acl acl2013 acl2013-142 acl2013-142-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

142 acl-2013-Evolutionary Hierarchical Dirichlet Process for Timeline Summarization

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Author: Jiwei Li ; Sujian Li

Abstract: Timeline summarization aims at generating concise summaries and giving readers a faster and better access to understand the evolution of news. It is a new challenge which combines salience ranking problem with novelty detection. Previous researches in this field seldom explore the evolutionary pattern of topics such as birth, splitting, merging, developing and death. In this paper, we develop a novel model called Evolutionary Hierarchical Dirichlet Process(EHDP) to capture the topic evolution pattern in time- line summarization. In EHDP, time varying information is formulated as a series of HDPs by considering time-dependent information. Experiments on 6 different datasets which contain 3 156 documents demonstrates the good performance of our system with regard to ROUGE scores.

reference text

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