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258 nips-2012-Online L1-Dictionary Learning with Application to Novel Document Detection

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Author: Shiva P. Kasiviswanathan, Huahua Wang, Arindam Banerjee, Prem Melville

Abstract: Given their pervasive use, social media, such as Twitter, have become a leading source of breaking news. A key task in the automated identification of such news is the detection of novel documents from a voluminous stream of text documents in a scalable manner. Motivated by this challenge, we introduce the problem of online 1 -dictionary learning where unlike traditional dictionary learning, which uses squared loss, the 1 -penalty is used for measuring the reconstruction error. We present an efficient online algorithm for this problem based on alternating directions method of multipliers, and establish a sublinear regret bound for this algorithm. Empirical results on news-stream and Twitter data, shows that this online 1 -dictionary learning algorithm for novel document detection gives more than an order of magnitude speedup over the previously known batch algorithm, without any significant loss in quality of results. 1

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