acl acl2013 acl2013-267 acl2013-267-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Travis Wolfe ; Benjamin Van Durme ; Mark Dredze ; Nicholas Andrews ; Charley Beller ; Chris Callison-Burch ; Jay DeYoung ; Justin Snyder ; Jonathan Weese ; Tan Xu ; Xuchen Yao
Abstract: We introduce PARMA, a system for crossdocument, semantic predicate and argument alignment. Our system combines a number of linguistic resources familiar to researchers in areas such as recognizing textual entailment and question answering, integrating them into a simple discriminative model. PARMA achieves state of the art results on an existing and a new dataset. We suggest that previous efforts have focussed on data that is biased and too easy, and we provide a more difficult dataset based on translation data with a low baseline which we beat by 17% F1.
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