nips nips2013 nips2013-186 nips2013-186-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Martin Slawski, Matthias Hein, Pavlo Lutsik
Abstract: Motivated by an application in computational biology, we consider low-rank matrix factorization with {0, 1}-constraints on one of the factors and optionally convex constraints on the second one. In addition to the non-convexity shared with other matrix factorization schemes, our problem is further complicated by a combinatorial constraint set of size 2m·r , where m is the dimension of the data points and r the rank of the factorization. Despite apparent intractability, we provide − in the line of recent work on non-negative matrix factorization by Arora et al. (2012)− an algorithm that provably recovers the underlying factorization in the exact case with O(mr2r + mnr + r2 n) operations for n datapoints. To obtain this result, we use theory around the Littlewood-Offord lemma from combinatorics.
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