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89 nips-2012-Coupling Nonparametric Mixtures via Latent Dirichlet Processes

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Author: Dahua Lin, John W. Fisher

Abstract: Mixture distributions are often used to model complex data. In this paper, we develop a new method that jointly estimates mixture models over multiple data sets by exploiting the statistical dependencies between them. Specifically, we introduce a set of latent Dirichlet processes as sources of component models (atoms), and for each data set, we construct a nonparametric mixture model by combining sub-sampled versions of the latent DPs. Each mixture model may acquire atoms from different latent DPs, while each atom may be shared by multiple mixtures. This multi-to-multi association distinguishes the proposed method from previous ones that require the model structure to be a tree or a chain, allowing more flexible designs. We also derive a sampling algorithm that jointly infers the model parameters and present experiments on both document analysis and image modeling. 1

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