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118 nips-2013-Fast Determinantal Point Process Sampling with Application to Clustering

Source: pdf

Author: Byungkon Kang

Abstract: Determinantal Point Process (DPP) has gained much popularity for modeling sets of diverse items. The gist of DPP is that the probability of choosing a particular set of items is proportional to the determinant of a positive definite matrix that defines the similarity of those items. However, computing the determinant requires time cubic in the number of items, and is hence impractical for large sets. In this paper, we address this problem by constructing a rapidly mixing Markov chain, from which we can acquire a sample from the given DPP in sub-cubic time. In addition, we show that this framework can be extended to sampling from cardinalityconstrained DPPs. As an application, we show how our sampling algorithm can be used to provide a fast heuristic for determining the number of clusters, resulting in better clustering.

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