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40 nathan marz storm-2014-02-24-The inexplicable rise of open floor plans in tech companies

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Introduction: Update: I originally quoted the average price of office space as $36 / square foot / month, where in reality it's per year. So I was accidentally weakening my own argument! The post has been updated to reflect the right number. The "open floor plan" has really taken over tech companies in San Francisco. Offices are organized as huge open spaces with row after row of tables. Employees sit next to each other and each have their own piece of desk space. Now, I don't want to comment on the effectiveness of open floor plans for fields other than my own. But for software development, this is the single best way to sabotage the productivity of your entire engineering team . The problem Programming is a very brain-intensive task. You have to hold all sorts of disparate information in your head at once and synthesize it into extremely precise code. It requires intense amounts of focus. Distractions and interruptions are death to the productivity of a programmer. And an open-floor plan e

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Update: I originally quoted the average price of office space as $36 / square foot / month, where in reality it's per year. [sent-1, score-0.893]

2 Now, I don't want to comment on the effectiveness of open floor plans for fields other than my own. [sent-7, score-0.787]

3 Even worse than the noise is the fact that you are very easy to interrupt in an open floor plan. [sent-25, score-0.803]

4 It's frequent enough in an open floor plan that even just the potential of that happening hurts my concentration. [sent-28, score-1.176]

5 There's evidence that open plan offices make it more likely for people to get sick . [sent-29, score-0.938]

6 The "collaboration" justification The most common justification I hear about the open floor plan is that it "encourages collaboration". [sent-37, score-1.176]

7 Now it's true, the open floor plan does create the occasional opportunity for collaboration. [sent-38, score-1.176]

8 The average price per square foot per month of an office in San Francisco is $36 / year , or $3 / month. [sent-57, score-0.896]

9 But let's say the average rate is $10 a month, since more expensive rates favor open floor plans, and I want to drive the point home. [sent-58, score-1.05]

10 With an open floor plan, let's say a programmer takes up an average of 6ft x 6ft of space. [sent-60, score-1.003]

11 So the cost of space per programmer per month is 10 * 6 * 6 = $360 / month. [sent-61, score-0.81]

12 Let's say that in a non open-floor plan each programmer requires four times the amount of space as an open-floor plan environment – an average of 12ft x 12ft. [sent-63, score-1.53]

13 In this case, the cost of space per programmer per month results in $1440 / month, making the cost of a programmer including space $11440 / month. [sent-65, score-1.26]

14 So on a per programmer basis, if the open floor plan lowers productivity by less than 9. [sent-69, score-1.598]

15 In my experience working in an open floor plan my productivity is cut by half or worse. [sent-72, score-1.358]

16 Unless my estimates of productivity decrease or space needs are way, way off , the open floor plan is not even close to worth it. [sent-78, score-1.531]

17 But certainly the open floor plan as practiced today is not it. [sent-82, score-1.225]

18 It might be possible to establish a culture that enforces a library-like environment on an open floor plan. [sent-83, score-0.987]

19 Conclusion Another thing that people like about the open floor plan is that it "looks good" and has the "startup feel". [sent-90, score-1.225]

20 The open floor plan really only works when you're really small, when it's essentially equivalent to one of those "5 man offices". [sent-93, score-1.26]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('floor', 0.488), ('plan', 0.459), ('office', 0.257), ('open', 0.229), ('offices', 0.201), ('programmer', 0.178), ('space', 0.164), ('environment', 0.162), ('per', 0.123), ('expensive', 0.121), ('productivity', 0.121), ('collaboration', 0.115), ('month', 0.114), ('average', 0.108), ('cost', 0.108), ('distractions', 0.086), ('francisco', 0.086), ('noise', 0.086), ('san', 0.086), ('talking', 0.072), ('decrease', 0.07), ('encourages', 0.07), ('row', 0.07), ('plans', 0.07), ('reality', 0.07), ('programmers', 0.063), ('half', 0.061), ('culture', 0.061), ('numbers', 0.059), ('concentration', 0.057), ('desk', 0.057), ('foot', 0.057), ('moments', 0.057), ('price', 0.057), ('rates', 0.057), ('spontaneous', 0.057), ('square', 0.057), ('employees', 0.054), ('people', 0.049), ('certainly', 0.049), ('truly', 0.047), ('establish', 0.047), ('perhaps', 0.047), ('dozens', 0.047), ('favor', 0.047), ('work', 0.045), ('person', 0.044), ('really', 0.042), ('focus', 0.041), ('primary', 0.04)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000002 40 nathan marz storm-2014-02-24-The inexplicable rise of open floor plans in tech companies

Introduction: Update: I originally quoted the average price of office space as $36 / square foot / month, where in reality it's per year. So I was accidentally weakening my own argument! The post has been updated to reflect the right number. The "open floor plan" has really taken over tech companies in San Francisco. Offices are organized as huge open spaces with row after row of tables. Employees sit next to each other and each have their own piece of desk space. Now, I don't want to comment on the effectiveness of open floor plans for fields other than my own. But for software development, this is the single best way to sabotage the productivity of your entire engineering team . The problem Programming is a very brain-intensive task. You have to hold all sorts of disparate information in your head at once and synthesize it into extremely precise code. It requires intense amounts of focus. Distractions and interruptions are death to the productivity of a programmer. And an open-floor plan e

2 0.18138422 17 nathan marz storm-2010-05-26-Why your company should have a very permissive open source policy

Introduction: Having a permissive open source policy is important if a company wants to recruit truly stellar programmers. Or put another way: great programmers will be less inclined to work for you if you have a restrictive open source policy because being involved in open source projects is one of the best ways for a programmer to increase his market value. Traditional methods for measuring programming ability are ineffective The job market for programmers, especially the top programmers, is notoriously inefficient. This inefficiency is due to employers lacking good methods for evaluating programmers. The standard techniques used to evaluate programmers -- resumes, on-the-spot coding questions, take-home projects -- are at best crude approximations of a programmer's ability, and none of them will be indicators of the truly visionary people. Sure, there are other indicators like being involved in successful companies or having past impressive titles, but those are still indirect indicators of p

3 0.11118186 19 nathan marz storm-2010-07-12-My experience as the first employee of a Y Combinator startup

Introduction: I'm the first employee of BackType , a Summer '08 YC company. My joining the company increased the company size by 50%. The experience has been awesome, but I will say up front that being the first employee of a startup is not for everyone. The best part of being the first employee of a startup is the total exposure to all parts of the company. I've learned a ton about product development, customer development, recruiting, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, I've met and connected with lots of other awesome people through the YC network. I've gotten all these benefits at relatively low risk for myself, as I still have a salary and a solid chunk of equity. No Rules There are a lot of rules working at most companies. You don't even realize that some of the rules are rules until you work at a company with no rules. I'm talking about the most basic things like what hours you work, what days of the week you work, what tools you use, and whether you come into the office or not. B

4 0.10894751 39 nathan marz storm-2014-02-12-Interview with "Programmer Magazine"

Introduction: I was recently interviewed for "Programmer Magazine", a Chinese magazine. The interview was published in Chinese, but a lot of people told me they'd like to see the English version of the interview. Due to the Google translation being, ahem, a little iffy, I decided to just publish the original English version on my blog. Hope you enjoy! What drew you to programming and what was the first interesting program you wrote? I started programming when I was 10 years old on my TI-82 graphing calculator. Initially I started programming because I wanted to make games on my calculator – and also because I was bored in math class :D. The first interesting game I made on my calculator was an archery game where you'd shoot arrows at moving targets. You'd get points for hitting more targets or completing all the targets faster. A couple years later I graduated to programming the TI-89 which was a huge upgrade in power. I remember how the TI-82 only let you have 26 variables (for the character

5 0.10620431 22 nathan marz storm-2010-10-05-How to get a job at a kick-ass startup (for programmers)

Introduction: When I finished college, I was incredibly naive when it came to finding a great job. I knew that I wanted to work at a small startup but didn't know how to find that great opportunity. I didn't know what questions to ask to evaluate a company, and I didn't know how I should present myself during the recruitment process. Now I'm a few years out of college and I have that kick-ass job I was looking for. My dual experiences of looking for a job and being on the other side recruiting programmers have taught me quite a bit about what it takes to get a great job at a kick-ass startup. Here are my tips, from preparing for the job search process to finding great startups to applying and getting the job. If you have any tips of your own, be sure to leave them in the comments! Preparing for the job search 1. Make a list of the qualities you're looking for in a job. Be explicit and specific. What are you looking for? Coworkers that are really smart that you can learn from? Coworkers

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same-blog 1 0.9774189 40 nathan marz storm-2014-02-24-The inexplicable rise of open floor plans in tech companies

Introduction: Update: I originally quoted the average price of office space as $36 / square foot / month, where in reality it's per year. So I was accidentally weakening my own argument! The post has been updated to reflect the right number. The "open floor plan" has really taken over tech companies in San Francisco. Offices are organized as huge open spaces with row after row of tables. Employees sit next to each other and each have their own piece of desk space. Now, I don't want to comment on the effectiveness of open floor plans for fields other than my own. But for software development, this is the single best way to sabotage the productivity of your entire engineering team . The problem Programming is a very brain-intensive task. You have to hold all sorts of disparate information in your head at once and synthesize it into extremely precise code. It requires intense amounts of focus. Distractions and interruptions are death to the productivity of a programmer. And an open-floor plan e

2 0.22530541 17 nathan marz storm-2010-05-26-Why your company should have a very permissive open source policy

Introduction: Having a permissive open source policy is important if a company wants to recruit truly stellar programmers. Or put another way: great programmers will be less inclined to work for you if you have a restrictive open source policy because being involved in open source projects is one of the best ways for a programmer to increase his market value. Traditional methods for measuring programming ability are ineffective The job market for programmers, especially the top programmers, is notoriously inefficient. This inefficiency is due to employers lacking good methods for evaluating programmers. The standard techniques used to evaluate programmers -- resumes, on-the-spot coding questions, take-home projects -- are at best crude approximations of a programmer's ability, and none of them will be indicators of the truly visionary people. Sure, there are other indicators like being involved in successful companies or having past impressive titles, but those are still indirect indicators of p

3 0.1523698 39 nathan marz storm-2014-02-12-Interview with "Programmer Magazine"

Introduction: I was recently interviewed for "Programmer Magazine", a Chinese magazine. The interview was published in Chinese, but a lot of people told me they'd like to see the English version of the interview. Due to the Google translation being, ahem, a little iffy, I decided to just publish the original English version on my blog. Hope you enjoy! What drew you to programming and what was the first interesting program you wrote? I started programming when I was 10 years old on my TI-82 graphing calculator. Initially I started programming because I wanted to make games on my calculator – and also because I was bored in math class :D. The first interesting game I made on my calculator was an archery game where you'd shoot arrows at moving targets. You'd get points for hitting more targets or completing all the targets faster. A couple years later I graduated to programming the TI-89 which was a huge upgrade in power. I remember how the TI-82 only let you have 26 variables (for the character

4 0.15071659 22 nathan marz storm-2010-10-05-How to get a job at a kick-ass startup (for programmers)

Introduction: When I finished college, I was incredibly naive when it came to finding a great job. I knew that I wanted to work at a small startup but didn't know how to find that great opportunity. I didn't know what questions to ask to evaluate a company, and I didn't know how I should present myself during the recruitment process. Now I'm a few years out of college and I have that kick-ass job I was looking for. My dual experiences of looking for a job and being on the other side recruiting programmers have taught me quite a bit about what it takes to get a great job at a kick-ass startup. Here are my tips, from preparing for the job search process to finding great startups to applying and getting the job. If you have any tips of your own, be sure to leave them in the comments! Preparing for the job search 1. Make a list of the qualities you're looking for in a job. Be explicit and specific. What are you looking for? Coworkers that are really smart that you can learn from? Coworkers

5 0.147597 19 nathan marz storm-2010-07-12-My experience as the first employee of a Y Combinator startup

Introduction: I'm the first employee of BackType , a Summer '08 YC company. My joining the company increased the company size by 50%. The experience has been awesome, but I will say up front that being the first employee of a startup is not for everyone. The best part of being the first employee of a startup is the total exposure to all parts of the company. I've learned a ton about product development, customer development, recruiting, and entrepreneurship. Additionally, I've met and connected with lots of other awesome people through the YC network. I've gotten all these benefits at relatively low risk for myself, as I still have a salary and a solid chunk of equity. No Rules There are a lot of rules working at most companies. You don't even realize that some of the rules are rules until you work at a company with no rules. I'm talking about the most basic things like what hours you work, what days of the week you work, what tools you use, and whether you come into the office or not. B

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similar blogs list:

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same-blog 1 0.93855304 40 nathan marz storm-2014-02-24-The inexplicable rise of open floor plans in tech companies

Introduction: Update: I originally quoted the average price of office space as $36 / square foot / month, where in reality it's per year. So I was accidentally weakening my own argument! The post has been updated to reflect the right number. The "open floor plan" has really taken over tech companies in San Francisco. Offices are organized as huge open spaces with row after row of tables. Employees sit next to each other and each have their own piece of desk space. Now, I don't want to comment on the effectiveness of open floor plans for fields other than my own. But for software development, this is the single best way to sabotage the productivity of your entire engineering team . The problem Programming is a very brain-intensive task. You have to hold all sorts of disparate information in your head at once and synthesize it into extremely precise code. It requires intense amounts of focus. Distractions and interruptions are death to the productivity of a programmer. And an open-floor plan e

2 0.2848365 38 nathan marz storm-2013-04-12-Break into Silicon Valley with a blog

Introduction: I know a lot of non-technical people who would love to work in the venture-funded startup world, from consultants to finance people to other business types for which I'm not really sure exactly what it is they do. They hit obstacles trying to get into the startup world, finding that their skills are either irrelevant or hard to explain. My advice to all these people is the same: Write a blog. A blog can improve your life in enormous ways. Or to put it in business-speak: a blog has one of the highest ROI's of anything you can do. Put yourself in the shoes of startups looking for talent. First off – startups are desperate for talent. The problem is that it's very difficult to identify great people – startups search through loads and loads of candidates. Resumes and interviews only tell you so much about a person. It's really hard to stand out in a resume – you're not the only one putting over-inflated impressive-looking numbers and bullet points on your resume. And interviews

3 0.26544353 17 nathan marz storm-2010-05-26-Why your company should have a very permissive open source policy

Introduction: Having a permissive open source policy is important if a company wants to recruit truly stellar programmers. Or put another way: great programmers will be less inclined to work for you if you have a restrictive open source policy because being involved in open source projects is one of the best ways for a programmer to increase his market value. Traditional methods for measuring programming ability are ineffective The job market for programmers, especially the top programmers, is notoriously inefficient. This inefficiency is due to employers lacking good methods for evaluating programmers. The standard techniques used to evaluate programmers -- resumes, on-the-spot coding questions, take-home projects -- are at best crude approximations of a programmer's ability, and none of them will be indicators of the truly visionary people. Sure, there are other indicators like being involved in successful companies or having past impressive titles, but those are still indirect indicators of p

4 0.25760159 39 nathan marz storm-2014-02-12-Interview with "Programmer Magazine"

Introduction: I was recently interviewed for "Programmer Magazine", a Chinese magazine. The interview was published in Chinese, but a lot of people told me they'd like to see the English version of the interview. Due to the Google translation being, ahem, a little iffy, I decided to just publish the original English version on my blog. Hope you enjoy! What drew you to programming and what was the first interesting program you wrote? I started programming when I was 10 years old on my TI-82 graphing calculator. Initially I started programming because I wanted to make games on my calculator – and also because I was bored in math class :D. The first interesting game I made on my calculator was an archery game where you'd shoot arrows at moving targets. You'd get points for hitting more targets or completing all the targets faster. A couple years later I graduated to programming the TI-89 which was a huge upgrade in power. I remember how the TI-82 only let you have 26 variables (for the character

5 0.21894997 22 nathan marz storm-2010-10-05-How to get a job at a kick-ass startup (for programmers)

Introduction: When I finished college, I was incredibly naive when it came to finding a great job. I knew that I wanted to work at a small startup but didn't know how to find that great opportunity. I didn't know what questions to ask to evaluate a company, and I didn't know how I should present myself during the recruitment process. Now I'm a few years out of college and I have that kick-ass job I was looking for. My dual experiences of looking for a job and being on the other side recruiting programmers have taught me quite a bit about what it takes to get a great job at a kick-ass startup. Here are my tips, from preparing for the job search process to finding great startups to applying and getting the job. If you have any tips of your own, be sure to leave them in the comments! Preparing for the job search 1. Make a list of the qualities you're looking for in a job. Be explicit and specific. What are you looking for? Coworkers that are really smart that you can learn from? Coworkers

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