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311 nips-2012-Shifting Weights: Adapting Object Detectors from Image to Video

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Author: Kevin Tang, Vignesh Ramanathan, Li Fei-fei, Daphne Koller

Abstract: Typical object detectors trained on images perform poorly on video, as there is a clear distinction in domain between the two types of data. In this paper, we tackle the problem of adapting object detectors learned from images to work well on videos. We treat the problem as one of unsupervised domain adaptation, in which we are given labeled data from the source domain (image), but only unlabeled data from the target domain (video). Our approach, self-paced domain adaptation, seeks to iteratively adapt the detector by re-training the detector with automatically discovered target domain examples, starting with the easiest first. At each iteration, the algorithm adapts by considering an increased number of target domain examples, and a decreased number of source domain examples. To discover target domain examples from the vast amount of video data, we introduce a simple, robust approach that scores trajectory tracks instead of bounding boxes. We also show how rich and expressive features specific to the target domain can be incorporated under the same framework. We show promising results on the 2011 TRECVID Multimedia Event Detection [1] and LabelMe Video [2] datasets that illustrate the benefit of our approach to adapt object detectors to video. 1

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