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28 acl-2013-A Unified Morpho-Syntactic Scheme of Stanford Dependencies

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Author: Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: Stanford Dependencies (SD) provide a functional characterization of the grammatical relations in syntactic parse-trees. The SD representation is useful for parser evaluation, for downstream applications, and, ultimately, for natural language understanding, however, the design of SD focuses on structurally-marked relations and under-represents morphosyntactic realization patterns observed in Morphologically Rich Languages (MRLs). We present a novel extension of SD, called Unified-SD (U-SD), which unifies the annotation of structurally- and morphologically-marked relations via an inheritance hierarchy. We create a new resource composed of U-SDannotated constituency and dependency treebanks for the MRL Modern Hebrew, and present two systems that can automatically predict U-SD annotations, for gold segmented input as well as raw texts, with high baseline accuracy.

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