nips nips2012 nips2012-247 nips2012-247-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Rina Foygel, Michael Horrell, Mathias Drton, John D. Lafferty
Abstract: We propose an approach to multivariate nonparametric regression that generalizes reduced rank regression for linear models. An additive model is estimated for each dimension of a q-dimensional response, with a shared p-dimensional predictor variable. To control the complexity of the model, we employ a functional form of the Ky-Fan or nuclear norm, resulting in a set of function estimates that have low rank. Backfitting algorithms are derived and justified using a nonparametric form of the nuclear norm subdifferential. Oracle inequalities on excess risk are derived that exhibit the scaling behavior of the procedure in the high dimensional setting. The methods are illustrated on gene expression data. 1
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