acl acl2013 acl2013-352 acl2013-352-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

352 acl-2013-Towards Accurate Distant Supervision for Relational Facts Extraction

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Author: Xingxing Zhang ; Jianwen Zhang ; Junyu Zeng ; Jun Yan ; Zheng Chen ; Zhifang Sui

Abstract: Distant supervision (DS) is an appealing learning method which learns from existing relational facts to extract more from a text corpus. However, the accuracy is still not satisfying. In this paper, we point out and analyze some critical factors in DS which have great impact on accuracy, including valid entity type detection, negative training examples construction and ensembles. We propose an approach to handle these factors. By experimenting on Wikipedia articles to extract the facts in Freebase (the top 92 relations), we show the impact of these three factors on the accuracy of DS and the remarkable improvement led by the proposed approach.

reference text

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