acl acl2013 acl2013-178 acl2013-178-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Enrique Alfonseca ; Daniele Pighin ; Guillermo Garrido
Abstract: This paper presents HEADY: a novel, abstractive approach for headline generation from news collections. From a web-scale corpus of English news, we mine syntactic patterns that a Noisy-OR model generalizes into event descriptions. At inference time, we query the model with the patterns observed in an unseen news collection, identify the event that better captures the gist of the collection and retrieve the most appropriate pattern to generate a headline. HEADY improves over a state-of-theart open-domain title abstraction method, bridging half of the gap that separates it from extractive methods using humangenerated titles in manual evaluations, and performs comparably to human-generated headlines as evaluated with ROUGE.
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