nips nips2012 nips2012-236 nips2012-236-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Jennifer Gillenwater, Alex Kulesza, Ben Taskar
Abstract: Determinantal point processes (DPPs) have recently been proposed as computationally efficient probabilistic models of diverse sets for a variety of applications, including document summarization, image search, and pose estimation. Many DPP inference operations, including normalization and sampling, are tractable; however, finding the most likely configuration (MAP), which is often required in practice for decoding, is NP-hard, so we must resort to approximate inference. This optimization problem, which also arises in experimental design and sensor placement, involves finding the largest principal minor of a positive semidefinite matrix. Because the objective is log-submodular, greedy algorithms have been used in the past with some empirical success; however, these methods only give approximation guarantees in the special case of monotone objectives, which correspond to a restricted class of DPPs. In this paper we propose a new algorithm for approximating the MAP problem based on continuous techniques for submodular function maximization. Our method involves a novel continuous relaxation of the log-probability function, which, in contrast to the multilinear extension used for general submodular functions, can be evaluated and differentiated exactly and efficiently. We obtain a practical algorithm with a 1/4-approximation guarantee for a more general class of non-monotone DPPs; our algorithm also extends to MAP inference under complex polytope constraints, making it possible to combine DPPs with Markov random fields, weighted matchings, and other models. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms standard and recent methods on both synthetic and real-world data. 1
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