acl acl2013 acl2013-288 acl2013-288-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Dongdong Zhang ; Shuangzhi Wu ; Nan Yang ; Mu Li
Abstract: Punctuations are not available in automatic speech recognition outputs, which could create barriers to many subsequent text processing tasks. This paper proposes a novel method to predict punctuation symbols for the stream of words in transcribed speech texts. Our method jointly performs parsing and punctuation prediction by integrating a rich set of syntactic features when processing words from left to right. It can exploit a global view to capture long-range dependencies for punctuation prediction with linear complexity. The experimental results on the test data sets of IWSLT and TDT4 show that our method can achieve high-level performance in punctuation prediction over the stream of words in transcribed speech text. 1
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