acl acl2013 acl2013-70 acl2013-70-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Kai Liu ; Yajuan Lu ; Wenbin Jiang ; Qun Liu
Abstract: This paper describes a novel strategy for automatic induction of a monolingual dependency grammar under the guidance of bilingually-projected dependency. By moderately leveraging the dependency information projected from the parsed counterpart language, and simultaneously mining the underlying syntactic structure of the language considered, it effectively integrates the advantages of bilingual projection and unsupervised induction, so as to induce a monolingual grammar much better than previous models only using bilingual projection or unsupervised induction. We induced dependency gram- mar for five different languages under the guidance of dependency information projected from the parsed English translation, experiments show that the bilinguallyguided method achieves a significant improvement of 28.5% over the unsupervised baseline and 3.0% over the best projection baseline on average.
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