nips nips2013 nips2013-153 nips2013-153-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Daniel Hernández-Lobato, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato
Abstract: A probabilistic model based on the horseshoe prior is proposed for learning dependencies in the process of identifying relevant features for prediction. Exact inference is intractable in this model. However, expectation propagation offers an approximate alternative. Because the process of estimating feature selection dependencies may suffer from over-fitting in the model proposed, additional data from a multi-task learning scenario are considered for induction. The same model can be used in this setting with few modifications. Furthermore, the assumptions made are less restrictive than in other multi-task methods: The different tasks must share feature selection dependencies, but can have different relevant features and model coefficients. Experiments with real and synthetic data show that this model performs better than other multi-task alternatives from the literature. The experiments also show that the model is able to induce suitable feature selection dependencies for the problems considered, only from the training data. 1
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