nips nips2013 nips2013-191 nips2013-191-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Brendan McMahan, Jacob Abernethy
Abstract: We design and analyze minimax-optimal algorithms for online linear optimization games where the player’s choice is unconstrained. The player strives to minimize regret, the difference between his loss and the loss of a post-hoc benchmark strategy. While the standard benchmark is the loss of the best strategy chosen from a bounded comparator set, we consider a very broad range of benchmark functions. The problem is cast as a sequential multi-stage zero-sum game, and we give a thorough analysis of the minimax behavior of the game, providing characterizations for the value of the game, as well as both the player’s and the adversary’s optimal strategy. We show how these objects can be computed efficiently under certain circumstances, and by selecting an appropriate benchmark, we construct a novel hedging strategy for an unconstrained betting game. 1
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