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24 nips-2000-An Information Maximization Approach to Overcomplete and Recurrent Representations

Source: pdf

Author: Oren Shriki, Haim Sompolinsky, Daniel D. Lee

Abstract: The principle of maximizing mutual information is applied to learning overcomplete and recurrent representations. The underlying model consists of a network of input units driving a larger number of output units with recurrent interactions. In the limit of zero noise, the network is deterministic and the mutual information can be related to the entropy of the output units. Maximizing this entropy with respect to both the feedforward connections as well as the recurrent interactions results in simple learning rules for both sets of parameters. The conventional independent components (ICA) learning algorithm can be recovered as a special case where there is an equal number of output units and no recurrent connections. The application of these new learning rules is illustrated on a simple two-dimensional input example.

Reference: text

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1 Lee Bell Laboratories Lucent Technologies Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Abstract The principle of maximizing mutual information is applied to learning overcomplete and recurrent representations. [sent-2, score-1.107]

2 The underlying model consists of a network of input units driving a larger number of output units with recurrent interactions. [sent-3, score-0.878]

3 In the limit of zero noise, the network is deterministic and the mutual information can be related to the entropy of the output units. [sent-4, score-0.473]

4 Maximizing this entropy with respect to both the feedforward connections as well as the recurrent interactions results in simple learning rules for both sets of parameters. [sent-5, score-1.137]

5 The conventional independent components (ICA) learning algorithm can be recovered as a special case where there is an equal number of output units and no recurrent connections. [sent-6, score-0.741]

6 The application of these new learning rules is illustrated on a simple two-dimensional input example. [sent-7, score-0.302]

7 1 Introduction Many unsupervised learning algorithms such as principal component analysis, vector quantization, self-organizing feature maps, and others use the principle of minimizing reconstruction error to learn appropriate features from multivariate data [1, 2]. [sent-8, score-0.188]

8 Independent components analysis (ICA) can similarly be understood as maximizing the likelihood of the data under a non-Gaussian generative model, and thus is related to minimizing a reconstruction cost [3, 4, 5]. [sent-9, score-0.301]

9 On the other hand, the same ICA algorithm can also be derived without regard to a particular generative model by maximizing the mutual information between the data and a nonlinearly transformed version of the data [6]. [sent-10, score-0.354]

10 This principle of information maximization has also been previously applied to explain optimal properties for single units, linear networks, and symplectic transformations [7, 8, 9]. [sent-11, score-0.188]

11 In these proceedings, we show how the principle of maximizing mutual information can be generalized to overcomplete as well as recurrent representations. [sent-12, score-1.06]

12 In the limit of zero noise, we derive gradient descent learning rules for both the feedforward and recurrent weights. [sent-13, score-1.062]

13 Finally, we show the application of these learning rules to some simple illustrative examples. [sent-14, score-0.204]

14 M output variables N input variables Figure 1: Network diagram of an overcomplete, recurrent representation. [sent-15, score-0.686]

15 x are input data which influence the output signals s through feedforward connections W. [sent-16, score-0.546]

16 The signals s also interact with each other through the recurrent interactions K. [sent-17, score-0.712]

17 2 Information Maximization The "Infomax" formulation of leA considers the problem of maximizing the mutual information between N-dimensional data observations {x} which are input to a network resulting in N-dimensional output signals {s} [6]. [sent-18, score-0.605]

18 Here, we consider the general problem where the signals s are M -dimensional with M ~ N. [sent-19, score-0.068]

19 Thus, the representation is overcomplete because there are more signal components than data components. [sent-20, score-0.244]

20 We also consider the situation where a signal component Si can influence another component Sj through a recurrent interaction Kji. [sent-21, score-0.576]

21 1 with the feedforward connections described by the M x N matrix Wand the recurrent connections by the M x M matrix K. [sent-23, score-0.898]

22 The network response s is a deterministic function of the input x: (1) where 9 is some nonlinear squashing function. [sent-24, score-0.192]

23 In this case, the mutual information between the inputs x and outputs s is functionally only dependent on the entropy of the outputs: J(s, x) = H(s) - H(slx) '" H(s). [sent-25, score-0.316]

24 (2) The distribution of s is aN-dimensional manifold embedded in aM-dimensional vector space and nominally has a negatively divergent entropy. [sent-26, score-0.051]

25 However, as shown in Appendix 1, the probability density of s can be related to the input distribution via the relation: P(s) ex: P(x) y! [sent-27, score-0.098]

26 det(xTx) (3) where the susceptibility (or Jacobian) matrix X is defined as: OSi Xij =~. [sent-28, score-0.155]

27 uXj (4) This result can be understood in terms of the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the matrix x. [sent-29, score-0.081]

28 The transformation performed by X can be decomposed into a series of three transformations: an orthogonal transformation that rotates the axes, a diagonal transformation that scales each axis, followed by another orthogonal transformation. [sent-30, score-0.217]

29 A volume element in the input space is mapped onto a volume element in the output space, and its volume change is described by the diagonal scaling operation. [sent-31, score-0.406]

30 Thus, the relationship between the probability distribution in the input and output spaces includes the proportionality factor, y'det(xTx), as formally derived in Appendix 1. [sent-33, score-0.204]

31 We now get the following expression for the entropy of the outputs: -I 1 P(x) ) = -2 (logdet(x T X)) y'det(xTx) where the brackets indicate averaging over the input distribution. [sent-34, score-0.318]

32 H(s) '" 3 dxP(x) log ( + H(x), (5) Learning rules From Eq. [sent-35, score-0.157]

33 (5), we see that minimizing the following cost function: 1 E = -"2Tr(log(XTX)), (6) is equivalent to maximizing the mutual information. [sent-36, score-0.332]

34 We first note that the susceptibility X satisfies the following recursion relation: Xij where G ij = g~ . [sent-37, score-0.223]

35 <]>ij can be interpreted as the sensitivity in the recurrent network G- where <]>-1 == of the ith unit's output to changes in the total input of the jth unit. [sent-41, score-0.73]

36 We next derive the learning rules for the network parameters using gradient descent, as shown in detail in Appendix 2. [sent-42, score-0.358]

37 The resulting expression for the learning rule for the feedforward weights is: ~W = - ' f8E = 'f/ (rT + <]>T 'YxT) /8W (9) where'f/ is the learning rate, the matrix r is defined as r = (X T X)-1 XT <]> (0) l' = (Xr)ii (g~t)3 . [sent-43, score-0.523]

38 (11) and the vector 'Y is given by 'Yi Multiplying the gradient in Eq. [sent-44, score-0.058]

39 (9) by the matrix (WWT) yields an expression analogous to the "natural" gradient learning rule [10]: ~W = 'f/W (I + (X T 'YxT)) . [sent-45, score-0.319]

40 (2) Similarly, the learning rule for the recurrent interactions is ~K 8E = -'f/ 8K = 'f/ ((xrf + <]>T'YsT) . [sent-46, score-0.775]

41 (13) In the case when there are equal numbers of input and output units, M = N, and there are no recurrent interactions, K = 0, most of the previous expressions simplify. [sent-47, score-0.686]

42 The susceptibility matrix X is diagonal, <]> = G, and r = W- 1 . [sent-48, score-0.155]

43 (9) for the learning rule for W results in the update rule: ~W = 'f/ [(W T )-1 + (zx T )] , (14) where Z i = gr / g~. [sent-50, score-0.131]

44 Thus, the well-known Infomax leA learning rule is recovered as a special case ofEq. [sent-51, score-0.163]

45 (a) (b) (c) Figure 2: Results of fitting 3 filters to a 2-dimensional hexagon distribution with 10000 sample points. [sent-53, score-0.132]

46 4 Examples We now apply the preceding learning algorithms to a simple two-dimensional (N = 2) input example. [sent-54, score-0.145]

47 Each input point is generated by a linear combination of three (twodimensional) unit vectors with angles of 00 , 1200 and 240 0 • The coefficients are taken from a uniform distribution on the unit interval. [sent-55, score-0.164]

48 The resulting distribution has the shape of a unit hexagon, which is slightly more dense close to the origin than at the boundaries. [sent-56, score-0.033]

49 Samples of the input distribution are shown in Fig. [sent-57, score-0.098]

50 We fix the sigmoidal nonlinearity to be g(x} = tanh(x}. [sent-60, score-0.041]

51 1 Feedforward weights A set of M = 3 overcomplete filters for W are learned by applying the update rule in Eq. [sent-62, score-0.48]

52 (9) to random normalized initial conditions while keeping the recurrent interactions fixed at K = O. [sent-63, score-0.644]

53 The length of the rows of W were constrained to be identical so that the filters are projections along certain directions in the two-dimensional space. [sent-64, score-0.132]

54 Examples of the resulting learned filters are shown by plotting the rows of W as vectors in Fig. [sent-66, score-0.225]

55 If the lengths of the rows of Ware left unconstrained, slight deviations from these solutions occur, but relative orientation differences of 60 0 or 120 0 between the various filters are preserved. [sent-69, score-0.132]

56 2 Recurrent interactions To investigate the effect of recurrent interactions on the representation, we fixed the feedforward weights in W to point in the directions shown in Fig. [sent-71, score-1.021]

57 2(a), and learned the optimal recurrent interactions K using Eq. [sent-72, score-0.676]

58 Depending upon the length of the rows of W which scaled the input patterns, different optimal values are seen for the recurrent connections. [sent-74, score-0.69]

59 3 by plotting the value of the cost function against the strength of the uniform recurrent interaction. [sent-76, score-0.641]

60 For small scaled inputs, the optimal recurrent strength is negative which effectively amplifies the output signals since the 3 signals are negatively correlated. [sent-77, score-0.907]

61 With large scaled inputs, the optimal recurrent strength is positive which tend to decrease the outputs. [sent-78, score-0.584]

62 Thus, in this example, optimizing the recurrent connections performs gain control on the inputs. [sent-79, score-0.558]

63 5 k Figure 3: Effect of adding recurrent interactions to the representation. [sent-93, score-0.644]

64 The cost function is plotted as a function of the recurrent interaction strength, for two different input scaling parameters. [sent-94, score-0.625]

65 5 Discussion The learned feedforward weights are similar to the results of another ICA model that can learn overcomplete representations [11]. [sent-95, score-0.526]

66 Our algorithm, however, does not need to perform approximate inference on a generative model. [sent-96, score-0.065]

67 Instead, it directly maximizes the mutual information between the outputs and inputs of a nonlinear network. [sent-97, score-0.269]

68 Our method also has the advantage of being able to learn recurrent connections that can enhance the representational power of the network. [sent-98, score-0.558]

69 We also note that this approach can be easily generalized to undercomplete representations by simply changing the order of the matrix product in the cost function. [sent-99, score-0.129]

70 Possible extensions of this work would be to optimize the nonlinearity that is used, or to adaptively change the number of output units to best match the input distribution. [sent-101, score-0.319]

71 6 Appendix 1: Relationship between input and output distributions In general, the relation between the input and output distributions is given by P(s) = ! [sent-103, score-0.489]

72 (15) Since we use a deterministic mapping, the conditional distribution of the response given the input is given by P(slx) = 8(s - g(Wx + Ks)). [sent-105, score-0.148]

73 By adding independent Gaussian noise to the responses of the output units and considering the limit where the variance of the noise goes to zero, we can write this term as 1 e-~lls-g(Wx+Ks)112 6. [sent-106, score-0.273]

74 r~2)N/2 P(slx) = lim (16) The output space can be partitioned into those points which belong to the image of the input space, and those which are not. [sent-108, score-0.204]

75 For points outside the image of the input space, P(s) = O. [sent-109, score-0.098]

76 For small~, we can expand g(Wx + Ks) - s ::::: X8x, where X is P(slx) (17) The expression in the square brackets is a delta function in x around Xo. [sent-112, score-0.132]

77 (15) we finally get P(s) = P(x) O(s) (18) Jdet(xTx) where the characteristic function O(s) is 1 if s belongs to the image of the input space and is zero otherwise. [sent-114, score-0.139]

78 Note that for the case when X is a square matrix (M expression reduces to the relation P(s) = P(x) II det(x)l. [sent-115, score-0.211]

79 7 = N), this Appendix 2: Derivation of the learning rules To derive the appropriate learning rules, we need to calculate the derivatives of E with respect to some set of parameters A. [sent-116, score-0.42]

80 In general, these derivatives are obtained from the expression: 7. [sent-117, score-0.077]

81 1 Feedforward weights In order to derive the learning rule for the weights W, we first calculate OWeb o~ e o~ "S: ( ~ae OWl m + OWlaWeb) = ~al6bm + ""S: OWl m Web· m OXab " OWl m = ae (20) From the definition of ~, we see that: O~ae __ ,,~ . [sent-118, score-0.423]

82 J at OWl m Je (21) oGi/ _ 6ij og~ _ 6 g~' OSi OWl m - - (gD 2 OWl m - - ij (gD3 OWl m ' (22) tJ and where g~' == g" (Lj WijXj + Lk KikS k). [sent-121, score-0.058]

83 The derivatives of s also satisfy a recursion relation similar to Eq. [sent-122, score-0.217]

84 (19) and taking the trace, we get the gradient descent rule in Eq. [sent-124, score-0.252]

85 2 Recurrent interactions To derive the learning rules for the recurrent weights K, we first calculate the derivatives of Xab with respect to Kim: OXab oK 1m o<1>ae '"" o<1>ijl = '"" oK1m Web = - e,i,j <1>ai OK1m <1>jeW eb. [sent-127, score-1.066]

86 ~ ~ e (25) From the definition of <1>, we obtain: 0<1> ij 1 £lK u 1m 6ij 0 g~ = - -( u 1m ')2 £lK gi - 6il 6jm. [sent-128, score-0.101]

87 (26) The derivatives of g' are obtained from the following relations: (27) and (28) which results from a recursion relation similar to Eq. [sent-129, score-0.217]

88 Finally, after combining these results and calculating the trace, we get the gradient descent learning rule in Eq. [sent-131, score-0.299]

89 Blind separation of sources, part I: An adaptive algorithm based on neuromimetic architecture. [sent-141, score-0.031]

90 An information maximization approach to blind separation and blind deconvolution. [sent-150, score-0.299]

91 Local synaptic learning rules suffice to maximize mutual information in a linear network. [sent-158, score-0.399]

92 Statistical independence and novelty detection with information preserving nonlinear maps. [sent-162, score-0.035]

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1 0.98705417 76 nips-2000-Learning Continuous Distributions: Simulations With Field Theoretic Priors

Author: Ilya Nemenman, William Bialek

Abstract: Learning of a smooth but nonparametric probability density can be regularized using methods of Quantum Field Theory. We implement a field theoretic prior numerically, test its efficacy, and show that the free parameter of the theory (,smoothness scale') can be determined self consistently by the data; this forms an infinite dimensional generalization of the MDL principle. Finally, we study the implications of one's choice of the prior and the parameterization and conclude that the smoothness scale determination makes density estimation very weakly sensitive to the choice of the prior, and that even wrong choices can be advantageous for small data sets. One of the central problems in learning is to balance 'goodness of fit' criteria against the complexity of models. An important development in the Bayesian approach was thus the realization that there does not need to be any extra penalty for model complexity: if we compute the total probability that data are generated by a model, there is a factor from the volume in parameter space-the 'Occam factor' -that discriminates against models with more parameters [1, 2]. This works remarkably welJ for systems with a finite number of parameters and creates a complexity 'razor' (after 'Occam's razor') that is almost equivalent to the celebrated Minimal Description Length (MDL) principle [3]. In addition, if the a priori distributions involved are strictly Gaussian, the ideas have also been proven to apply to some infinite-dimensional (nonparametric) problems [4]. It is not clear, however, what happens if we leave the finite dimensional setting to consider nonparametric problems which are not Gaussian, such as the estimation of a smooth probability density. A possible route to progress on the nonparametric problem was opened by noticing [5] that a Bayesian prior for density estimation is equivalent to a quantum field theory (QFT). In particular, there are field theoretic methods for computing the infinite dimensional analog of the Occam factor, at least asymptotically for large numbers of examples. These observations have led to a number of papers [6, 7, 8, 9] exploring alternative formulations and their implications for the speed of learning. Here we return to the original formulation of Ref. [5] and use numerical methods to address some of the questions left open by the analytic work [10]: What is the result of balancing the infinite dimensional Occam factor against the goodness of fit? Is the QFT inference optimal in using alJ of the information relevant for learning [II]? What happens if our learning problem is strongly atypical of the prior distribution? Following Ref. [5], if N i. i. d. samples {Xi}, i = 1 ... N, are observed, then the probability that a particular density Q(x) gave rise to these data is given by P[Q(x)l{x.}] P[Q(x)] rr~1 Q(Xi) • - J[dQ(x)]P[Q(x)] rr~1 Q(Xi) , (1) where P[Q(x)] encodes our a priori expectations of Q. Specifying this prior on a space of functions defines a QFf, and the optimal least square estimator is then Q (I{ .}) - (Q(X)Q(Xl)Q(X2) ... Q(XN)}(O) est X X. (Q(Xl)Q(X2) ... Q(XN ))(0) , (2) where ( ... )(0) means averaging with respect to the prior. Since Q(x) ~ 0, it is convenient to define an unconstrained field ¢(x), Q(x) (l/io)exp[-¢(x)]. Other definitions are also possible [6], but we think that most of our results do not depend on this choice. = The next step is to select a prior that regularizes the infinite number of degrees of freedom and allows learning. We want the prior P[¢] to make sense as a continuous theory, independent of discretization of x on small scales. We also require that when we estimate the distribution Q(x) the answer must be everywhere finite. These conditions imply that our field theory must be convergent at small length scales. For x in one dimension, a minimal choice is P[¢(x)] 1 = Z exp [£2 11 - 1 --2- f (8 dx [1 f 11 ¢)2] c5 io 8xll ] dxe-¢(x) -1 , (3) where'T/ > 1/2, Z is the normalization constant, and the c5-function enforces normalization of Q. We refer to i and 'T/ as the smoothness scale and the exponent, respectively. In [5] this theory was solved for large Nand 'T/ = 1: N (II Q(Xi))(O) ~ (4) = (5) + (6) i=1 Seff i8;¢c1 (x) where ¢cl is the 'classical' (maximum likelihood, saddle point) solution. In the effective action [Eq. (5)], it is the square root term that arises from integrating over fluctuations around the classical solution (Occam factors). It was shown that Eq. (4) is nonsingular even at finite N, that the mean value of ¢c1 converges to the negative logarithm of the target distribution P(x) very quickly, and that the variance of fluctuations 'Ij;(x) ¢(x) [- log ioP( x)] falls off as ....., 1/ iN P( x). Finally, it was speculated that if the actual i is unknown one may average over it and hope that, much as in Bayesian model selection [2], the competition between the data and the fluctuations will select the optimal smoothness scale i*. J = At the first glance the theory seems to look almost exactly like a Gaussian Process [4]. This impression is produced by a Gaussian form of the smoothness penalty in Eq. (3), and by the fluctuation determinant that plays against the goodness of fit in the smoothness scale (model) selection. However, both similarities are incomplete. The Gaussian penalty in the prior is amended by the normalization constraint, which gives rise to the exponential term in Eq. (6), and violates many familiar results that hold for Gaussian Processes, the representer theorem [12] being just one of them. In the semi--classical limit of large N, Gaussianity is restored approximately, but the classical solution is extremely non-trivial, and the fluctuation determinant is only the leading term of the Occam's razor, not the complete razor as it is for a Gaussian Process. In addition, it has no data dependence and is thus remarkably different from the usual determinants arising in the literature. The algorithm to implement the discussed density estimation procedure numerically is rather simple. First, to make the problem well posed [10, 11] we confine x to a box a ~ x ~ L with periodic boundary conditions. The boundary value problem Eq. (6) is then solved by a standard 'relaxation' (or Newton) method of iterative improvements to a guessed solution [13] (the target precision is always 10- 5 ). The independent variable x E [0,1] is discretized in equal steps [10 4 for Figs. (l.a-2.b), and 105 for Figs. (3.a, 3.b)]. We use an equally spaced grid to ensure stability of the method, while small step sizes are needed since the scale for variation of ¢el (x) is [5] (7) c5x '

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Author: Gal Chechik, Naftali Tishby

Abstract: The paradigm of Hebbian learning has recently received a novel interpretation with the discovery of synaptic plasticity that depends on the relative timing of pre and post synaptic spikes. This paper derives a temporally dependent learning rule from the basic principle of mutual information maximization and studies its relation to the experimentally observed plasticity. We find that a supervised spike-dependent learning rule sharing similar structure with the experimentally observed plasticity increases mutual information to a stable near optimal level. Moreover, the analysis reveals how the temporal structure of time-dependent learning rules is determined by the temporal filter applied by neurons over their inputs. These results suggest experimental prediction as to the dependency of the learning rule on neuronal biophysical parameters 1

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