acl acl2010 acl2010-66 knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

66 acl-2010-Compositional Matrix-Space Models of Language

Source: pdf

Author: Sebastian Rudolph ; Eugenie Giesbrecht

Abstract: We propose CMSMs, a novel type of generic compositional models for syntactic and semantic aspects of natural language, based on matrix multiplication. We argue for the structural and cognitive plausibility of this model and show that it is able to cover and combine various common compositional NLP approaches ranging from statistical word space models to symbolic grammar formalisms.

Reference: text

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Abstract We propose CMSMs, a novel type of generic compositional models for syntactic and semantic aspects of natural language, based on matrix multiplication. [sent-2, score-0.502]

2 We argue for the structural and cognitive plausibility of this model and show that it is able to cover and combine various common compositional NLP approaches ranging from statistical word space models to symbolic grammar formalisms. [sent-3, score-0.473]

3 They embody the distributional hypothesis of meaning (Firth, 1957), according to which the meaning of words is defined by contexts in which they (co-)occur. [sent-8, score-0.151]

4 Until recently, little attention has been paid – – to the task of modeling more complex conceptual structures with such models, which constitutes a crucial barrier for semantic vector models Eugenie Giesbrecht FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik Karlsuhe, Germany giesbrecht@fzi de . [sent-11, score-0.148]

5 An emerging area of research receiving more and more attention among the advocates of distributional models addresses the methods, algorithms, and evaluation strategies for representing compositional aspects of language within a VSM framework. [sent-13, score-0.216]

6 There are approaches under way to work out a combined framework for meaning representation using both the advantages of symbolic and distributional methods. [sent-15, score-0.276]

7 Clark and Pulman (2007) suggest a conceptual model which unites symbolic and distributional representations by means of traversing the parse tree of a sentence and applying a tensor product for combining vectors of the meanings of words with the vectors of their roles. [sent-16, score-0.67]

8 Section 4 shows how common VSM approaches to compositionality can be cap- tured by CMSMs while Section 5 illustrates the capabilities of our model to likewise cover symbolic approaches. [sent-22, score-0.311]

9 Given two real numbers n, m, an n×m matrix over tGheiv e rnea twls ois r an array eorsf rne,a ml ,n aunm nb×erms with n rows and m columns. [sent-42, score-0.321]

10 We will use capital letters to denote matrices and, given a matrix M we will write M(i, j) to refer to the entry in the ith row and the jth column: M=    M (n12. [sent-43, score-0.617]

11 ,m)      ×× × The set of all n m matrices with real numbTehre e snetrtie osf i sa lde nno ×te md by Rtrinc×ems. [sent-45, score-0.261]

12 nAs monaatlri vxe can s b cea transposed by exchanging columns and rows: given the n m matrix M, its transposed vde rrosiwons: M giTv ins a m n mm mataritxri xd Mefin,e itds by MT(i, j) = M(j, i). [sent-47, score-0.397]

13 Beyond being merely arraylike data structures, matrices correspond to certain type of functions, so-called linear mappings, having vectors as in- and output. [sent-49, score-0.423]

14 Formally, the matrix product of the n lmatrix M1 and the l m matrix M2 disu an n m m×alt rmixa t Mrix = M1M2 hdeef iln×edm by M(i, j) =kX=l1M1(i,k) · M2(k, j) Note that the matrix product is associative (i. [sent-51, score-1.124]

15 Likewise, a permutation can be applied to a vector resulting in a rearrangement of the entries. [sent-76, score-0.252]

16 We write Φn to denote the permutation corresponding to the n-fold application of Φ and Φ−1 to denote the permutation that “undoes” Φ. [sent-77, score-0.311]

17 Given a permutation Φ, the corresponding permutation matrix MΦ is defined by MΦ(i, j) =(10 iofth Φe(rjw)i =se i. [sent-78, score-0.597]

18 , Then, obviously permuting a vector according to Φ can be expressed in terms of matrix multiplication as well as we obtain for any vector v ∈ Rn: Φ(v) = vMΦ Likewise, iterated application (Φn) and the inverses Φ−n carry over naturally to the corresponding notions in matrices. [sent-79, score-0.731]

19 908 3 Compositionality and Matrices The underlying principle of compositional semantics is that the meaning of a sentence (or a word phrase) can be derived from the meaning of its constituent tokens by applying a composition operation. [sent-80, score-0.504]

20 /: S∗ → S mapping sequences of meanings to meanings →suc Sh mthaapt pthineg meaning eofs a sequence of tokens σ1σ2 . [sent-82, score-0.249]

21 / A great variety of linguistic models are subsumed by this general idea ranging from purely symbolic approaches (like type systems and categorial grammars) to rather statistical models (like vector space and word space models). [sent-101, score-0.371]

22 At the first glance, the underlying encodings of word semantics as well as the composition operations differ significantly. [sent-102, score-0.288]

23 However, we argue that a great variety of them can be incorporated and even freely inter-combined into a unified model where the semantics of simple tokens and complex phrases is expressed by matrices and the composition operation is standard matrix multiplication. [sent-103, score-0.907]

24 the semantical space consists of quadratic matrices, and the composition operator . [sent-106, score-0.229]

25 / coincides with matrix multiplication as introduced in Section 2. [sent-107, score-0.461]

26 1 Algebraic Plausibility – – – Structural Operation Properties Most linear-algebra-based operations that have been proposed to model composition in language models are associative and commutative. [sent-110, score-0.295]

27 As mentioned before, matrix multiplication is associative but non-commutative, whence we propose it as more adequate for modeling compositional semantics of language. [sent-113, score-0.687]

28 Suppose the mental state of a person at one spe- cific moment in time can be encoded by a vector v of numerical values; one might, e. [sent-116, score-0.312]

29 Then, an external stimulus or signal, such as a perceived word, will result in a change of the mental state. [sent-119, score-0.2]

30 Thus, the external stimulus can be seen as a function being applied to v yielding as result the vector v0 that corresponds to the persons mental state after receiving the signal. [sent-120, score-0.347]

31 Therefore, it seems sensible to associate with every signal (in our case: token σ) a respective function (a linear mapping, represented by a matrix M = [[σ]] that maps mental states to mental states (i. [sent-121, score-0.784]

32 Consequently, the subsequent reception of inputs σ, σ0 associated to matrices M and M0 will transform a mental vector v into the vector (vM)M0 which by associativity equals v(MM0). [sent-124, score-0.697]

33 Therefore, MM0 represents the mental state transition triggered by the signal sequence σσ0. [sent-125, score-0.232]

34 This way, abstracting from specific initial mental state vectors, our semantic space S can be seen as a function space of mental transformations represented by matrices, whereby matrix multiplication realizes subsequent execution of those transformations triggered by the input token sequence. [sent-127, score-1.028]

35 The mental state vector can be seen as representation of a person’s working memory which gets transformed by external input. [sent-131, score-0.381]

36 Note that matrices can perform standard memory operations such as storing, deleting, copying etc. [sent-132, score-0.365]

37 For instance, the matrix Mcopy(k,l) defined by – Mcopy(k,l)(i, j) =( 10 i oft ihe =rw jis ,e l. [sent-133, score-0.321]

38 4 CMSMs Encode Vector Space Models In VSMs numerous vector operations have been used to model composition (Widdows, 2008), some of the more advanced ones being related to quantum mechanics. [sent-138, score-0.476]

39 We show how these common composition operators can be modeled by CMSMs. [sent-139, score-0.183]

40 / : ×RnR → R Rn0×n0 that translates the vector representation→ in Rto a matrix representation in a way such that for all v1, . [sent-142, score-0.471]

41 /(vj) denotes matrix multiplication of the matrices assigned to vi and vj. [sent-158, score-0.758]

42 Thereby, × tokens σ get assigned (usually high-dimensional) vectors vσ and to obtain a representation of the meaning of a phrase or a sentence w = σ1 . [sent-161, score-0.242]

43 σk, the vector sum of the vectors associated to the constituent tokens is calculated: vw = vσi . [sent-164, score-0.279]

44 Pik=1 1In our investigations we will focus oPn VSM composition operations which preserve the format (i. [sent-165, score-0.254]

45 which yield a vector of the same dimensionality), as our notion of compositionality requires models that allow for iterated composition. [sent-167, score-0.279]

46 In particular, this rules out dot product and tensor product. [sent-168, score-0.216]

47 However the convolution product can be seen as a condensed version of the tensor product. [sent-169, score-0.289]

48 This kind of composition operation is subsumed by CMSMs; suppose in the original model, a token σ gets assigned the vector vσ, then by defining ψ+(vσ)=      10. [sent-170, score-0.494]

49 By using a different encoding into matrices, CMSMs can simulate this type of composition op- × eration as well. [sent-211, score-0.183]

50 0· vσ0 (n)     , we obtain an n n matrix representation for which ψ−? [sent-215, score-0.357]

51 910 of convolution products with the benefit of preserving dimensionality: given two vectors v1, v2 ∈ Rn, their circular convolution product v1 v2 i∈s again an n-dimensional vector v3 defined by ~ v3(i + 1) =Xnk−=10v1(k + 1) · v2((i − k mod n) + 1) for 0 ≤ i≤ n − 1. [sent-231, score-0.427]

52 , a vector representation of a token is endowed with contextual representations of surrounding tokens. [sent-265, score-0.228]

53 Now, by assigning every vσ the matrix ψΦ(vσ)=    MvσΦ0 1. [sent-267, score-0.321]

54 From the perspective of our compositionality framework, those approaches employ a group (or pre-group) (G, ·) as semantical space S wa ghreorue pth (eo group operation (often wmarnittteicna as pmacuelti Splication) is used as composition operation . [sent-284, score-0.52]

55 Hence, assuming finiteness of G and consequently S , we can encode group-based grammar formalisms into CMSMs in a straightforward way by using permutation matrices of size |S | |S |. [sent-287, score-0.435]

56 2 Regular Languages Regular languages constitute a basic type of languages characterized by a symbolic formalism. [sent-289, score-0.208]

57 We will show how to select the assignment [[ · ]] fWore a iCllM shSoMw su hochw t thoat s ethleec tm tahteri axs saisgsnomcieantetd [[ to a token sequence exhibits whether this sequence belongs to a given regular language, that is if it is accepted by a given finite state automaton. [sent-290, score-0.218]

58 j) ∈ ∆, × n Hence essentially, the matrix M encodes all state transitions which can be caused by the input σ. [sent-299, score-0.354]

59 Finally, if we define vectors vI and vF by vI(i) =(01 o iftqh ier∈wi QseI, vF(i) =(01 o iftqh ier∈wi QseF,, then we find that w is accepted by A exactly if vIMwvFT ≥ 1d. [sent-307, score-0.193]

60 3 The General Case: Matrix Grammars Motivated by the above findings, we now define a general notion of matrix grammars as follows: Definition 1 Let Σ be an alphabet. [sent-309, score-0.374]

61 A matrix grammar M of degree n is defined as the pair h [[ · ]], ACi Mwh oefre d [[ · ]] eis a mapping from Σ th to n×n mh [[at ·r ]]i,ce As Cain dw h AeCre = {hv01 , v1, r1i, . [sent-310, score-0.391]

62 The following properties of matrix grammars and matricible language are straightforward. [sent-348, score-0.546]

63 Proposition 3 The intersection of two matricible languages is again a matricible language. [sent-380, score-0.383]

64 We proceed by giving another account of the expressivity of matrix grammars by showing undecidability of the emptiness problem. [sent-387, score-0.456]

65 Proposition 4 The problem whether there is a word which is accepted by a given matrix grammar is undecidable. [sent-388, score-0.357]

66 We now reduce this problem to the emptiness problem of a matrix grammar. [sent-403, score-0.359]

67 These results demonstrate that matrix grammars cover a wide range of formal languages. [sent-451, score-0.374]

68 3 Note that this question is directly related to the question whether Lambek calculus can be modeled by matrix grammars. [sent-454, score-0.321]

69 That is: given two arbitrary matricible languages L1, L2, is the language L = {w1w2 | w1 ∈ L1, w2 ∈ L2} again em laantrigcuibaglee? [sent-456, score-0.211]

70 fr Bomei nthge a Chomsky hierarchy, answering this question is surprisingly non-trivial for matrix grammars. [sent-458, score-0.321]

71 For example, allowing for some nondeterminism by associating several matrices to one token would ensure closure under concatenation. [sent-460, score-0.339]

72 How do the theoretical properties of matrix grammars depend on the underlying algebraic structure? [sent-461, score-0.454]

73 Remember that we considered matrices containing real numbers as entries. [sent-462, score-0.261]

74 In general, matrices can be defined on top of any mathematical structure that is (at least) a semiring (Golan, 1992). [sent-463, score-0.295]

75 Therefore, it would be interesting to investigate the influence of the choice of the underlying semiring on the properties of the matrix grammars possibly nonstandard structures turn out to be more appropriate for capturing certain compositional language properties. [sent-465, score-0.555]

76 – 6 Combination of Different Approaches Another central advantage of the proposed matrixbased models for word meaning is that several matrix models can be easily combined into one. [sent-466, score-0.362]

77 3For instance, we have not been able to find a matrix grammar that recognizes the language of all well-formed parenthesis expressions. [sent-467, score-0.357]

78 , [[σk]] according to one specific model and matrices ([σ1]), . [sent-474, score-0.261]

79 Then we can combine the two models into one {[ · ]} by assigning to σi the matrix {[σi]}=       0. [sent-478, score-0.321]

80 ” Mark that by providing non-zero entries for the upper right and lower left matrix part, information exchange between the two models can be easily realized. [sent-490, score-0.321]

81 Distributional models based on matrices or even higher-dimensional arrays have been proposed in information retrieval (Gao et al. [sent-492, score-0.261]

82 However, to the best of our knowledge, the approach of realizing compositionality via matrix multiplication seems to be entirely original. [sent-494, score-0.584]

83 Mitchell and Lapata (2008) formulate semantic composition as a function m = f(w1, w2, R, K) where R is a relation between w1 and w2 and K is additional knowledge. [sent-496, score-0.217]

84 They evaluate the model with a number of addition and multiplication operations for vector combination on a sentence similarity task proposed by Kintsch (2001). [sent-497, score-0.325]

85 Widdows (2008) proposes a number of more advanced vector operations well-known from quantum mechanics, such as tensor product and convolution, to model composition in vector spaces. [sent-498, score-0.806]

86 Giesbrecht (2009) evaluates four vector compo- sition operations (+, ? [sent-500, score-0.185]

87 , tensor product, convolution) on tehrea tiaonsks (o+f identifying pmroudltuic-wt,o crdon uvnolitus. [sent-501, score-0.156]

88 The evaluation results of the three studies are not conclusive in terms of which vector operation performs best; the different outcomes might be attributed to the underlying word space models; e. [sent-502, score-0.278]

89 In the light of these findings, our CMSMs provide the benefit of just one composition operation that is able to mimic all the others as well as combinations thereof. [sent-505, score-0.267]

90 8 Conclusion and Future Work We have introduced a generic model for compositionality in language where matrices are associated with tokens and the matrix representation of a token sequence is obtained by iterated matrix multiplication. [sent-506, score-1.274]

91 We have shown that the proposed model is expressive enough to cover and combine a variety of distributional and symbolic aspects of natural language. [sent-508, score-0.199]

92 This nourishes the hope that matrix models can serve as a kind of lingua franca for compositional models. [sent-509, score-0.468]

93 Presumably, hybrid approaches have to be considered, where parts of 914 the matrix representation are learned whereas others are stipulated in advance guided by external sources (such as lexical information). [sent-515, score-0.357]

94 nT htheen s tensor decomposition atenc bheniques can be applied in order to find a compact representation, reduce noise, and cluster together similar tokens (Tucker, 1966; Rendle et al. [sent-517, score-0.214]

95 In Section 3, we justified our model by taking the perspective of tokens being functions which realize mental state transitions. [sent-521, score-0.297]

96 Yet, using matrices to represent those functions restricts them to linear mappings. [sent-522, score-0.316]

97 Instead, we might need some in-between application of simple nonlinear functions in the spirit of quantum-collapsing of a "superposed" mental state (such as the winner takes it all, survival of the top-k vector entries, and so forth). [sent-525, score-0.312]

98 Exploring term-document matrices from matrix models in text mining. [sent-530, score-0.582]

99 On the theory of groups as depending on the symbolic equation θn = 1. [sent-539, score-0.164]

100 Learning optimal ranking with tensor factorization for tag recommendation. [sent-646, score-0.156]

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Abstract: We propose CMSMs, a novel type of generic compositional models for syntactic and semantic aspects of natural language, based on matrix multiplication. We argue for the structural and cognitive plausibility of this model and show that it is able to cover and combine various common compositional NLP approaches ranging from statistical word space models to symbolic grammar formalisms.

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5 0.55945402 182 acl-2010-On the Computational Complexity of Dominance Links in Grammatical Formalisms

Author: Sylvain Schmitz

Abstract: Dominance links were introduced in grammars to model long distance scrambling phenomena, motivating the definition of multiset-valued linear indexed grammars (MLIGs) by Rambow (1994b), and inspiring quite a few recent formalisms. It turns out that MLIGs have since been rediscovered and reused in a variety of contexts, and that the complexity of their emptiness problem has become the key to several open questions in computer science. We survey complexity results and open issues on MLIGs and related formalisms, and provide new complexity bounds for some linguistically motivated restrictions.

6 0.53714138 183 acl-2010-Online Generation of Locality Sensitive Hash Signatures

7 0.53037512 70 acl-2010-Contextualizing Semantic Representations Using Syntactically Enriched Vector Models

8 0.47494647 107 acl-2010-Exemplar-Based Models for Word Meaning in Context

9 0.4733839 186 acl-2010-Optimal Rank Reduction for Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems with Fan-Out Two

10 0.46746278 220 acl-2010-Syntactic and Semantic Factors in Processing Difficulty: An Integrated Measure

11 0.46353722 95 acl-2010-Efficient Inference through Cascades of Weighted Tree Transducers

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14 0.43266562 222 acl-2010-SystemT: An Algebraic Approach to Declarative Information Extraction

15 0.42798746 55 acl-2010-Bootstrapping Semantic Analyzers from Non-Contradictory Texts

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