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96 acl-2011-Disambiguating temporal-contrastive connectives for machine translation

Source: pdf

Author: Thomas Meyer

Abstract: Temporal–contrastive discourse connectives (although, while, since, etc.) signal various types ofrelations between clauses such as temporal, contrast, concession and cause. They are often ambiguous and therefore difficult to translate from one language to another. We discuss several new and translation-oriented experiments for the disambiguation of a specific subset of discourse connectives in order to correct some of the translation errors made by current statistical machine translation systems.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 ch Abstract Temporal–contrastive discourse connectives (although, while, since, etc. [sent-3, score-0.853]

2 ) signal various types ofrelations between clauses such as temporal, contrast, concession and cause. [sent-4, score-0.197]

3 They are often ambiguous and therefore difficult to translate from one language to another. [sent-5, score-0.045]

4 We discuss several new and translation-oriented experiments for the disambiguation of a specific subset of discourse connectives in order to correct some of the translation errors made by current statistical machine translation systems. [sent-6, score-1.113]

5 1 Introduction The probabilistic phrase-based models used in statistical machine translation (SMT) have been improved by integrating linguistic information during training stages. [sent-7, score-0.083]

6 On the other hand, integrating discourse information, such as discourse relations holding between two spans oftext or between sentences, has not yet been applied to SMT. [sent-10, score-0.562]

7 This paper describes several disambiguation and translation experiments for a specific subset of discourse connectives. [sent-11, score-0.427]

8 Based on examinations in multilingual corpora, we identified the connectives although, but, however, meanwhile, since, though, when and while as being particularly problematic for machine translation. [sent-12, score-0.597]

9 These discourse connectives 46 signal various types of relations between clauses, such as temporal, contrast, concession, expansion, cause and condition, which are, as we also show, hard to annotate even by humans. [sent-13, score-0.876]

10 Disambiguating these senses and tagging them in large corpora is hypothesized to help in improving SMT systems to avoid translation errors. [sent-14, score-0.316]

11 Resources and the state of the art for discourse connective disambiguation and parsing are described in Section 3. [sent-17, score-0.788]

12 Section 4 summarizes our experiments for disambiguating the senses of temporal–contrastive connectives. [sent-18, score-0.301]

13 The impact of connective disambiguation on SMT is briefly presented in Section 5. [sent-19, score-0.532]

14 2 Translating Connectives Discourse connectives can signal multiple senses (Miltsakaki et al. [sent-21, score-0.871]

15 For instance, the connective since can have a temporal and causal meaning. [sent-23, score-0.585]

16 The disambiguation of these senses is crucial to the correct translation of texts from one language to another. [sent-24, score-0.446]

17 Translation can be difficult because there may be no direct lexical correspondence for the explicit source language connective in the target language, as shown by the reference translation of the first example in Table 1, taken from the Europarl corpus (Koehn, 2005). [sent-25, score-0.571]

18 More often, the incorrect rendering of the sense of a connective can lead to wrong translations, as in the second, third and fourth example in Table 1, which were translated by the Moses SMT decoder (Koehn Portland, OPR,ro UcSeeAdi 1n9g-s2 o4f J uthnee A 2C01L-1H. [sent-26, score-0.567]

19 The discourse connectives, their translations, and their senses are indicated in bold. [sent-29, score-0.507]

20 The first example is a reference translation from EN into FR, while the second, third and fourth example are wrong translations generated by MT (EN–FR and EN–DE), hence marked with an asterisk. [sent-30, score-0.208]

21 The reference translation for the second example uses the French connective car with a correct causal sense, instead of the wrong depuis que generated by SMT, which expresses a temporal relation. [sent-33, score-0.788]

22 In the third example, the SMT system failed to translate the English connective while to French. [sent-34, score-0.474]

23 The French translation is therefore not coherent, the contrastive discourse information cannot be established without an explicit connective. [sent-35, score-0.486]

24 In its German translation, it would be correct to use the connective auch wenn (for contrast) instead of obwohl (for concession). [sent-38, score-0.45]

25 These examples illustrate the difficulties in trans- lating discourse connectives, even when they are lexically explicit. [sent-39, score-0.279]

26 When examining the frequency and sense distribution of these connectives and their translations in the Europarl corpus, the results confirm that at least such a fine-grained disambiguation as the one between contrast and concession is necessary for a correct translation. [sent-43, score-1.035]

27 Table 2 shows cases where the different senses of the connectives while and although lead to different translations. [sent-44, score-0.848]

28 Disambiguation of the senses here can help finding the correct lexical correspondence of the connective. [sent-45, score-0.275]

29 To confirm that the automatic translation of discourse connectives is not straightforward, we annotated 80 sentences from the Europarl corpus containing the connective while with the corresponding sense (T, CO or CT) and another 60 sentences containing the French connective alors que (T or CT). [sent-46, score-1.97]

30 We then translated these sentences with the already mentioned EN–FR and FR–EN Moses SMT system and compared the output manually to the reference translations from the corpus. [sent-47, score-0.073]

31 The overall system performance was 61% of correct translations for sentences with while and 55% of correct translations with alors que. [sent-48, score-0.189]

32 As mistakes we either counted missing target connective words (only when the output sentence became incoherent) or wrong connective words because of failure in correct sense rendering. [sent-49, score-0.975]

33 Also, the manual sense annotation task is not trivial. [sent-50, score-0.118]

34 In a manual annotation experiment, the senses of the connective while (T, CO and CT) were indicated in 30 sentences by 4 annotators. [sent-51, score-0.724]

35 The overall agreement on the senses was not higher than a kappa value of 0. [sent-52, score-0.28]

36 3 Data and Related Work One of the few available discourse annotated corpora in English is the Penn Discourse Treebank (PDTB) (Prasad et al. [sent-54, score-0.256]

37 For this resource, one hundred types of explicit connectives were manually annotated, as well as implicit relations not signaled by a connective. [sent-56, score-0.683]

38 For French, the ANNODIS project for annotation of discourse (Pery-Woodley et al. [sent-57, score-0.285]

39 For German, a lexicon of discourse connectives exists since the 1990s, namely DiMLex for lexicon of discourse markers (Stede and Umbach, 1998). [sent-61, score-1.184]

40 An equivalent, more recent database for French is LexConn for lexicon of connectives (Roze et al. [sent-62, score-0.624]

41 For the first classification experiments in Section 4, we concentrated on English and the explicit connectives in the PDTB data. [sent-65, score-0.655]

42 The sense hierarchy used in the PDTB consists of three levels, reaching from four top level senses (Temporal, Contingency, Comparison and Expansion) via 16 subsenses on the second level to 23 further subsenses on the third level. [sent-66, score-0.579]

43 As the annotators were allowed to assign one or two senses for each connective there are 129 possible simple or complex senses for more than 18,000 explicit connectives. [sent-67, score-0.986]

44 The PDTB further sees connectives as discourse-level predicates that have two propositional arguments. [sent-68, score-0.597]

45 Argument 2 is the one containing the explicit connective. [sent-69, score-0.058]

46 [argument 2]), which is very helpful to examine the context of a connective (see Section 4. [sent-76, score-0.426]

47 – The release of the PDTB had quite an impact on disambiguation experiments. [sent-78, score-0.106]

48 The state of the art for recognizing explicit connectives in English is therefore already high, at a level of 94% for disambiguating the four main senses on the first level of the PDTB sense hierarchy (Pitler and Nenkova, 2009). [sent-79, score-1.119]

49 However, when using all 100 types of connectives 48 and the whole PDTB training set, it is not so difficult to achieve such a high score, because of the large amount of instances and the rather broad distinction of the four main classes only. [sent-80, score-0.597]

50 As we show in the next section, when building separate classifiers for specific connectives with senses from the more detailed second hierarchy level of the PDTB, it is more difficult to reach high accuracies. [sent-81, score-0.915]

51 (2010) built the first end-to-end PDTB discourse parser, which is able to parse unrestricted text with an F1 score of 38. [sent-83, score-0.277]

52 18% on PDTB test data and for senses on the second hierarchy level. [sent-84, score-0.293]

53 5 decision tree and NaiveBayes algorithms often used in recent research on discourse connective classification. [sent-88, score-0.682]

54 Our first experiment was aimed at sense disambiguation down to the third level of the PDTB hierarchy. [sent-89, score-0.225]

55 The training set here consisted of all 100 types of explicit connectives annotated in the PDTB training set (15,366 instances). [sent-90, score-0.655]

56 The only two features were the (capitalized) connective word tokens from the PDTB and their Part of Speech (POS) tags. [sent-92, score-0.426]

57 For all 129 possible sense combinations, including complex senses, results reach 66. [sent-93, score-0.071]

58 86% for correctly classified connectives (with the 4 main senses), when using the connective token as the only feature. [sent-98, score-1.023]

59 condition (COND), contrast (CT), concession (CO) and expansion (E). [sent-104, score-0.183]

60 All subsenses from the third PDTB hierarchy level were merged under second level ones (C, COND, CT, CO). [sent-105, score-0.174]

61 Exceptions were the top level senses T and E, which, so far, need no further disambiguation for translation. [sent-106, score-0.382]

62 In addition, we extracted separate training sets for each of the 8 temporal–contrastive connectives in question and one training set for all them. [sent-107, score-0.597]

63 The number of occurrences and senses in the sets for the single con- nectives is listed in Table 3. [sent-108, score-0.251]

64 The total number of instances in the training set for all 8 connectives is 5,299 occurrences, with a sense distribution of 56. [sent-109, score-0.668]

65 1 Features The following basic surface features were considered when disambiguating the senses signaled by connectives. [sent-117, score-0.329]

66 Future automated disambiguation will be applied to unrestricted text, identifying the discourse arguments and syntactical elements in automatically parsed and POS–tagged sentences. [sent-119, score-0.422]

67 the (capitalized) connective word form its POS tag first word of argument 1 last word of argument 1 first word of argument 2 last word of argument 2 POS tag of the first word of argument 2 8. [sent-127, score-0.766]

68 punctuation pattern 49 The cased word forms (feature 1) were left as is, therefore also indicating whether the connective is located at the beginning of a sentence or not. [sent-130, score-0.426]

69 (2010) and duVerle and Prendinger (2009), the context of a connective is very important. [sent-136, score-0.426]

70 The arguments may include other (reinforcing or opposite) connectives, numbers and antonyms (to express contrastive relations). [sent-137, score-0.107]

71 We extracted the words at the beginning and at the end of argument 1 (features 3, 4) and argument 2 (features 5, 6) which are, as observed, other connectives, gerunds, adverbs or determiners (further generalized by features 7 and 8). [sent-138, score-0.136]

72 The paths to syntactical ancestors (feature 9) in which the connective word form appears are quite numerous and were therefore truncated to a maximum of four ancestors (e. [sent-139, score-0.519]

73 where C is the explicit connective and A a placeholder for all the other words. [sent-145, score-0.484]

74 Punctuation is important for locating connectives as many of them are subordinating and coordinating conjunctions, separated by commas (Haddow, 2005, p. [sent-146, score-0.597]

75 2 Results In the disambiguation experiments described here, results were generated separately for every temporal–contrastive connective (supposing one may try to improve the translation of only certain connectives), in addition to one result for the whole subset. [sent-149, score-0.597]

76 They were measured using accuracy (percentage of correctly classified instances) and the kappa value. [sent-151, score-0.047]

77 the prediction for the most frequent sense annotated for the corresponding connective. [sent-154, score-0.071]

78 The last result for all 8 temporal–contrastive connectives reports a six-way classification of senses very close to one another: the accuracy and kappa values are well above random agreement and prediction of the majority class. [sent-157, score-0.895]

79 Note that experiments for specific subsets of connectives have very rarely been tried in research. [sent-158, score-0.597]

80 The results for the single connectives are comparable with ours in the case of since and while, where similar senses were used. [sent-164, score-0.848]

81 5 SMT Experiments We have started to explore how to constrain an SMT system to use labeled connectives resulting from the experiments above. [sent-166, score-0.597]

82 There are at least two methods to integrate labeled discourse connectives in the SMT process. [sent-167, score-0.853]

83 , 2007) in order to encourage it to translate a specific sense of a connective with an acceptable equivalent. [sent-169, score-0.54]

84 A second, more natural method for an SMT system would be to apply the discourse information obtained from the disambiguation module, adding the sense tags to the discourse connectives in a large parallel corpus. [sent-170, score-1.286]

85 Information about the possible senses of the connective while, labeled as temporal(1), contrast(2) or concession(3)) was directly introduced to the English source language phrases when there was an appro2Paired t-tests were performed at 95% confidence level. [sent-173, score-0.677]

86 50 priate translation of the connective in the French equivalent phrase. [sent-175, score-0.491]

87 The following example gives an idea of the changes in the phrase table of the above-mentioned EN–FR Moses SMT system: < original: and the commission , while preserving | || et la commission tout en de´ faenndda tnhte |c c| |o 1m m3. [sent-177, score-0.217]

88 7|1 e8t |a a| |c o| |m m| 1m i1s aenndda nwhti l|e|| many || | ee-0t 6bi 1en 5 que d0e7 neo-0m6b 2r. [sent-180, score-0.064]

89 7an18y | | | |t t| |b i1e 1n > modified: and the commission , while-1 preserving | || et la commission tout en da´ nefden thdean cto |m m| |m m1i s1s i1o 1n 2, w. [sent-185, score-0.217]

90 71h8il |- |1 1| p| |r |e s1e r1v and while-3 many ||| et bien que de nombreuses || | 1 10. [sent-186, score-0.084]

91 labeled connectives are correctly tends to confirm the hypothesis translated. [sent-192, score-0.623]

92 This of this paper, that information regarding discourse connectives indeed can lead to better translations. [sent-193, score-0.853]

93 6 Conclusion and Future Work The paper described new translation-oriented proaches to the disambiguation plicit discourse connectives temporal–contrastive ap- of a subset of ex- with highly ambiguous senses. [sent-194, score-1.018]

94 Although lexically ex- plicit, their translation by current SMT systems is often wrong. [sent-195, score-0.088]

95 In addition, the paper showed a first method to force an existing and trained SMT system to translate discourse connectives correctly. [sent-198, score-0.878]

96 This led to noticeable improvements on the translations of the tested sentences. [sent-199, score-0.051]

97 We will continue to train SMT systems on automatically labeled discourse connectives in large corpora. [sent-200, score-0.853]

98 Rhetorical structure theory: towards a functional theory oftext organization. [sent-250, score-0.032]

99 ANNODIS: une approche out- ille de l’annotation de structures discursives. [sent-258, score-0.057]

100 DiMLex: a lexicon of discourse markers for text generation and understanding. [sent-276, score-0.304]

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Author: Thomas Meyer

Abstract: Temporal–contrastive discourse connectives (although, while, since, etc.) signal various types ofrelations between clauses such as temporal, contrast, concession and cause. They are often ambiguous and therefore difficult to translate from one language to another. We discuss several new and translation-oriented experiments for the disambiguation of a specific subset of discourse connectives in order to correct some of the translation errors made by current statistical machine translation systems.

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