nips nips2012 nips2012-357 nips2012-357-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Shulin Yang, Liefeng Bo, Jue Wang, Linda G. Shapiro
Abstract: Fine-grained recognition refers to a subordinate level of recognition, such as recognizing different species of animals and plants. It differs from recognition of basic categories, such as humans, tables, and computers, in that there are global similarities in shape and structure shared cross different categories, and the differences are in the details of object parts. We suggest that the key to identifying the fine-grained differences lies in finding the right alignment of image regions that contain the same object parts. We propose a template model for the purpose, which captures common shape patterns of object parts, as well as the cooccurrence relation of the shape patterns. Once the image regions are aligned, extracted features are used for classification. Learning of the template model is efficient, and the recognition results we achieve significantly outperform the stateof-the-art algorithms. 1
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