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86 nips-2012-Convex Multi-view Subspace Learning

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Author: Martha White, Xinhua Zhang, Dale Schuurmans, Yao-liang Yu

Abstract: Subspace learning seeks a low dimensional representation of data that enables accurate reconstruction. However, in many applications, data is obtained from multiple sources rather than a single source (e.g. an object might be viewed by cameras at different angles, or a document might consist of text and images). The conditional independence of separate sources imposes constraints on their shared latent representation, which, if respected, can improve the quality of a learned low dimensional representation. In this paper, we present a convex formulation of multi-view subspace learning that enforces conditional independence while reducing dimensionality. For this formulation, we develop an efficient algorithm that recovers an optimal data reconstruction by exploiting an implicit convex regularizer, then recovers the corresponding latent representation and reconstruction model, jointly and optimally. Experiments illustrate that the proposed method produces high quality results. 1

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[30] gave a similar but not equivalent formulation to (2), due to the lack of normalization. 10 (16) where the spectral norm X that |||Γ||| = sp = σmax (X) is the dual of the trace norm, X max c∈C, h 2 ≤1 c Γh = max c Γ c∈C = 2 {c: cX max 2 =β, cY tr . To this end, recall cΓ 2 =γ} 2 giving |||Γ|||2 = {c: cX max 2 =β, cY c ΓΓ c = max {Φ:Φ 0, tr(ΦI X )≤β 2 , tr(ΦI Y )≤γ 2 } 2 =γ} tr(ΦΓΓ ), (17) using the fact that when maximizing a convex function, one of the extreme points in the constraint set {Φ : Φ 0, tr(ΦIn )≤β 2, tr(ΦIm )≤γ 2 } must be optimal. Furthermore, since the extreme points have rank at most one in this case [31], the rank constraint rank(Φ) = 1 can be dropped. Next, form the Lagrangian L(Φ; λ, ν, Λ) = tr(ΦΓΓ ) + tr(ΦΛ) + λ(β 2 − tr(ΦI X )) + ν(γ 2 − tr(ΦI Y )) where λ ≥ 0, ν ≥ 0 and Λ 0. Note that the primal variable Φ can be eliminated by formulating the equilibrium condition ∂L/∂Φ = ΓΓ + Λ − λI X − νI Y = 0, which implies ΓΓ − λI X − νI Y 0. Therefore, we achieve the equivalent dual formulation (17) = min β 2 λ + γ 2 ν. (18) {λ,ν:λ≥0, ν≥0, λI X +νI Y ΓΓ } Now observe that for λ ≥ 0 and ν ≥ 0, the relation ΓΓ λI X + νI Y holds if and only if X Y 2 2 Dν/λ ΓΓ Dν/λ Dν/λ (λI +νI )Dν/λ = (β λ+γ ν)In+m , hence (18) = min 2 β 2 λ+γ 2 ν (19) 2 2 {λ,ν:λ≥0, ν≥0, Dν/λ Γ sp ≤β λ+γ ν} The third constraint must be met with equality at the optimum due to continuity, for otherwise we would be able to further decrease the objective, a contradiction to optimality. Note that a standard compactness argument would establish the existence of minimizers. So (19) = min Dν/λ Γ 2 = min Dρ Γ 2 . sp sp ρ≥0 λ≥0,ν≥0 Finally, for the second stage, we characterize the target norm by observing that ˆ |||Z|||∗ = ˆ max tr(Γ Z) Γ:|||Γ|||≤1 = max = max = max ρ≥0 Γ: Dρ Γ max ˜ ˜ ρ≥0 Γ: Γ max ρ≥0 sp ≤1 sp ≤1 ˆ tr(Γ Z) (20) ˜ −1 ˆ tr(Γ Dρ Z) −1 ˆ Dρ Z tr . (21) where (20) uses (16), and (21) exploits the conjugacy of the spectral and trace norms. The lemma follows. C Proof for Theorem 6 and Details of Recovery ˆ Once an optimal reconstruction Z is obtained, we need to recover the optimal factors C and H that satisfy ˆ ˆ CH = Z, , H 2,1 = |||Z|||∗ , and C:,i ∈ C for all i. (22) Note that by Proposition 2 and Lemma 3, the recovery problem (22) can be re-expressed as min ˆ {C,H:C:,i ∈C ∀i, CH=Z} H 2,1 = max {Γ:|||Γ|||≤1} ˆ tr(Γ Z). (23) ˆ Our strategy will be to first recover the optimal dual solution Γ given Z, then use Γ to recover H and C. −1 ˆ First, to recover Γ one can simply trace back from (21) to (20). Let U ΣV be the SVD of Dρ Z. −1 ˜ Then Γ = U V and Γ = Dρ U V automatically satisfies |||Γ||| = 1 while achieving the optimal −1 ˆ ˜ −1 ˆ trace in (23) because tr(Γ Dρ Z) = tr(Σ) = Dρ Z tr . 11 Given such an optimal Γ, we are then able to characterize an optimal solution (C, H). Introduce the set a C(Γ) := arg max Γ c = c = : a = β, b = γ, Γ c = 1 . (24) b c∈C Theorem 6. For a dual optimal Γ, (C, H) solves recovery problem (22) if and only if C:,i ∈ C(Γ) ˆ and Hi,: = Hi,: 2 C:,i Γ, such that CH = Z. ˆ Proof. By (23), if Z = CH, then ˆ ˆ |||Z|||∗ = tr(Γ Z) = tr(Γ CH) = Hi,: Γ C:,i . (25) i Note that ∀C:,i ∈ C, Γ C:,i 2 ≤ 1 since |||Γ||| ≤ 1 and Hi,: Γ C:,i = Hi,: Γ C:,i 2 ≤ Hi,: 2 Γ C:,i 2 ≤ Hi,: 2 . If (C, H) is optimal, then (25) = i Hi,: 2 , hence implying Γ C:,i 2 = 1 and Hi,: = Hi,: 2 C:,i Γ. ˆ On the other hand, if Γ C:,i 2 = 1 and Hi,: = Hi,: 2 C:,i Γ, then we have |||Z|||∗ = implying the optimality of (C, H). i Hi,: 2 , Therefore, given Γ, the recovery problem (22) has been reduced to finding a vector µ and matrix C ˆ such that µ ≥ 0, C:,i ∈ C(Γ) for all i, and C diag(µ)C Γ = Z. Next we demonstrate how to incrementally recover µ and C. Denote the range of C diag(µ)C by the set S := { i µi ci ci : ci ∈ C(Γ), µ ≥ 0} . Note that S is the conic hull of (possibly infinitely many) rank one matrices {cc : c ∈ C(Γ)}. However, by Carath´ odory’s theorem [32, §17], any matrix K ∈ S can be written as the conic come bination of finitely many rank one matrices of the form {cc : c ∈ C(Γ)}. Therefore, conceptually, the recovery problem has been reduced to finding a sparse set of non-negative weights, µ, over the set of feasible basis vectors, c ∈ C(Γ). To find these weights, we use a totally corrective “boosting” procedure [22] that is guaranteed to converge to a feasible solution. Consider the following objective function for boosting ˆ f (K) = KΓ − Z 2 F, where K ∈ S. Note that f is clearly a convex function in K with a Lipschitz continuous gradient. Theorem 6 implies that an optimal solution of (22) corresponds precisely to those K ∈ S such that f (K) = 0. The idea behind totally corrective boosting [22] is to find a minimizer of f (hence optimal solution of (22)) incrementally. After initializing K0 = 0, we iterate between two steps: 1. Weak learning step: find ct ∈ argmin f (Kt−1 ), cc = argmax c Qc, c∈C(Γ) (26) c∈C(Γ) ˆ where Q = − f (Kt−1 ) = 2(Z − Kt−1 Γ)Γ . 2. “Totally corrective” step: µ(t) = argmin f µ:µi ≥0 Kt = t i=1 t i=1 µi ci ci , (27) (t) µi ci ci . Three key facts can be established about this boosting procedure: (i) each weak learning step can be solved efficiently; (ii) each totally corrective weight update can be solved efficiently; and (iii) f (Kt ) 0, hence a feasible solution can be arbitrarily well approximated. (iii) has been proved in

[22], while (ii) is immediate because (27) is a standard quadratic program. Only (i) deserves some explanation. We show in the next subsection that C(Γ), defined in (24), can be much simplified, and consequently we give in the last subsection an efficient algorithm for the oracle problem (26) (the idea is similar to the one inherent in the proof of Lemma 3). 12 C.1 Simplification of C(Γ) Since C(Γ) is the set of optimal solutions to max Γ c , (28) c∈C our idea is to first obtain an optimal solution to its dual problem, and then use it to recover the optimal c via the KKT conditions. In fact, its dual problem has been stated in (18). Once we obtain the optimal ρ in (21) by solving (8), it is straightforward to backtrack and recover the optimal λ and ν in (18). Then by KKT condition [32, §28], c is an optimal solution to (28) if and only if (29) cY = γ, cX = β, R, cc = 0, where R = λI X + νI Y − ΓΓ 0. (30) Since (30) holds iff c is in the null space of R, we find an orthonormal basis {n1 , . . . , nk } for this null space. Assume NX c = N α, where N = [n1 , . . . , nk ] = , α = (α1 , . . . , αk ) . (31) NY By (29), we have 0 = γ 2 cX 2 − β 2 cY 2 = α γ 2 (N X ) N X − β 2 (N Y ) N Y α. (32) The idea is to go through some linear transformations for simplification. Perform eigendecomposition U ΣU = γ 2 (N X ) N X − β 2 (N Y ) N Y , where Σ = diag(σ1 , . . . , σk ), and U ∈ Rk×k is orthonormal. Let v = U α. Then by (31), c = N U v, (33) and (32) is satisfied if and only if 2 σi vi = 0. v Σv = (34) i Finally, (29) implies 2 β2 + γ2 = c = v U N N U v = v v. (35) In summary, by (33) we have C(Γ) = {N U v : v satisfies (34) and (35)} = N U v : v Σv = 0, v C.2 2 = β2 + γ2 . (36) Solving the weak oracle problem (26) The weak oracle needs to solve max c Qc, c∈C(Γ) ˆ where Q = − f (Kt−1 ) = 2(Z − Kt−1 Γ)Γ . By (36), this optimization is equivalent to max 2 v T v, v:v Σv=0, v =β 2 +γ 2 where T = U N QN U . Using the same technique as in the proof of Lemma 3, we have max v Tv v:v v=1,v Σv=0 (let H = vv ) = (Lagrange dual) = max tr(T H) H 0,tr(H)=1,tr(ΣH)=0 min τ,ω:τ Σ+ωI−T 0 ω = min λmax (T − τ Σ), τ ∈R where λmax stands for the maximum eigenvalue. Since λmax is a convex function over real symmetric matrices, the last line search problem is convex in τ , hence can be solved globally and efficiently. Given the optimal τ and the optimal objective value ω, the optimal v can be recovered using a similar ˆ ˆ trick as in Appendix C.1. Let the null space of ωI + τ Σ − T be spanned by N = {ˆ 1 , . . . , ns }. n s ˆ α satisfies v 2 = β 2 + γ 2 and v Σv = 0. ˆ Then find any α ∈ R such that v := N ˆ 13 Auxiliary References

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