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250 nips-2013-Policy Shaping: Integrating Human Feedback with Reinforcement Learning

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Author: Shane Griffith, Kaushik Subramanian, Jonathan Scholz, Charles Isbell, Andrea L. Thomaz

Abstract: A long term goal of Interactive Reinforcement Learning is to incorporate nonexpert human feedback to solve complex tasks. Some state-of-the-art methods have approached this problem by mapping human information to rewards and values and iterating over them to compute better control policies. In this paper we argue for an alternate, more effective characterization of human feedback: Policy Shaping. We introduce Advise, a Bayesian approach that attempts to maximize the information gained from human feedback by utilizing it as direct policy labels. We compare Advise to state-of-the-art approaches and show that it can outperform them and is robust to infrequent and inconsistent human feedback.

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