validities. Except for the move-to-front rules, whose cumulative accuracies are very close to Minimalist (mean proportion correct in 100 decisions: TTL: .701; TTL-correct: .704), all learning rules perform on a surprisingly similar level, with less than one percentage point difference in favor of the most demanding rule (i.e., delta rule: .719) compared to the least (i.e., simple swap: .711; for comparison: tally swap: .715; tally: .716; validity learning rule: .719). Offline accuracies are slightly higher, again with the exception of the move to front rules (TTL: .699; TTL-correct: .702; simple swap: .714; tally swap: .719; tally: .721; validity learning rule: .724; delta rule: .725; see Figure 1). In longer runs (10,000 decisions) the validity learning rule is able to converge on TTB’s accuracy, but the tally rule’s performance changes little (to .73). Figure 1: Mean offline accuracy of order learning rules Figure 2: Mean offline frugality of order learning rules All learning rules are, however, more frugal than TTB, and even more frugal than Minimalist, both in terms of online as well as offline frugality. Let us focus on their offline frugality (see Figure 2): On average, the rules look up fewer cues than Minimalist before reaching a decision. There is little difference between the associative rule, the tallying rules and the swapping rules (mean number of cues looked up in 100 decisions: delta rule: 3.20; validity learning rule: 3.21; tally: 3.01; tally swap: 3.04; simple swap: 3.13). Most frugal are the two move-to front rules (TTL-correct: 2.87; TTL: 2.83). Consistent with this finding, all of the learning rules lead to cue orders that show positive correlations with the discrimination rate cue order (reaching the following values after 100 decisions: validity learning rule: r = .18; tally: r = .29; tally swap: r = .24; simple swap: r = .18; TTL-correct: r = .48; TTL: r = .56). This means that cues that often lead to discriminations are more likely to end up in the first positions of the order. This is especially true for the move-to-front rules. In contrast, the cue orders resulting from all learning rules but the validity learning rule do not correlate or correlate negatively with the validity cue order, and even the correlations of the cue orders resulting from the validity learning rule after 100 decisions only reach an average r = .12. But why would the discrimination rates of cues exert more of a pull on cue order than validity, even when the validity learning rule is applied? As mentioned earlier, this is what we would expect for the move-to-front rules, but it was unexpected for the other rules. Part of the explanation comes from the fact that in the city data set we used for the simulations, validity and discrimination rate of cues are negatively correlated. Having a low discrimination rate means that a cue has little chance to be used and hence to demonstrate its high validity. Whatever learning rule is used, if such a cue is displaced downward to the lower end of the order by other cues, it may have few chances to escape to the higher ranks where it belongs. The problem is that when a decision pair is finally encountered for which that cue would lead to a correct decision, it is unlikely to be checked because other, more discriminating although less valid, cues are looked up before and already bring about a decision. Thus, because one-reason decision making is intertwined with the learning mechanism and so influences which cues can be learned about, what mainly makes a cue come early in the order is producing a high number of correct decisions and not so much a high ratio of correct discriminations to total discriminations regardless of base rates. This argument indicates that performance may differ in environments where cue validities and discrimination rates correlate positively. We tested the learning rules on one such data set (r=.52) of mammal species life expectancies, predicted from 9 cues. It also differs from the cities environment with a greater difference between TTB’s and Minimalist’s performance (6.5 vs. 4 percentage points). In terms of offline accuracy, the validity learning rule now indeed more closely approaches TTB’s accuracy after 100 decisions (.773 vs. .782)., The tally rule, in contrast, behaves very much as in the cities environment, reaching an accuracy of .752, halfway between TTB and Minimalist (accuracy =.716). Thus only some learning rules can profit from the positive correlation. 4 D i s c u s s i on Most of the simpler cue order learning rules we have proposed do not fall far behind a validity learning rule in accuracy, and although the move-to-front rules cannot beat the accuracy achieved if cues were selected randomly, they compensate for this failure by being highly frugal. Interestingly, the rules that do achieve higher accuracy than Minimalist also beat random cue selection in terms of frugality. On the other hand, all rules, even the delta rule and the validity learning rule, stay below TTB’s accuracy across a relatively high number of decisions. But often it is necessary to make good decisions without much experience. Therefore, learning rules should be preferred that quickly lead to orders with good performance. The relatively complex rules with relatively high memory requirement, i.e., the delta and the validity learning rule, but also the tally learning rule, more quickly rise in accuracy compared the rules with lower requirements. Especially the tally rule thus represents a good compromise between cost, correctness and psychological plausibility considerations. Remember that the rules based on tallies assume full memory of all correct minus incorrect decisions made by a cue so far. But this does not make the rule implausible, at least from a psychological perspective, even though computer scientists were reluctant to adopt such counting approaches because of their extra memory requirements. There is considerable evidence that people are actually very good at remembering the frequencies of events. Hasher and Zacks [13] conclude from a wide range of studies that frequencies are encoded in an automatic way, implying that people are sensitive to this information without intention or special effort. Estes [14] pointed out the role frequencies play in decision making as a shortcut for probabilities. Further, the tally rule and the tally swap rule are comparatively simple, not having to keep track of base rates or perform divisions as does the validity rule. From the other side, the simple swap and move to front rules may not be much simpler, because storing a cue order may be about as demanding as storing a set of tallies. We have run experiments (reported elsewhere) in which indeed the tally swap rule best accounts for people’s actual processes of ordering cues. Our goal in this paper was to explore how well simple cue-ordering rules could work in conjunction with lexicographic decision strategies. This is important because it is necessary to take into account the set-up costs of a heuristic in addition to its application costs when considering the mechanism’s overall simplicity. As the example of the validity search order of TTB shows, what is easy to apply may not necessarily be so easy to set up. But simple rules can also be at work in the construction of a heuristic’s building blocks. We have proposed such rules for the construction of one building block, the search order. Simple learning rules inspired by research in computer science can enable a one-reason decision heuristic to perform only slightly worse than if it had full knowledge of cue validities from the very beginning. Giving up the assumption of full a priori knowledge for the slight decrease in accuracy seems like a reasonable bargain: Through the addition of learning rules, one-reason decision heuristics might lose some of their appeal to decision theorists who were surprised by the performance of such simple mechanisms compared to more complex algorithms, but they gain psychological plausibility and so become more attractive as explanations for human decision behavior. References [1] Fishburn, P.C. (1974). Lexicographic orders, utilities and decision rules: A survey. Management Science, 20, 1442-1471. [2] Payne, J.W., Bettman, J.R., & Johnson, E.J. (1993). The adaptive decision maker. New York: Cambridge University Press. [3] Bröder, A. (2000). Assessing the empirical validity of the “Take-The-Best” heuristic as a model of human probabilistic inference. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26 (5), 1332-1346. [4] Bröder, A. (2003). 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