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264 acl-2013-Online Relative Margin Maximization for Statistical Machine Translation

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Author: Vladimir Eidelman ; Yuval Marton ; Philip Resnik

Abstract: Recent advances in large-margin learning have shown that better generalization can be achieved by incorporating higher order information into the optimization, such as the spread of the data. However, these solutions are impractical in complex structured prediction problems such as statistical machine translation. We present an online gradient-based algorithm for relative margin maximization, which bounds the spread ofthe projected data while maximizing the margin. We evaluate our optimizer on Chinese-English and ArabicEnglish translation tasks, each with small and large feature sets, and show that our learner is able to achieve significant im- provements of 1.2-2 BLEU and 1.7-4.3 TER on average over state-of-the-art optimizers with the large feature set.

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