iccv iccv2013 iccv2013-177 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

177 iccv-2013-From Point to Set: Extend the Learning of Distance Metrics

Source: pdf

Author: Pengfei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, David Zhang

Abstract: Most of the current metric learning methods are proposed for point-to-point distance (PPD) based classification. In many computer vision tasks, however, we need to measure the point-to-set distance (PSD) and even set-to-set distance (SSD) for classification. In this paper, we extend the PPD based Mahalanobis distance metric learning to PSD and SSD based ones, namely point-to-set distance metric learning (PSDML) and set-to-set distance metric learning (SSDML), and solve them under a unified optimization framework. First, we generate positive and negative sample pairs by computing the PSD and SSD between training samples. Then, we characterize each sample pair by its covariance matrix, and propose a covariance kernel based discriminative function. Finally, we tackle the PSDML and SSDMLproblems by using standard support vector machine solvers, making the metric learning very efficient for multiclass visual classification tasks. Experiments on gender classification, digit recognition, object categorization and face recognition show that the proposed metric learning methods can effectively enhance the performance of PSD and SSD based classification.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 hk Abstract Most of the current metric learning methods are proposed for point-to-point distance (PPD) based classification. [sent-4, score-0.361]

2 In many computer vision tasks, however, we need to measure the point-to-set distance (PSD) and even set-to-set distance (SSD) for classification. [sent-5, score-0.234]

3 In this paper, we extend the PPD based Mahalanobis distance metric learning to PSD and SSD based ones, namely point-to-set distance metric learning (PSDML) and set-to-set distance metric learning (SSDML), and solve them under a unified optimization framework. [sent-6, score-1.083]

4 First, we generate positive and negative sample pairs by computing the PSD and SSD between training samples. [sent-7, score-0.171]

5 Then, we characterize each sample pair by its covariance matrix, and propose a covariance kernel based discriminative function. [sent-8, score-0.256]

6 Finally, we tackle the PSDML and SSDMLproblems by using standard support vector machine solvers, making the metric learning very efficient for multiclass visual classification tasks. [sent-9, score-0.287]

7 Experiments on gender classification, digit recognition, object categorization and face recognition show that the proposed metric learning methods can effectively enhance the performance of PSD and SSD based classification. [sent-10, score-0.265]

8 Introduction How to select a proper distance metric is a key problem in pattern classification, while the optimal distance metric for a specific pattern classification task depends on the underlying data structure and distributions. [sent-12, score-0.697]

9 In recent years, it has been increasingly popular to learn a desired distance metric from the given training samples in many visual classification tasks, such as face/action/kinship verification [14], visual tracking [18], and image retrieval [1]. [sent-13, score-0.429]

10 Metric learning methods can be categorized into unsupervised [9], semi-supervised [3] and supervised ones [14, 18, 1], according to the availability of the class labels of training samples. [sent-14, score-0.108]

11 In general, metric learning aims to learn a valid distance ∗Corresponding author metric, measured by which the samples from the positive sample pair (i. [sent-15, score-0.557]

12 , samples with the same class label or similar samples) could be as close as possible, while the samples from the negative sample pair (i. [sent-17, score-0.34]

13 , samples with the different class labels or dissimilar samples) could be as far as possible. [sent-19, score-0.111]

14 In some cases, only positive pairs are used in metric learning [14]. [sent-21, score-0.312]

15 In [27], metric learning is formulated as a kernel classification model and the relations with LMNN and ITML are discussed. [sent-22, score-0.287]

16 Metric learning algorithms have also been developed for multi-task learning [24], multiple instance learning [15] and nonlinear metrics [19]. [sent-23, score-0.147]

17 Currently, almost all the metric learning methods focus on the learning of a point-to-point distance (PPD) metric in couple with the nearest neighbor classifier (NNC). [sent-24, score-0.691]

18 , face recognition), however, we need to measure the distance between an image (i. [sent-27, score-0.117]

19 In video based recognition tasks [29] or multi-view object recognition [20], we even need to measure the distance between two image sets. [sent-32, score-0.117]

20 Therefore, it is highly desired to design effective point-to-set distance (PSD) and set-to-set distance (SSD) metric learning methods. [sent-33, score-0.5]

21 Unfortunately, many PPD metric learning methods cannot be readily applied to PSD and SSD based classification. [sent-34, score-0.244]

22 A set is often modeled as a hull, a convex hull (CH), or an affine hull (AH), and PSD can then be defined as the distance from a point to this hull. [sent-35, score-0.863]

23 Correspondingly, the nearest subspace classifier (NSC), nearest convex hull classifier (NCH) [26], and nearest convex affine classifier (NAH) [26] are proposed for PSD based classification. [sent-36, score-0.747]

24 In [6], a set is modeled as a bounding hyperdisk (the set formed by intersecting their affine hull and their smallest bounding hypersphere), and a nearest hyperdisk classifier (NHD) is pro2664 posed for classification [6]. [sent-37, score-0.678]

25 Given a query sample, those PSD based classifiers (NSC, NCH, NAH and NHD) compute its distance to each class, i. [sent-38, score-0.201]

26 , the PSD between the query samples and the set of templates of this class, and classify it to the class with the minimal point-to-set distance. [sent-40, score-0.218]

27 In [30], an image to class distance is learned in a multi-task way by considering each class as one task. [sent-41, score-0.235]

28 In [36], an image to class distance is defined by minimizing the distance over all possible object configurations and all possible object matchings, and then the distance function parameters are learned. [sent-42, score-0.41]

29 The work in [30] and [36] both focus on a special image to class distance rather than a general point to set distance. [sent-43, score-0.176]

30 In [5], by modeling each set as a CH/AH, the CH/AH based image set distance (CHISD/AHISD) is defined. [sent-45, score-0.117]

31 In [16], sparsity is imposed on the AH model and a sparse approximation nearest points (SANP) method is proposed for image set classification. [sent-46, score-0.079]

32 In [35], a regularized affine hull (RAH) is proposed to model a set, and the SSD is defined between two RAHs. [sent-47, score-0.414]

33 In [34], each set is represented by a linear subspace and the angles between two subspaces are utilized to measure the similarity of two sets. [sent-48, score-0.029]

34 In [29], an image set is modeled as a manifold and a manifold-to-manifold distance (MMD) is proposed. [sent-50, score-0.144]

35 After calculating the distance from the query set to each template set, those SSD based classifiers classify the query set to the class with the minimal set-to-set distance. [sent-51, score-0.401]

36 To introduce discriminative information to SSD, projection matrix is learned in a large margin manner, e. [sent-52, score-0.051]

37 , discriminative canonical correlation (DCC) [20] and manifold discriminant analysis (MDA) [28]. [sent-54, score-0.029]

38 In [32], a set based discriminative ranking model is proposed by iterating between SSD finding and discriminative feature space projection. [sent-55, score-0.058]

39 PSD (left) and SSD (right) Metric learning Inspired by the success of metric learning in PPD based classification, the performance of PSD and SSD based classification can also be boosted by metric learning. [sent-57, score-0.531]

40 1(a), the query image y (represented as a red dot) has the same class label as template set X1 (represented as a red hull) but it will be misclassified since it has a closer PSD to set X2. [sent-59, score-0.207]

41 If a proper metric learning method can be developed, it is possible that with the new distance metric, the PSD between y and X1 is smaller than that between y and X2, and consequently y can be correctly classified, as shown in the bottom part of Fig. [sent-60, score-0.391]

42 Similar anticipation goes to the metric learning of SSD based classification, as illustrated in Fig. [sent-62, score-0.244]

43 1(b), where the query set Y can be correctly classified with some proper SSD based distance metric. [sent-63, score-0.255]

44 With the above considerations, in this paper we propose two novel metric learning models, PSD metric learning (PSDML) and SSD metric learning (SSDML), to enhance the performance of PSD and SSD based classification. [sent-64, score-0.753]

45 One image (or image set) and one similarly labeled image set construct a positive pair, while one image (or image set) and one differently labeled set construct a negative pair. [sent-65, score-0.073]

46 Then the PSDML and SSDML problems are formulated as a sample pair classification problem. [sent-66, score-0.152]

47 Each sample pair is characterized by the covariance matrix of its two samples, and a covariance kernel is introduced. [sent-67, score-0.249]

48 A discriminative function is then proposed for sample pair classification, and finally the PSDML and SSDML can be solved by using an SVM model. [sent-68, score-0.138]

49 The proposed PSDML and SSDML methods can effectively improve the performance of PSD and SSD based classification, and are much more efficient than state-of-the- art metric learning methods. [sent-69, score-0.244]

50 The main abbreviations used in this paper are summarized in the following Table 1. [sent-70, score-0.051]

51 The main abbreviations used in this paper PPDpoint to point distance PSD point to set distance SSD set to set distance PSDML point to set distance metric learning SSDML set to set distance metric learning 2. [sent-72, score-1.124]

52 Set based distances Before distance metric learning, we need to first define how the distance is measured. [sent-73, score-0.429]

53 , a subspace spanned by all the available samples in the set. [sent-79, score-0.081]

54 ( ai =) =1 i {s required aenrde ai i=s required to be bounded: H(D) = {? [sent-95, score-0.142]

55 If τ1 <= 0 − ainndf τ2 >d τ0, H(D) is a reduced affine hull [5]. [sent-100, score-0.378]

56 If 2665 = 0 and τ2 = 1, H(D) is a convex hull [26]. [sent-101, score-0.341]

57 If τ1 = 0 and τ2 < 1, H(D) is a reduced convex hull [5]. [sent-102, score-0.341]

58 To rule out the meaningless points which are too far from the sample mean, the regularized affine hull (RAH) [35] is defined as follows to model an image set: τ1 H(D) = ? [sent-103, score-0.479]

59 ce (PSD) Given a sample x and a set of samples D, a point to set distance d(x, D) between x and D can be defined as follows: d(x, D) = ? [sent-114, score-0.234]

60 x − H(D) When H(D) is a hull, the solution of mina ? [sent-117, score-0.059]

61 P can be introduced to project the samples into a desired space. [sent-125, score-0.074]

62 22, and M = PTP, (5) When ˆa is obtained, we can form a sample pair (x, D aˆ). [sent-137, score-0.109]

63 (4) can be viewed as a Mahalanobis distance [10] between x and D aˆ, and the matrix M is always semi-positive definite. [sent-139, score-0.139]

64 In PSD based classification, the distance between the query sample y and the template set of each class X1, X2 , . [sent-140, score-0.359]

65 Suppose that the nearest subspace classifier (NSC) is used. [sent-144, score-0.115]

66 Given M, for class i, we have ai = Wiy, where Wi = ? [sent-145, score-0.119]

67 (7) The class with the minimal PSD is assigned to y: Label(y) = arg mini{dM (y, Xi)}. [sent-151, score-0.116]

68 Compared with the{ dnearest convex hull/affine hull classifier (NCH/NAH), which needs to solve c quadratic programming problems for the query sample y, NSC only needs to compute a set of linear projections of y with Wi, i= 1, 2, . [sent-152, score-0.521]

69 Set-to-set distance (SSD) Given two image sets D1 and D2, the set-to-set distance (SSD) between them can be defined as follows: d(D1,D2) = where ? [sent-159, score-0.234]

70 In [35], it has been shown that l2-norm regularized affine hull is much faster and can achieve comparable performance to convex/affine/sparse constraints. [sent-169, score-0.414]

71 Given a linear projection matrix P, the RNP model is: sm. [sent-170, score-0.022]

72 )2 (11) In SSD based classification, given a query image set Y , the SSD between it and each template set Xi, i= 1, 2, . [sent-186, score-0.118]

73 Y can then be classified by Label(Y ) = l(Xiˆ), where arg mini{dM (Y , Xi) }. [sent-190, score-0.058]

74 Distance metric learning With the definitions in Section 2, we can then design the metric learning algorithms for PSD and SSD based classification. [sent-192, score-0.488]

75 (7), the matrix M plays a critical role in the final distance dM (y, Xi). [sent-196, score-0.139]

76 It is expected that a good M can be learned from the training sample sets {X1, X2 , . [sent-197, score-0.065]

77 , Xc}, so that the PSD between a query sample y Xand the set Xl(y) can baet t rheedu PcSeDd, bwethwileee tnhe a Pq uSDer yb setawmepelne y and the other sets Xj ,j l(y), can be enlarged, where l(y) is the label of y. [sent-200, score-0.179]

78 , c, we propose the following metric learning = 2666 model: sm. [sent-203, score-0.244]

79 denotes the Frobenius norm, al(xi) and aj are cwoheeffriec ? [sent-212, score-0.066]

80 ts vector for Xl(xi) and Xj, b is the bias and ν is a positive constant. [sent-214, score-0.035]

81 ξiP and ξiNj are slack variables for positive and negative pairs. [sent-215, score-0.073]

82 dM (xi, Xl(xi) ) is the PSD distance from xi to the set it belongs to (i. [sent-216, score-0.257]

83 , the PSD of positive pairs), where l(xi) is the class label of xi, and dM (xi, Xj) ,j l(xi), is the PSD from xi to other classes (i. [sent-218, score-0.264]

84 (13) is a joint optimization problem of M and {al(xi) , aj }. [sent-223, score-0.066]

85 (13) by optimizing M and {al(xi) , aj } alternatively. [sent-225, score-0.066]

86 When M is foipxteimd, {al(xi) , aj }d are solved f}or a atellr nthateiv training samples. [sent-226, score-0.066]

87 fNixoetde ,t {haat here the}“ aleraev es-oolnveed-o fuot”r strategy aisi nuinsged s atom compute al(xi) . [sent-227, score-0.026]

88 That is, X¯l(xi) is the training sample set of class l(xi) but excluding sample xi. [sent-228, score-0.189]

89 Then the positive pairs are formed as (xi , X¯l(xi) aˆl(xi) ) and the negative pairs are formed as (xi , Xj,j? [sent-229, score-0.195]

90 We label the negative pair as “+1” and the positive pair is set as “-1”. [sent-232, score-0.191]

91 Let us denote by zi = (zi1, zi2) a generated sample pair. [sent-233, score-0.108]

92 The covariance matrix of the two samples in zi is Ci = (zi1 − zi2)(zi1 − zi2)T. [sent-234, score-0.176]

93 Suppose that we generated ns training sample pairs, and thus we have ns covariance F = matrices Ci, i = 1, 2, . [sent-235, score-0.18]

94 We label Ci as “+1” or “-1” based on the label of zi, and define the following kernel function to measure the similarity between Ci and Cj : k(Ci, Cj) = tr(CiCj) =< Ci, Cj > (14) where tr(·) is the trace operator of a matrix and < ·, · > means ttrhe( )inn iser th product oofp emraattroirc oefs. [sent-239, score-0.134]

95 Suppose that we have a query sample pair, denoted by z = (z1, z2). [sent-240, score-0.149]

96 We introduce the following discriminative function to judge whether z is positive or negative: f(C? [sent-242, score-0.064]

97 ) ≥iξ 1i − ξi,ξi≥ 0 (17) The Lagrange dual problem of the metric learning problem in Eq. [sent-261, score-0.244]

98 (18) can be easily solved by the support vector machine (SVM) solvers such as LIBSVM [7]. [sent-269, score-0.026]

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Author: Pengfei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, David Zhang

Abstract: Most of the current metric learning methods are proposed for point-to-point distance (PPD) based classification. In many computer vision tasks, however, we need to measure the point-to-set distance (PSD) and even set-to-set distance (SSD) for classification. In this paper, we extend the PPD based Mahalanobis distance metric learning to PSD and SSD based ones, namely point-to-set distance metric learning (PSDML) and set-to-set distance metric learning (SSDML), and solve them under a unified optimization framework. First, we generate positive and negative sample pairs by computing the PSD and SSD between training samples. Then, we characterize each sample pair by its covariance matrix, and propose a covariance kernel based discriminative function. Finally, we tackle the PSDML and SSDMLproblems by using standard support vector machine solvers, making the metric learning very efficient for multiclass visual classification tasks. Experiments on gender classification, digit recognition, object categorization and face recognition show that the proposed metric learning methods can effectively enhance the performance of PSD and SSD based classification.

2 0.83248049 227 iccv-2013-Large-Scale Image Annotation by Efficient and Robust Kernel Metric Learning

Author: Zheyun Feng, Rong Jin, Anil Jain

Abstract: One of the key challenges in search-based image annotation models is to define an appropriate similarity measure between images. Many kernel distance metric learning (KML) algorithms have been developed in order to capture the nonlinear relationships between visual features and semantics ofthe images. Onefundamental limitation in applying KML to image annotation is that it requires converting image annotations into binary constraints, leading to a significant information loss. In addition, most KML algorithms suffer from high computational cost due to the requirement that the learned matrix has to be positive semi-definitive (PSD). In this paper, we propose a robust kernel metric learning (RKML) algorithm based on the regression technique that is able to directly utilize image annotations. The proposed method is also computationally more efficient because PSD property is automatically ensured by regression. We provide the theoretical guarantee for the proposed algorithm, and verify its efficiency and effectiveness for image annotation by comparing it to state-of-the-art approaches for both distance metric learning and image annotation. ,

3 0.8277787 222 iccv-2013-Joint Learning of Discriminative Prototypes and Large Margin Nearest Neighbor Classifiers

Author: Martin Köstinger, Paul Wohlhart, Peter M. Roth, Horst Bischof

Abstract: In this paper, we raise important issues concerning the evaluation complexity of existing Mahalanobis metric learning methods. The complexity scales linearly with the size of the dataset. This is especially cumbersome on large scale or for real-time applications with limited time budget. To alleviate this problem we propose to represent the dataset by a fixed number of discriminative prototypes. In particular, we introduce a new method that jointly chooses the positioning of prototypes and also optimizes the Mahalanobis distance metric with respect to these. We show that choosing the positioning of the prototypes and learning the metric in parallel leads to a drastically reduced evaluation effort while maintaining the discriminative essence of the original dataset. Moreover, for most problems our method performing k-nearest prototype (k-NP) classification on the condensed dataset leads to even better generalization compared to k-NN classification using all data. Results on a variety of challenging benchmarks demonstrate the power of our method. These include standard machine learning datasets as well as the challenging Public Fig- ures Face Database. On the competitive machine learning benchmarks we are comparable to the state-of-the-art while being more efficient. On the face benchmark we clearly outperform the state-of-the-art in Mahalanobis metric learning with drastically reduced evaluation effort.

4 0.78244394 212 iccv-2013-Image Set Classification Using Holistic Multiple Order Statistics Features and Localized Multi-kernel Metric Learning

Author: Jiwen Lu, Gang Wang, Pierre Moulin

Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for image set classification, where each training and testing example contains a set of image instances of an object captured from varying viewpoints or under varying illuminations. While a number of image set classification methods have been proposed in recent years, most of them model each image set as a single linear subspace or mixture of linear subspaces, which may lose some discriminative information for classification. To address this, we propose exploring multiple order statistics as features of image sets, and develop a localized multikernel metric learning (LMKML) algorithm to effectively combine different order statistics information for classification. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on four widely used databases including the Honda/UCSD, CMU Mobo, and Youtube face datasets, and the ETH-80 object dataset.

5 0.72732997 25 iccv-2013-A Novel Earth Mover's Distance Methodology for Image Matching with Gaussian Mixture Models

Author: Peihua Li, Qilong Wang, Lei Zhang

Abstract: The similarity or distance measure between Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) plays a crucial role in contentbased image matching. Though the Earth Mover’s Distance (EMD) has shown its advantages in matching histogram features, its potentials in matching GMMs remain unclear and are not fully explored. To address this problem, we propose a novel EMD methodology for GMM matching. We ?rst present a sparse representation based EMD called SR-EMD by exploiting the sparse property of the underlying problem. SR-EMD is more ef?cient and robust than the conventional EMD. Second, we present two novel ground distances between component Gaussians based on the information geometry. The perspective from the Riemannian geometry distinguishes the proposed ground distances from the classical entropy- or divergence-based ones. Furthermore, motivated by the success of distance metric learning of vector data, we make the ?rst attempt to learn the EMD distance metrics between GMMs by using a simple yet effective supervised pair-wise based method. It can adapt the distance metrics between GMMs to speci?c classi?ca- tion tasks. The proposed method is evaluated on both simulated data and benchmark real databases and achieves very promising performance.

6 0.72366196 392 iccv-2013-Similarity Metric Learning for Face Recognition

7 0.71796083 332 iccv-2013-Quadruplet-Wise Image Similarity Learning

8 0.69434732 126 iccv-2013-Dynamic Label Propagation for Semi-supervised Multi-class Multi-label Classification

9 0.68566436 431 iccv-2013-Unbiased Metric Learning: On the Utilization of Multiple Datasets and Web Images for Softening Bias

10 0.64132315 142 iccv-2013-Ensemble Projection for Semi-supervised Image Classification

11 0.63916981 194 iccv-2013-Heterogeneous Image Features Integration via Multi-modal Semi-supervised Learning Model

12 0.61316991 259 iccv-2013-Manifold Based Face Synthesis from Sparse Samples

13 0.59787482 347 iccv-2013-Recursive Estimation of the Stein Center of SPD Matrices and Its Applications

14 0.59196228 295 iccv-2013-On One-Shot Similarity Kernels: Explicit Feature Maps and Properties

15 0.58914715 312 iccv-2013-Perceptual Fidelity Aware Mean Squared Error

16 0.58434075 29 iccv-2013-A Scalable Unsupervised Feature Merging Approach to Efficient Dimensionality Reduction of High-Dimensional Visual Data

17 0.57935292 158 iccv-2013-Fast High Dimensional Vector Multiplication Face Recognition

18 0.5561884 10 iccv-2013-A Framework for Shape Analysis via Hilbert Space Embedding

19 0.5438506 6 iccv-2013-A Convex Optimization Framework for Active Learning

20 0.54288805 235 iccv-2013-Learning Coupled Feature Spaces for Cross-Modal Matching

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same-paper 1 0.71612537 177 iccv-2013-From Point to Set: Extend the Learning of Distance Metrics

Author: Pengfei Zhu, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo, David Zhang

Abstract: Most of the current metric learning methods are proposed for point-to-point distance (PPD) based classification. In many computer vision tasks, however, we need to measure the point-to-set distance (PSD) and even set-to-set distance (SSD) for classification. In this paper, we extend the PPD based Mahalanobis distance metric learning to PSD and SSD based ones, namely point-to-set distance metric learning (PSDML) and set-to-set distance metric learning (SSDML), and solve them under a unified optimization framework. First, we generate positive and negative sample pairs by computing the PSD and SSD between training samples. Then, we characterize each sample pair by its covariance matrix, and propose a covariance kernel based discriminative function. Finally, we tackle the PSDML and SSDMLproblems by using standard support vector machine solvers, making the metric learning very efficient for multiclass visual classification tasks. Experiments on gender classification, digit recognition, object categorization and face recognition show that the proposed metric learning methods can effectively enhance the performance of PSD and SSD based classification.

2 0.61882275 304 iccv-2013-PM-Huber: PatchMatch with Huber Regularization for Stereo Matching

Author: Philipp Heise, Sebastian Klose, Brian Jensen, Alois Knoll

Abstract: Most stereo correspondence algorithms match support windows at integer-valued disparities and assume a constant disparity value within the support window. The recently proposed PatchMatch stereo algorithm [7] overcomes this limitation of previous algorithms by directly estimating planes. This work presents a method that integrates the PatchMatch stereo algorithm into a variational smoothing formulation using quadratic relaxation. The resulting algorithm allows the explicit regularization of the disparity and normal gradients using the estimated plane parameters. Evaluation of our method in the Middlebury benchmark shows that our method outperforms the traditional integer-valued disparity strategy as well as the original algorithm and its variants in sub-pixel accurate disparity estimation.

3 0.58280754 17 iccv-2013-A Global Linear Method for Camera Pose Registration

Author: Nianjuan Jiang, Zhaopeng Cui, Ping Tan

Abstract: We present a linear method for global camera pose registration from pairwise relative poses encoded in essential matrices. Our method minimizes an approximate geometric error to enforce the triangular relationship in camera triplets. This formulation does not suffer from the typical ‘unbalanced scale ’ problem in linear methods relying on pairwise translation direction constraints, i.e. an algebraic error; nor the system degeneracy from collinear motion. In the case of three cameras, our method provides a good linear approximation of the trifocal tensor. It can be directly scaled up to register multiple cameras. The results obtained are accurate for point triangulation and can serve as a good initialization for final bundle adjustment. We evaluate the algorithm performance with different types of data and demonstrate its effectiveness. Our system produces good accuracy, robustness, and outperforms some well-known systems on efficiency.

4 0.58249426 101 iccv-2013-DCSH - Matching Patches in RGBD Images

Author: Yaron Eshet, Simon Korman, Eyal Ofek, Shai Avidan

Abstract: We extend patch based methods to work on patches in 3D space. We start with Coherency Sensitive Hashing [12] (CSH), which is an algorithm for matching patches between two RGB images, and extend it to work with RGBD images. This is done by warping all 3D patches to a common virtual plane in which CSH is performed. To avoid noise due to warping of patches of various normals and depths, we estimate a group of dominant planes and compute CSH on each plane separately, before merging the matching patches. The result is DCSH - an algorithm that matches world (3D) patches in order to guide the search for image plane matches. An independent contribution is an extension of CSH, which we term Social-CSH. It allows a major speedup of the k nearest neighbor (kNN) version of CSH - its runtime growing linearly, rather than quadratically, in k. Social-CSH is used as a subcomponent of DCSH when many NNs are required, as in the case of image denoising. We show the benefits ofusing depth information to image reconstruction and image denoising, demonstrated on several RGBD images.

5 0.57863808 188 iccv-2013-Group Sparsity and Geometry Constrained Dictionary Learning for Action Recognition from Depth Maps

Author: Jiajia Luo, Wei Wang, Hairong Qi

Abstract: Human action recognition based on the depth information provided by commodity depth sensors is an important yet challenging task. The noisy depth maps, different lengths of action sequences, and free styles in performing actions, may cause large intra-class variations. In this paper, a new framework based on sparse coding and temporal pyramid matching (TPM) is proposed for depthbased human action recognition. Especially, a discriminative class-specific dictionary learning algorithm isproposed for sparse coding. By adding the group sparsity and geometry constraints, features can be well reconstructed by the sub-dictionary belonging to the same class, and the geometry relationships among features are also kept in the calculated coefficients. The proposed approach is evaluated on two benchmark datasets captured by depth cameras. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm repeatedly hqi } @ ut k . edu GB ImagesR epth ImagesD setkonlSy0 896.5170d4ept.3h021 .x02y 19.876504.dep3th02.1 x02. achieves superior performance to the state of the art algorithms. Moreover, the proposed dictionary learning method also outperforms classic dictionary learning approaches.

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