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196 nips-2012-Learning with Partially Absorbing Random Walks

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Author: Xiao-ming Wu, Zhenguo Li, Anthony M. So, John Wright, Shih-fu Chang

Abstract: We propose a novel stochastic process that is with probability αi being absorbed at current state i, and with probability 1 − αi follows a random edge out of it. We analyze its properties and show its potential for exploring graph structures. We prove that under proper absorption rates, a random walk starting from a set S of low conductance will be mostly absorbed in S. Moreover, the absorption probabilities vary slowly inside S, while dropping sharply outside, thus implementing the desirable cluster assumption for graph-based learning. Remarkably, the partially absorbing process unifies many popular models arising in a variety of contexts, provides new insights into them, and makes it possible for transferring findings from one paradigm to another. Simulation results demonstrate its promising applications in retrieval and classification.

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