nips nips2003 nips2003-55 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

55 nips-2003-Distributed Optimization in Adaptive Networks

Source: pdf

Author: Ciamac C. Moallemi, Benjamin V. Roy

Abstract: We develop a protocol for optimizing dynamic behavior of a network of simple electronic components, such as a sensor network, an ad hoc network of mobile devices, or a network of communication switches. This protocol requires only local communication and simple computations which are distributed among devices. The protocol is scalable to large networks. As a motivating example, we discuss a problem involving optimization of power consumption, delay, and buffer overflow in a sensor network. Our approach builds on policy gradient methods for optimization of Markov decision processes. The protocol can be viewed as an extension of policy gradient methods to a context involving a team of agents optimizing aggregate performance through asynchronous distributed communication and computation. We establish that the dynamics of the protocol approximate the solution to an ordinary differential equation that follows the gradient of the performance objective. 1

Reference: text

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sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 edu Abstract We develop a protocol for optimizing dynamic behavior of a network of simple electronic components, such as a sensor network, an ad hoc network of mobile devices, or a network of communication switches. [sent-4, score-1.357]

2 This protocol requires only local communication and simple computations which are distributed among devices. [sent-5, score-0.541]

3 As a motivating example, we discuss a problem involving optimization of power consumption, delay, and buffer overflow in a sensor network. [sent-7, score-0.717]

4 Our approach builds on policy gradient methods for optimization of Markov decision processes. [sent-8, score-0.445]

5 The protocol can be viewed as an extension of policy gradient methods to a context involving a team of agents optimizing aggregate performance through asynchronous distributed communication and computation. [sent-9, score-1.07]

6 We establish that the dynamics of the protocol approximate the solution to an ordinary differential equation that follows the gradient of the performance objective. [sent-10, score-0.565]

7 1 Introduction This paper is motivated by the potential of policy gradient methods as a general approach to designing simple scalable distributed optimization protocols for networks of electronic devices. [sent-11, score-0.697]

8 We offer a general framework for such protocols that builds on ideas from the policy gradient literature. [sent-12, score-0.465]

9 We also explore a specific example involving a network of sensors that aggregates data. [sent-13, score-0.276]

10 In this context, we propose a distributed optimization protocol that minimizes power consumption, delay, and buffer overflow. [sent-14, score-0.676]

11 The proposed approach for designing protocols based on policy gradient methods comprises one contribution of this paper. [sent-15, score-0.43]

12 In addition, this paper offers fundamental contributions to the policy gradient literature. [sent-16, score-0.343]

13 In particular, the kind of protocol we propose can be viewed as extending policy gradient methods to a context involving a team of agents optimizing system behavior through asynchronous distributed computation and parsimonious local communication. [sent-17, score-0.98]

14 Our main theoretical contribution is to show that the dynamics of our protocol approximate the solution to an ordinary differential equation that follows the gradient of the performance objective. [sent-18, score-0.53]

15 Associated with this network is a discrete-time dynamical system with a finite state space W. [sent-23, score-0.173]

16 Each ith action process only transitions when the state w(k) transitions to an element of Wi . [sent-45, score-0.18]

17 At the time of i transition, the probability that ai (k) becomes any ai ∈ Ai is given by πθi (ai |w(k)). [sent-46, score-0.402]

18 While the system is in state w ∈ W and action a ∈ A is applied, each component i receives a reward ri (w, a). [sent-57, score-0.363]

19 The average reward received by the network is r(w, a) = n 1 i=1 ri (w, a). [sent-58, score-0.349]

20 (1) Here, > 0 is a constant step size and χi (k) is a noisy estimate of the gradient θi λ(θ(k)) computed at component i based on the component’s historically observed states, actions, and rewards, in addition to communication with other components. [sent-63, score-0.285]

21 Our goal is to develop an estimator χi (k) that can be used in an adaptive, asynchronous, and decentralized context, and to establish the convergence of the resulting stochastic approximation scheme. [sent-64, score-0.28]

22 Our approach builds on policy gradient algorithms that have been proposed in recent years ([5, 7, 8, 3, 4, 2]). [sent-65, score-0.378]

23 As a starting point, consider a gradient estimation method that is a decentralized variation of the OLPOMDP algorithm of [3, 4, 1]. [sent-66, score-0.268]

24 In this algorithm, each β component i maintains and updates an eligibility vector zi (t) ∈ RNi , defined by k (2) β zi (k) = β k− =0 i θi πθi ( ) (ai ( )|w( )) 1{w( )∈Wi } , i πθi ( ) (ai ( )|w( )) β for some β ∈ (0, 1). [sent-67, score-0.414]

25 Note that while the credit vector zi (t) can be computed using only local information, the gradient estimate χi (t) cannot be computed without knowl¯ edge of the global reward r(x(t), a(t)) at each time. [sent-69, score-0.47]

26 In this paper, we present a simple scalable distributed protocol through which rewards occurring locally at each node are communicated over time across the network and gradient estimates are generated at each node based on local information. [sent-71, score-0.978]

27 Another feature of the protocol is that it is completely decentralized – there is no central processor that aggregates and disseminates rewards. [sent-75, score-0.577]

28 As such, the protocol is robust to isolated changes or failures in the network. [sent-76, score-0.356]

29 In addition to design of the protocol, a significant contribution is in the protocol’s analysis, which we believe requires new ideas beyond what has been employed in the prior policy gradient literature. [sent-77, score-0.343]

30 3 A General Framework for Protocols We will make the following assumption regarding the policies, which is common in the policy gradient literature ([7, 8, 3, 4, 2]). [sent-78, score-0.386]

31 For all i and every w ∈ Wi , ai ∈ Ai , πθi (ai |w) is a continuously differentiable function of θi . [sent-80, score-0.179]

32 Further, for every i, there exists a bounded function Li (w, ai , θ) such i i that for all w ∈ Wi , ai ∈ Ai , θi πθi (ai |w) = πθi (ai |w)Li (w, ai , θ). [sent-81, score-0.537]

33 Consider the following gradient estimator: (3) β χi (k) = zi (k) 1 n n k dα ( , k)rj ( ), ij j=1 =0 where we use the shorthand rj ( ) = rj (w( ), a( )). [sent-83, score-0.372]

34 Indeed, dα ( , k) is the fraction of the reward ij rj ( ) at component j that is learned by component i at time k ≥ . [sent-85, score-0.347]

35 This type of convergence is central to the convergence of the stochastic approximation iteration (1). [sent-102, score-0.269]

36 4 Example: A Sensor Network In this section, we present a model of a wireless network of sensors that gathers and communicates data to a central base station. [sent-107, score-0.429]

37 Our example is motivated by issues arising in the development of sensor network technology being carried out by commercial producers of electronic devices. [sent-108, score-0.643]

38 However, we will not take into account the many complexities associated with real sensor networks. [sent-109, score-0.451]

39 Rather, our objective is to pose a simplified model that motivates and provides a context for discussion of our distributed optimization protocol. [sent-110, score-0.208]

40 1 System Description Consider a network of n sensors and a central base station. [sent-112, score-0.301]

41 Each sensor gathers packets of data through observation of its environment, and these packets of data are relayed through the network to the base station via multi-hop wireless communication. [sent-113, score-1.071]

42 Each sensor retains a queue of packets, each obtained either through sensing or via transmission from another sensor. [sent-114, score-0.678]

43 Packets in a queue are indistinguishable – each is of equal size and must be transferred to the central base station. [sent-115, score-0.299]

44 We take the state of a sensor to be the number of packets in the queue and denote the state of the ith sensor at time k by xi (k). [sent-116, score-1.393]

45 The number of packets in a queue cannot exceed a finite buffer size, which we denote by x. [sent-117, score-0.438]

46 These include (1) packetizing of an observation (2) reception of a packet from another sensor, (3) transmission of a packet to another sensor, (4) awakening from a period of sleep, (5) termination of a period of attempted reception, (6) termination of a period of attempted transmission. [sent-119, score-0.627]

47 At the time of a triggering event, the sensor must decide on its next action. [sent-120, score-0.603]

48 The action taken by the ith sensor at time k is denoted by ai (k). [sent-124, score-0.815]

49 The base station will be thought of as a sensor that has an infinite buffer and perpetually attempts reception. [sent-125, score-0.753]

50 For each i, there is a set N(i) of entities with which the ith sensor can directly communicate. [sent-126, score-0.54]

51 If the ith sensor is attempting transmission of a packet and there is at least one element of N(i) that is simultaneously attempting reception and is closer to the base station than component i, the packet is transferred to the queue of that element. [sent-127, score-1.561]

52 Note that if among the elements of N(i) that are attempting reception, all are further away from the base station than component i, no packet is transmitted. [sent-129, score-0.415]

53 Observations are made and packetized by each sensor at random times. [sent-130, score-0.501]

54 2 Control Policies and Objective Every sensor employs a control policy that selects an action based on its queue length each time a triggering event occurs. [sent-134, score-1.12]

55 Each ith sensor’s control policy is parameterized by a vector θi ∈ R2 . [sent-136, score-0.35]

56 Given θi , at an event time, if the ith sensor has a non-empty queue, it chooses to transmit with probability θi1 . [sent-137, score-0.683]

57 If the ith sensor does not transmit and its queue is not full, it chooses to receive with probability θi2 . [sent-138, score-0.775]

58 If the sensor does not transmit or receive, then it sleeps. [sent-139, score-0.538]

59 Assume that each sensor has a finite power supply. [sent-141, score-0.451]

60 In order to guarantee a minimum lifespan for the network, we will require that each sensor sleeps at least a fraction fs of the time. [sent-142, score-0.451]

61 If, at any given time, a sensor has not slept for a total fraction of a least fs of the preceding time Ts , it is forced to sleep and hence not allowed to transmit or receive. [sent-144, score-0.689]

62 The objective is to minimize a weighted sum of the average delay and average number of dropped packets per unit of time. [sent-145, score-0.266]

63 Delay can be thought of as the amount of time a packet spends in the network before arriving at the base station. [sent-146, score-0.47]

64 ,θn K→∞ 1 K K−1 k=0 1 n n (xi (k) + ξDi (k)) , i=1 where Di (k) is the number of packets dropped by sensor i at time k, and ξ is a weight reflecting the relative importance of delay and dropped packets. [sent-150, score-0.834]

65 5 Distributed Optimization Protocol We now describe a simple protocol by which components a the network can communicate rewards, in a fashion that satisfies the requirements of Theorem 1 and hence will produce good gradient estimates. [sent-151, score-0.714]

66 This protocol communicates the rewards across the network over time using a distributed averaging procedure. [sent-152, score-0.771]

67 Imagine each component i in the network is given a real value Ri . [sent-154, score-0.191]

68 Our goal is to design an asynchronous distributed n protocol through which each node will obtain the average R = i=1 Ri /n. [sent-155, score-0.517]

69 In the context of our distributed optimization protocol, we will assume that each component i maintains a scalar value Yi (k) at time k representing an estimate of the global reward. [sent-164, score-0.429]

70 , rn (k)) is a vector of rewards occurring at time k. [sent-178, score-0.208]

71 Since the process (w(k), a(k)) is aperiodic and irreducible (Assumption 1), this assumption guarantees that every edge on a connected subset of edges is sampled infinitely often. [sent-184, score-0.213]

72 Policy parameters are updated at each component according to the rule: β (4) θi (k + 1) = θi (k) + zi (k)(1 − α)Yi (k). [sent-185, score-0.209]

73 The following theorem, which relies on a general stochastic approximation result from [6] together with custom analysis available in our appendix [9], establishes the convergence of the distributed stochastic iteration method defined by (4). [sent-187, score-0.353]

74 We expect our protocol to be used in an online fashion, where it is ideal to be adaptive to long-term changes in network topology or dynamics of the environment. [sent-203, score-0.49]

75 In practical numerical implementations, choices of the policy parameters θi would be constrained to bounded sets of Hi ⊂ RNi . [sent-206, score-0.237]

76 1 Relation to the Example In the example of Section 4, one approach to implementing our distributed optimization protocol involves passing messages associated with the optimization protocol alongside normal network traffic, as we will now explain. [sent-211, score-1.075]

77 Each ith sensor should maintain and update β two vectors: a parameter vector θi (k) ∈ R2 and an eligibility vector zi (k). [sent-212, score-0.733]

78 If a triggering event occurs at sensor i at time k, the eligibility vector is updated according to β zi (k) = βz β (k − 1) + i θi πθi (k) (ai (k)|w(k)) i πθi (k) (ai (k)|w(k)) . [sent-213, score-0.886]

79 Furthermore, each sensor maintains an estimate Yi (k) of the global reward. [sent-215, score-0.53]

80 At each time k, each ith sensor observes a reward (negative cost) of ri (k) = −xi (k) − ξDi (k). [sent-216, score-0.799]

81 If two neighboring sensors are both not asleep at a time k, they communicate their global reward estimates from the previous time. [sent-217, score-0.311]

82 If the ith sensor is not involved in a reward communication event at that time, its global reward estimate is updated according to Yi (k) = αYi (k − 1) + ri (k). [sent-218, score-1.099]

83 On the other hand, at any time k that there is a communication event, its global reward estimate is updated according to Yi (k) = ri (k) + α(Yi (k) + αYj (k))/2, where j is the index of the sensor with which communication occurs. [sent-219, score-0.957]

84 If communication occurs with multiple neighbors, the corresponding global reward estimates are averaged pairwise in an arbitrary order. [sent-220, score-0.254]

85 In this ˆ context, the graph E contains an edge for each pair of neighbors in the sensor network, where the neighborhood relations are capture by N, as introduced in Section 4. [sent-222, score-0.546]

86 To optimize performance over time, each ith sensor would update its parameter values according to our stochastic approximation iteration (4). [sent-223, score-0.638]

87 To highlight the simplicity of this protocol, note that each sensor need only maintain and update a few numerical values. [sent-224, score-0.483]

88 Furthermore, the only communication required by the optimization protocol is that an extra scalar numerical value be transmitted and an extra scalar numerical value be received during the reception or transmission of any packet. [sent-225, score-0.868]

89 Here, at every time step, an observation arrives at a sensor with a 0. [sent-227, score-0.495]

90 02 probability, and each sensor maintains a queue of up to 20 observations. [sent-228, score-0.645]

91 Policy parameters θi1 and θi2 for each sensor i are constrained to lie in the interval [0. [sent-229, score-0.451]

92 (Note that for this set of parameters, the chance of a buffer overflow is very small, and hence did not occur in our simulations. [sent-232, score-0.192]

93 ) A baseline policy is defined by having leaf nodes transmit with maximum probability, and interior nodes splitting their time roughly evenly between transmission and reception, when not forced to sleep by the power constraint. [sent-233, score-0.488]

94 Applying our decentralized optimization method to this example, it is clear in Figure 2 that the performance of the network is quickly and dramatically improved. [sent-234, score-0.331]

95 Further, the algorithm achieves qualitatively similar performance to gradient optimization using the centralized OLPOMDP method of [3, 4, 1], hence decentralization comes at no cost. [sent-236, score-0.239]

96 6 Remarks and Further Issues We are encouraged by the simplicity and scalability of the distributed optimization protocol we have presented. [sent-237, score-0.518]

97 We believe that this protocol represents both an interesting direction for practical applications involving networks of electronic devices and a significant step in the policy gradient literature. [sent-238, score-0.798]

98 However, there is an important outstanding issue that needs to be addressed to assess the potential of this approach: whether or not parameters can be adapted fast enough for this protocol to be useful in applications. [sent-239, score-0.356]

99 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 Iteration 6 7 8 9 10 6 x 10 to this issue: (1) variance of gradient estimates and (2) convergence rate of the underlying ODE. [sent-248, score-0.203]

100 Acknowledgements The authors thank Abbas El Gamal, Abtin Keshavarzian, Balaji Prabhakar, and Elif Uysal for stimulating conversations on sensor network models and applications. [sent-251, score-0.585]

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Author: Yu-han Chang, Tracey Ho, Leslie P. Kaelbling

Abstract: In large multiagent games, partial observability, coordination, and credit assignment persistently plague attempts to design good learning algorithms. We provide a simple and efficient algorithm that in part uses a linear system to model the world from a single agent’s limited perspective, and takes advantage of Kalman filtering to allow an agent to construct a good training signal and learn an effective policy. 1

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