nips nips2012 nips2012-289 nips2012-289-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining

289 nips-2012-Recognizing Activities by Attribute Dynamics

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Author: Weixin Li, Nuno Vasconcelos

Abstract: In this work, we consider the problem of modeling the dynamic structure of human activities in the attributes space. A video sequence is Ä?Ĺš rst represented in a semantic feature space, where each feature encodes the probability of occurrence of an activity attribute at a given time. A generative model, denoted the binary dynamic system (BDS), is proposed to learn both the distribution and dynamics of different activities in this space. The BDS is a non-linear dynamic system, which extends both the binary principal component analysis (PCA) and classical linear dynamic systems (LDS), by combining binary observation variables with a hidden Gauss-Markov state process. In this way, it integrates the representation power of semantic modeling with the ability of dynamic systems to capture the temporal structure of time-varying processes. An algorithm for learning BDS parameters, inspired by a popular LDS learning method from dynamic textures, is proposed. A similarity measure between BDSs, which generalizes the BinetCauchy kernel for LDS, is then introduced and used to design activity classiÄ?Ĺš ers. The proposed method is shown to outperform similar classiÄ?Ĺš ers derived from the kernel dynamic system (KDS) and state-of-the-art approaches for dynamics-based or attribute-based action recognition. 1

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