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109 hunch net-2005-09-08-Online Learning as the Mathematics of Accountability

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Introduction: Accountability is a social problem. When someone screws up, do you fire them? Or do you accept the error and let them continue? This is a very difficult problem and we all know of stories where the wrong decision was made. Online learning (as meant here), is a subfield of learning theory which analyzes the online learning model. In the online learning model, there are a set of hypotheses or “experts”. On any instantance x , each expert makes a prediction y . A master algorithm A uses these predictions to form it’s own prediction y A and then learns the correct prediction y * . This process repeats. The goal of online learning is to find a master algorithm A which uses the advice of the experts to make good predictions. In particular, we typically want to guarantee that the master algorithm performs almost as well as the best expert. If L(e) is the loss of expert e and L(A) is the loss of the master algorithm, it is often possible to prove: L(A) les

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Online learning (as meant here), is a subfield of learning theory which analyzes the online learning model. [sent-5, score-0.386]

2 In the online learning model, there are a set of hypotheses or “experts”. [sent-6, score-0.3]

3 On any instantance x , each expert makes a prediction y . [sent-7, score-0.353]

4 A master algorithm A uses these predictions to form it’s own prediction y A and then learns the correct prediction y * . [sent-8, score-0.963]

5 The goal of online learning is to find a master algorithm A which uses the advice of the experts to make good predictions. [sent-10, score-1.235]

6 In particular, we typically want to guarantee that the master algorithm performs almost as well as the best expert. [sent-11, score-0.478]

7 If L(e) is the loss of expert e and L(A) is the loss of the master algorithm, it is often possible to prove: L(A) less than min e L(e) + log(number of experts) over all sequences. [sent-12, score-0.831]

8 In particular, there is no assumption of independent samples and there is no assumption that the experts perform well (or can perform well). [sent-13, score-0.766]

9 These assumption-free qualities are very important for application to the accountability problem, because the experts really can be adversarial . [sent-15, score-0.734]

10 In any situation where we have a set of human experts giving advice on the same subject, we can hope to apply online learning algorithms to better distill collective advice into single prediction. [sent-16, score-1.006]

11 4 percent was expected, based on the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of 53 economists ” in news articles. [sent-20, score-0.345]

12 Presumably, these economists are reused frequently implying they have a record to which an online algorithm could be applied. [sent-21, score-0.662]

13 This application of online learning isn’t trivial. [sent-22, score-0.31]

14 Even for the above examples, it isn’t clear how to handle issues like: A new expert starts making predictions. [sent-23, score-0.242]

15 There are some reasonable ad-hoc mechanisms for coping with this in the context of particular algorithms. [sent-24, score-0.169]

16 The loss associated with individual predictions is highly variable rather than something simple like “0/1-loss” or “squared error loss”. [sent-27, score-0.49]

17 One approach to this is to combine regret minimizing learning reductions with online learning algorithms (drawback: the reduced predictions may not be of intuitive things). [sent-28, score-0.619]

18 Another approach is simply trying to make very flexible master algorithms (drawback: flexibility often comes with a weakening in the theoretical guarantees). [sent-29, score-0.543]

19 In the real world, we may not have feedback about a prediction until after the next 10 predictions (or more) need to be made. [sent-30, score-0.373]

20 Quantifying GDP growth requires a lot of work and has some fundamental uncertainty associated with it, especially when immediate feedback is required. [sent-32, score-0.373]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('experts', 0.36), ('master', 0.303), ('expert', 0.242), ('online', 0.228), ('accountability', 0.202), ('predictions', 0.18), ('economists', 0.179), ('advice', 0.164), ('loss', 0.143), ('uncertainty', 0.121), ('drawback', 0.114), ('prediction', 0.111), ('perform', 0.106), ('algorithm', 0.1), ('associated', 0.098), ('assumption', 0.097), ('weakening', 0.09), ('surveys', 0.09), ('bloomberg', 0.09), ('collective', 0.09), ('qualities', 0.09), ('particular', 0.086), ('percent', 0.083), ('coping', 0.083), ('flexibility', 0.083), ('frequently', 0.083), ('handles', 0.083), ('median', 0.083), ('subfield', 0.083), ('feedback', 0.082), ('application', 0.082), ('uses', 0.08), ('learns', 0.078), ('quantifying', 0.078), ('gdp', 0.078), ('modified', 0.078), ('performs', 0.075), ('fire', 0.075), ('analyzes', 0.075), ('intuitive', 0.072), ('combine', 0.072), ('growth', 0.072), ('hypotheses', 0.072), ('reused', 0.072), ('stories', 0.072), ('error', 0.069), ('flexible', 0.067), ('minimizing', 0.067), ('world', 0.067), ('stock', 0.065)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0000004 109 hunch net-2005-09-08-Online Learning as the Mathematics of Accountability

Introduction: Accountability is a social problem. When someone screws up, do you fire them? Or do you accept the error and let them continue? This is a very difficult problem and we all know of stories where the wrong decision was made. Online learning (as meant here), is a subfield of learning theory which analyzes the online learning model. In the online learning model, there are a set of hypotheses or “experts”. On any instantance x , each expert makes a prediction y . A master algorithm A uses these predictions to form it’s own prediction y A and then learns the correct prediction y * . This process repeats. The goal of online learning is to find a master algorithm A which uses the advice of the experts to make good predictions. In particular, we typically want to guarantee that the master algorithm performs almost as well as the best expert. If L(e) is the loss of expert e and L(A) is the loss of the master algorithm, it is often possible to prove: L(A) les

2 0.17758216 252 hunch net-2007-07-01-Watchword: Online Learning

Introduction: It turns out that many different people use the term “Online Learning”, and often they don’t have the same definition in mind. Here’s a list of the possibilities I know of. Online Information Setting Online learning refers to a problem in which unlabeled data comes, a prediction is made, and then feedback is acquired. Online Adversarial Setting Online learning refers to algorithms in the Online Information Setting which satisfy guarantees of the form: “For all possible sequences of observations, the algorithim has regret at most log ( number of strategies) with respect to the best strategy in a set.” This is sometimes called online learning with experts. Online Optimization Constraint Online learning refers to optimizing a predictor via a learning algorithm tunes parameters on a per-example basis. This may or may not be applied in the Online Information Setting, and the strategy may or may not satisfy Adversarial setting theory. Online Computational Constra

3 0.16664104 235 hunch net-2007-03-03-All Models of Learning have Flaws

Introduction: Attempts to abstract and study machine learning are within some given framework or mathematical model. It turns out that all of these models are significantly flawed for the purpose of studying machine learning. I’ve created a table (below) outlining the major flaws in some common models of machine learning. The point here is not simply “woe unto us”. There are several implications which seem important. The multitude of models is a point of continuing confusion. It is common for people to learn about machine learning within one framework which often becomes there “home framework” through which they attempt to filter all machine learning. (Have you met people who can only think in terms of kernels? Only via Bayes Law? Only via PAC Learning?) Explicitly understanding the existence of these other frameworks can help resolve the confusion. This is particularly important when reviewing and particularly important for students. Algorithms which conform to multiple approaches c

4 0.16606721 374 hunch net-2009-10-10-ALT 2009

Introduction: I attended ALT (“Algorithmic Learning Theory”) for the first time this year. My impression is ALT = 0.5 COLT, by attendance and also by some more intangible “what do I get from it?” measure. There are many differences which can’t quite be described this way though. The program for ALT seems to be substantially more diverse than COLT, which is both a weakness and a strength. One paper that might interest people generally is: Alexey Chernov and Vladimir Vovk , Prediction with Expert Evaluators’ Advice . The basic observation here is that in the online learning with experts setting you can simultaneously compete with several compatible loss functions simultaneously. Restated, debating between competing with log loss and squared loss is a waste of breath, because it’s almost free to compete with them both simultaneously. This might interest anyone who has run into “which loss function?” debates that come up periodically.

5 0.16121265 28 hunch net-2005-02-25-Problem: Online Learning

Introduction: Despite my best intentions, this is not a fully specified problem, but rather a research direction. Competitive online learning is one of the more compelling pieces of learning theory because typical statements of the form “this algorithm will perform almost as well as a large set of other algorithms” rely only on fully-observable quantities, and are therefore applicable in many situations. Examples include Winnow , Weighted Majority , and Binomial Weighting . Algorithms with this property haven’t taken over the world yet. Here might be some reasons: Lack of caring . Many people working on learning theory don’t care about particular applications much. This means constants in the algorithm are not optimized, usable code is often not produced, and empirical studies aren’t done. Inefficiency . Viewed from the perspective of other learning algorithms, online learning is terribly inefficient. It requires that every hypothesis (called an expert in the online learning set

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same-blog 1 0.97186196 109 hunch net-2005-09-08-Online Learning as the Mathematics of Accountability

Introduction: Accountability is a social problem. When someone screws up, do you fire them? Or do you accept the error and let them continue? This is a very difficult problem and we all know of stories where the wrong decision was made. Online learning (as meant here), is a subfield of learning theory which analyzes the online learning model. In the online learning model, there are a set of hypotheses or “experts”. On any instantance x , each expert makes a prediction y . A master algorithm A uses these predictions to form it’s own prediction y A and then learns the correct prediction y * . This process repeats. The goal of online learning is to find a master algorithm A which uses the advice of the experts to make good predictions. In particular, we typically want to guarantee that the master algorithm performs almost as well as the best expert. If L(e) is the loss of expert e and L(A) is the loss of the master algorithm, it is often possible to prove: L(A) les

2 0.76795447 252 hunch net-2007-07-01-Watchword: Online Learning

Introduction: It turns out that many different people use the term “Online Learning”, and often they don’t have the same definition in mind. Here’s a list of the possibilities I know of. Online Information Setting Online learning refers to a problem in which unlabeled data comes, a prediction is made, and then feedback is acquired. Online Adversarial Setting Online learning refers to algorithms in the Online Information Setting which satisfy guarantees of the form: “For all possible sequences of observations, the algorithim has regret at most log ( number of strategies) with respect to the best strategy in a set.” This is sometimes called online learning with experts. Online Optimization Constraint Online learning refers to optimizing a predictor via a learning algorithm tunes parameters on a per-example basis. This may or may not be applied in the Online Information Setting, and the strategy may or may not satisfy Adversarial setting theory. Online Computational Constra

3 0.75840181 28 hunch net-2005-02-25-Problem: Online Learning

Introduction: Despite my best intentions, this is not a fully specified problem, but rather a research direction. Competitive online learning is one of the more compelling pieces of learning theory because typical statements of the form “this algorithm will perform almost as well as a large set of other algorithms” rely only on fully-observable quantities, and are therefore applicable in many situations. Examples include Winnow , Weighted Majority , and Binomial Weighting . Algorithms with this property haven’t taken over the world yet. Here might be some reasons: Lack of caring . Many people working on learning theory don’t care about particular applications much. This means constants in the algorithm are not optimized, usable code is often not produced, and empirical studies aren’t done. Inefficiency . Viewed from the perspective of other learning algorithms, online learning is terribly inefficient. It requires that every hypothesis (called an expert in the online learning set

4 0.71965563 267 hunch net-2007-10-17-Online as the new adjective

Introduction: Online learning is in vogue, which means we should expect to see in the near future: Online boosting. Online decision trees. Online SVMs. (actually, we’ve already seen) Online deep learning. Online parallel learning. etc… There are three fundamental drivers of this trend. Increasing size of datasets makes online algorithms attractive. Online learning can simply be more efficient than batch learning. Here is a picture from a class on online learning: The point of this picture is that even in 3 dimensions and even with linear constraints, finding the minima of a set in an online fashion can be typically faster than finding the minima in a batch fashion. To see this, note that there is a minimal number of gradient updates (i.e. 2) required in order to reach the minima in the typical case. Given this, it’s best to do these updates as quickly as possible, which implies doing the first update online (i.e. before seeing all the examples) is preferred. Note

5 0.71212238 8 hunch net-2005-02-01-NIPS: Online Bayes

Introduction: One nice use for this blog is to consider and discuss papers that that have appeared at recent conferences. I really enjoyed Andrew Ng and Sham Kakade’s paper Online Bounds for Bayesian Algorithms . From the paper: The philosophy taken in the Bayesian methodology is often at odds with that in the online learning community…. the online learning setting makes rather minimal assumptions on the conditions under which the data are being presented to the learner —usually, Nature could provide examples in an adversarial manner. We study the performance of Bayesian algorithms in a more adversarial setting… We provide competitive bounds when the cost function is the log loss, and we compare our performance to the best model in our model class (as in the experts setting). It’s a very nice analysis of some of my favorite algorithms that all hinges around a beautiful theorem: Let Q be any distribution over parameters theta. Then for all sequences S: L_{Bayes}(S) leq L_Q(S)

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1 0.94899905 397 hunch net-2010-05-02-What’s the difference between gambling and rewarding good prediction?

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Introduction: Accountability is a social problem. When someone screws up, do you fire them? Or do you accept the error and let them continue? This is a very difficult problem and we all know of stories where the wrong decision was made. Online learning (as meant here), is a subfield of learning theory which analyzes the online learning model. In the online learning model, there are a set of hypotheses or “experts”. On any instantance x , each expert makes a prediction y . A master algorithm A uses these predictions to form it’s own prediction y A and then learns the correct prediction y * . This process repeats. The goal of online learning is to find a master algorithm A which uses the advice of the experts to make good predictions. In particular, we typically want to guarantee that the master algorithm performs almost as well as the best expert. If L(e) is the loss of expert e and L(A) is the loss of the master algorithm, it is often possible to prove: L(A) les

3 0.88199085 26 hunch net-2005-02-21-Problem: Cross Validation

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