nips nips2004 nips2004-72 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

72 nips-2004-Generalization Error and Algorithmic Convergence of Median Boosting

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Author: Balázs Kégl

Abstract: We have recently proposed an extension of A DA B OOST to regression that uses the median of the base regressors as the final regressor. In this paper we extend theoretical results obtained for A DA B OOST to median boosting and to its localized variant. First, we extend recent results on efficient margin maximizing to show that the algorithm can converge to the maximum achievable margin within a preset precision in a finite number of steps. Then we provide confidence-interval-type bounds on the generalization error. 1

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1 ca Abstract We have recently proposed an extension of A DA B OOST to regression that uses the median of the base regressors as the final regressor. [sent-4, score-0.841]

2 In this paper we extend theoretical results obtained for A DA B OOST to median boosting and to its localized variant. [sent-5, score-0.316]

3 First, we extend recent results on efficient margin maximizing to show that the algorithm can converge to the maximum achievable margin within a preset precision in a finite number of steps. [sent-6, score-0.412]

4 Then we provide confidence-interval-type bounds on the generalization error. [sent-7, score-0.118]

5 1 Introduction In a recent paper [1] we introduced M ED B OOST, a boosting algorithm that trains base regressors and returns their weighted median as the final regressor. [sent-8, score-1.026]

6 In another line of research, [2, 3] extended A DA B OOST to boost localized or confidence-rated experts with input-dependent weighting of the base classifiers. [sent-9, score-0.651]

7 In this paper we analyze the algorithmic convergence of M ED B OOST and L OC M ED B OOST, and provide bounds on the generalization error. [sent-11, score-0.197]

8 We start by describing the algorithm in its most general form, and extend the result of [1] on the convergence of the robust (marginal) training error (Section 2). [sent-12, score-0.182]

9 The robustness of the regressor is measured in terms of the dispersion of the expert population, and with respect to the underlying average confidence estimate. [sent-13, score-0.419]

10 In particular, we extend recent results [5] on efficient margin maximizing to show that the algorithm can converge to the maximum achievable margin within a preset precision in a finite number of steps. [sent-15, score-0.412]

11 In Section 4, we provide confidence-interval-type bounds on the generalization error by generalizing results obtained for A DA B OOST [6, 2, 3]. [sent-16, score-0.169]

12 As in the case of A DA B OOST, the bounds justify the algorithmic objective of minimizing the robust training error. [sent-17, score-0.237]

13 2 The L OC M ED B OOST algorithm and the convergence result For the formal description, let the training data be Dn = (x1 , y1 ), . [sent-19, score-0.113]

14 , (xn , yn ) where data points (xi , yi ) are from the set Rd × R. [sent-22, score-0.114]

15 , 1/n) 2 3 4 5 for t ← 1 to T (h(t) , κ(t) ) ← BASE(Dn , w) for i ← 1 to n θi ← 1 − 2C h(t) (xi ), yi κi ← κ(t) (xi ) 6 7 α(t) ← arg min e 9 if α (t) =∞ (t) return f base rewards base confidences n (t) α α 8 see (1) wi e−ακi θi i=1 κ i θi ≥ for all i = 1, . [sent-30, score-1.416]

16 Dn is the training data, C (y , y) ≥ I{|y−y |> } is the cost function, BASE(Dn , w) is the base regression algorithm, is the robustness parameter, and T is the number of iterations. [sent-34, score-0.636]

17 in line 1, and are updated in each iteration in line 13 (Figure 1). [sent-35, score-0.15]

18 We suppose that we are given a base learner algorithm BASE(Dn , w) that, in each iteration t, returns a base hypothesis that consists of a real-valued base regressor h(t) ∈ H and a non-negative base confidence function κ(t) ∈ K. [sent-36, score-2.704]

19 The first term is a weighted regression loss where the weight of a point xi is the product of its “con(t) stant” weight wi and the confidence κ(t) (xi ) of the base hypothesis. [sent-39, score-0.805]

20 term means to place the high-confidence region of the base regressor into areas where the regression error is small. [sent-41, score-0.99]

21 On the other hand, the minimization of the second term drives the high-confidence region of the base regressor into dense areas. [sent-42, score-0.947]

22 After Theorem 1, we will explain the derivation of the base objective (1). [sent-43, score-0.562]

23 To simplify the notation in Figure 1 and in Theorem 1 below, we define the base rewards (t) (t) θi and the base confidences κi for each training point (xi , yi ), i = 1, . [sent-44, score-1.296]

24 , n, base re(t) gressor h , and base confidence function κ(t) , t = 1, . [sent-47, score-1.068]

25 If (t) κi θi ≥ for all training points, then α(t) = ∞ and E (α(t) ) = 0, so the algorithm returns the actual regressor (line 9). [sent-52, score-0.502]

26 Intuitively, this means that the capacity of the set of base hypotheses is too large, so we are overfitting. [sent-53, score-0.63]

27 If α(t) < 0, the algorithm returns the regressor up to the last iteration (line 11). [sent-54, score-0.5]

28 Intuitively, this means that the capacity of the set of base hypotheses is too small, so we cannot find a new base regressor that would decrease the training loss. [sent-55, score-1.607]

29 In lines 9, 11, or 14, the algorithm returns the weighted median of the base regressors. [sent-58, score-0.756]

30 For the analysis of the algorithm, we formally define the final regressor in a more general (t) manner. [sent-59, score-0.414]

31 First, let α(t) = PTα α(j) be the normalized coefficient of the base hypothesis j=1 (h(t) , κ(t) ), and let T c(T ) (x) = α(t) κ(t) (x) = t=1 T t=1 α(t) κ(t) (x) T t=1 (6) α(t) (T ) (T ) be the average confidence function3 after the T th iteration. [sent-60, score-0.627]

32 Let fρ+ (x) and fρ− (x) be the weighted (1) (T ) 1+ρ/c 2 (T ) (x) - and (T ) 1−ρ/c 2 (x) -quantiles, respectively, of the base regressors h (x), . [sent-61, score-0.729]

33 Then the weighted median is defined as f (T ) (·) = medα,κ(·) h(·) = f0+ (·). [sent-69, score-0.144]

34 Not to be confused with κ(t) in (3) which is the average base confidence over the training data. [sent-71, score-0.582]

35 ) To assess the final regressor f (T ) (·), we say that f (T ) (·) is ρ-robust -precise on (xi , yi ) (T ) (T ) if and only if fρ+ (xi ) ≤ yi + , and fρ− (xi ) ≥ yi − . [sent-76, score-0.632]

36 For ρ ≥ 0, this condition is equivalent to both quantiles being in the “ -tube” around yi (Figure 2(b)). [sent-77, score-0.079]

37 In the rest of this section we show that the algorithm minimizes the relative frequency of training points on which f (T ) (·) is not -robust -precise. [sent-78, score-0.101]

38 Formally, let the ρ-robust -precise training error of f (T ) be defined as L(ρ) (f (T ) ) = 1 n n (T ) I fρ+ (xi ) > yi + i=1 (T ) ∨ fρ− (xi ) < yi − . [sent-79, score-0.27]

39 5 (9) If ρ = 0, L(0) (f (T ) ) gives the relative frequency of training points on which the regressor f (T ) has a larger L1 error than . [sent-80, score-0.527]

40 If we have equality in (2), this is exactly the average loss of the regressor f (T ) on the training data. [sent-81, score-0.465]

41 For classification with bi-valued base classifiers h : Rd → {−1, 1}, the definition (9) (with = 1) recovers the traditional notion of robust training error, that is, L(ρ) (f (T ) ) is the relative frequency of data points with margin smaller than ρ. [sent-83, score-0.765]

42 The following theorem upper bounds the ρ-robust -precise training error L (ρ) of the regressor f (T ) output by L OC M ED B OOST. [sent-84, score-0.619]

43 Define the base rewards θi and the base confidences κi as in (4). [sent-86, score-1.147]

44 (t) Let wi be the weight of training point xi after the tth iteration (updated in line 13 in Figure 1), and let α(t) be the weight of the base regressor h(t) (·) (computed in line 7 in Figure 1). [sent-87, score-1.409]

45 For the sake of simplicity, in the notation we suppress the fact that L(ρ) depends on the whole (T sequence of base regressors, base confidences, and weights, not only on the final regressor f ) . [sent-89, score-1.567]

46 5 The proof is based on the observation that if the median of the base regressors goes further than from the real response yi at training point xi , then most of the base regressors must also be far from yi , giving small base rewards to this point. [sent-90, score-2.384]

47 To derive the base objective (1), we follow the two step functional gradient descent procedure [7], that is, first we maximize the negative gradient −E (α) in α = 0, then we do a line search to determine α(t) . [sent-92, score-0.654]

48 Using n (t) this approach, the base objective becomes e1 (Dn ) = − i=1 wi κi θi , which is identical (t) (t) to (1). [sent-93, score-0.654]

49 Note that since E (α) is convex and E (0) = 1, a positive α(t) means that (t) (t) minα E (α) = E (α(t) ) < 1, so the condition in line 10 in Figure 1 guarantees that the upper bound of (10) decreases in each step. [sent-94, score-0.119]

50 3 Setting and maximizing the minimum margin In practice, A DA B OOST works well with = 0, so setting to a positive value is only an alternative regularization option to early stopping. [sent-95, score-0.169]

51 A too small means that the algorithm can overfit and stop in line 9. [sent-97, score-0.073]

52 In binary classification this is an unrealistic situation: it means that there is a base classifier that correctly classifies all data points. [sent-98, score-0.534]

53 In this case, a base classifier can correctly classify (or a base regressor can give positive base rewards θi to) all data points on which it does not abstain, so if = 0, the algorithm stops in line 9. [sent-100, score-2.192]

54 At the other end of the spectrum, a large can make the algorithm underfit and stop in line 11, so one needs to set carefully in order to avoid early stopping in lines 9 or 11. [sent-101, score-0.113]

55 From another aspect, a larger decreases the effective capacity of the the class of base hypotheses by restricting the set of admissible base hypotheses to those having small errors. [sent-104, score-1.254]

56 In general, has a potential role in balancing between over- and underfitting so, in practice, we suggest that it be validated together with the number of iterations T and other possible complexity parameters of the base hypotheses. [sent-105, score-0.534]

57 In the rest of this section, we extend the analysis of marginal boosting [5] to this general case. [sent-107, score-0.166]

58 Although the agressive maximization of the minimum margin can lead to overfitting, the analysis can provide valuable insight into the understanding of L OC M ED B OOST and so it can guide the setting of in practice. [sent-108, score-0.138]

59 For the sake of simplicity, let us assume that base hypotheses (h, κ) come from a finite set 6 HN with cardinality N , and let H(t) = (h(1) , κ(1) ), . [sent-109, score-0.708]

60 , (h(t) , κ(t) ) be the set of base hypotheses after the tth iteration. [sent-112, score-0.664]

61 Let us define the edge of the base hypothesis (h, κ) ∈ H N as7 n γ(h,κ) (w) = n w i κi θ i = i=1 i=1 wi κ(xi ) 1 − 2C h(xi ), yi , and the maximum edge in the tth iteration as γ ∗ (t) = max(h,κ)∈HN γ(h,κ) (w(t) ). [sent-113, score-0.923]

62 Note that γ(h,κ) (w) = −e1 (Dn ), so with this terminology, the objective of the base learner is 6 7 The analysis can be extended to infinite base sets along the lines of [5]. [sent-114, score-1.156]

63 For the sake of simplicity, in the notation we suppress the dependence of γ (h,κ) on Dn . [sent-115, score-0.104]

64 to maximize the edge γ (t) = γ(h(t) ,κ(t) ) (w(t) ) (if the maximum is achieved, then γ (t) = γ ∗ (t) ), and the algorithm stops in line 11 if the edge γ (t) is less than . [sent-116, score-0.165]

65 On the other hand, let us define the margin on a point (x, y) as the average reward8 N N α(j) κ(j) θ(j) = ρ(x,y) (α) = j=1 j=1 α(j) κ(j) (x) 1 − 2C h(j) (x), y . [sent-117, score-0.133]

66 Let us denote the minimum margin over the data points in the tth iteration by ρ∗ (t) = min (x,y)∈Dn ρ(x,y) (α(t−1) ), (11) where α(t−1) = α(1) , . [sent-118, score-0.354]

67 , α(t−1) is the vector of base hypothesis coefficients up to the (t − 1)th iteration. [sent-121, score-0.561]

68 It is easy to see that in each iteration, the maximum edge over the base hypotheses is at least the minimum margin over the training points: γ ∗ (t) = max (h,κ)∈HN γ(h,κ) (w(t) ) ≥ min (x,y)∈Dn ρ(x,y) (α(t−1) ) = ρ∗ (t) . [sent-122, score-0.939]

69 To converge to ρ∗ within a factor ν in finite time, [5] sets (t) RW = min γ (j) − ν, j=1,. [sent-126, score-0.099]

70 First we define the minimum and maximum achievable base rewards by ρmin = ρmax = min min κ(x) 1 − 2C h(x), y , (12) max max κ(x) 1 − 2C h(x), y , (13) (h,κ)∈HN (x,y)∈Dn (h,κ)∈HN (x,y)∈Dn respectively. [sent-131, score-0.922]

71 Let ρ = > ρ) after at most T = A2 log n 2ν 2 T t=1 log (t) − ρmin . [sent-134, score-0.054]

72 For the sake of simplicity, in the notation we suppress the dependence of ρ (x,y) on HN . [sent-140, score-0.104]

73 Corollary 1 (Generalization of Corollary 4 in [5]) Assume that the weak learner always achieves an edge γ (t) ≥ ρ∗ . [sent-143, score-0.083]

74 (t) The second corollary shows that if is set adaptively to RW then the minimum margin ρ∗ (t) will converge to ρ∗ within a precision ν in a finite number of steps. [sent-145, score-0.228]

75 Corollary 2 (Generalization of Theorem 6 in [5]) Assume that the weak learner always achieves an edge γ (t) ≥ ρ∗ . [sent-146, score-0.083]

76 4 The generalization error In this section we extend probabilistic bounds on the generalization error obtained for A DA B OOST [6], confidence-rated A DA B OOST [2], and localized boosting [3]. [sent-148, score-0.444]

77 The results provide bounds on the confidence-interval-type error L(f (T ) ) = PD f (T ) (X) − Y > , where (X, Y ) is a random point generated according to D independently from points in Dn . [sent-150, score-0.15]

78 The bounds state that with a large probability, L(f (T ) ) < L(ρ) (f (T ) ) + C(n, ρ, H, K), where the complexity term C depends on the size or the pseudo-dimension of the base regressor set H, and the smoothness of the base confidence functions in K. [sent-151, score-1.52]

79 As in the case of A DA B OOST, these bounds qualitatively justify the minimization of the robust training error L(ρ) (f (T ) ). [sent-152, score-0.211]

80 Let C be the set of combined regressors obtained as a weighted median of base regressors from H, that is, N C = f (·) = medα,κ(·) h(·) h ∈ HN , α ∈ R+ , κ ∈ KN , N ∈ Z+ . [sent-153, score-1.006]

81 In the simplest case, we assume that H is finite and base coefficients are constant. [sent-154, score-0.534]

82 Theorem 3 (Generalization of Theorem 1 in [6]) Let D be a distribution over R d × R, and let Dn be a sample of n points generated independently at random according to D. [sent-155, score-0.095]

83 Assume that the base regressor set H is finite, and K contains only κ(x) ≡ 1. [sent-156, score-0.929]

84 Then with probability 1 − δ over the random choice of the training set Dn , any f ∈ C satisfies the following bound for all ρ > 0: L(f ) < L(ρ) (f ) + O 1 √ n log n log |H| 1 + log ρ2 δ 1/2 . [sent-157, score-0.156]

85 Similarly to the proof of Theorem 1 in [6], we construct a set CN that contains unweighted medians of N base functions from H, then approximate f by g(·) = med1 h1 (·), . [sent-158, score-0.534]

86 , hN (·) ∈ CN where the base functions hi are selected randlomly according to the coefficient distribution α. [sent-161, score-0.534]

87 We then separate the one-sided error into two terms by PD f (X) > Y + ≤ PD g ρ + (X) > Y + 2 + PD g ρ + (X) ≤ Y + f (X) > Y + 2 , and then upper bound the two terms as in [6]. [sent-162, score-0.077]

88 The second theorem extends the first to the case of infinite base regressor sets. [sent-163, score-0.998]

89 Theorem 4 (Generalization of Theorem 2 of [6]) Let D be a distribution over R d × R, and let Dn be a sample of n points generated independently at random according to D. [sent-164, score-0.095]

90 Assume that the base regressor set H has pseudodimension p, and K contains only κ(x) ≡ 1. [sent-165, score-0.983]

91 Then with probability 1 − δ over the random choice of the training set Dn , any f ∈ C satisfies the following bound for all ρ > 0: L(f ) < L(ρ) (f ) + O 1 √ n 1 p log2 (n/p) + log ρ2 δ 1/2 . [sent-166, score-0.102]

92 , 2N by coefficient of the set A = N 2 (N/2 + 1)(en/p)pN where p is the pseudodimension of H (or the VC dimension of H+ = {(x, y) : h(x) > y} : h ∈ H ). [sent-170, score-0.054]

93 Theorem 5 (Generalization of Theorem 1 of [3]) Let D be a distribution over R d × R, and let Dn be a sample of n points generated independently at random according to D. [sent-172, score-0.095]

94 Assume that the base regressor set H has pseudodimension p, and K contains functions κ(x) which are lower bounded by a constant a, and which satisfy for all x, x ∈ Rd the Lipschitz condition |κ(x) − κ(x )| ≤ L x − x ∞ . [sent-173, score-0.983]

95 Then with probability 1 − δ over the random choice of the training set Dn , any f ∈ C satisfies the following bound for all ρ > 0: L(f ) < L 5 (ρ) (f ) + O 1 √ n (L/(aρ))d p log2 (n/p) 1 + log 2 ρ δ 1/2 . [sent-174, score-0.102]

96 Conclusion In this paper we have analyzed the algorithmic convergence of L OC M ED B OOST by generalizing recent results on efficient margin maximization, and provided bounds on the generalization error by extending similar bounds obtained for A DA B OOST. [sent-175, score-0.405]

97 K´ gl, “Robust regression by boosting the median,” in Proceedings of the 16th Conference on e Computational Learning Theory, Washington, D. [sent-177, score-0.155]

98 Singer, “Improved boosting algorithms using confidence-rated predictions,” Machine Learning, vol. [sent-184, score-0.125]

99 K´ gl, “Confidence-rated regression by boosting the median,” Tech. [sent-194, score-0.155]

100 Warmuth, “Efficient margin maximizing with boosting,” Journal of Machine a Learning Research (submitted), 2003. [sent-200, score-0.131]

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[(0, -0.174), (1, 0.083), (2, 0.024), (3, 0.206), (4, 0.018), (5, 0.054), (6, 0.18), (7, 0.178), (8, -0.282), (9, 0.459), (10, -0.227), (11, -0.303), (12, 0.135), (13, 0.027), (14, 0.192), (15, -0.024), (16, 0.09), (17, -0.034), (18, 0.116), (19, -0.088), (20, -0.131), (21, 0.004), (22, 0.058), (23, 0.008), (24, 0.095), (25, -0.154), (26, -0.043), (27, 0.032), (28, 0.061), (29, 0.078), (30, 0.059), (31, 0.01), (32, 0.029), (33, 0.015), (34, 0.005), (35, -0.045), (36, -0.006), (37, 0.096), (38, -0.091), (39, 0.02), (40, -0.016), (41, -0.036), (42, -0.018), (43, -0.024), (44, 0.002), (45, -0.004), (46, -0.022), (47, -0.018), (48, -0.01), (49, 0.071)]

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Abstract: In this paper we propose to combine two powerful ideas, boosting and manifold learning. On the one hand, we improve A DA B OOST by incorporating knowledge on the structure of the data into base classifier design and selection. On the other hand, we use A DA B OOST’s efficient learning mechanism to significantly improve supervised and semi-supervised algorithms proposed in the context of manifold learning. Beside the specific manifold-based penalization, the resulting algorithm also accommodates the boosting of a large family of regularized learning algorithms. 1

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Abstract: We have recently proposed an extension of A DA B OOST to regression that uses the median of the base regressors as the final regressor. In this paper we extend theoretical results obtained for A DA B OOST to median boosting and to its localized variant. First, we extend recent results on efficient margin maximizing to show that the algorithm can converge to the maximum achievable margin within a preset precision in a finite number of steps. Then we provide confidence-interval-type bounds on the generalization error. 1

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