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364 nips-2012-Weighted Likelihood Policy Search with Model Selection

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Author: Tsuyoshi Ueno, Kohei Hayashi, Takashi Washio, Yoshinobu Kawahara

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) methods based on direct policy search (DPS) have been actively discussed to achieve an efficient approach to complicated Markov decision processes (MDPs). Although they have brought much progress in practical applications of RL, there still remains an unsolved problem in DPS related to model selection for the policy. In this paper, we propose a novel DPS method, weighted likelihood policy search (WLPS), where a policy is efficiently learned through the weighted likelihood estimation. WLPS naturally connects DPS to the statistical inference problem and thus various sophisticated techniques in statistics can be applied to DPS problems directly. Hence, by following the idea of the information criterion, we develop a new measurement for model comparison in DPS based on the weighted log-likelihood.

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