acl acl2013 acl2013-301 acl2013-301-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

301 acl-2013-Resolving Entity Morphs in Censored Data

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Author: Hongzhao Huang ; Zhen Wen ; Dian Yu ; Heng Ji ; Yizhou Sun ; Jiawei Han ; He Li

Abstract: In some societies, internet users have to create information morphs (e.g. “Peace West King” to refer to “Bo Xilai”) to avoid active censorship or achieve other communication goals. In this paper we aim to solve a new problem of resolving entity morphs to their real targets. We exploit temporal constraints to collect crosssource comparable corpora relevant to any given morph query and identify target candidates. Then we propose various novel similarity measurements including surface features, meta-path based semantic features and social correlation features and combine them in a learning-to-rank frame- work. Experimental results on Chinese Sina Weibo data demonstrate that our approach is promising and significantly outperforms baseline methods1 .

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