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515 high scalability-2009-02-19-GIS Application Hosting

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Introduction: Share the experience of hosting highly scalable/reliable GIS based application which involves Map Server, Spatially enabled database, j2ee, Routing Applications etc.

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1 Share the experience of hosting highly scalable/reliable GIS based application which involves Map Server, Spatially enabled database, j2ee, Routing Applications etc. [sent-1, score-1.273]

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tfidf for this blog:

wordName wordTfidf (topN-words)

[('spatially', 0.525), ('gis', 0.483), ('enabled', 0.321), ('involves', 0.308), ('map', 0.242), ('routing', 0.216), ('hosting', 0.212), ('etc', 0.196), ('share', 0.192), ('highly', 0.135), ('experience', 0.127), ('applications', 0.093), ('based', 0.093), ('application', 0.077), ('server', 0.074), ('database', 0.068)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 1.0 515 high scalability-2009-02-19-GIS Application Hosting

Introduction: Share the experience of hosting highly scalable/reliable GIS based application which involves Map Server, Spatially enabled database, j2ee, Routing Applications etc.

2 0.10008839 841 high scalability-2010-06-14-How scalable could be a cPanel Hosting service?

Introduction: Every system has a limit. Although most providers of web hosting services claim to provide "Unlimited", we all know that any web server has physical limits which is usually hard to scale up, especially without taking the machine offline. Most IT hosting companies use stand-alone servers to provide website hosting. A very few use any form of HA clusters. Those web hosts that use stand-alone servers do not feature scalability. Every time they need to upgrade the machines they use, major changes to the systems have to be made. Others which that do clustering are more scalable. They would add additional servers to their systems or to remove machines from the set-ups. There are many scenarios and different models of doing clustering. However I'm not the one who would write about them. Plus this is not the purpose of this article. The reason to start this article at High Scalability is to present  Cloud.bg , a cloud hosting service delivered from a Linux based high availability and hig

3 0.079833865 805 high scalability-2010-04-06-Strategy: Make it Really Fast vs Do the Work Up Front

Introduction: In Cool spatial algos with Neo4j: Part 1 - Routing with A* in Ruby Peter Neubauer not only does a fantastic job explaining a complicated routing algorithm using the graph database Neo4j , but he surfaces an interesting architectural conundrum: make it really fast so work can be done on the reads or do all the work on the writes so the reads are really fast . The money quote pointing out the competing options is: [Being] able to do these calculations in sub-second speeds on graphs of millions of roads and waypoints makes it possible in many cases to abandon the normal approach of precomputing indexes  with K/V stores and be able to put routing into the critical path with the possibility to adapt to the live conditions and build highly personalized and dynamic spatial services. The poster boys for the precompute strategy is SimpleGeo , a startup that is building a "scaling infrastructure for geodata." Their strategy for handling geodata is to use Cassandra and bui

4 0.07970798 727 high scalability-2009-10-25-Is Your Data Really Secured?

Introduction: Caching/data-grids are going through a similar evolution to databases. As with databases, we started by using caching as an embedded service to the application. Now we are in the phase where we need to be able to share the data between multiple applications, or in cases where we don’t want to share the data, we need to be able to share the resources for managing the data, while keeping a high degree of isolation. The demand for these sort of requirements becomes much more common with SOA or SaaS-based applications. As we approach the next generation of middleware and data-centers, it becomes clear that we cannot move to the next wave of virtualization and cloud computing without a strong security and isolation solution that is built-in to all layers of our application and middleware.

5 0.075201079 200 high scalability-2008-01-02-WEB hosting Select

Introduction: Hello, I am new to the back end side of things. Love this web site. Read all comments about Amazon hosting, actually I really like Amazon S3 but concerned that it may not be sufficient for my computing needs. And E3 just not too sure. What about hosting sites like host monster? Their prices seem amazing. Are they too good to be true? What are the cons and what are the things I should be considering? I am concerned about costs, but I want user experience to be world class. I am creating a media sharing site. Any help will be great. Thanks Fahad

6 0.073425114 216 high scalability-2008-01-17-Database People Hating on MapReduce

7 0.072992355 386 high scalability-2008-09-22-Cloud computing, grid computing, utility computing - list of top providers

8 0.069613822 824 high scalability-2010-05-06-Going global on EC2

9 0.066879764 448 high scalability-2008-11-22-Google Architecture

10 0.064304739 802 high scalability-2010-04-01-Hot Scalability Links for April 1, 2010

11 0.057542596 1570 high scalability-2014-01-01-Paper: Nanocubes: Nanocubes for Real-Time Exploration of Spatiotemporal Datasets

12 0.055593982 1173 high scalability-2012-01-12-Peregrine - A Map Reduce Framework for Iterative and Pipelined Jobs

13 0.055487189 1646 high scalability-2014-05-12-4 Architecture Issues When Scaling Web Applications: Bottlenecks, Database, CPU, IO

14 0.055025615 853 high scalability-2010-07-08-Cloud AWS Infrastructure vs. Physical Infrastructure

15 0.053581841 856 high scalability-2010-07-12-Creating Scalable Digital Libraries

16 0.052317854 1264 high scalability-2012-06-15-Cloud Bursting between AWS and Rackspace

17 0.052292805 181 high scalability-2007-12-11-Hosting and CDN for startup video sharing site

18 0.051267304 1123 high scalability-2011-09-23-The Real News is Not that Facebook Serves Up 1 Trillion Pages a Month…

19 0.049231984 1002 high scalability-2011-03-09-Productivity vs. Control tradeoffs in PaaS

20 0.04858451 598 high scalability-2009-05-12-P2P server technology?

similar blogs computed by lsi model

lsi for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(0, 0.063), (1, -0.001), (2, 0.004), (3, -0.023), (4, -0.018), (5, -0.001), (6, -0.001), (7, -0.049), (8, -0.003), (9, 0.032), (10, -0.004), (11, 0.025), (12, -0.022), (13, -0.009), (14, 0.014), (15, -0.004), (16, -0.001), (17, 0.003), (18, 0.019), (19, 0.023), (20, -0.016), (21, 0.01), (22, -0.016), (23, -0.005), (24, 0.064), (25, -0.004), (26, -0.004), (27, -0.046), (28, 0.005), (29, 0.025), (30, 0.004), (31, 0.003), (32, 0.016), (33, 0.008), (34, 0.032), (35, -0.016), (36, 0.002), (37, -0.024), (38, 0.002), (39, 0.001), (40, 0.028), (41, 0.003), (42, -0.002), (43, 0.017), (44, 0.025), (45, 0.003), (46, 0.008), (47, -0.011), (48, -0.022), (49, 0.007)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.92950189 515 high scalability-2009-02-19-GIS Application Hosting

Introduction: Share the experience of hosting highly scalable/reliable GIS based application which involves Map Server, Spatially enabled database, j2ee, Routing Applications etc.

2 0.68881571 924 high scalability-2010-10-21-What is Network-based Application Virtualization and Why Do You Need It?

Introduction: With all the attention being paid these days to VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure) and application virtualization and server virtualization andvirtualization it’s easy to forget about network-based application virtualization. But it’s the one virtualization technique you shouldn’t forget because it is a foundational technology upon which myriad other solutions will be enabled. WHAT IS NETWORK-BASED APPLICATION VIRTUALIZATION? This term may not be familiar to you but that’s because since its inception oh, more than a decade ago, it’s always just been called “server virtualization”. After the turn of the century (I love saying that, by the way) it was always referred to as service virtualization in SOA and XML circles. With the rise of the likes of VMware and Citrix and Microsoft server virtualization solutions, it’s become impossible to just use the term “server virtualization” and “service virtualization” is just as ambiguous so it seems appropriate to giv

3 0.64291435 1087 high scalability-2011-07-26-Web 2.0 Killed the Middleware Star

Introduction: It started out innocently enough with a simple question, “What exactly *is* the model for PaaS services scalability? If based on HTTP/REST API integration, fairly easy. If native middleware… input?” You’ll forgive the odd phrasing – Twitter’s limitations sometimes make conversations of this nature … interesting. The discussion culminated in what appeared to be the sentiment that middleware was mostly obsolete with respect to PaaS. THE OLD WAY Very briefly for those of you who are more infrastructure / network minded than application architecture fluent, let’s review the traditional middleware-based application architecture. Generally speaking, middleware – a.k.a. JMS, MQ Series and most recently, ESB – is leveraged as means to enable a publish-subscribe model of sharing data. Basically, it’s an integration pattern, but no one really likes to admit that because of the connotations associated with the evil word “integration” in the enterprise. But that’s what it’s

4 0.64245576 933 high scalability-2010-11-01-Hot Trend: Move Behavior to Data for a New Interactive Application Architecture

Introduction: Two forces account for the trend of moving behavior to data: larger values used in key-value stores and spotty cloud networks. For some time we've seen functions pushed close to data with MapReduce, which is a batch process, but we are now seeing this model extend to interactive applications, which match the current emphasis on highly scalable, real-time, event driven applications. To see the trend look at the increasing support for collocated behavior at the datastore level: HBase is implementing a  coprocessor feature . Cassandra is also implementing  coprocessors or plugins . Membase is creating NodeCode , which is a process for executing functions on data in the database. MongoDB supports JavaScript stored procedures .  VoltDB has Java based stored procedures . In-memory DataGrid products like GigaSpaces have been doing something like this forever. The key difference historically being GigaSpaces' tight integration with languages C++ and Java, instead of using

5 0.63117868 906 high scalability-2010-09-22-Applying Scalability Patterns to Infrastructure Architecture

Introduction: Too often software design patterns are overlooked by network and application delivery network architects but these patterns are often equally applicable to addressing a broad range of architectural challenges in the application delivery tier of the data center.  By Lori Mac Vittie, F5 Networks  The “ High Scalability ” blog is fast becoming one of my favorite reads. Last week did not disappoint with a post highlighting a set of scalability design patterns that was, apparently, inspired by yet another High Scalability post on “ 6 Ways to Kill Your Servers: Learning to Scale the Hard Way. ”   Credit:Michael Chow/azcentral.com     This particular post caught my attention primarily because although I’ve touched on many of these patterns in the past, I’ve never thought to call them   what they are: scalability patterns. That’s probably a side-effect of forgetting that building an architecture of any kind is at its core computer science and thus

6 0.62704408 1646 high scalability-2014-05-12-4 Architecture Issues When Scaling Web Applications: Bottlenecks, Database, CPU, IO

7 0.62458366 11 high scalability-2007-07-15-Coyote Point Load Balancing Systems

8 0.60713679 683 high scalability-2009-08-18-Hardware Architecture Example (geographical level mapping of servers)

9 0.59549135 392 high scalability-2008-09-24-Building a Scalable Architecture for Web Apps

10 0.5950563 18 high scalability-2007-07-16-Paper: MySQL Scale-Out by application partitioning

11 0.58599854 320 high scalability-2008-05-17-DB2 Express-C

12 0.58214426 1435 high scalability-2013-04-04-Paper: A Web of Things Application Architecture - Integrating the Real-World into the Web

13 0.58192837 1094 high scalability-2011-08-08-Tagged Architecture - Scaling to 100 Million Users, 1000 Servers, and 5 Billion Page Views

14 0.58087826 524 high scalability-2009-03-04-Its time for auto scaling – avoid peak load provisioning for web applications

15 0.5767203 492 high scalability-2009-01-16-Database Sharding for startups

16 0.57614112 453 high scalability-2008-12-01-Breakthrough Web-Tier Solutions with Record-Breaking Performance

17 0.5746209 1521 high scalability-2013-09-23-Salesforce Architecture - How they Handle 1.3 Billion Transactions a Day

18 0.56869209 328 high scalability-2008-05-27-Scalable virus scanning for web-applications

19 0.56337708 637 high scalability-2009-06-24-Habits of Highly Scalable Web Applications

20 0.56336069 549 high scalability-2009-03-26-Performance - When do I start worrying?

similar blogs computed by lda model

lda for this blog:

topicId topicWeight

[(61, 0.321), (69, 0.454)]

similar blogs list:

simIndex simValue blogId blogTitle

same-blog 1 0.73893541 515 high scalability-2009-02-19-GIS Application Hosting

Introduction: Share the experience of hosting highly scalable/reliable GIS based application which involves Map Server, Spatially enabled database, j2ee, Routing Applications etc.

2 0.64311498 1298 high scalability-2012-08-05-Ask MemSQL: Anything you want to know about MemSQL?

Introduction: A very shy team of ex-Facebookers have created  MemSQL , what they claim is the world's fastest database, and I'll be interviewing them on Tuesday. Are there any questions you would like to ask the MemSQL team? If so, please contact me or make a comment on this thread.

3 0.57731813 268 high scalability-2008-03-06-Announce: First Meeting of Boston Scalability User Group

Introduction: The first meeting will take place on Wednesday March 26 at 6 p.m. in the IBM Innovation Center (Waltham, MA). The first speaker will be Patrick Peralta of Oracle! Patrick will be presenting: Orchestrating Messaging, Data Grid and Database for Scalable Performance . Important Note: There will be pizza at this meeting! The site is at: http://www.bostonsug.org/

4 0.57332379 226 high scalability-2008-01-28-DR-BC for web-DB servers

Introduction: All, I'm looking for a faster/reliable solution for DR/BC as well as for sclability for my web/db servers. I came across VMWare Infrastructure and other products. The I/O performance concerns me to go with virtual servers. I'm also looking into imaging software such as Acrnois. Could anyone share their thoughts on how it's being done with bigger names such as google/youtube etc..? Thank you, Regards, Janakan Rajendran.

5 0.56065875 324 high scalability-2008-05-19-UK Based CDN

Introduction: Hi, I was wondering if I could borrow the collective minds of you all to draw up a list to the CDN's that you'd use/do use in the UK. If they're outside the UK but have decent support then also include. The service must be cheap and not require a huge setup fee, it's really only for a small time business; it shares video & high-res pics so mass cheap storage is a must and wondered whether you guys had any ideas, also costs? Mass storage isn't cheap in the UK compared to the states, for example, unless I go colo but as I say, it's a small setup but happens to require a fair bit of space. Would S3 be a good starting point? What is the service like? I hear mixed reviews about it. Many thanks, Jim

6 0.5567416 549 high scalability-2009-03-26-Performance - When do I start worrying?

7 0.5469557 746 high scalability-2009-11-26-Kngine Snippet Search New Indexing Technology

8 0.54660553 1303 high scalability-2012-08-13-Ask HighScalability: Facing scaling issues with news feeds on Redis. Any advice?

9 0.54265779 1201 high scalability-2012-02-29-Strategy: Put Mobile Video Into Cold Storage After 30 Days

10 0.53599358 580 high scalability-2009-04-24-INFOSCALE 2009 in June in Hong Kong

11 0.52855521 493 high scalability-2009-01-16-Just-In-Time Scalability: Agile Methods to Support Massive Growth (IMVU case study)

12 0.52441281 132 high scalability-2007-10-25-Who can answer or analyze the image store and visit solution about alibaba.com?Thanks

13 0.51766706 793 high scalability-2010-03-10-Saying Yes to NoSQL; Going Steady with Cassandra at Digg

14 0.50692171 208 high scalability-2008-01-11-FTP Sanity: Redundancy, archiving, consolidation.

15 0.50087404 930 high scalability-2010-10-28-NoSQL Took Away the Relational Model and Gave Nothing Back

16 0.4987458 173 high scalability-2007-12-05-Easier Production Releases

17 0.4941743 347 high scalability-2008-07-07-Five Ways to Stop Framework Fixation from Crashing Your Scaling Strategy

18 0.49292123 675 high scalability-2009-08-08-1dbase vs. many and cloud hosting vs. dedicated server(s)?

19 0.47606286 749 high scalability-2009-12-15-The Common Principles Behind the NOSQL Alternatives

20 0.47587565 238 high scalability-2008-02-04-IPS-IDS for heavy content site