acl acl2013 acl2013-357 acl2013-357-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

357 acl-2013-Transfer Learning for Constituency-Based Grammars

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Author: Yuan Zhang ; Regina Barzilay ; Amir Globerson

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of cross-formalism transfer in parsing. We are interested in parsing constituencybased grammars such as HPSG and CCG using a small amount of data specific for the target formalism, and a large quantity of coarse CFG annotations from the Penn Treebank. While all of the target formalisms share a similar basic syntactic structure with Penn Treebank CFG, they also encode additional constraints and semantic features. To handle this apparent discrepancy, we design a probabilistic model that jointly generates CFG and target formalism parses. The model includes features of both parses, allowing trans- fer between the formalisms, while preserving parsing efficiency. We evaluate our approach on three constituency-based grammars CCG, HPSG, and LFG, augmented with the Penn Treebank-1. Our experiments show that across all three formalisms, the target parsers significantly benefit from the coarse annotations.1 —

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