nips nips2001 nips2001-186 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

186 nips-2001-The Noisy Euclidean Traveling Salesman Problem and Learning

Source: pdf

Author: Mikio L. Braun, Joachim M. Buhmann

Abstract: We consider noisy Euclidean traveling salesman problems in the plane, which are random combinatorial problems with underlying structure. Gibbs sampling is used to compute average trajectories, which estimate the underlying structure common to all instances. This procedure requires identifying the exact relationship between permutations and tours. In a learning setting, the average trajectory is used as a model to construct solutions to new instances sampled from the same source. Experimental results show that the average trajectory can in fact estimate the underlying structure and that overfitting effects occur if the trajectory adapts too closely to a single instance. 1

Reference: text

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1 III, University of Bonn R6merstraBe 164, 53117 Bonn, Germany Abstract We consider noisy Euclidean traveling salesman problems in the plane, which are random combinatorial problems with underlying structure. [sent-8, score-0.435]

2 Gibbs sampling is used to compute average trajectories, which estimate the underlying structure common to all instances. [sent-9, score-0.203]

3 This procedure requires identifying the exact relationship between permutations and tours. [sent-10, score-0.258]

4 In a learning setting, the average trajectory is used as a model to construct solutions to new instances sampled from the same source. [sent-11, score-0.639]

5 Experimental results show that the average trajectory can in fact estimate the underlying structure and that overfitting effects occur if the trajectory adapts too closely to a single instance. [sent-12, score-0.667]

6 1 Introduction The approach in combinatorial optimization is traditionally single-instance and worst-case-oriented. [sent-13, score-0.136]

7 This constitutes a completely different problem: given a set of similar instances, construct solutions which are good on average. [sent-16, score-0.176]

8 Since the instances share some information, it might be expected that this problem is simpler than solving all instances separately, even for NP-hard problems. [sent-18, score-0.332]

9 We will study the following example of a multiple-instance average-case problem, which is built from the Euclidean travelings salesman problem (TSP) in the plane. [sent-19, score-0.183]

10 At the beginning of each week, the salesman has a new set of appointments for the week, for which he has to plan the shortest round-trip. [sent-21, score-0.412]

11 The location of the appointments will not be completely random, because there are certain areas which have a higher probability of containing an appointment, for example cities or business districts within cities. [sent-22, score-0.267]

12 Instead of solving the planning problem each week from scratch, a clever salesman will try to exploit the underlying density and have a rough trip pre-planned, which he will only adapt from week to week. [sent-23, score-0.437]

13 Then, the locations of the appointments for each week are given as samples from the normally distributed random vectors (i E {1, . [sent-30, score-0.358]

14 ,Xn ) will be called a scenario, sampled appointment locations (sampled) instance. [sent-36, score-0.149]

15 The task consists in finding the permutation 7r E Sn which minimizes 7r I-t d7r (n)1f(l) + L~:ll d1f (i)1f(iH) , where dij := IIXi - Xj112' and Sn being the set of all bijective functions on the set {1, . [sent-37, score-0.181]

16 ,In as input and outputs a number of solutions Sl,···, Sn· It is then measured by the average performance (l/n) L~=l C(Sk, h), where C(s , I) denotes the cost of solution s on instance I. [sent-47, score-0.329]

17 ,In, the algorithm has to construct a solution s' on a newly sampled instance I'. [sent-52, score-0.152]

18 ,In are then the training data, E(C(s', I')) is the analogue of the expected risk or cost, and the set of solutions is identified with the hypothesis class in learning theory. [sent-58, score-0.241]

19 From this training instance, an average solution is constructed, represented by a closed curve in the plane. [sent-60, score-0.138]

20 This average trajectory is supposed to capture the essential structure of the underlying probability density, similar to the centroids in K-means clustering. [sent-61, score-0.406]

21 Then, the average trajectory is used as a seed for a simple heuristic which constructs solutions on newly drawn instances. [sent-62, score-0.543]

22 The average trajectories are computed by geometrically averaging tours which are drawn by a Gibbs sampler at finite temperature. [sent-63, score-0.715]

23 It turns out that the temperature acts as a scale or smoothing parameter. [sent-65, score-0.166]

24 It is based on a completely different algorithmic approach using Gibbs sampling and a general technique for averaging tours. [sent-68, score-0.092]

25 Furthermore, the goal is not to provide a heuristic for computing the best solution, but to extract the relevant statistics of the Gibbs distribution at finite temperatures to generate the average trajectory, which will be used to compute solutions on future instances. [sent-70, score-0.479]

26 Let M be a finite set and f: M -+ lit The Gibbs distribution at temperature T E Il4 is given by (m E M) 9T(m) := exp( - f(m)/T~ . [sent-73, score-0.204]

27 For TSP, M = Sn and ¢ is the Lin-Kernighan two-change [4], which consists in choosing two indexes i, j at random and reversing the path between the appointments i and j. [sent-79, score-0.229]

28 3 Averaging Tours Our goal is to compute the average trajectory, which should grasp the underlying structure common to all instances, with respect to the Gibbs measure at non-zero temperature T . [sent-81, score-0.369]

29 The Metropolis algorithm produces a sequence of permutations 7rl, 7r2, . [sent-82, score-0.194]

30 Since permutations cannot be added, we cannot simply compute the empirical means of 7rn . [sent-88, score-0.222]

31 Definition 1 (trajectory) The trajectory of 7r E Sn given n points Xl, . [sent-90, score-0.203]

32 The set of all trajectories (for all sets of n points) is denoted by Tn (this is the set of all mappings T {I , . [sent-97, score-0.267]

33 Addition of trajectories and multiplication with scalars can be defined pointwise. [sent-101, score-0.374]

34 Unfortunately, this does not yield the desired results , since the relation between permutations and tours is not one-to-one. [sent-103, score-0.405]

35 For example, the permutation obtained by starting the tour at a different city still corresponds to the same tour . [sent-104, score-0.678]

36 We therefore need to define the addition of trajectories in a way which is independent of the choice of permutation (and therefore trajectory) to represent the tour. [sent-105, score-0.479]

37 We will study the relationship between tours and permutations first in some detail, since we feel that the concepts introduced here might be generally useful for analyzing combinatorial optimization problems. [sent-106, score-0.634]

38 A subset tEE is called a tour iff It I = n, for every v E V, there exist exactly two el, e2 E t such that v E el and v E e2, and (V, t) is connected. [sent-111, score-0.308]

39 Given a symmetric matrix (d ij ) of distances, the length of a tour t is defined by C(t) := L:{i,j} Et d ij . [sent-112, score-0.402]

40 The tour corresponding to a permutation 7r E Sn is given by n-l t(7r) :={ {7r(I), 7r(n)}} U {{7r(i) ,7r(i + I)}}. [sent-113, score-0.403]

41 U (4) i=l If t(7r) = t for a permutation 7r and a tour t, we say that 7r represents t. [sent-114, score-0.403]

42 We call two permutations 7r, 7r' equivalent, if they represent the same tour and write 7r ,. [sent-115, score-0.469]

43 Note that the length of a permutation is fully determined by its equivalence class. [sent-121, score-0.243]

44 We have to define the addition EB of trajectories such that the sum is independent of the representation. [sent-127, score-0.351]

45 This means that for two tours h, t2 such that h is represented by 'lf1, 'If~ and t2 by 'lf2, 'If~ it holds that f('lf1) EB f('lf2) ~ f('lfD EB f('If~). [sent-128, score-0.265]

46 We define a group action of Sn on itself by right translation ('If, 9 E Sn): " . [sent-131, score-0.2]

47 (5) Note that any permutation in Sn can be mapped to another by an appropriate group action (namely 'If -+ 'If' by ('If,-l'lf) . [sent-134, score-0.272]

48 ), such that the group action of Sn on itself suffices to study the equivalence classes of ~. [sent-136, score-0.246]

49 H t will be called the symmetry group of TSP(Sn) and it follows that ['If] = H t · 'If :={h · 'If I hE Hd. [sent-145, score-0.098]

50 (7) The fundamental result is Theorem 1 Let t be the mapping which sends permutations to tours as defined in (4). [sent-167, score-0.48]

51 Then, H t = H , where H t is the set of all t-invariant permutations and H is defined in (7). [sent-168, score-0.269]

52 We are going to prove that t-invariant permutations are completely defined by their values on 1 and 2. [sent-171, score-0.334]

53 ,n } , u i(k) = uk(i) and therefore, h= { u k- 1 (2un-k if h(i) = ui-1 (k) ifh(i)=u- i+1(k)' D Adding trajectories We can now define equivalence for trajectories. [sent-181, score-0.386]

54 First define a group action of Sn on Tn analogously to (5): the action of h E H t on "( E Tn is given by h · "( := "( 0 h- 1 . [sent-182, score-0.288]

55 (8) Before adding two trajectories we will first choose equivalent representations "(', 1}' which minimize d( "(' , 1}'). [sent-188, score-0.267]

56 Because of the results presented so far, searching through all equivalent trajectories is computationally tractable. [sent-189, score-0.267]

57 It follows that it suffices to change the representations only for one argument, since d(h· ,,(, i· rJ) = db, h - 1 i· rJ)· So the time complexity of one addition reduces to 2n computation of distances which involve n subtractions each. [sent-193, score-0.136]

58 The normalizing action is defined by b, rJ E Tn) (9) n , 1J := argmin d( ,,(, n . [sent-194, score-0.331]

59 rJ)· n EH t Assuming that the normalizing action is unique 1 , we can prove Theorem 2 Let ,,(, rJ be two trajectories, and n , 1J the unique normalizing action as defined in (9). [sent-195, score-0.458]

60 We claim that n ,I1J1 The normalizing action is defined by n,I1J1 = gn' 1Jh-1. [sent-200, score-0.253]

61 ,,(, nih· rJ) = argmin db , g-l n lh· rJ), n l EHt n l EH t n l EH t (11) by inserting g-l parallelly before both arguments in the last step. [sent-203, score-0.126]

62 Since the normalizing action is unique, it follows that for the n l realizing the minimum it holds that g-ln l h = n , 1J and therefore n l = n , I1J1 = gn' 1Jh-1. [sent-204, score-0.232]

63 0 The sum of more than two trajectories can be defined by normalizing everything with respect to the first summand, so that empirical sums EB~=l f(? [sent-206, score-0.46]

64 t 4 Inferring Solutions on New Instances We transfer a trajectory to a new set of appointments Xl, . [sent-208, score-0.432]

65 ,X n by computing the relaxed tour using the following finite-horizon adaption technique: First of all, passing times ti for all appointments are computed. [sent-211, score-0.66]

66 We extend the domain of a trajectory "( from {I, . [sent-212, score-0.203]

67 Then we define ti such that "((ti) is the earliest point with minimal distance between appointment Xi and the trajectory. [sent-216, score-0.188]

68 The permutation which sorts (ti)~l is the relaxed solution of"( to (Xi) . [sent-218, score-0.235]

69 r(i + w + 2) (index addition is modulo n) is replaced by the best alternative through the appointments ? [sent-225, score-0.257]

70 lOtherwise, perturb the locations of the appointments by infinitesimal changes. [sent-237, score-0.261]

71 Average trajectories for different temperatures are plotted in figures l(a)- (c). [sent-243, score-0.431]

72 As the temperature decreases, the average trajectory converges to the trajectory of a single locally optimal tour. [sent-244, score-0.68]

73 The graphs demonstrate that the temperature T acts as a smoothing parameter. [sent-245, score-0.166]

74 To estimate the expected risk of an average trajectory, the post-processed relaxed (PPR) solutions were averaged over 100 new instances (see figure l(d)-(g)) in order to estimate the expected costs. [sent-246, score-0.507]

75 The costs of the best solutions are good approximations, within 5% of the average minimum as determined by careful simulated annealing. [sent-247, score-0.288]

76 In other words, average trajectories computed at temperatures which are too low, start to overfit to noise present only in the instance for which they were computed. [sent-251, score-0.56]

77 So computation of the global optimum of a noisy combinatorial optimization problem might not be the right strategy, because the solutions might not reflect the underlying structure. [sent-252, score-0.432]

78 Averaging over many suboptimal solutions provides much better statistics. [sent-253, score-0.138]

79 The problem is nevertheless suited for the application of the heuristic provided by the empirical risk approximation (ERA) framework [1], which will be briefly sketched here. [sent-256, score-0.123]

80 Selecting a subset of solutions such that £l -spheres of radius "( cover M results in the coarse-grained hypothesis set M,. [sent-259, score-0.174]

81 ERA then advocates to either sample from the ,,(-sphere around the empirical minimizer or average over these solutions. [sent-269, score-0.136]

82 Now it is well known, that the Gibbs sampler is concentrated on solutions whose costs are below a certain threshold. [sent-270, score-0.217]

83 Now interpreting "( as energy, we can compute the stop temperature from the optimal T Using the well-known relation from statistical physics ~ee:t:~:: = T - 1 , we can derive a lower bound on the optimal temperature depending on variance estimates of the specific scenario given. [sent-274, score-0.332]

84 The underlying structure of similar instances should be extracted and used in order reduce the computational complexity for computing solutions to related instances. [sent-277, score-0.422]

85 Starting with the noisy Euclidean TSP, the construction of average tours is studied in this paper, which involves determining the exact relationship between permutation and tours, and identifying the intrinsic symmetries of the TSP. [sent-278, score-0.595]

86 We hope that this technique might prove to be useful for other applications in the field of averaging over solutions of combinatorial problems. [sent-279, score-0.339]

87 The average trajectories are able to capture the underlying structure common to all instances. [sent-280, score-0.47]

88 A heuristic for constructing solutions on new instances is proposed. [sent-281, score-0.353]

89 This phenomenon points at a deep connection between combinatorial optimization problems with noise and learning theory, which might be bidirectional. [sent-284, score-0.164]

90 On the one hand, we believe that noisy (in contrast to random) combinatorial optimization problems are dominant in reality. [sent-285, score-0.178]

91 Robust algorithms could be built by first estimating the undistorted structure and then using this structure as a guideline for constructing solutions for single instances. [sent-286, score-0.208]

92 An analogue approach to the travelling salesman problem using an elastic net method. [sent-299, score-0.281]

93 An effective heuristic algorithm for the traveling salesman problem. [sent-311, score-0.304]

94 58 33a1 ~ g Figure 1: (a) Average trajectories at different temperatures for n = 100 appointments on a circle with a 2 = 0. [sent-356, score-0.657]

95 (b) Average trajectories at different temperatures, for multiple Gaussian sources, n = 50 and a 2 = 0. [sent-358, score-0.267]

96 (c) The same for an instance with structure on two levels. [sent-360, score-0.088]

97 (d) Average tour length of the post-processed relaxed (PPR) solutions for the circle instance plotted in (a). [sent-361, score-0.656]

98 The average fits to noise in the data if the temperature is too low, leading to overfitting phenomena. [sent-363, score-0.332]

99 (e) The average trajectory with the smallest average length of its PPR solutions in (d). [sent-366, score-0.609]

100 (g) Lowest temperature trajectory with small average PPR solution length in (f). [sent-370, score-0.559]

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