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358 acl-2013-Transition-based Dependency Parsing with Selectional Branching

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Author: Jinho D. Choi ; Andrew McCallum

Abstract: We present a novel approach, called selectional branching, which uses confidence estimates to decide when to employ a beam, providing the accuracy of beam search at speeds close to a greedy transition-based dependency parsing approach. Selectional branching is guaranteed to perform a fewer number of transitions than beam search yet performs as accurately. We also present a new transition-based dependency parsing algorithm that gives a complexity of O(n) for projective parsing and an expected linear time speed for non-projective parsing. With the standard setup, our parser shows an unlabeled attachment score of 92.96% and a parsing speed of 9 milliseconds per sentence, which is faster and more accurate than the current state-of-the-art transitionbased parser that uses beam search.

reference text

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