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124 hunch net-2005-10-19-Workshop: Atomic Learning

meta infos for this blog

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Introduction: We are planning to have a workshop on atomic learning Jan 7 & 8 at TTI-Chicago. Details are here . The earlier request for interest is here . The primary deadline is abstracts due Nov. 20 to

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 We are planning to have a workshop on atomic learning Jan 7 & 8 at TTI-Chicago. [sent-1, score-0.897]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('atomic', 0.44), ('request', 0.408), ('jl', 0.367), ('abstracts', 0.367), ('earlier', 0.279), ('planning', 0.26), ('primary', 0.245), ('deadline', 0.224), ('details', 0.193), ('workshop', 0.171), ('interest', 0.164), ('due', 0.145), ('learning', 0.026)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 124 hunch net-2005-10-19-Workshop: Atomic Learning

Introduction: We are planning to have a workshop on atomic learning Jan 7 & 8 at TTI-Chicago. Details are here . The earlier request for interest is here . The primary deadline is abstracts due Nov. 20 to

2 0.2364271 443 hunch net-2011-09-03-Fall Machine Learning Events

Introduction: Many Machine Learning related events are coming up this fall. September 9 , abstracts for the New York Machine Learning Symposium are due. Send a 2 page pdf, if interested, and note that we: widened submissions to be from anybody rather than students. set aside a larger fraction of time for contributed submissions. September 15 , there is a machine learning meetup , where I’ll be discussing terascale learning at AOL. September 16 , there is a CS&Econ; day at New York Academy of Sciences. This is not ML focused, but it’s easy to imagine interest. September 23 and later NIPS workshop submissions start coming due. As usual, there are too many good ones, so I won’t be able to attend all those that interest me. I do hope some workshop makers consider ICML this coming summer, as we are increasing to a 2 day format for you. Here are a few that interest me: Big Learning is about dealing with lots of data. Abstracts are due September 30 . The Bayes

3 0.14312226 375 hunch net-2009-10-26-NIPS workshops

Introduction: Many of the NIPS workshops have a deadline about now, and the NIPS early registration deadline is Nov. 6 . Several interest me: Adaptive Sensing, Active Learning, and Experimental Design due 10/27. Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning: Submodularity, Sparsity & Polyhedra , due Nov. 6. Large-Scale Machine Learning: Parallelism and Massive Datasets , due 10/23 (i.e. past) Analysis and Design of Algorithms for Interactive Machine Learning , due 10/30. And I’m sure many of the others interest others. Workshops are great as a mechanism for research, so take a look if there is any chance you might be interested.

4 0.1252522 481 hunch net-2013-04-15-NEML II

Introduction: Adam Kalai points out the New England Machine Learning Day May 1 at MSR New England. There is a poster session with abstracts due April 19. I understand last year’s NEML went well and it’s great to meet your neighbors at regional workshops like this.

5 0.11005839 470 hunch net-2012-07-17-MUCMD and BayLearn

Introduction: The workshop on the Meaningful Use of Complex Medical Data is happening again, August 9-12 in LA, near UAI on Catalina Island August 15-17. I enjoyed my visit last year, and expect this year to be interesting also. The first Bay Area Machine Learning Symposium is August 30 at Google . Abstracts are due July 30.

6 0.10296889 142 hunch net-2005-12-22-Yes , I am applying

7 0.10253318 234 hunch net-2007-02-22-Create Your Own ICML Workshop

8 0.097642183 198 hunch net-2006-07-25-Upcoming conference

9 0.09370622 46 hunch net-2005-03-24-The Role of Workshops

10 0.087049082 472 hunch net-2012-08-27-NYAS ML 2012 and ICML 2013

11 0.079124019 433 hunch net-2011-04-23-ICML workshops due

12 0.075777538 276 hunch net-2007-12-10-Learning Track of International Planning Competition

13 0.073232248 279 hunch net-2007-12-19-Cool and interesting things seen at NIPS

14 0.07294824 285 hunch net-2008-01-23-Why Workshop?

15 0.071791396 404 hunch net-2010-08-20-The Workshop on Cores, Clusters, and Clouds

16 0.068590701 167 hunch net-2006-03-27-Gradients everywhere

17 0.068519741 494 hunch net-2014-03-11-The New York ML Symposium, take 2

18 0.062782265 141 hunch net-2005-12-17-Workshops as Franchise Conferences

19 0.062457521 465 hunch net-2012-05-12-ICML accepted papers and early registration

20 0.061389279 113 hunch net-2005-09-19-NIPS Workshops

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.058), (1, -0.085), (2, -0.113), (3, -0.126), (4, 0.021), (5, 0.074), (6, 0.032), (7, -0.022), (8, -0.037), (9, -0.083), (10, 0.022), (11, -0.066), (12, 0.083), (13, 0.001), (14, -0.015), (15, -0.019), (16, -0.013), (17, -0.063), (18, -0.125), (19, -0.005), (20, -0.15), (21, -0.017), (22, -0.089), (23, -0.013), (24, -0.057), (25, 0.055), (26, 0.139), (27, -0.068), (28, -0.084), (29, -0.066), (30, 0.026), (31, -0.018), (32, 0.006), (33, -0.052), (34, 0.005), (35, 0.01), (36, 0.002), (37, -0.071), (38, 0.002), (39, 0.061), (40, -0.094), (41, -0.022), (42, 0.085), (43, -0.05), (44, -0.023), (45, 0.005), (46, -0.081), (47, -0.083), (48, -0.011), (49, 0.005)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.98073727 124 hunch net-2005-10-19-Workshop: Atomic Learning

Introduction: We are planning to have a workshop on atomic learning Jan 7 & 8 at TTI-Chicago. Details are here . The earlier request for interest is here . The primary deadline is abstracts due Nov. 20 to

2 0.76145118 443 hunch net-2011-09-03-Fall Machine Learning Events

Introduction: Many Machine Learning related events are coming up this fall. September 9 , abstracts for the New York Machine Learning Symposium are due. Send a 2 page pdf, if interested, and note that we: widened submissions to be from anybody rather than students. set aside a larger fraction of time for contributed submissions. September 15 , there is a machine learning meetup , where I’ll be discussing terascale learning at AOL. September 16 , there is a CS&Econ; day at New York Academy of Sciences. This is not ML focused, but it’s easy to imagine interest. September 23 and later NIPS workshop submissions start coming due. As usual, there are too many good ones, so I won’t be able to attend all those that interest me. I do hope some workshop makers consider ICML this coming summer, as we are increasing to a 2 day format for you. Here are a few that interest me: Big Learning is about dealing with lots of data. Abstracts are due September 30 . The Bayes

3 0.69518656 198 hunch net-2006-07-25-Upcoming conference

Introduction: The Workshop for Women in Machine Learning will be held in San Diego on October 4, 2006. For details see the workshop website:

4 0.69343787 433 hunch net-2011-04-23-ICML workshops due

Introduction: Lihong points out that ICML workshop submissions are due April 29.

5 0.55996192 404 hunch net-2010-08-20-The Workshop on Cores, Clusters, and Clouds

Introduction: Alekh , John , Ofer , and I are organizing a workshop at NIPS this year on learning in parallel and distributed environments. The general interest level in parallel learning seems to be growing rapidly, so I expect quite a bit of attendance. Please join us if you are parallel-interested. And, if you are working in the area of parallel learning, please consider submitting an abstract due Oct. 17 for presentation at the workshop.

6 0.5504393 321 hunch net-2008-10-19-NIPS 2008 workshop on Kernel Learning

7 0.5490014 459 hunch net-2012-03-13-The Submodularity workshop and Lucca Professorship

8 0.53560793 375 hunch net-2009-10-26-NIPS workshops

9 0.50298941 472 hunch net-2012-08-27-NYAS ML 2012 and ICML 2013

10 0.50202858 234 hunch net-2007-02-22-Create Your Own ICML Workshop

11 0.49696013 470 hunch net-2012-07-17-MUCMD and BayLearn

12 0.48925692 481 hunch net-2013-04-15-NEML II

13 0.48030278 488 hunch net-2013-08-31-Extreme Classification workshop at NIPS

14 0.44719458 316 hunch net-2008-09-04-Fall ML Conferences

15 0.4424704 137 hunch net-2005-12-09-Machine Learning Thoughts

16 0.4216167 446 hunch net-2011-10-03-Monday announcements

17 0.41803792 417 hunch net-2010-11-18-ICML 2011 – Call for Tutorials

18 0.41439399 319 hunch net-2008-10-01-NIPS 2008 workshop on ‘Learning over Empirical Hypothesis Spaces’

19 0.38997591 265 hunch net-2007-10-14-NIPS workshp: Learning Problem Design

20 0.38770208 113 hunch net-2005-09-19-NIPS Workshops

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(28, 0.605), (55, 0.167)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.91698265 124 hunch net-2005-10-19-Workshop: Atomic Learning

Introduction: We are planning to have a workshop on atomic learning Jan 7 & 8 at TTI-Chicago. Details are here . The earlier request for interest is here . The primary deadline is abstracts due Nov. 20 to

2 0.46333051 100 hunch net-2005-08-04-Why Reinforcement Learning is Important

Introduction: One prescription for solving a problem well is: State the problem, in the simplest way possible. In particular, this statement should involve no contamination with or anticipation of the solution. Think about solutions to the stated problem. Stating a problem in a succinct and crisp manner tends to invite a simple elegant solution. When a problem can not be stated succinctly, we wonder if the problem is even understood. (And when a problem is not understood, we wonder if a solution can be meaningful.) Reinforcement learning does step (1) well. It provides a clean simple language to state general AI problems. In reinforcement learning there is a set of actions A , a set of observations O , and a reward r . The reinforcement learning problem, in general, is defined by a conditional measure D( o, r | (o,r,a) * ) which produces an observation o and a reward r given a history (o,r,a) * . The goal in reinforcement learning is to find a policy pi:(o,r,a) * -> a

3 0.26530012 326 hunch net-2008-11-11-COLT CFP

Introduction: Adam Klivans , points out the COLT call for papers . The important points are: Due Feb 13. Montreal, June 18-21. This year, there is author feedback.

4 0.26530012 465 hunch net-2012-05-12-ICML accepted papers and early registration

Introduction: The accepted papers are up in full detail. We are still struggling with the precise program itself, but that’s coming along. Also note the May 13 deadline for early registration and room booking.

5 0.26140133 472 hunch net-2012-08-27-NYAS ML 2012 and ICML 2013

Introduction: The New York Machine Learning Symposium is October 19 with a 2 page abstract deadline due September 13 via email with subject “Machine Learning Poster Submission” sent to Everyone is welcome to submit. Last year’s attendance was 246 and I expect more this year. The primary experiment for ICML 2013 is multiple paper submission deadlines with rolling review cycles. The key dates are October 1, December 15, and February 15. This is an attempt to shift ICML further towards a journal style review process and reduce peak load. The “not for proceedings” experiment from this year’s ICML is not continuing. Edit: Fixed second ICML deadline.

6 0.25456378 271 hunch net-2007-11-05-CMU wins DARPA Urban Challenge

7 0.25440592 446 hunch net-2011-10-03-Monday announcements

8 0.25067151 302 hunch net-2008-05-25-Inappropriate Mathematics for Machine Learning

9 0.25009146 20 hunch net-2005-02-15-ESPgame and image labeling

10 0.24890912 448 hunch net-2011-10-24-2011 ML symposium and the bears

11 0.23719724 331 hunch net-2008-12-12-Summer Conferences

12 0.23692915 90 hunch net-2005-07-07-The Limits of Learning Theory

13 0.22860454 387 hunch net-2010-01-19-Deadline Season, 2010

14 0.21757996 270 hunch net-2007-11-02-The Machine Learning Award goes to …

15 0.21121478 395 hunch net-2010-04-26-Compassionate Reviewing

16 0.20817314 453 hunch net-2012-01-28-Why COLT?

17 0.2072316 226 hunch net-2007-01-04-2007 Summer Machine Learning Conferences

18 0.20503967 422 hunch net-2011-01-16-2011 Summer Conference Deadline Season

19 0.20453209 356 hunch net-2009-05-24-2009 ICML discussion site

20 0.20330802 457 hunch net-2012-02-29-Key Scientific Challenges and the Franklin Symposium