acl acl2013 acl2013-365 acl2013-365-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Vidhya Govindaraju ; Ce Zhang ; Christopher Re
Abstract: Tabular information in text documents contains a wealth of information, and so tables are a natural candidate for information extraction. There are many cues buried in both a table and its surrounding text that allow us to understand the meaning of the data in a table. We study how natural-language tools, such as part-of-speech tagging, dependency paths, and named-entity recognition, can be used to improve the quality of relation extraction from tables. In three domains we show that (1) a model that performs joint probabilistic inference across tabular and natural language features achieves an F1 score that is twice as high as either a puretable or pure-text system, and (2) using only shallower features or non-joint inference results in lower quality.
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