nips nips2013 nips2013-301 nips2013-301-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Lei Shi
Abstract: The sparse additive model for text modeling involves the sum-of-exp computing, whose cost is consuming for large scales. Moreover, the assumption of equal background across all classes/topics may be too strong. This paper extends to propose sparse additive model with low rank background (SAM-LRB) and obtains simple yet efficient estimation. Particularly, employing a double majorization bound, we approximate log-likelihood into a quadratic lower-bound without the log-sumexp terms. The constraints of low rank and sparsity are then simply embodied by nuclear norm and ℓ1 -norm regularizers. Interestingly, we find that the optimization task of SAM-LRB can be transformed into the same form as in Robust PCA. Consequently, parameters of supervised SAM-LRB can be efficiently learned using an existing algorithm for Robust PCA based on accelerated proximal gradient. Besides the supervised case, we extend SAM-LRB to favor unsupervised and multifaceted scenarios. Experiments on three real data demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of SAM-LRB, compared with a few state-of-the-art models. 1
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