nips nips2012 nips2012-356 nips2012-356-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

356 nips-2012-Unsupervised Structure Discovery for Semantic Analysis of Audio

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Author: Sourish Chaudhuri, Bhiksha Raj

Abstract: Approaches to audio classification and retrieval tasks largely rely on detectionbased discriminative models. We submit that such models make a simplistic assumption in mapping acoustics directly to semantics, whereas the actual process is likely more complex. We present a generative model that maps acoustics in a hierarchical manner to increasingly higher-level semantics. Our model has two layers with the first layer modeling generalized sound units with no clear semantic associations, while the second layer models local patterns over these sound units. We evaluate our model on a large-scale retrieval task from TRECVID 2011, and report significant improvements over standard baselines. 1

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