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744 high scalability-2009-11-24-Hot Scalability Links for Nov 24 2009

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Introduction: Eventual Consistency by Example  by Sergio Bossa. Attempts to clear up some misconceptions about eventual consitency as discussed in Amazon's Dynamo paper . Boston Big Data Summit keynote outline  by Curt Monash. Interesting topics: Big Data and the cloud actually have relatively little to do with each other and The NoSQL movement is a lot like the Ron Paul campaign. I think RDBMS has set the industry back by 10 years  by Henry G. Baker, Ph.D, from 1992.  I can categorically state that relational databases  set the commercial data processing industry back at least ten years and wasted many of the billions of dollars that were spent on data processing. Henry thought OO databases would change things. They didn't. The question is why? Intel cloud service tests the scalability of your code . Intel has a cloud based tool that can test how your application will perform on will on a number of multicore processor configurations -- 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 hardwar

Summary: the most important sentenses genereted by tfidf model

sentIndex sentText sentNum sentScore

1 Attempts to clear up some misconceptions about eventual consitency as discussed in Amazon's Dynamo paper . [sent-2, score-0.656]

2 Boston Big Data Summit keynote outline  by Curt Monash. [sent-3, score-0.256]

3 Interesting topics: Big Data and the cloud actually have relatively little to do with each other and The NoSQL movement is a lot like the Ron Paul campaign. [sent-4, score-0.229]

4 I think RDBMS has set the industry back by 10 years  by Henry G. [sent-5, score-0.298]

5 I can categorically state that relational databases  set the commercial data processing industry back at least ten years and wasted many of the billions of dollars that were spent on data processing. [sent-8, score-1.091]

6 Intel cloud service tests the scalability of your code . [sent-12, score-0.199]

7 Intel has a cloud based tool that can test how your application will perform on will on a number of multicore processor configurations -- 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 hardware threads. [sent-13, score-0.514]

8 Gear6 has released a software version of their cache product. [sent-15, score-0.087]

9 Appliances are good because they allow you complete control and something to hang some margin off of. [sent-17, score-0.245]

10 Yet if you want to sell into the cloud you have to build software components, not a hardware solution. [sent-18, score-0.31]

11 How Twitter is using Hadoop to analyze a tweasure trove of tweets. [sent-21, score-0.08]

12 A funny/insightful/sad/truish Dilbert cartoon on how clouds fit into Dilbert's world. [sent-22, score-0.086]

similar blogs computed by tfidf model

tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('dilbert', 0.353), ('categorically', 0.188), ('consitency', 0.188), ('lzo', 0.188), ('intel', 0.186), ('eventual', 0.185), ('misconceptions', 0.177), ('departure', 0.169), ('ron', 0.162), ('henry', 0.153), ('wasted', 0.143), ('industry', 0.14), ('lecture', 0.138), ('oo', 0.138), ('outline', 0.136), ('margin', 0.132), ('curt', 0.13), ('dynamo', 0.127), ('appliance', 0.125), ('brian', 0.124), ('cloud', 0.123), ('attempts', 0.121), ('keynote', 0.12), ('twitter', 0.116), ('configurations', 0.114), ('appliances', 0.113), ('hang', 0.113), ('multicore', 0.111), ('summit', 0.111), ('paul', 0.11), ('movement', 0.106), ('discussed', 0.106), ('sell', 0.105), ('ten', 0.102), ('commercial', 0.099), ('dollars', 0.097), ('rdbms', 0.094), ('databases', 0.088), ('released', 0.087), ('clouds', 0.086), ('back', 0.084), ('processor', 0.084), ('billions', 0.083), ('topics', 0.083), ('hardware', 0.082), ('spent', 0.081), ('analyze', 0.08), ('tests', 0.076), ('set', 0.074), ('interesting', 0.073)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.99999988 744 high scalability-2009-11-24-Hot Scalability Links for Nov 24 2009

Introduction: Eventual Consistency by Example  by Sergio Bossa. Attempts to clear up some misconceptions about eventual consitency as discussed in Amazon's Dynamo paper . Boston Big Data Summit keynote outline  by Curt Monash. Interesting topics: Big Data and the cloud actually have relatively little to do with each other and The NoSQL movement is a lot like the Ron Paul campaign. I think RDBMS has set the industry back by 10 years  by Henry G. Baker, Ph.D, from 1992.  I can categorically state that relational databases  set the commercial data processing industry back at least ten years and wasted many of the billions of dollars that were spent on data processing. Henry thought OO databases would change things. They didn't. The question is why? Intel cloud service tests the scalability of your code . Intel has a cloud based tool that can test how your application will perform on will on a number of multicore processor configurations -- 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 hardwar

2 0.11238456 245 high scalability-2008-02-12-Product: rPath - Creating and Managing Virtual Appliances

Introduction: Update: GIGAOM on rPath Burns EC2 Appliances in a Web Portal . rBuilder adds a portal that lets users turn software into virtual appliances. rPath demoed their virtual appliance management system at Monday's AWS Meetup . What they do is help you build a generic virtual machine image deployable on Amazon, VMWare, Xen and other targets. The idea is to build your software application independent of the underlying operating system and deploy it in your own or someone else's datacenter without worrying about all the details. To put their service in context think of rPath as how you build, deploy, and upgrade images and someone like Right Scale has how you can run and managed a cluster of deployed images. To build a Virtual Appliance you pull together all your packages through their web interface or through a Python based "recipe" system, select a VM target, and "cook" it all into a VM image you can immediately deploy and run. To make this magic happen they use the Conary

3 0.10872461 954 high scalability-2010-12-06-What the heck are you actually using NoSQL for?

Introduction: It's a truism that we should choose the right tool for the job . Everyone says that. And who can disagree? The problem is this is not helpful advice without being able to answer more specific questions like: What jobs are the tools good at? Will they work on jobs like mine? Is it worth the risk to try something new when all my people know something else and we have a deadline to meet? How can I make all the tools work together? In the NoSQL space this kind of real-world data is still a bit vague. When asked, vendors tend to give very general answers like NoSQL is good for BigData or key-value access. What does that mean for for the developer in the trenches faced with the task of solving a specific problem and there are a dozen confusing choices and no obvious winner? Not a lot. It's often hard to take that next step and imagine how their specific problems could be solved in a way that's worth taking the trouble and risk. Let's change that. What problems are you using NoSQL to sol

4 0.10771761 139 high scalability-2007-10-30-Paper: Dynamo: Amazon’s Highly Available Key-value Store

Introduction: Update 2 : Read/WriteWeb has a good article talking about the scalability issues of relational databases and how Dynamo solves them: Amazon Dynamo: The Next Generation Of Virtual Distributed Storage . But since Dynamo is just another frustrating walled garden protected by barbed wire and guard dogs, its relevance is somewhat overstated. Update : Greg Linden has a take on the paper where he questions some of Amazon's design choices: emphasizing write availability over fast reads, a lack of indexing support, use of random distribution for load balancing, and punting on some scalability issues. Werner Vogels, Amazon's avuncular CTO, just announced a new paper on the internal database technology Amazon uses to handle tens of millions customers. I'll dive into more details later, but I thought you'd want to read it hot off the blog. The bad news is it won't be a service. They are keeping this tech not so secret, but very safe. Happily, it's another real-life example to learn from.

5 0.10479248 1022 high scalability-2011-04-13-Paper: NoSQL Databases - NoSQL Introduction and Overview

Introduction: Christof Strauch, from Stuttgart Media University, has written an incredible 120+ page paper titled NoSQL Databases  as an introduction and overview to NoSQL databases . The paper was written between 2010-06 and 2011-02, so it may be a bit out of date, but if you are looking to take in the NoSQL world in one big gulp, this is your chance. I asked Christof to give us a  short taste of what he was trying to accomplish in his paper: The paper aims at giving a systematic and thorough introduction and overview of the NoSQL field by assembling information dispersed among blogs, wikis and scientific papers. It firstly discusses reasons, rationales and motives for the development and usage of nonrelational database systems. These can be summarized by the need for high scalability, the processing of large amounts of data, the ability to distribute data among many (often commodity) servers, consequently a distribution-aware design of DBMSs. The paper then introduces fundamental concepts,

6 0.1028983 787 high scalability-2010-03-03-Hot Scalability Links for March 3, 2010

7 0.10183033 1119 high scalability-2011-09-20-HighScalability is old news. Step your scaling game way up... (NSFW cartoon)

8 0.098364636 750 high scalability-2009-12-16-Building Super Scalable Systems: Blade Runner Meets Autonomic Computing in the Ambient Cloud

9 0.098283134 1355 high scalability-2012-11-05-Gone Fishin': Building Super Scalable Systems: Blade Runner Meets Autonomic Computing In The Ambient Cloud

10 0.09554816 837 high scalability-2010-06-07-Six Ways Twitter May Reach its Big Hairy Audacious Goal of One Billion Users

11 0.094038337 538 high scalability-2009-03-16-Are Cloud Based Memory Architectures the Next Big Thing?

12 0.093538746 931 high scalability-2010-10-28-Notes from A NOSQL Evening in Palo Alto

13 0.090568483 688 high scalability-2009-08-26-Hot Links for 2009-8-26

14 0.088141531 1240 high scalability-2012-05-07-Startups are Creating a New System of the World for IT

15 0.087813333 1372 high scalability-2012-12-14-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For December 14, 2012

16 0.082341999 639 high scalability-2009-06-27-Scaling Twitter: Making Twitter 10000 Percent Faster

17 0.081948407 510 high scalability-2009-02-09-Paper: Consensus Protocols: Two-Phase Commit

18 0.080950923 1574 high scalability-2014-01-07-Sponsored Post: Netflix, Logentries, Host Color, Booking, Apple, ScaleOut, MongoDB, BlueStripe, AiScaler, Aerospike, LogicMonitor, AppDynamics, ManageEngine, Site24x7

19 0.080798298 785 high scalability-2010-02-26-MySQL and Memcached: End of an Era?

20 0.079293214 674 high scalability-2009-08-07-The Canonical Cloud Architecture

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.149), (1, 0.049), (2, 0.032), (3, 0.089), (4, 0.001), (5, 0.019), (6, -0.037), (7, -0.034), (8, 0.016), (9, 0.005), (10, 0.02), (11, 0.012), (12, -0.023), (13, 0.028), (14, -0.022), (15, -0.047), (16, 0.028), (17, -0.008), (18, -0.061), (19, -0.015), (20, -0.019), (21, 0.007), (22, 0.026), (23, 0.013), (24, 0.046), (25, 0.001), (26, 0.012), (27, 0.041), (28, -0.034), (29, -0.008), (30, 0.027), (31, 0.022), (32, -0.047), (33, 0.013), (34, -0.046), (35, 0.026), (36, -0.019), (37, 0.06), (38, -0.035), (39, -0.007), (40, -0.002), (41, 0.044), (42, -0.047), (43, -0.003), (44, -0.048), (45, -0.016), (46, 0.004), (47, 0.006), (48, -0.015), (49, 0.035)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.94568068 744 high scalability-2009-11-24-Hot Scalability Links for Nov 24 2009

Introduction: Eventual Consistency by Example  by Sergio Bossa. Attempts to clear up some misconceptions about eventual consitency as discussed in Amazon's Dynamo paper . Boston Big Data Summit keynote outline  by Curt Monash. Interesting topics: Big Data and the cloud actually have relatively little to do with each other and The NoSQL movement is a lot like the Ron Paul campaign. I think RDBMS has set the industry back by 10 years  by Henry G. Baker, Ph.D, from 1992.  I can categorically state that relational databases  set the commercial data processing industry back at least ten years and wasted many of the billions of dollars that were spent on data processing. Henry thought OO databases would change things. They didn't. The question is why? Intel cloud service tests the scalability of your code . Intel has a cloud based tool that can test how your application will perform on will on a number of multicore processor configurations -- 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 hardwar

2 0.75238222 1137 high scalability-2011-11-04-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For November 4, 2011

Introduction: You're in good hands with  HighScalability :  Netflix - Cassandra, AWS, 288 instances, 3.3 million writes per second . Quotable quotes: @bretlowery : "A #DBA walks into a #NoSQL bar, but turns and leaves because he couldn't find a table." @AdanVali : HP to Deploy Memristor Powered SSD Replacement Within 18 Months @eden : Ori Lahav: "When planning scalability, think x100, design x5 and deploy x1.5 of current traffic" @jkalucki : If you are IO bound, start with your checkbook! Everything I Ever Learned About JVM Performance Tuning @Twitter . Learn how to tune your Hotspot and other Javasutra secrets. By moving off the cloud Mixipanel may have lost their angel status. Why would they do such a thing? Read Why We Moved Off The Cloud  for the details. The reason for the fall:  highly variable performance. Highly variable performance is incredibly hard to code or design around (think a server that normally does 300 queries per second with low I/

3 0.70980817 854 high scalability-2010-07-09-Hot Scalability Links for July 9, 2010

Introduction: Facebook serves 3 billion Like buttons a day  says VentureBeat. CloudScaling reports: Rumor Mill: Google EC2 Competitor Coming in 2010?  It looks like GAE for PaaS and an EC2 clone for IaaS. Tweets of gold: alandipert : scalability is a drug seldo : Scalability lesson #23: if any part of your system involves a list that gets bigger over time, eventually that list will become too big. obfuscurity :  Her: "Go look at the pictures on the database." Me: "You mean our fileserver?" Her: "Whatever."  luiscab : Ouch, I just read on an Info Mgmt rag that Hadoop could easily be an acronym for "Heck, Another Darn Obscure Open-source Project." sanity : Depressed about how much time I've had to spend searching for the right database solution for a new project. Each has it's flaws ioshints : You cannot take a car, grow it 10 times and expect to get a mining truck.  A contentious thread on Hacker News:  Mong

4 0.70879501 1182 high scalability-2012-01-27-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For January 27, 2012

Introduction: If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the HighScalability: 9nm : IBM's carbon nanotube transistor that outperforms silicon; YouTube : 4 Billion Views/Day; 864GB RAM : 37signals Memcache, $12K Quotable Quotes: Chad Dickerson : You can only get growth by feeding opportunities. @launchany : It amazes me how many NoSQL database vendors spend more time detailing their scalability and no time detailing the data model and design Google : Let's make TCP faster. WhatsApp : we are now able to easily push our systems to over 2 million tcp connections! Sidney Dekker : In a complex system…doing the same thing twice will not predictably or necessarily lead to the same results. @Rasmusfjord : Just heard about an Umbraco site running on Azure that handles 20.000 requests /*second* Herb Sutter with an epic post,  Welcome to the Jungle , touching on a lot of themes we've explored on HighScalability, only in a dramatically more competent way. What's after

5 0.70225006 880 high scalability-2010-08-13-Hot Scalability Links for Aug 13, 2010

Introduction: Ezra Zygmuntowicz in a heart warming account of his 4 Years at Engine Yard , has concluded in his experience that: the true future of cloud computing for developers is to not think about servers at all. It is now time to focus on the Application and new levels of abstraction that allow folks to use the computing resources in easier and easier ways.  Tweets of Gold: bryanlatten : Nothing like a million caching layers to screw up an already complicated deployment. Thankfully, there is beer. jkalucki : Twitter isn't down, you are just using the wrong access methods... andyedinborough : I don't mean to hate, but why would I give up performance and scalability for a dynamic language? Honestly, I don't get it. AsitSinha : It's amazing.... to see the absence of an understanding of how capability plays a role in scalability. scottgal : Devs are HORRIBLE DBAs. Used to do Scalability labs for MS UK and bad schemas were the single biggest issue (next to bad Indexes

6 0.69268352 883 high scalability-2010-08-20-Hot Scalability Links For Aug 20, 2010

7 0.68933594 935 high scalability-2010-11-05-Hot Scalability Links For November 5th, 2010

8 0.68274033 1040 high scalability-2011-05-13-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For May 13, 2011

9 0.68113554 1036 high scalability-2011-05-06-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For May 6th, 2011

10 0.68084818 848 high scalability-2010-06-25-Hot Scalability Links for June 25, 2010

11 0.68035042 931 high scalability-2010-10-28-Notes from A NOSQL Evening in Palo Alto

12 0.67936915 974 high scalability-2011-01-18-Paper: Relational Cloud: A Database-as-a-Service for the Cloud

13 0.67910385 694 high scalability-2009-09-04-Hot Links for 2009-9-4

14 0.67845249 1007 high scalability-2011-03-18-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For March 18, 2011

15 0.67660409 1414 high scalability-2013-03-01-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For February 29, 2013

16 0.67009622 1071 high scalability-2011-07-01-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For July 1, 2011

17 0.66998059 855 high scalability-2010-07-11-So, Why is Twitter Really Not Using Cassandra to Store Tweets?

18 0.66643155 1187 high scalability-2012-02-03-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For February 3, 2012

19 0.66432959 806 high scalability-2010-04-08-Hot Scalability Links for April 8, 2010

20 0.66408843 1180 high scalability-2012-01-24-The State of NoSQL in 2012

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(1, 0.111), (2, 0.21), (14, 0.222), (47, 0.02), (51, 0.017), (56, 0.054), (61, 0.067), (79, 0.147), (85, 0.029), (94, 0.028)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

1 0.93092942 981 high scalability-2011-02-01-Google Strategy: Tree Distribution of Requests and Responses

Introduction: If a large number of leaf node machines send requests to a central root node then that root node can become overwhelmed: The CPU becomes a bottleneck, for either processing requests or sending replies, because it can't possibly deal with the flood of requests. The network interface becomes a bottleneck because a wide fan-in causes TCP drops and retransmissions, which causes latency. Then clients start retrying requests which quickly causes a spiral of death in an undisciplined system. One solution to this problem is a strategy given by Dr.  Jeff Dean , Head of Google's School of Infrastructure Wizardry, in this  Stanford video presentation : Tree Distribution of Requests and Responses . Instead of having a root node connected to leaves in a flat topology, the idea is to create a tree of nodes. So a root node talks to a number of parent nodes and the parent nodes talk to a number of leaf nodes. Requests are pushed down the tree through the parents and only hit a subset

same-blog 2 0.88148308 744 high scalability-2009-11-24-Hot Scalability Links for Nov 24 2009

Introduction: Eventual Consistency by Example  by Sergio Bossa. Attempts to clear up some misconceptions about eventual consitency as discussed in Amazon's Dynamo paper . Boston Big Data Summit keynote outline  by Curt Monash. Interesting topics: Big Data and the cloud actually have relatively little to do with each other and The NoSQL movement is a lot like the Ron Paul campaign. I think RDBMS has set the industry back by 10 years  by Henry G. Baker, Ph.D, from 1992.  I can categorically state that relational databases  set the commercial data processing industry back at least ten years and wasted many of the billions of dollars that were spent on data processing. Henry thought OO databases would change things. They didn't. The question is why? Intel cloud service tests the scalability of your code . Intel has a cloud based tool that can test how your application will perform on will on a number of multicore processor configurations -- 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 hardwar

3 0.87319499 495 high scalability-2009-01-17-Intro to Caching,Caching algorithms and caching frameworks part 1

Introduction: Informative and well organized post on caching . Talks about: Why do we need cache?, What is Cache?, Cache Hit, Cache Miss, Storage Cost, Retrieval Cost, Invalidation, Replacement Policy, Optimal Replacement Policy, Caching Algorithms, Least Frequently Used (LFU), Least Recently Used (LRU), Least Recently Used 2(LRU2), Two Queues, Adaptive Replacement Cache (ACR), Most Recently Used (MRU), First in First out (FIFO), Distributed caching, Measuring Cache.

4 0.86491704 405 high scalability-2008-10-07-Help a Scoble out. What should Robert ask in his scalability interview?

Introduction: One of the cool things about Mr. Scoble is he doesn't pretend to know everything, which can be an deadly boring affliction in this field. In this case Robert is asking for help in an upcoming interview. Maybe we can help? Here's Robert's plight: I’m really freaked out. I have one of the biggest interviews of my life coming up and I’m way under qualified to host it. It’s on Thursday and it’s about Scalability and Performance of Web Services. Look at who will be on. Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic, the company behind WordPress (and behind this blog). Paul Bucheit, one of the founders of FriendFeed and the creator of Gmail (he’s also the guy who gave Google the “don’t be evil” admonishion). Nat Brown, CTO of iLike, which got six million users on Facebook in about 10 days. What would you ask?

5 0.8491537 1253 high scalability-2012-05-28-The Anatomy of Search Technology: Crawling using Combinators

Introduction: This is the second guest post ( part 1 , part 3 ) of a series by Greg Lindahl, CTO of blekko, the spam free search engine. Previously, Greg was Founder and Distinguished Engineer at PathScale, at which he was the architect of the InfiniPath low-latency InfiniBand HCA, used to build tightly-coupled supercomputing clusters. What's so hard about crawling the web? Web crawlers have been around as long as the Web has -- and before the web, there were crawlers for gopher and ftp. You would think that 25 years of experience would render crawling a solved problem, but the vast growth of the web and new inventions in the technology of webspam and other unsavory content results in a constant supply of new challenges. The general difficulty of tightly-coupled parallel programming also rears its head, as the web has scaled from millions to 100s of billions of pages. Existing Open-Source Crawlers and Crawls This article is mainly going to discuss blekko's crawler and its use of combinat

6 0.84642547 487 high scalability-2009-01-08-Paper: Sharding with Oracle Database

7 0.84228188 694 high scalability-2009-09-04-Hot Links for 2009-9-4

8 0.83760703 725 high scalability-2009-10-21-Manage virtualized sprawl with VRMs

9 0.83175606 1278 high scalability-2012-07-06-Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For July 6, 2012

10 0.81812519 537 high scalability-2009-03-12-QCon London 2009: Database projects to watch closely

11 0.80437678 128 high scalability-2007-10-21-Paper: Standardizing Storage Clusters (with pNFS)

12 0.78612685 1307 high scalability-2012-08-20-The Performance of Distributed Data-Structures Running on a "Cache-Coherent" In-Memory Data Grid

13 0.78496706 1233 high scalability-2012-04-25-The Anatomy of Search Technology: blekko’s NoSQL database

14 0.78178352 599 high scalability-2009-05-14-Who Has the Most Web Servers?

15 0.77772498 949 high scalability-2010-11-29-Stuff the Internet Says on Scalability For November 29th, 2010

16 0.77699852 1162 high scalability-2011-12-23-Funny: A Cautionary Tale About Storage and Backup

17 0.7767334 687 high scalability-2009-08-24-How Google Serves Data from Multiple Datacenters

18 0.77593249 1345 high scalability-2012-10-22-Spanner - It's About Programmers Building Apps Using SQL Semantics at NoSQL Scale

19 0.77578467 1589 high scalability-2014-02-03-How Google Backs Up the Internet Along With Exabytes of Other Data

20 0.77550709 38 high scalability-2007-07-30-Build an Infinitely Scalable Infrastructure for $100 Using Amazon Services