nips nips2012 nips2012-142 nips2012-142-reference knowledge-graph by maker-knowledge-mining
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Author: Chao Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jieping Ye
Abstract: In this paper, we provide a new framework to study the generalization bound of the learning process for domain adaptation. We consider two kinds of representative domain adaptation settings: one is domain adaptation with multiple sources and the other is domain adaptation combining source and target data. In particular, we use the integral probability metric to measure the difference between two domains. Then, we develop the specific Hoeffding-type deviation inequality and symmetrization inequality for either kind of domain adaptation to achieve the corresponding generalization bound based on the uniform entropy number. By using the resultant generalization bound, we analyze the asymptotic convergence and the rate of convergence of the learning process for domain adaptation. Meanwhile, we discuss the factors that affect the asymptotic behavior of the learning process. The numerical experiments support our results. 1
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