acl acl2013 acl2013-333 acl2013-333-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Anirban Dasgupta ; Ravi Kumar ; Sujith Ravi
Abstract: We propose a new optimization framework for summarization by generalizing the submodular framework of (Lin and Bilmes, 2011). In our framework the summarization desideratum is expressed as a sum of a submodular function and a nonsubmodular function, which we call dispersion; the latter uses inter-sentence dissimilarities in different ways in order to ensure non-redundancy of the summary. We consider three natural dispersion functions and show that a greedy algorithm can obtain an approximately optimal summary in all three cases. We conduct experiments on two corpora—DUC 2004 and user comments on news articles—and show that the performance of our algorithm outperforms those that rely only on submodularity.
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