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100 acl-2011-Discriminative Feature-Tied Mixture Modeling for Statistical Machine Translation

Source: pdf

Author: Bing Xiang ; Abraham Ittycheriah

Abstract: In this paper we present a novel discriminative mixture model for statistical machine translation (SMT). We model the feature space with a log-linear combination ofmultiple mixture components. Each component contains a large set of features trained in a maximumentropy framework. All features within the same mixture component are tied and share the same mixture weights, where the mixture weights are trained discriminatively to maximize the translation performance. This approach aims at bridging the gap between the maximum-likelihood training and the discriminative training for SMT. It is shown that the feature space can be partitioned in a variety of ways, such as based on feature types, word alignments, or domains, for various applications. The proposed approach improves the translation performance significantly on a large-scale Arabic-to-English MT task.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 com }@ Abstract In this paper we present a novel discriminative mixture model for statistical machine translation (SMT). [sent-5, score-1.033]

2 We model the feature space with a log-linear combination ofmultiple mixture components. [sent-6, score-0.966]

3 Each component contains a large set of features trained in a maximumentropy framework. [sent-7, score-0.258]

4 All features within the same mixture component are tied and share the same mixture weights, where the mixture weights are trained discriminatively to maximize the translation performance. [sent-8, score-2.604]

5 This approach aims at bridging the gap between the maximum-likelihood training and the discriminative training for SMT. [sent-9, score-0.332]

6 It is shown that the feature space can be partitioned in a variety of ways, such as based on feature types, word alignments, or domains, for various applications. [sent-10, score-0.25]

7 The proposed approach improves the translation performance significantly on a large-scale Arabic-to-English MT task. [sent-11, score-0.099]

8 1 Introduction Significant progress has been made in statistical machine translation (SMT) in recent years. [sent-12, score-0.158]

9 , 2003) has become the widely adopted one in SMT due to its capability of capturing local context information from adjacent words. [sent-14, score-0.039]

10 There exists significant amount of work focused on the improvement of translation performance with better features. [sent-15, score-0.099]

11 The feature set could be either small (at the order of 10), or large (up to millions). [sent-16, score-0.104]

12 , 2003) is a widely known one using small number of features in a maximum-entropy (log-linear) model (Och and Ney, 2002). [sent-18, score-0.147]

13 The features include phrase translation probabilities, lexical probabilities, number of phrases, and language model scores, etc. [sent-19, score-0.242]

14 The feature weights are usually optimized with minimum error rate training (MERT) as in (Och, 2003). [sent-20, score-0.341]

15 Besides the MERT-based feature weight optimization, there exist other alternative discriminative training methods for MT, such as in (Tillmann and Zhang, 2006; Liang et al. [sent-21, score-0.297]

16 However, scalability is a challenge for these approaches, where all possible translations of each training example need to be searched, which is computationally expensive. [sent-24, score-0.051]

17 , 2009), there are 11K syntactic features proposed for a hierarchical phrase-based system. [sent-26, score-0.071]

18 The feature weights are trained with the Margin Infused Relaxed Algorithm (MIRA) efficiently on a forest of translations from a development set. [sent-27, score-0.263]

19 Even though significant improvement has been obtained compared to the baseline that has small number of features, it is hard to apply the same approach to millions of features due to the data sparseness issue, since the development set is usually small. [sent-28, score-0.295]

20 In (Ittycheriah and Roukos, 2007), a maximum entropy (ME) model is proposed, which utilizes millions of features. [sent-29, score-0.214]

21 All the feature weights are trained with a maximum-likelihood (ML) approach on the full training corpus. [sent-30, score-0.314]

22 However, the estimation of feature weights has no direct connection with the final translation perforProceedings ofP thoer t4l9atnhd A, Onrnuegaoln M,e Jeuntineg 19 o-f2 t4h,e 2 A0s1s1o. [sent-32, score-0.334]

23 In this paper, we propose a hybrid framework, a discriminative mixture model, to bridge the gap between the ML training and the discriminative training for SMT. [sent-35, score-1.123]

24 In Section 2, we briefly review the ME baseline of this work. [sent-36, score-0.076]

25 In Section 3, we introduce the discriminative mixture model that combines various types of features. [sent-37, score-0.912]

26 In Section 4, we present experimental results on a large-scale Arabic-English MT task with focuses on feature combination, alignment combination, and domain adaptation, respectively. [sent-38, score-0.298]

27 2 Maximum-Entropy Model for MT In this section we give a brief review of a special maximum-entropy (ME) model as introduced in (Ittycheriah and Roukos, 2007). [sent-40, score-0.037]

28 The model has the following form, p(t,j|s) =p0(Zt(,sj)|s)expXiλiφi(t,j,s), (1) where s is a source phrase, and t is a target phrase. [sent-41, score-0.19]

29 j is the jump distance from the previously translated source word to the current source word. [sent-42, score-0.41]

30 During training j can vary widely due to automatic word alignment in the parallel corpus. [sent-43, score-0.261]

31 To limit the sparseness created by long jumps, j is capped to a window of source words (-5 to 5 words) around the last translated source word. [sent-44, score-0.224]

32 (1), p0 is a prior distribution, Z is a normalizing term, and φi (t, j,s) are the features of the model, each being a binary question asked about the source, distortion, and target information. [sent-47, score-0.171]

33 The feature weights λi can be estimated with the Improved Iterative Scaling (IIS) algorithm (Della Pietra et al. [sent-48, score-0.235]

34 1 Mixture Model Now we introduce the discriminative mixture model. [sent-51, score-0.838]

35 Suppose we partition the feature space into multiple clusters (details in Section 3. [sent-52, score-0.223]

36 Let the probability of target phrase and jump given certain source phrase for cluster k be pk(t,j|s) =Zk1(s)expXiλkiφki(t,j,s), (2) 425 where Zk is a normalizing factor for cluster k. [sent-54, score-0.582]

37 We propose a log-linear mixture model as shown in Eq. [sent-55, score-0.733]

38 (3) It can be rewritten in the log domain as logp(t,j|s) = logp0(Zt(,sj)|s) +Xwklogpk(t,j|s) Xk = logp0Z(t(,sj)|s)−XkwklogZk(s) +XwkXλkiφki(t,j,s). [sent-58, score-0.056]

39 Xk (4) Xi The individual feature weights λki for the i-th feature in cluster k are estimated in the maximumentropy framework as in the baseline model. [sent-59, score-0.531]

40 How- ever, the mixture weights wk can be optimized directly towards the translation evaluation metric, such as BLEU (Papineni et al. [sent-60, score-1.015]

41 Note that the number of mixture components is relatively small (less than 10) compared to millions of features in baseline. [sent-64, score-0.921]

42 Hence the optimization can be conducted easily to generate reliable mixture weights for decoding with MERT (Och, 2003) or other optimization algorithms, such as the Simplex Armijo Downhill algorithm proposed in (Zhao and Chen, 2009). [sent-65, score-0.924]

43 2 Partition of Feature Space Given the proposed mixture model, how to split the feature space into multiple regions becomes crucial. [sent-67, score-0.842]

44 In order to surpass the baseline model, where all features can be viewed as existing in a single mixture component, the separated mixture components should be complementary to each other. [sent-68, score-1.613]

45 In this work, we explore three different ways of partitions, based on either feature types, word alignment types, or the domain of training data. [sent-69, score-0.349]

46 They fire only if the left source is open (untranslated) or the right source is closed. [sent-71, score-0.184]

47 All the features falling in the same feature category/cluster are tied to each other to share the same mixture weights at the upper level as in Eq. [sent-72, score-1.099]

48 Besides the feature-type-based clustering, we can also divide the feature space based on word alignment types, such as supervised alignment versus unsupervised alignment (to be described in the experiment section). [sent-74, score-0.56]

49 For each type of word alignment, we build a mixture component with millions of ME features. [sent-75, score-0.894]

50 On the task of domain adaptation, we can also split the training data based on their domain/resources, with each mixture component representing a specific domain. [sent-76, score-0.893]

51 The training data includes the UN parallel corpus and LDC-released parallel corpora, 426 with about 10M sentence pairs and 300M words in total (counted at the English side). [sent-79, score-0.117]

52 For each sentence in the training, three types of word alignments are created: maximum entropy alignment (Ittycheriah and Roukos, 2005), GIZA++ alignment (Och and Ney, 2000), and HMM alignment (Vogel et al. [sent-80, score-0.58]

53 Our tuning and test sets are extracted from the GALE DEV10 Newswire set, with no overlap between tuning and test. [sent-82, score-0.08]

54 There are 1063 sentences (168 documents) in the tuning set, and 1089 sentences (168 documents) in the test set. [sent-83, score-0.04]

55 Both sets have one reference translation for each sentence. [sent-84, score-0.099]

56 Instead of using all the training data, we sample the training corpus based on the tuning/test set to train the systems more efficiently. [sent-85, score-0.102]

57 A 5-gram language model is trained from the English Gigaword corpus and the English portion ofthe parallel corpus used in the translation model training. [sent-88, score-0.234]

58 In this work, the decoding weights for both the baseline and the mixture model are tuned with the Simplex Armijo Downhill algorithm (Zhao and Chen, 2009) towards the maximum BLEU. [sent-89, score-1.041]

59 SystemFeaturesBLEU (F1 to F8), baseline, or mixture model. [sent-90, score-0.696]

60 The translation results on the test set from the baseline and the mixture model are listed in Table 1. [sent-94, score-0.908]

61 The MT performance is measured with the widely adopted BLEU metric. [sent-95, score-0.039]

62 We also evaluate the systems that utilize only one of the mixture components (F1 to F8). [sent-96, score-0.742]

63 The number of features used in each system is also listed in the table. [sent-97, score-0.071]

64 As we can see, when using all 18M features in the baseline model, without mixture weighting, the baseline achieved 3. [sent-98, score-0.946]

65 Since there are exactly the same number of features in the baseline and mixture model, the better performance is due to two facts: separate training of the feature weights λ within each mixture component; the discriminative training of mixture weights w. [sent-103, score-2.845]

66 The first one allows better parameter estimation given the number of features in each mixture component is much less than that in the baseline. [sent-104, score-0.857]

67 The second factor connects the mixture weighting to the final translation performance directly. [sent-105, score-0.84]

68 In the baseline, all feature weights are trained together solely under the maximum likelihood criterion, with no differentiation of the various types of features in terms of their contribution to the translation performance. [sent-106, score-0.504]

69 3 Alignment Combination In the baseline mentioned above, three types of word alignments are used (via corpus concatenation) for phrase extraction and feature training. [sent-110, score-0.312]

70 Given the mixture model structure, we can apply it to an alignment combination problem. [sent-111, score-0.924]

71 With the phrase table extracted from all the alignments, we train three feature mixture components, each on one type of alignments. [sent-112, score-0.835]

72 Each mixture component contains millions of features from all feature types described in Section 3. [sent-113, score-1.106]

73 Again, the mixture weights are optimized towards the maximum BLEU. [sent-115, score-0.95]

74 3 minor gain compared to extracting features from ME alignment only (note that phrases are from all the alignments). [sent-118, score-0.263]

75 With the mixture model, 427 we can achieve another 0. [sent-119, score-0.696]

76 5 gain compared to the baseline, especially with less number of features. [sent-120, score-0.054]

77 This presents a new way of doing alignment combination in the feature space instead of in the usual phrase space. [sent-121, score-0.404]

78 4 Domain Adaptation Another popular task in SMT is domain adaptation (Foster et al. [sent-125, score-0.13]

79 It tries to take advantage of any out-of-domain training data by combining them with the in-domain data in an appropriate way. [sent-127, score-0.051]

80 In our sub-sampled training corpus, there exist three subsets: newswire (1M sentences), weblog (200K), and UN data (300K). [sent-128, score-0.108]

81 We train three mixture components, each on one of the training subsets. [sent-129, score-0.747]

82 The baseline that was trained on all the data achieved 0. [sent-131, score-0.131]

83 5 gain compared to using the newswire training data alone (understandably it is the best component given the newswire test data). [sent-132, score-0.309]

84 Note that since the baseline is trained on subsampled training data, there is already certain domain adaptation effect involved. [sent-133, score-0.285]

85 On top of that, the mixture model results in another 0. [sent-134, score-0.733]

86 All the improvements in the mixture models above against the baseline are statistically significant with p-value < 0. [sent-136, score-0.772]

87 5 Conclusion In this paper we presented a novel discriminative mixture model for bridging the gap between the maximum-likelihood training and the discriminative training in SMT. [sent-138, score-1.207]

88 The features in each region are tied together to share the same mixture weights that are optimized towards the maximum BLEU scores. [sent-140, score-1.118]

89 It was shown that the same model structure can be ef- fectively applied to feature combination, alignment combination and domain adaptation. [sent-141, score-0.388]

90 For example, we can cluster the features based on both feature types and alignments. [sent-143, score-0.259]

91 Further improvement may be achieved with other feature space partition approaches in the future. [sent-144, score-0.25]

92 A discriminative latent variable model for statistical machine translation. [sent-149, score-0.238]

93 Discriminative instance weighting for domain adaptation in satistical machine translation. [sent-161, score-0.204]

94 A maximum entropy word aligner for arabic-english machine translation. [sent-165, score-0.098]

95 Discriminative training and maximum entropy models for statistical machine translations. [sent-185, score-0.179]

96 Bleu: a method for automatic evaluation of machine translation. [sent-193, score-0.029]

97 Measuring confidence intervals for the machine translation evaluation metrics. [sent-205, score-0.128]

98 A simplex armijo downhill algorithm for optimizing statistical machine translation decoding parameters. [sent-209, score-0.478]

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Abstract: In this paper we present a novel discriminative mixture model for statistical machine translation (SMT). We model the feature space with a log-linear combination ofmultiple mixture components. Each component contains a large set of features trained in a maximumentropy framework. All features within the same mixture component are tied and share the same mixture weights, where the mixture weights are trained discriminatively to maximize the translation performance. This approach aims at bridging the gap between the maximum-likelihood training and the discriminative training for SMT. It is shown that the feature space can be partitioned in a variety of ways, such as based on feature types, word alignments, or domains, for various applications. The proposed approach improves the translation performance significantly on a large-scale Arabic-to-English MT task.

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1 0.99326241 179 acl-2011-Is Machine Translation Ripe for Cross-Lingual Sentiment Classification?

Author: Kevin Duh ; Akinori Fujino ; Masaaki Nagata

Abstract: Recent advances in Machine Translation (MT) have brought forth a new paradigm for building NLP applications in low-resource scenarios. To build a sentiment classifier for a language with no labeled resources, one can translate labeled data from another language, then train a classifier on the translated text. This can be viewed as a domain adaptation problem, where labeled translations and test data have some mismatch. Various prior work have achieved positive results using this approach. In this opinion piece, we take a step back and make some general statements about crosslingual adaptation problems. First, we claim that domain mismatch is not caused by MT errors, and accuracy degradation will occur even in the case of perfect MT. Second, we argue that the cross-lingual adaptation problem is qualitatively different from other (monolingual) adaptation problems in NLP; thus new adaptation algorithms ought to be considered. This paper will describe a series of carefullydesigned experiments that led us to these conclusions. 1 Summary Question 1: If MT gave perfect translations (semantically), do we still have a domain adaptation challenge in cross-lingual sentiment classification? Answer: Yes. The reason is that while many lations of a word may be valid, the MT system have a systematic bias. For example, the word some” might be prevalent in English reviews, transmight “awebut in 429 translated reviews, the word “excellent” is generated instead. From the perspective of MT, this translation is correct and preserves sentiment polarity. But from the perspective of a classifier, there is a domain mismatch due to differences in word distributions. Question 2: Can we apply standard adaptation algorithms developed for other (monolingual) adaptation problems to cross-lingual adaptation? Answer: No. It appears that the interaction between target unlabeled data and source data can be rather unexpected in the case of cross-lingual adaptation. We do not know the reason, but our experiments show that the accuracy of adaptation algorithms in cross-lingual scenarios have much higher variance than monolingual scenarios. The goal of this opinion piece is to argue the need to better understand the characteristics of domain adaptation in cross-lingual problems. We invite the reader to disagree with our conclusion (that the true barrier to good performance is not insufficient MT quality, but inappropriate domain adaptation methods). Here we present a series of experiments that led us to this conclusion. First we describe the experiment design (§2) and baselines (§3), before answering Question §12 (§4) dan bda Question 32) (§5). 2 Experiment Design The cross-lingual setup is this: we have labeled data from source domain S and wish to build a sentiment classifier for target domain T. Domain mismatch can arise from language differences (e.g. English vs. translated text) or market differences (e.g. DVD vs. Book reviews). Our experiments will involve fixing Proceedings ofP thoer t4l9atnhd A, Onrnuegaoln M,e Jeuntineg 19 o-f2 t4h,e 2 A0s1s1o.c?i ac t2io0n11 fo Ar Cssoocmiaptuiotanti foonra Clo Lminpguutiast i ocns:aslh Loirntpgaupisetrics , pages 429–433, T to a common testset and varying S. This allows us to experiment with different settings for adaptation. We use the Amazon review dataset of Prettenhofer (2010)1 , due to its wide range of languages (English [EN], Japanese [JP], French [FR], German [DE]) and markets (music, DVD, books). Unlike Prettenhofer (2010), we reverse the direction of cross-lingual adaptation and consider English as target. English is not a low-resource language, but this setting allows for more comparisons. Each source dataset has 2000 reviews, equally balanced between positive and negative. The target has 2000 test samples, large unlabeled data (25k, 30k, 50k samples respectively for Music, DVD, and Books), and an additional 2000 labeled data reserved for oracle experiments. Texts in JP, FR, and DE are translated word-by-word into English with Google Translate.2 We perform three sets of experiments, shown in Table 1. Table 2 lists all the results; we will interpret them in the following sections. Target (T) Source (S) 312BDMToVuasbDkil-ecE1N:ExpDMB eorVuimsDkice-JEnPtN,s eBD,MtuoVBDpuoVsk:-iFDck-iERxFN,T DB,vVoMaDruky-sSiDc.E-, 3 How much performance degradation occurs in cross-lingual adaptation? First, we need to quantify the accuracy degradation under different source data, without consideration of domain adaptation methods. So we train a SVM classifier on labeled source data3, and directly apply it on test data. The oracle setting, which has no domain-mismatch (e.g. train on Music-EN, test on Music-EN), achieves an average test accuracy of (81.6 + 80.9 + 80.0)/3 = 80.8%4. Aver1 2This is done by querying foreign words to build a bilingual dictionary. The words are converted to tfidf unigram features. 3For all methods we try here, 5% of the 2000 labeled source samples are held-out for parameter tuning. 4See column EN of Table 2, Supervised SVM results. 430 age cross-lingual accuracies are: 69.4% (JP), 75.6% (FR), 77.0% (DE), so degradations compared to oracle are: -11% (JP), -5% (FR), -4% (DE).5 Crossmarket degradations are around -6%6. Observation 1: Degradations due to market and language mismatch are comparable in several cases (e.g. MUSIC-DE and DVD-EN perform similarly for target MUSIC-EN). Observation 2: The ranking of source language by decreasing accuracy is DE > FR > JP. Does this mean JP-EN is a more difficult language pair for MT? The next section will show that this is not necessarily the case. Certainly, the domain mismatch for JP is larger than DE, but this could be due to phenomenon other than MT errors. 4 Where exactly is the domain mismatch? 4.1 Theory of Domain Adaptation We analyze domain adaptation by the concepts of labeling and instance mismatch (Jiang and Zhai, 2007). Let pt(x, y) = pt (y|x)pt (x) be the target distribution of samples x (e.g. unigram feature vec- tor) and labels y (positive / negative). Let ps (x, y) = ps (y|x)ps (x) be the corresponding source distributio(ny. Wx)pe assume that one (or both) of the following distributions differ between source and target: • Instance mismatch: ps (x) pt (x). • Labeling mismatch: ps (y|x) pt(y|x). Instance mismatch implies that the input feature vectors have different distribution (e.g. one dataset uses the word “excellent” often, while the other uses the word “awesome”). This degrades performance because classifiers trained on “excellent” might not know how to classify texts with the word “awesome.” The solution is to tie together these features (Blitzer et al., 2006) or re-weight the input distribution (Sugiyama et al., 2008). Under some assumptions (i.e. covariate shift), oracle accuracy can be achieved theoretically (Shimodaira, 2000). Labeling mismatch implies the same input has different labels in different domains. For example, the JP word meaning “excellent” may be mistranslated as “bad” in English. Then, positive JP = = 5See “Adapt by Language” columns of Table 2. Note JP+FR+DE condition has 6000 labeled samples, so is not directly comparable to other adaptation scenarios (2000 samples). Nevertheless, mixing languages seem to give good results. 6See “Adapt by Market” columns of Table 2. TargetClassifierOEraNcleJPAFdaRpt bDyE LanJgPu+agFeR+DEMUASdIaCpt D byV MDar BkeOtOK MUSIC-ENSAudpaeprtvedise TdS SVVMM8719..666783..50 7745..62 7 776..937880..36--7768..847745..16 DVD-ENSAudpaeprtveidse TdS SVVMM8801..907701..14 7765..54 7 767..347789..477754..28--7746..57 BOOK-ENSAudpaeprtveidse TdS SVVMM8801..026793..68 7775..64 7 767..747799..957735..417767..24-Table 2: Test accuracies (%) for English Music/DVD/Book reviews. Each column is an adaptation scenario using different source data. The source data may vary by language or by market. For example, the first row shows that for the target of Music-EN, the accuracy of a SVM trained on translated JP reviews (in the same market) is 68.5, while the accuracy of a SVM trained on DVD reviews (in the same language) is 76.8. “Oracle” indicates training on the same market and same language domain as the target. “JP+FR+DE” indicates the concatenation of JP, FR, DE as source data. Boldface shows the winner of Supervised vs. Adapted. reviews ps (y will be associated = +1|x = bad) co(nydit =io +na1l − |x = 1 will be high, whereas the true xdis =tr bibaudti)o wn bad) instead. labeling mismatch, with the word “bad”: lslh boeu hldi hha,v we high pt(y = There are several cases for depending on sheovwe tahle c polarity changes (Table 3). The solution is to filter out these noisy samples (Jiang and Zhai, 2007) or optimize loosely-linked objectives through shared parameters or Bayesian priors (Finkel and Manning, 2009). Which mismatch is responsible for accuracy degradations in cross-lingual adaptation? • Instance mismatch: Systematic Iantessta nwcoerd m diissmtraibtcuhti:on Ssy MT bias gener- sdtiefmferaetinct MfroTm b naturally- occurring English. (Translation may be valid.) Label mismatch: MT error mis-translates a word iLnatob something w: MithT Td eifrfreorren mti polarity. Conclusion from §4.2 and §4.3: Instance mismaCtcohn occurs often; M §4T. error appears Imnisntainmcael. • Mis-translated polarity Effect Taeb0+±.lge→ .3(:±“ 0−tgLhoae b”nd →l m− i“sg→m otbah+dce”h):mIfpoLAinse ca-ptsoriuaesncvieatl /ndioeansgbvcaewrptlimovaeshipntdvaei(+), negative (−), or neutral (0) words have different effects. Wnege athtiivnek ( −th)e, foirrs nt tuwtroa cases hoardves graceful degradation, but the third case may be catastrophic. 431 4.2 Analysis of Instance Mismatch To measure instance mismatch, we compute statistics between ps (x) and pt(x), or approximations thereof: First, we calculate a (normalized) average feature from all samples of source S, which represents the unigram distribution of MT output. Simi- larly, the average feature vector for target T approximates the unigram distribution of English reviews pt(x). Then we measure: • KL Divergence between Avg(S) and Avg(T), wKhLer De Avg() nisc eth bee average Avvegct(oSr.) • Set Coverage of Avg(T) on Avg(S): how many Sweotrd C (type) ien o Tf appears oatn le Aavsgt once ionw wS .m Both measures correlate strongly with final accuracy, as seen in Figure 1. The correlation coefficients are r = −0.78 for KL Divergence and r = 0.71 for Coverage, 0 b.7o8th statistically significant (p < 0.05). This implies that instance mismatch is an important reason for the degradations seen in Section 3.7 4.3 Analysis of Labeling Mismatch We measure labeling mismatch by looking at differences in the weight vectors of oracle SVM and adapted SVM. Intuitively, if a feature has positive weight in the oracle SVM, but negative weight in the adapted SVM, then it is likely a MT mis-translation 7The observant reader may notice that cross-market points exhibit higher coverage but equal accuracy (74-78%) to some cross-lingual points. This suggests that MT output may be more constrained in vocabulary than naturally-occurring English. 0.35 0.3 gnvLrDeiceKe0 0 0. 120.25 510 erts TeCovega0 0 0. .98657 68 70 72 7A4ccuracy76 78 80 82 0.4 68 70 72 7A4ccuracy76 78 80 82 Figure 1: KL Divergence and Coverage vs. accuracy. (o) are cross-lingual and (x) are cross-market data points. is causing the polarity flip. Algorithm 1 (with K=2000) shows how we compute polarity flip rate.8 We found that the polarity flip rate does not correlate well with accuracy at all (r = 0.04). Conclusion: Labeling mismatch is not a factor in performance degradation. Nevertheless, we note there is a surprising large number of flips (24% on average). A manual check of the flipped words in BOOK-JP revealed few MT mistakes. Only 3.7% of 450 random EN-JP word pairs checked can be judged as blatantly incorrect (without sentence context). The majority of flipped words do not have a clear sentiment orientation (e.g. “amazon”, “human”, “moreover”). 5 Are standard adaptation algorithms applicable to cross-lingual problems? One of the breakthroughs in cross-lingual text classification is the realization that it can be cast as domain adaptation. This makes available a host of preexisting adaptation algorithms for improving over supervised results. However, we argue that it may be 8The feature normalization in Step 1 is important that the weight magnitudes are comparable. to ensure 432 Algorithm 1 Measuring labeling mismatch Input: Weight vectors for source wsand target wt Input: Target data average sample vector avg(T) Output: Polarity flip rate f 1: Normalize: ws = avg(T) * ws ; wt = avg(T) * wt 2: Set S+ = { K most positive features in ws} 3: Set S− == {{ KK mmoosstt negative ffeeaattuurreess inn wws}} 4: Set T+ == {{ KK m moosstt npoesgiatitivvee f efeaatuturreess i inn w wt}} 5: Set T− == {{ KK mmoosstt negative ffeeaattuurreess inn wwt}} 6: for each= f{e a Ktur me io ∈t T+ adtiov 7: rif e ia c∈h S fe−a ttuhreen i if ∈ = T f + 1 8: enidf fio ∈r 9: for each feature j ∈ T− do 10: rif e j ∈h Sfe+a uthreen j f ∈ = T f + 1 11: enidf fjo r∈ 12: f = 2Kf better to “adapt” the standard adaptation algorithm to the cross-lingual setting. We arrived at this conclusion by trying the adapted counterpart of SVMs off-the-shelf. Recently, (Bergamo and Torresani, 2010) showed that Transductive SVMs (TSVM), originally developed for semi-supervised learning, are also strong adaptation methods. The idea is to train on source data like a SVM, but encourage the classification boundary to divide through low density regions in the unlabeled target data. Table 2 shows that TSVM outperforms SVM in all but one case for cross-market adaptation, but gives mixed results for cross-lingual adaptation. This is a puzzling result considering that both use the same unlabeled data. Why does TSVM exhibit such a large variance on cross-lingual problems, but not on cross-market problems? Is unlabeled target data interacting with source data in some unexpected way? Certainly there are several successful studies (Wan, 2009; Wei and Pal, 2010; Banea et al., 2008), but we think it is important to consider the possibility that cross-lingual adaptation has some fundamental differences. We conjecture that adapting from artificially-generated text (e.g. MT output) is a different story than adapting from naturallyoccurring text (e.g. cross-market). In short, MT is ripe for cross-lingual adaptation; what is not ripe is probably our understanding of the special characteristics of the adaptation problem. References Carmen Banea, Rada Mihalcea, Janyce Wiebe, and Samer Hassan. 2008. Multilingual subjectivity analysis using machine translation. In Proc. of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Alessandro Bergamo and Lorenzo Torresani. 2010. Exploiting weakly-labeled web images to improve object classification: a domain adaptation approach. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). John Blitzer, Ryan McDonald, and Fernando Pereira. 2006. Domain adaptation with structural correspondence learning. In Proc. of Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP). Jenny Rose Finkel and Chris Manning. 2009. Hierarchical Bayesian domain adaptation. In Proc. of NAACL Human Language Technologies (HLT). Jing Jiang and ChengXiang Zhai. 2007. Instance weighting for domain adaptation in NLP. In Proc. of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Peter Prettenhofer and Benno Stein. 2010. Crosslanguage text classification using structural correspondence learning. In Proc. of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Hidetoshi Shimodaira. 2000. Improving predictive inference under covariate shift by weighting the loglikelihood function. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inferenc, 90. Masashi Sugiyama, Taiji Suzuki, Shinichi Nakajima, Hisashi Kashima, Paul von B ¨unau, and Motoaki Kawanabe. 2008. Direct importance estimation for covariate shift adaptation. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60(4). Xiaojun Wan. 2009. Co-training for cross-lingual sentiment classification. In Proc. of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Bin Wei and Chris Pal. 2010. Cross lingual adaptation: an experiment on sentiment classification. In Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers. 433

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Author: Roy Schwartz ; Omri Abend ; Roi Reichart ; Ari Rappoport

Abstract: Dependency parsing is a central NLP task. In this paper we show that the common evaluation for unsupervised dependency parsing is highly sensitive to problematic annotations. We show that for three leading unsupervised parsers (Klein and Manning, 2004; Cohen and Smith, 2009; Spitkovsky et al., 2010a), a small set of parameters can be found whose modification yields a significant improvement in standard evaluation measures. These parameters correspond to local cases where no linguistic consensus exists as to the proper gold annotation. Therefore, the standard evaluation does not provide a true indication of algorithm quality. We present a new measure, Neutral Edge Direction (NED), and show that it greatly reduces this undesired phenomenon.

3 0.97017533 127 acl-2011-Exploiting Web-Derived Selectional Preference to Improve Statistical Dependency Parsing

Author: Guangyou Zhou ; Jun Zhao ; Kang Liu ; Li Cai

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel approach which incorporates the web-derived selectional preferences to improve statistical dependency parsing. Conventional selectional preference learning methods have usually focused on word-to-class relations, e.g., a verb selects as its subject a given nominal class. This paper extends previous work to wordto-word selectional preferences by using webscale data. Experiments show that web-scale data improves statistical dependency parsing, particularly for long dependency relationships. There is no data like more data, performance improves log-linearly with the number of parameters (unique N-grams). More importantly, when operating on new domains, we show that using web-derived selectional preferences is essential for achieving robust performance.

same-paper 4 0.96847218 100 acl-2011-Discriminative Feature-Tied Mixture Modeling for Statistical Machine Translation

Author: Bing Xiang ; Abraham Ittycheriah

Abstract: In this paper we present a novel discriminative mixture model for statistical machine translation (SMT). We model the feature space with a log-linear combination ofmultiple mixture components. Each component contains a large set of features trained in a maximumentropy framework. All features within the same mixture component are tied and share the same mixture weights, where the mixture weights are trained discriminatively to maximize the translation performance. This approach aims at bridging the gap between the maximum-likelihood training and the discriminative training for SMT. It is shown that the feature space can be partitioned in a variety of ways, such as based on feature types, word alignments, or domains, for various applications. The proposed approach improves the translation performance significantly on a large-scale Arabic-to-English MT task.

5 0.95523632 204 acl-2011-Learning Word Vectors for Sentiment Analysis

Author: Andrew L. Maas ; Raymond E. Daly ; Peter T. Pham ; Dan Huang ; Andrew Y. Ng ; Christopher Potts

Abstract: Unsupervised vector-based approaches to semantics can model rich lexical meanings, but they largely fail to capture sentiment information that is central to many word meanings and important for a wide range of NLP tasks. We present a model that uses a mix of unsupervised and supervised techniques to learn word vectors capturing semanticterm–documentinformation as well as rich sentiment content. The proposed model can leverage both continuous and multi-dimensional sentiment information as well as non-sentiment annotations. We instantiate the model to utilize the document-level sentiment polarity annotations present in many online documents (e.g. star ratings). We evaluate the model using small, widely used sentiment and subjectivity corpora and find it out-performs several previously introduced methods for sentiment classification. We also introduce a large dataset , of movie reviews to serve as a more robust benchmark for work in this area.

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