jmlr jmlr2012 jmlr2012-92 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

92 jmlr-2012-Positive Semidefinite Metric Learning Using Boosting-like Algorithms

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Author: Chunhua Shen, Junae Kim, Lei Wang, Anton van den Hengel

Abstract: The success of many machine learning and pattern recognition methods relies heavily upon the identification of an appropriate distance metric on the input data. It is often beneficial to learn such a metric from the input training data, instead of using a default one such as the Euclidean distance. In this work, we propose a boosting-based technique, termed B OOST M ETRIC, for learning a quadratic Mahalanobis distance metric. Learning a valid Mahalanobis distance metric requires enforcing the constraint that the matrix parameter to the metric remains positive semidefinite. Semidefinite programming is often used to enforce this constraint, but does not scale well and is not easy to implement. B OOST M ETRIC is instead based on the observation that any positive semidefinite matrix can be decomposed into a linear combination of trace-one rank-one matrices. B OOST M ETRIC thus uses rank-one positive semidefinite matrices as weak learners within an efficient and scalable boosting-based learning process. The resulting methods are easy to implement, efficient, and can accommodate various types of constraints. We extend traditional boosting algorithms in that its weak learner is a positive semidefinite matrix with trace and rank being one rather than a classifier or regressor. Experiments on various data sets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms compare favorably to those state-of-the-art methods in terms of classification accuracy and running time. Keywords: Mahalanobis distance, semidefinite programming, column generation, boosting, Lagrange duality, large margin nearest neighbor

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 AU University of Wollongong Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia Anton van den Hengel ANTON . [sent-9, score-0.135]

2 AU The University of Adelaide Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia Editors: S¨ ren Sonnenburg, Francis Bach, Cheng Soon Ong o Abstract The success of many machine learning and pattern recognition methods relies heavily upon the identification of an appropriate distance metric on the input data. [sent-12, score-0.167]

3 Learning a valid Mahalanobis distance metric requires enforcing the constraint that the matrix parameter to the metric remains positive semidefinite. [sent-15, score-0.213]

4 We extend traditional boosting algorithms in that its weak learner is a positive semidefinite matrix with trace and rank being one rather than a classifier or regressor. [sent-20, score-0.124]

5 Keywords: Mahalanobis distance, semidefinite programming, column generation, boosting, Lagrange duality, large margin nearest neighbor 1. [sent-22, score-0.094]

6 Introduction The identification of an effective metric by which to measure distances between data points is an essential component of many machine learning algorithms including k-nearest neighbor (kNN), kmeans clustering, and kernel regression. [sent-23, score-0.113]

7 , 2008; Jian and c 2012 Chunhua Shen, Junae Kim, Lei Wang and Anton van den Hengel. [sent-25, score-0.135]

8 (2008), for instance, showed that in generic object recognition with local features, kNN with a Euclidean metric can achieve comparable or better accuracy than more sophisticated classifiers such as support vector machines (SVMs). [sent-33, score-0.14]

9 The Mahalanobis distance represents a generalization of the Euclidean distance, and offers the opportunity to learn a distance metric directly from the data. [sent-34, score-0.186]

10 If we let ai , i = 1, 2 · · · , represent a set of points in RD , then the Mahalanobis distance, or Gaussian quadratic distance, between two points is ai − a j X = (ai − a j )⊤ X(ai − a j ), where X 0 is a positive semidefinite (p. [sent-39, score-0.112]

11 We are interested here in the case where the training data consist of a set of constraints upon the relative distances between data points, I = {(ai , a j , ak ) | disti j < distik }, (1) where disti j measures the distance between ai and a j . [sent-50, score-0.145]

12 Each such constraint implies that “ai is closer to a j than ai is to ak ”. [sent-51, score-0.092]

13 Constraints such as these often arise when it is known that ai and a j belong to the same class of data points while ai , ak belong to different classes. [sent-52, score-0.148]

14 Recently, there has been significant research interest in supervised distance metric learning using side information that is typically presented in a set of pairwise constraints. [sent-130, score-0.133]

15 Most of these methods, although appearing in different formats, share a similar essential idea: to learn an optimal distance metric by keeping training examples in equivalence constraints close, and at the same time, examples in in-equivalence constraints well separated. [sent-131, score-0.133]

16 (2002) first proposed the idea of learning a Mahalanobis metric for clustering using convex optimization. [sent-151, score-0.114]

17 The algorithm maximizes the distance between points in the dis-similarity set under the constraint that the distance between points in the similarity set is upper-bounded. [sent-153, score-0.106]

18 (2005) that LMNN delivers the state-of-the-art performance among most distance metric learning algorithms. [sent-158, score-0.133]

19 Information theoretic metric learning (ITML) learns a suitable metric based on information theoretics (Davis et al. [sent-159, score-0.16]

20 Instead of using the hinge loss, however, we use the exponential loss and logistic loss functions in order to derive an AdaBoost-like (or LogitBoost-like) optimization procedure. [sent-188, score-0.174]

21 The dual of the restricted master problem is solved by the simplex method, and the optimal dual solution is used to find the new column to be included into the restricted master problem. [sent-194, score-0.093]

22 Significantly, LPBoost showed that in an LP framework, unknown weak hypotheses can be learned from the dual although the space of all weak hypotheses is infinitely large. [sent-197, score-0.097]

23 Shen and Li (2010) applied column generation to boosting with general loss functions. [sent-198, score-0.161]

24 ,x m } in a real vector or matrix space Sp, the convex hull of Sp spanned by m elements in Sp is defined as: x Convm (Sp) = ∑m wix i wi ≥ 0, ∑m wi = 1,x i ∈ Sp . [sent-222, score-0.092]

25 i=1 i=1 Define the linear convex span of Sp as:1 x Convm (Sp) = ∑m wix i wi ≥ 0, ∑m wi = 1,x i ∈ Sp, m ∈ Z+ . [sent-223, score-0.092]

26 If λ ′ is not an extreme point of Ψ2 , then it must be possible to express it as a convex combination of a set of other points in Ψ2 : λ ′ = ∑m wiλ i , wi > 0, ∑m wi = 1 and λ i = λ ′ . [sent-230, score-0.124]

27 Proof It is easy to check that any convex combination ∑i wi Zi , such that Zi ∈ Ψ1 , resides in Γ1 , with the following two facts: 1) a convex combination of p. [sent-240, score-0.097]

28 The Krein-Milman Theorem (Krein and Milman, 1940) tells us that a convex and compact set is equal to the convex hull of its extreme points. [sent-257, score-0.1]

29 Typically a boosting algorithm (Schapire, 1999) creates a single strong learner by incrementally adding base (weak) learners to the final strong learner. [sent-271, score-0.153]

30 In general, a boosting algorithm builds on a user-specified base learning procedure and runs it repeatedly on modified data that are outputs from the previous iterations. [sent-273, score-0.093]

31 As shown next, our first case, which learns a metric using the hinge loss, greatly resembles this idea. [sent-292, score-0.106]

32 To simplify notation, we rewrite the distance between dist2j and dist2 as dist2 − dist2j = Ar , X , where i i ik ik Ar = (ai − ak )(ai − ak )⊤ − (ai − a j )(ai − a j )⊤ , (4) for r = 1, · · · , |I| and |I| is the size of the set of constraints I defined in Equation (1). [sent-310, score-0.125]

33 We mainly investigate the cases using the hinge loss, exponential loss and logistic loss functions. [sent-313, score-0.174]

34 u π,u We can then use column generation to solve the original problem iteratively by looking at both the primal and dual problems. [sent-351, score-0.13]

35 In this work we are more interested in smooth loss functions such as the exponential loss and logistic loss, as presented in the sequel. [sent-354, score-0.148]

36 In order to derive its dual, we write its Lagrangian |I| |I| wρu 1 L(w ,ρ ,u ) = log ∑r=1 exp(−ρr ) + v1⊤w + ∑r=1 ur (ρr − Hr:w ) − p⊤w , with p ≥ 0. [sent-373, score-0.154]

37 ρ L2 L1 |I| |I| 1 u w inf L = inf log ∑r=1 exp(−ρr ) +u⊤ρ + inf (v1⊤ − ∑r=1 ur Hr: − p⊤ )w ρ w ,ρ ρ w (10) |I| = −∑r=1 ur log ur . [sent-375, score-0.462]

38 The infimum of L1 is found by setting its first derivative to zero and we have: inf L1 = ρ −∑r ur log ur −∞ 1 if u ≥ 0 ,1⊤u = 1, otherwise. [sent-376, score-0.308]

39 (11) The Lagrange dual problem of (9) is an entropy maximization problem, which writes |I| 1 max − ∑r=1 ur log ur , s. [sent-380, score-0.341]

40 Let us start from some basic knowledge of column generation because our coordinate descent strategy is inspired by column generation. [sent-389, score-0.088]

41 Then either the primal (9) or the dual (12) can be trivially solved (at least in theory) because both are convex optimization problems. [sent-394, score-0.103]

42 In convex optimization, column generation is a technique that is designed for solving this difficulty. [sent-400, score-0.095]

43 For a general convex problem, we can use column generation to obtain an approximate solution. [sent-404, score-0.095]

44 For this purpose, we need to solve |I| ˆ Z = argmaxZ ∑r=1 ur Ar , Z , s. [sent-411, score-0.154]

45 At iteration j, we have |I| urj ∝ exp(−ρrj ) ∝ urj−1 exp(−Hr j w j ), and ∑r=1 urj = 1, derived from (13). [sent-457, score-0.112]

46 So once w j is calculated, we can update u as j−1 urj = ur exp(−Hr j w j ) , r = 1, . [sent-458, score-0.21]

47 , |I|, z |I| (16) j where z is a normalization factor so that ∑r=1 ur = 1. [sent-461, score-0.154]

48 We have |I| |I| ∑r=1 ur Ar , Z = v ∑r=1 ur Ar v⊤ . [sent-466, score-0.308]

49 By denoting |I| ˆ A = ∑r=1 ur Ar , (17) the base learning optimization equals: ˆv max v⊤ Av , s. [sent-467, score-0.183]

50 Input: • Training set triplets (ai , a j , ak ) ∈ I; Compute Ar , r = 1, 2, · · · , using (4). [sent-475, score-0.164]

51 : ∑r=1 ur Hr: ≤ v1⊤ , where logit∗ (·) is the Fenchel conjugate function of logit(·), defined as logit∗ (−u) = u log(u) + (1 − u) log(1 − u), when 0 ≤ u ≤ 1, and ∞ otherwise. [sent-501, score-0.154]

52 First, let j j−1 us find the relationship between ur and ur . [sent-507, score-0.308]

53 (21) j−1 (1/ur − 1) exp(Hr j w j ) + 1 The optimization of w j can be solved by looking for the root of |I| ∑r=1 Hr j urj − v = 0, (22) j where ur is a function of w j as defined in (21). [sent-510, score-0.21]

54 As discussed, our learning procedure is able to employ various loss functions such as the hinge loss, exponential loss or logistic loss. [sent-529, score-0.174]

55 To devise a totally-corrective optimization procedure for solving our problem efficiently, we need to ensure the object function 1020 M ETRIC L EARNING U SING B OOSTING - LIKE A LGORITHMS Algorithm 4 Positive semidefinite matrix learning with totally corrective boosting. [sent-530, score-0.101]

56 Input: • Training set triplets (ai , a j , ak ) ∈ I; Compute Ar , r = 1, 2, · · · , using (4). [sent-531, score-0.164]

57 Here, we use the exponential loss function and the logistic loss function. [sent-541, score-0.148]

58 It is possible to use sub-gradient descent methods when a non-smooth loss function like the hinge loss is used. [sent-542, score-0.098]

59 It is clear that solving for w is a typical convex optimization problem since it has a differentiable and convex function (9) when the exponential loss is used, or (19) when the logistic loss is used. [sent-543, score-0.216]

60 To calculate ur , we use (13) (exponential loss) or (20) (logistic loss) instead of (16) or (21) respectively. [sent-553, score-0.154]

61 The proof follows the same discussion for the logistic loss, or any other smooth convex loss function. [sent-562, score-0.109]

62 ˆ If, after this weak learner Z is added into the primal problem, the primal solution remains unchanged, that is, the corresponding w = 0, then from the optimality condition that L2 in (10) must ˆ |I| ˆ be zero, we know that p = v − ∑r=1 ur Ar , Z < 0. [sent-570, score-0.286]

63 ˆ ˆ We can conclude that after the base learner Z is added into the primal problem, its corresponding w must admit a positive value. [sent-572, score-0.093]

64 Our B OOST M ETRIC uses training set triplets (ai , a j , ak ) ∈ I as input for training. [sent-581, score-0.164]

65 The Mahalanobis distance metric X can be viewed as a linear transformation in the Euclidean space by projecting the data using matrix L (X = LL⊤ ). [sent-582, score-0.133]

66 That is, nearest neighbors of samples using Mahalanobis distance metric X are the same as nearest neighbors using Euclidean distance in the transformed space. [sent-583, score-0.31]

67 B OOST M ETRIC assumes that the triplets of input training set approximately represent the actual nearest neighbors of samples in the transformed space defined by the Mahalanobis metric. [sent-584, score-0.19]

68 However, even though the triplets of B OOST M ETRIC consist of nearest neighbors of the original training samples, generated triplets are not exactly the same as the actual nearest neighbors of training samples in the transformed space by L. [sent-585, score-0.38]

69 We can refine the results of B OOST M ETRIC iteratively, as in the multiple-pass LMNN (Weinberger and Saul, 2009): B OOST M ETRIC can estimate the triplets in the transformed space under a multiple-pass procedure as close to actual triplets as possible. [sent-586, score-0.256]

70 At each pass p (p = 1, 2, · · · ), we decompose the learned Mahalanobis distance metric X p−1 of previous pass into transformation matrix L p . [sent-588, score-0.133]

71 Then we generate the training set triplets from the set of points {L⊤ a1 , . [sent-590, score-0.128]

72 The final Mahalanobis distance metric X becomes LL⊤ in Multi-pass B OOSTM ETRIC. [sent-594, score-0.133]

73 BoostMetric-E indicates B OOSTM ETRIC with the exponential loss and BoostMetric-L is B OOST M ETRIC with the logistic loss; both use stage-wise optimization. [sent-759, score-0.112]

74 In this experiment, 9000 triplets are generated for training. [sent-781, score-0.128]

75 We have used the same mechanism to generate training triplets as described in Weinberger et al. [sent-799, score-0.128]

76 Briefly, for each training point ai , k nearest neighbors that have same labels as yi (targets), as well as k nearest neighbors that have different labels from yi (imposers) are found. [sent-801, score-0.18]

77 We then construct triplets from ai and its corresponding targets and imposers. [sent-802, score-0.184]

78 We vary the input dimensions from 50 to 1000 and keep the number of triplets fixed to 250. [sent-904, score-0.128]

79 The proposed B OOST M ETRIC and the LMNN are further compared on visual object categorization tasks. [sent-919, score-0.1]

80 This experiment involves both object categorization (Motorbikes versus Airplanes) and object retrieval (Faces versus Background-Google) problems. [sent-923, score-0.123]

81 : 100D 200D 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 # of triplets Figure 4: Test error (3-nearest neighbor) of B OOST M ETRIC on the Motorbikes versus Airplanes data sets. [sent-951, score-0.128]

82 The second plot shows the test error against the number of training triplets with a 100-word codebook. [sent-952, score-0.128]

83 Also, Figure 4 (right) plots the test error of the B OOST M ETRIC against the number of triplets for training. [sent-971, score-0.128]

84 The general trend is that more triplets lead to smaller errors. [sent-972, score-0.128]

85 Each face image in a test subset is used as a query, and its distances from other test images are calculated by the proposed BoostMetric, LMNN and the Euclidean distance, respectively. [sent-979, score-0.087]

86 3 5 10 rank 15 20 Figure 5: Retrieval accuracy of distance metric learning algorithms on the Faces versus Background-Google data set. [sent-993, score-0.133]

87 5 By setting k to 2000, a visual codebook of 2000 visual words is obtained. [sent-1011, score-0.101]

88 With 10 nearest neighbors information, about 20, 000 triplets are constructed and used to train the B OOST M ETRIC . [sent-1016, score-0.19]

89 Figure 6: Four generated triplets based on the pairwise information provided by the LFW data set. [sent-1060, score-0.128]

90 1030 M ETRIC L EARNING U SING B OOSTING - LIKE A LGORITHMS number of triplets 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 18,000 100D 80. [sent-1076, score-0.128]

91 55) Table 4: Comparison of the face recognition accuracy (%) of our proposed B OOST M ETRIC on the LFW data set by varying the PCA dimensionality and the number of triplets for each fold. [sent-1124, score-0.205]

92 The face recognition task here is pair matching—given two face images, to determine if these two images are of the same individual. [sent-1126, score-0.164]

93 Increasing the number of training triplets gives slight improvement of recognition accuracy. [sent-1133, score-0.162]

94 This comparison also confirms the importance of learning an appropriate metric for vision problems. [sent-1144, score-0.116]

95 Conclusion We have presented a new algorithm, B OOST M ETRIC, to learn a positive semidefinite metric using boosting techniques. [sent-1146, score-0.144]

96 Learning globally-consistent local distance functions for shape-based image retrieval and classification. [sent-1311, score-0.088]

97 Labeled faces in the wild: A database for studying face recognition in unconstrained environments. [sent-1361, score-0.109]

98 Totally corrective boosting algorithms that maximize the a margin. [sent-1563, score-0.112]

99 Distance metric learning for large margin nearest neighbor classification. [sent-1579, score-0.147]

100 Distance metric learning for large margin nearest neighbor classification. [sent-1588, score-0.147]

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[(0, -0.201), (1, -0.013), (2, 0.295), (3, 0.219), (4, -0.645), (5, 0.02), (6, -0.182), (7, 0.165), (8, -0.054), (9, 0.035), (10, 0.067), (11, 0.15), (12, 0.008), (13, 0.007), (14, -0.018), (15, -0.033), (16, -0.047), (17, -0.011), (18, -0.103), (19, 0.065), (20, -0.005), (21, -0.048), (22, 0.058), (23, 0.072), (24, -0.106), (25, -0.002), (26, -0.014), (27, 0.035), (28, 0.003), (29, 0.007), (30, -0.04), (31, -0.028), (32, 0.053), (33, -0.0), (34, 0.026), (35, 0.013), (36, 0.019), (37, 0.02), (38, 0.038), (39, 0.022), (40, -0.019), (41, 0.04), (42, 0.016), (43, -0.014), (44, 0.005), (45, 0.03), (46, -0.019), (47, 0.009), (48, -0.025), (49, -0.005)]

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same-paper 1 0.93844771 92 jmlr-2012-Positive Semidefinite Metric Learning Using Boosting-like Algorithms

Author: Chunhua Shen, Junae Kim, Lei Wang, Anton van den Hengel

Abstract: The success of many machine learning and pattern recognition methods relies heavily upon the identification of an appropriate distance metric on the input data. It is often beneficial to learn such a metric from the input training data, instead of using a default one such as the Euclidean distance. In this work, we propose a boosting-based technique, termed B OOST M ETRIC, for learning a quadratic Mahalanobis distance metric. Learning a valid Mahalanobis distance metric requires enforcing the constraint that the matrix parameter to the metric remains positive semidefinite. Semidefinite programming is often used to enforce this constraint, but does not scale well and is not easy to implement. B OOST M ETRIC is instead based on the observation that any positive semidefinite matrix can be decomposed into a linear combination of trace-one rank-one matrices. B OOST M ETRIC thus uses rank-one positive semidefinite matrices as weak learners within an efficient and scalable boosting-based learning process. The resulting methods are easy to implement, efficient, and can accommodate various types of constraints. We extend traditional boosting algorithms in that its weak learner is a positive semidefinite matrix with trace and rank being one rather than a classifier or regressor. Experiments on various data sets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms compare favorably to those state-of-the-art methods in terms of classification accuracy and running time. Keywords: Mahalanobis distance, semidefinite programming, column generation, boosting, Lagrange duality, large margin nearest neighbor

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Abstract: The M ULTI B OOST package provides a fast C++ implementation of multi-class/multi-label/multitask boosting algorithms. It is based on A DA B OOST.MH but it also implements popular cascade classifiers and F ILTER B OOST. The package contains common multi-class base learners (stumps, trees, products, Haar filters). Further base learners and strong learners following the boosting paradigm can be easily implemented in a flexible framework. Keywords: boosting, A DA B OOST.MH, F ILTER B OOST, cascade classifier

3 0.55570871 33 jmlr-2012-Distance Metric Learning with Eigenvalue Optimization

Author: Yiming Ying, Peng Li

Abstract: The main theme of this paper is to develop a novel eigenvalue optimization framework for learning a Mahalanobis metric. Within this context, we introduce a novel metric learning approach called DML-eig which is shown to be equivalent to a well-known eigenvalue optimization problem called minimizing the maximal eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix (Overton, 1988; Lewis and Overton, 1996). Moreover, we formulate LMNN (Weinberger et al., 2005), one of the state-of-the-art metric learning methods, as a similar eigenvalue optimization problem. This novel framework not only provides new insights into metric learning but also opens new avenues to the design of efficient metric learning algorithms. Indeed, first-order algorithms are developed for DML-eig and LMNN which only need the computation of the largest eigenvector of a matrix per iteration. Their convergence characteristics are rigorously established. Various experiments on benchmark data sets show the competitive performance of our new approaches. In addition, we report an encouraging result on a difficult and challenging face verification data set called Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW). Keywords: metric learning, convex optimization, semi-definite programming, first-order methods, eigenvalue optimization, matrix factorization, face verification

4 0.41863528 66 jmlr-2012-Metric and Kernel Learning Using a Linear Transformation

Author: Prateek Jain, Brian Kulis, Jason V. Davis, Inderjit S. Dhillon

Abstract: Metric and kernel learning arise in several machine learning applications. However, most existing metric learning algorithms are limited to learning metrics over low-dimensional data, while existing kernel learning algorithms are often limited to the transductive setting and do not generalize to new data points. In this paper, we study the connections between metric learning and kernel learning that arise when studying metric learning as a linear transformation learning problem. In particular, we propose a general optimization framework for learning metrics via linear transformations, and analyze in detail a special case of our framework—that of minimizing the LogDet divergence subject to linear constraints. We then propose a general regularized framework for learning a kernel matrix, and show it to be equivalent to our metric learning framework. Our theoretical connections between metric and kernel learning have two main consequences: 1) the learned kernel matrix parameterizes a linear transformation kernel function and can be applied inductively to new data points, 2) our result yields a constructive method for kernelizing most existing Mahalanobis metric learning formulations. We demonstrate our learning approach by applying it to large-scale real world problems in computer vision, text mining and semi-supervised kernel dimensionality reduction. Keywords: divergence metric learning, kernel learning, linear transformation, matrix divergences, logdet

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same-paper 1 0.73848444 92 jmlr-2012-Positive Semidefinite Metric Learning Using Boosting-like Algorithms

Author: Chunhua Shen, Junae Kim, Lei Wang, Anton van den Hengel

Abstract: The success of many machine learning and pattern recognition methods relies heavily upon the identification of an appropriate distance metric on the input data. It is often beneficial to learn such a metric from the input training data, instead of using a default one such as the Euclidean distance. In this work, we propose a boosting-based technique, termed B OOST M ETRIC, for learning a quadratic Mahalanobis distance metric. Learning a valid Mahalanobis distance metric requires enforcing the constraint that the matrix parameter to the metric remains positive semidefinite. Semidefinite programming is often used to enforce this constraint, but does not scale well and is not easy to implement. B OOST M ETRIC is instead based on the observation that any positive semidefinite matrix can be decomposed into a linear combination of trace-one rank-one matrices. B OOST M ETRIC thus uses rank-one positive semidefinite matrices as weak learners within an efficient and scalable boosting-based learning process. The resulting methods are easy to implement, efficient, and can accommodate various types of constraints. We extend traditional boosting algorithms in that its weak learner is a positive semidefinite matrix with trace and rank being one rather than a classifier or regressor. Experiments on various data sets demonstrate that the proposed algorithms compare favorably to those state-of-the-art methods in terms of classification accuracy and running time. Keywords: Mahalanobis distance, semidefinite programming, column generation, boosting, Lagrange duality, large margin nearest neighbor

2 0.60852677 33 jmlr-2012-Distance Metric Learning with Eigenvalue Optimization

Author: Yiming Ying, Peng Li

Abstract: The main theme of this paper is to develop a novel eigenvalue optimization framework for learning a Mahalanobis metric. Within this context, we introduce a novel metric learning approach called DML-eig which is shown to be equivalent to a well-known eigenvalue optimization problem called minimizing the maximal eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix (Overton, 1988; Lewis and Overton, 1996). Moreover, we formulate LMNN (Weinberger et al., 2005), one of the state-of-the-art metric learning methods, as a similar eigenvalue optimization problem. This novel framework not only provides new insights into metric learning but also opens new avenues to the design of efficient metric learning algorithms. Indeed, first-order algorithms are developed for DML-eig and LMNN which only need the computation of the largest eigenvector of a matrix per iteration. Their convergence characteristics are rigorously established. Various experiments on benchmark data sets show the competitive performance of our new approaches. In addition, we report an encouraging result on a difficult and challenging face verification data set called Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW). Keywords: metric learning, convex optimization, semi-definite programming, first-order methods, eigenvalue optimization, matrix factorization, face verification

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Abstract: We present an open-source platform-independent C++ framework for machine learning and computer vision research. The framework includes a wide range of standard machine learning and graphical models algorithms as well as reference implementations for many machine learning and computer vision applications. The framework contains Matlab wrappers for core components of the library and an experimental graphical user interface for developing and visualizing machine learning data flows. Keywords: machine learning, graphical models, computer vision, open-source software

5 0.54336208 66 jmlr-2012-Metric and Kernel Learning Using a Linear Transformation

Author: Prateek Jain, Brian Kulis, Jason V. Davis, Inderjit S. Dhillon

Abstract: Metric and kernel learning arise in several machine learning applications. However, most existing metric learning algorithms are limited to learning metrics over low-dimensional data, while existing kernel learning algorithms are often limited to the transductive setting and do not generalize to new data points. In this paper, we study the connections between metric learning and kernel learning that arise when studying metric learning as a linear transformation learning problem. In particular, we propose a general optimization framework for learning metrics via linear transformations, and analyze in detail a special case of our framework—that of minimizing the LogDet divergence subject to linear constraints. We then propose a general regularized framework for learning a kernel matrix, and show it to be equivalent to our metric learning framework. Our theoretical connections between metric and kernel learning have two main consequences: 1) the learned kernel matrix parameterizes a linear transformation kernel function and can be applied inductively to new data points, 2) our result yields a constructive method for kernelizing most existing Mahalanobis metric learning formulations. We demonstrate our learning approach by applying it to large-scale real world problems in computer vision, text mining and semi-supervised kernel dimensionality reduction. Keywords: divergence metric learning, kernel learning, linear transformation, matrix divergences, logdet

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