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140 nips-2012-Fusion with Diffusion for Robust Visual Tracking

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Author: Yu Zhou, Xiang Bai, Wenyu Liu, Longin J. Latecki

Abstract: A weighted graph is used as an underlying structure of many algorithms like semisupervised learning and spectral clustering. If the edge weights are determined by a single similarity measure, then it hard if not impossible to capture all relevant aspects of similarity when using a single similarity measure. In particular, in the case of visual object matching it is beneficial to integrate different similarity measures that focus on different visual representations. In this paper, a novel approach to integrate multiple similarity measures is proposed. First pairs of similarity measures are combined with a diffusion process on their tensor product graph (TPG). Hence the diffused similarity of each pair of objects becomes a function of joint diffusion of the two original similarities, which in turn depends on the neighborhood structure of the TPG. We call this process Fusion with Diffusion (FD). However, a higher order graph like the TPG usually means significant increase in time complexity. This is not the case in the proposed approach. A key feature of our approach is that the time complexity of the diffusion on the TPG is the same as the diffusion process on each of the original graphs. Moreover, it is not necessary to explicitly construct the TPG in our framework. Finally all diffused pairs of similarity measures are combined as a weighted sum. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed approach on the task of visual tracking, where different aspects of the appearance similarity between the target object in frame t − 1 and target object candidates in frame t are integrated. The obtained method is tested on several challenge video sequences and the experimental results show that it outperforms state-of-the-art tracking methods. 1

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